

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Pat – sounds like you have your hands full with furbabies Gotta love the flying cat hair. :noway: I switched my morning coffee to tea and now have finally made the switch to decaf green tea instead. I started off experimenting to see if it would have any effect on my migraines but nope nothing. I have coffee on the weekends now.

    Rachael – welcome. It’s a great bunch of busy ladies

    Janie – I post mostly just here with the exception of supporting my friends

    Katla – I’m so glad to hear that you are finally on the mend.

    Barbie – I LOVE lavender. I have to be careful with anything with the lavender scent as my DD hates it. :grumble:

    CritterSue – sorry you’ve been in a funk. Sometimes we just have to fake it until you make it. Take gentle care of yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Helen – Sometimes we just have to have some little treat, I have a “cheat” day on Saturdays. I still try and stay within my calorie allotment but I don’t pay too much attention to what I eat. It stops me from binging.

    Tere – wow you were right when you said you were back with a vengeance. Good for you :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie – I only knew that it was Portuguese because one of my friends told me, I honestly thought it was probably Spanish :noway: It seems to be fixed now.

    Marcie – I too have lactose free milk on my cereal in the morning. I have multigrain cheerios, it only has 6 grams of sugar per cup. I add 1/3 cup of all bran buds too.

    Heather – your meals sound wonderful. Congrats on the ½ lb loss, it all adds up :happy: I’m on my way to England, I hate the humidity here.

    Grandmallie – that’s great you got some sleep, hopefully your restful day will help you feel better. Yay for Chester, what a trooper. I’m glad that he’s doing well. Sodium is my nemesis, it’s the one thing I have such a hard time with.

    Melanie – welcome. What part of Ontario are you in? I’m in Ontario too

    DeeDee – congrats on the report from the dermatologist!

    Linda – I hope you have a great time with the grandkids. Yay for the wii, I love my wii esp the wii fit

    Kat – good luck with calling the dentist…just do it :laugh: That’s what I have to do, I too have a phobia of the dentist.

    Jane – good idea not to push it if you are having troubles with our asthma, take it easy

    Helen – sounds like quite a houseful, I’ve just got the 2 cats and that’s enough flying hair for me :angry:

    Suzy – sounds like a wonderful long weekend, good for you.

    Joyce – that darn scale, I’m sure you will be down below 200 soon. Congrats on losing the inch, that’s just as important as the scale. You can keep the thunderstorms, we’ve had enough :grumble:

    Today is hot & humid (wow I’m getting sick of saying that). I’m exhausted today so it will definitely be a rest day. I don’t sleep well at the best of times and lately it is a bit worse. I wake about every hour and have for years. I’ve been to a sleep clinic to make sure there was no sleep apnea. Their medical diagnosis was no sleep apnea but that I didn’t sleep very well. Yup they get paid for that :noway:
    I made chicken shishkabob’s last night and bbq’d them, served them over brown rice. It’s my first attempt and they turned out so great and low on calories & the dreaded sodium. Even my DD liked them and she’s such a picky eater :laugh:

    I’ve got to get back to work, I’m sure the boss will be back shortly. Have a great day everyone and try and stay cool & hydrated.

    :heart: Sandy from ON :heart:
  • iwantodance
    iwantodance Posts: 28 Member
    Good morning! It is still morning, right? I can hardly believe that I slept until almost 10:00 today. I went to a meeting last night and it was incredibly hot in the building. Sometimes being in that kind of heat and humidity wipes me out. It's cooler today, though. Some of you might laugh about it because I'm on the Kitsap Peninsula in Western Washington. Generally a fairly mild summer here. It's just that the building we were in gets miserably hot.

    I'd love to be able to walk my dogs outside but, silly me, I won't go alone because I'm afraid of meeting up with a bear. Last year, we had one hanging around our neck of the woods. It was all over the place. We even had a website to keep track of the latest bear sightings. It seemed to like our area. He was even seen swimming out to an island in the sound.

