Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    I know it's annoying to have to take a pill every day and every woman's body is different but the studies that have been done over the synthetic progesterones over the past years are consistant in continuing to show the trend that I just described to you. I always did best on Lo Estrin. Its the lowest doses of combination estrogen and progesterone available at this time as far as I know but still works for birth control. Just a thought if you don't tolerate a lot of hormones very well.

    I just wanted to mention. All your info is great! However, there is another pill that has an even lower dose of hormone that Lo Estrin called Lo Loestrin. It is still effective as a birth control. This is what I am currently trying, but just started it 3 days ago. I've had terrible times on pills before and have tried most method of non-hormonal birth control including the copper IUD (a story for another time). I'm really hoping that this one works for me and my irregular periods.
  • tekhipee
    tekhipee Posts: 20 Member
    I lost 7 lbs in 20 days after getting my mirena removed on 06/06/13. No changes in lifestyle, exercise or diet. hmmmm

    Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Been sick ever since I got it in 2010.

    Starting to diet more/exercise more this week to see if I can actually lose weight with putting some effort into it. The effort seemed pointless before.
  • Ive had the mirena since may of 2009. i noticed a little weight gain when i got it put in, but i had tried the depo shot first and gain like 15# from that but with the mirena i didnt notice enough to get it taken out. however in the past bout yr and half ive gained 20# and im having a really tough time getting it off. idk if it would be from the mirena since i had it in for so long before gaining weight. but also didnt have periods on mirena until i gained that weight and now i do have small periods but i wonder if thats related.

    BTW: pmsing sucks on mirena, glad im not the only one experiencing that!!!!
  • FrankieB127
    FrankieB127 Posts: 31 Member
    I had my Mirena taken out a week ago today and I'm so glad I did. Here's a rundown of what has happened since I had the Mirena removed:

    Periods: I pretty much never stopped getting my period after I had Mirena inserted. I was getting two true periods a month and spotting every day in between. Some days the spotting was light enough that I just needed a pantyliner, other days I needed something more absorbent. The day after I got my Mirena removed I began an extremely heavy period that lasted for about 4-5 days but now, 7 days later, I have zero period and zero spotting for the first time in almost 4 months.

    Hair loss: I started losing my hair like crazy after getting Mirena. I still "shed" quite a bit not like I was a week ago. I can actually put my hair up in a ponytail without losing 20-30 hairs like before.

    Mood swings/depression: I just didn't feel like myself when I was on Mirena. The thing I disliked the most was the fact that my patience level was always at 0. I was getting p***ed at my kids for the smallest things. I felt better the day after I had Mirena taken and, 7 days later, I truly feel like myself again.

    Bloating: GONE. The day after I had my Mirena removed, I felt like someone had released a pressure valve (probably related to the heavy period I got after having the Mirena removed). My stomach has gone waaaay down since having the Mirena removed; my husband even made a comment last night that my stomach has suddenly gotten a lot flatter!

    Weight: I've lost 2.5 lbs since last week, all while exercising the same amount and eating the same way I've been the ENTIRE TIME I had Mirena. My weight loss stopped for about a month or two after having it installed and then started creeping back up. Very discouraging. I know fitness isn't all about the number on the scale but I'm very, very happy to see that number go down!!

    I have a friend who's been on Mirena for about 5-6 years and she absolutely loves it. I think everyone reacts differently to hormones that are in birth control and the most important thing I took away from this was to trust yourself-- my doctor spent a good 5-10 minutes trying to talk me out of getting it removed and insisted that everything I was experiencing was normal postpartum symptoms, but my gut (no pun intended) told me otherwise. He gave me a prescription for Lo Loestrin, which I haven't filled yet.....not sure if I will.
  • soozyreed
    soozyreed Posts: 1
    I'm so glad to read all these stories. I have a 2 year old and after 12 months had lost the 3 stone I'd put on and an extra half a stone which took me to BMi of 26 so still a bit to go. When my ds was 2 I decided to give the coil a go to help stop periods. After 3 months I'd gained 10 pounds was bloated beyond belief, felt pregnant again. I'd been doing 3 gym classes a week eating well and still gaining. I had it removed yesterday am sooooooo glad. It didnt hurt, had no cramps. Am just hoping I can lose my weight now. X
  • vickyb5277
    vickyb5277 Posts: 5 Member
    Had the Mirena put in in August 2008 for heavy periods so due to have it out next month after the 5yrs, however, I've been doing loads of research for the last few weeks as I was going to have it replaced at the same time but you're all talking about me!! Lol

    Won't go into detail & bore you all but I decided to have it removed, THIS MORNING :) My Dr couldn't fit me in for 2 weeks so went to my local family planning clinic & hey presto, it's out. Got some slight bleeding & a few period pains but I actually feel better strangely enough. Maybe it's just physiological haha

    Let's hope I start to see some improvement with my weight loss & depression soon :)
  • megathinn
    megathinn Posts: 1
    I had my Mirena put in 3 months ago. I had repeated cysts on my ovarys, I gained 20 pounds and I was moody and had a bell like I was pregnant. I finally couldn't take it anymore and removed it myself. I immediately felt better and wanted to have sex. I know it's crazy but I don't feel as bloated either and I removed it an hour ago. I defiantly don't recommend mirena. So glad I have that ****headIm out of me!
  • mariahk35
    mariahk35 Posts: 37
    I had mine taken out because I noticed I put on weight after getting it put in. No weight came off after it came out. Well at least not until now that I am dieting and exercising
  • I don't personally like any of these hormonal birth controls. They affect so much more than just your fertility, and there's SO much more research that needs to be done on first and second generation impacts before I would consider them a "safe" alternative, even if they don't kill you. At least an external birth control doesn't affect you while you're not having sex.

    Honestly, women are only fertile for a week at most, while men are fertile all the time. I'm not unreasonable, but maybe it's time for men to start going on birth control and to start dealing with the side effects.
  • alfachuch
    alfachuch Posts: 1
    I