    My goals this month are to track my food intake, honestly and consistently, to do a workout video that I have 3 times each week, and to do 30 minutes on my treadmill 3 times each week. That's quite a big change from what I've been doing for the past several years.

    Kitsap County, WA
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Well I have not been eating sensibly today! I had a protein shake for breakfast, worked out hard, had a protein shake for lunch then ran out to do some errands. Of course I then got really hungry about an hour ago and have been nibbling. I had a Joseph's tortilla wrap with ham and cuke, which would have been great on its own but had some chips to go with it, and then found a Ritz cheese sandwich cracker and had that too. I've been eating so carefully and have had no processed foods or heavy carb stuff for a couple of weeks so now I want to slap myself. I'll have something sensible later for dinner and I know I'll be well within my calories, but silly. But good :tongue:
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Hello all, just checking in quickly before I go to the gym!

    Really not sure how many calories I've burned so far today. Did Leslie Sansone's walk at home 3 mile, but took two phone calls from my sister in the middle of it. I paused the DVD & kept brisk walking with raising knees while talking to her :-) My knees are feeling creaky - hoping Aleve helps with that. I still want to go to the gym and do treadmill & circuit training for arms. Already have over 8,900 steps - yea!

    janie, Pacific NW
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Just wanted to share: I am having a great time at the gym especially since I found that I could make a music playlist for my Kindle. My favorite song is I Hope You Dance by Oleta Adams! I can listen to that 3 or 4 times in a row (16 minutes). I originally thought the ear plugs were just a young people thing but it really makes the time fly and energizes me. I'm Thinking about getting an ipod? because my Kindle is so big. Besides I've seen the arm bands to keep them out of the way when you are working out. Are you listening to music when you workout? What are you listening to?:bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I listen to my Pandora, station is 80's cardio so I listen to some weird things at times. But my favorite thing to listen to is when I can get my favorite bike that has a TV and I usually have HGTV on it. I'm one of those strange women who like to watch PGA golf and if our local player is in the tourney I watch it.

    Just got back from Walgreens. I had lost my pedometer so I went to get a new one. I'm sure I lost it at home so who knows where I will find it. I don't know how many calories I burned trying to get the darn thing out of the package. But it's out and now I have to set the stride length.

    Joyce, indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy hump day to everyone. What a beautiful day here, it will be nice for the next 2 days at least for the Senior golf open, which will be great. I went shopping today and bought a birthday gift for a friend and these flip flops that you can take the straps off and change them. They are really cute. I got a new birdfeeder to replace the one that fell apart, did the walmart household shopping ($300!):sad: and went swimming for 45 minutes. I am beat LOL.

    Tere: great nsv!!!

    Yanniejannie: great job on the steps and zumba. Did everyone there have those little spangle skirts on? I am not sure I’d want to wear one! You have discovered my secret re: emails! I delete without reading then claim to never have gotten them if someone says “Humph! I send you an email.” I claim my box is full from all the emails I get! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Marcie: I have been hearing about your hot weather. UGH hope you get some relief soon! A mister would be great!

    Heather: what a great dinner all from your garden. I love to shop on the internet too! Great BMI!

    Grandmallie: so glad chester is doing well after surgery

    Melanie: welcome aboard!

    Lilbit: welcome to you too!

    DeeDee: I bet you are so relieved that there was no cancer. I suddenly have this weird spot right below my left eyebrow on the nose side that is kind of hard; I’ll watch it and get it checked, but it’s weird that it just popped up

    Lin: fresh wild berries sound great. I’d dance by myself!

    Kat: do you cook the steel cut oats the same way you do regular oats? I am my dentist’s favorite patient because at 54 I have never had a cavity, not even in my baby teeth. He thinks that’s amazing. I credit the fluoride in the water growing up in Hawaii,.

    M: good news about hubby’s weight loss challenge! I buy white pasta and white rice, occasionally the whole grain, but never white bread. It’s funny in some of those places it’s not even in the stores.

    Vicki: hang in there; should be cooler tomorrow! Did you get any rain yesterday?

    Janemartin: take care of that asthma. I am so glad mine only acts up when I have a respiratory infection, like once every 2 years or so

    Helen: the only way I keep up is to open word and write as I read. Maybe you can get word someday. I tried the note-taking route and it didn’t work for me either!

    Pat : I know our cats plan their evening activities!:bigsmile: One trick is to play with them very hard right before you go to bed and wear them out. Try a laser light.

    Katla: hope your electronics situation gets straightened out!

    Suzy: sounds like a great cat family!

    Joyce: great news on the blood sugar and the inch gone. The weight will come!

    Sandy Your dinner last night sounded delish!
    wanttodance: bears?????? Oh my I’d skip the walking outside too!

    Well ladies I am so tired I may just go to bed. Tomorrow is grocery shopping, maybe lunch with a friend (we planned it a month ago, but now she hasn’t called me back, so I don’t’ know), and then we are going to Jazz on the Green which is a huge weekly outdoor concert with mostly jazz, but not always We will take a picnic dinner. Tomorrow’s band is zydeco, which is Cajun music and so much fun. So I may only be here for a short time tomorrow. Take care, meg from oddly nice Omaha!:drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :flowerforyou: thank you for all the kind words about my lavender picture.......I think the most important requirement for growing beautiful lavender is to live in the right place....our town calls itself "the lavender capital of North America".

    :flowerforyou: Marcie, I’ve tried steel cut oats and like them but they take so much longer to cook than the old fashioned ones that I don’t fix them often (I never use instant oatmeal----too many added ingredients). I put almond milk on my cereal.

    :flowerforyou: Linda, the reason I like line dance so much is that you don’t have to have a partner…..Jake doesn’t dance and is happy that I don’t ask him to.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: DeeDee, good news from the dermatologist…..my appointment is in September

    :flowerforyou: K, I live on the North Olympic Peninsula and when it gets to 70 degrees I think it’s a heat wave and my dogs don’t want to go out for a walk….what a shame that the threat of bears is keeping you from dog walking.

    :flowerforyou: Tere, my phone has an MP3 player built in and will play the music through my Bluetooth so I can listen without messing with wires. I listen to all sorts of stuff----music that I line dance to, John Denver, Broadway show music, country music, Neil Diamond, and tons of other stuff….when I do strength training at home I watch TV shows on my DVR.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, my husband lost two pedometers this year----one last week and just got it replaced…..we spent a bit of time figuring out his stride length.

    :bigsmile: Today I finished kevrit’s 28 day squat challenge and will start the new one on Friday.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and warm NW Washington

  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Happy Wednesday, everyone!

    Yep, scale went backwards. I don't care, if I were less of a numbers freak I'd only weigh once a week. As it is I just have to get on the scale, but I don't let little ups and downs bug me. Now if it'd been 5 lbs. I would be worried. I am taking advantage of summer break to insert multiple opportunities to exercise - a big change for me. Was waiting for a phone call in the AM, so I did Leslie Sansone's walk at home 3 miles. I think I did at least another twenty minutes of quicker paced walking in the middle because my sister called and I wanted to keep my heart rate up. Of course I also had to get my walks in with the dog - he'd be crushed if I didn't. After a late dinner I went to the gym. I tried pseudo-interval training on the treadmill. No way I can switch between jogging and running, so I just alternated a slower and faster walking speed. Then the abdominal sets, and circuit for arms. I feel so GOOD. And I am wearing a women's 2X t-shirt (more fitted) rather than a man's t-shirt that I usually hide in. HAPPY DAY!
  • MaMa2Charley
    :flowerforyou: To all you lovely ladies,

    I admire how you are so supportive and motivational. Coming here has been so helpful and has filled me with hope for the present and the future.
    At this time, I find that I am spending too much time on this site.
    I want to wish all of you health and happiness now and forever.
    Thank you for your kindness while I was here.
    Take care and know that you will reach all of your goals because you are compassionate, helpful and genuine.
    Marcie in CO :flowerforyou:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    :flowerforyou: Just a quick one (again) as I need to get my exercises done before work.

    :yawn: :yawn: Had a very sleepy day yesterday, after working later than usual to catch up, came home had something to eat and then fell asleep woke up with DD asking if I was going on the dog walk with her - declined :embarassed: and went back to sleep woke up later and went to bed :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :smile: Feeling a bit more awake this morning, although the scale wasn't kind to me - can't understand how some mornings I can weigh nearly 2lb more than the morning before. I suppose it's all hormones/sodium etc.

    Sorry not to give personal replies, I'll try and get back tonight.

    Have a great day.

    Viv York UK (where it's a little bit cooler today thank goodness)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I got a call yesterday on my mobile from a hospital about thirty miles away from the one that I am in to say that my dad had been taken there in an ambulance. There was nothing I could do as I still had my drips and drains so I called my brother who said well I can't do anything. Called my sister - I can't go, going to see a play tonight. So my poor dad had to fend for himself. I am so disgusted. I have spoken to him this morning and he is ok, but will be in hospital for a couple more days. So .... I have told my doctor that I have to be discharged today. I'm just waiting for him to come and see me to find out if they will let me go. If needs be I will just have to discharge myself (but they will have to unhook me first!)

    Bit grumpy to be honest and extremely sad for my poor dad. He may be a pain in the bottom at times, but he really doesn't deserve this.

    Anyway, have a great day one and all.

    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: Oh my goodness, I can`t believe your brother and sister are that uncaring:noway: , well, yes I can believe it, but is`s just so very sad:sad: ! Wish I lived closer, I would check on your dad for you! You be very careful about discharging yourself, we don`t want you to wind up back in the hospital too. Sending prayers and hugs to both you and your dad:flowerforyou: !

    Marcie:smile: I hate to see you leave :sad: . You don`t have to check in everyday here, just pop in when you find a little extra time!!! I know this site can be very time consuming, I`ve cut my computer time way back myself. Don`t feel like you have to reply to anybody, just pop in and say "hi"! We`ll miss you:sad: :flowerforyou: !

    I really have to go now...I have the dog groomer here in about an hour and then my Dr. appt., must get my shower now if I want to be ready on time!

    Have a great day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee from foggy NC
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning, lovey ladies!

    I am happy to report that there is NO rain in the forecast here today OR tomorrow! It seems ike it has been raining for weeks and I have been missing my outdoor walks with a friend. I don't know that we'll be able to go tonight due to our schedues but at least it will be nice all day!

    Not much time this morning.... I've been reading your posts but have been swamped at work and at home so haven't had time to respond. I'm sending prayers for those who need them, especially you, Amanda. I am so sorry that your father is ill and that you are getting no support from your sibs! Remember to take care of yourself, though - you won't be any use to him or anyone if you jeopardize your own health.

    Better run and get ready for the day. Have a great one!

    Sandy in (finally) dry central Ohio
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good Thursday morn to all. I don't think to post much,but do enjoy all the posts from everyone.Had a bad wind,lightning,rain storm thru Ohio yesterday afternoon.It broke the high,high humidity but left some areas without electric.There are flooded towns,trees down etc.Supposed to be nice thru the wk end,so we'll all get back to normal soon.

    So far so good with losing weight.I'm slooooow,but steady.As long as I keep counting calories that is. At my advanced age ,counting calories is the only way due to some health problems. Walking or water aerobics helps a lot. Time to get myself in gear & get this day started.Patce
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Thursday Pals! I'm having a light workout day today! Got my walk in first thing this morning and will do my calisthenics this evening in place of going to the gym! It's raining, raining, and raining here. It really puts a damper on things like exercise and heightened the desire to eat lots of sweet and sticky things like doughnuts. Perhaps I'll treat myself to one or two.....:tongue:

    Amanda: :flowerforyou: That is awful! Please remember that you MUST take care of yourself first! If you don't take care of yourself you won't be able to take care of anyone else! Siblings can make life rough when there are things that need to be done for an older parent. Prayers going forth for your Dad and for you!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    morning Chica's,
    It is raining cats and dogs here in Ct.and I am trying to type with a dog glued to me with the cone on his head(post surgery)can you say aukward?(sp) spent 50 bucks on the orthodics for my shoes,but they dont seem to be working.. My left heel is still killing me..It is very hard to exercise when your foot hurts and I am getting discouraged:grumble:
    I will do some stretching with it today.
    We ha\ve sattelite t.v. and in rainstorms it goes out..so no t.v. until this passes through.
    Amanda- I totally understand about useless family, and the kicker of it is, my poor FIL lives with them..
    my left ear is all clogged up and driving me batty...
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning to all. And a good morning it will be as i'm heading out the door to go see if there's enough berries to pick. Strawberries for now. Good day even if wii didn't smile I got up a little late but up. I call that a +.

    Maybe I can have a smile from wii tomorrow. There's only one reason for him not to smile and that's because I over ate and underexercised.

    I would dance alone if there wasn't five hundred people watching lol.

    TereWilliams. I like my wii but don't exercise enough with it.

    Kalley the grandkids were thrilled with my visit yesterday.

    Meg 45 min. of swimming wow.

    Barb I'd dance if there was other people on the dance floor but no one danced.
    Don't understand the younger generation. At all

    See you all lighter
  • elliemay63
    elliemay63 Posts: 62 Member
    Good morning, Just getting back into MFP and looking for some support. My motivation? To look good in our youngest's wedding photos in October!! My partner and I are working on this together. The bride-to-be is doing WW and has lost 20 lbs!!
    July goals - track everyday, exercise at least 5 days a week (1 hour) and just be more active, make more meals at home (biggest challenge!)
    non-food goals - take down the old shed in the backyard and build a new one, keep the lawn from becoming hay (we are in drought conditions) and to not sweat the small stuff!!!
    Hope everyone has a great day!!
    elliemay63 - near Houston, TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Suzy: We had cats in the past but not for the last few years. There is a neighbor who takes care of populating our community with cats and raccoons. She still has too many cats, but has stopped feeding raccoons, thank goodness. They’re scary and dangerous animals. We’re only allowed two pets per household in our townhouse rules. Since we all share the grounds I think it is reasonable to have limits. I wouldn’t accept this restriction in a regular neighborhood.:noway:

    Joyce: I’m having no weight loss either. I hope that changes once I’m completely over this sinus infection. I’m not over eating, but I’m seriously under exercising. No energy.:ohwell:

    terewilliams: Heels? Not for me. :noway: I’m already tall for my age. :wink: I listen to audiobooks on my iphone while I exercise. I used to use my ipod, but then my son talked me into the iphone and it does both tasks plus much more.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from ON: I’d love to get the chicken shish-kabob recipe. It sounds delightful.:flowerforyou:

    K: Friends of ours used to live in Port Orchard. I thought it was a great place with a lovely little harbor. They moved to Florida a couple of years ago to be nearer to her daughter and grandsons. They’re very happy in their senior community and I doubt they’ll be back, even for a visit.:cry: I miss them.

    Amanda: Your siblings are hard to understand. I hope that you won’t harm your own recovery by leaving the hospital early. Can any of the grandkids go see your dad?:flowerforyou:

    Linda: I don’t like to call attention to myself either, BUT those young people might have been waiting for you to show them the way to dance.:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday we missed our Direct TV installer because the lady who took our order did not pay attention to the fact that we told her DH had medical appointments on the day they wanted to schedule us. Now we apparently have to wait a week. We aren’t happy with Direct TV at the moment, but we still have Comcast. When the new installation is complete we’ll cancel their service. DH is threatening to trade Direct TV for the Dish.

    Speaking of DH’s medical appointments—he has a temporary prism in his right lens and can now see things that were missing before! This is such huge news for us and has the potential to give DH his independence back. That will improve both of our lives. I’m shocked that the people at the hospital didn’t even tell him about this kind of vision assistance when he had his stroke. He has some appointments for eye training, and then if all goes well he’ll get a new glasses lens with the prism ground into the lens, rather than the temporary situation he has now. He thinks he’ll want two sets of glasses. At least there is now hope.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more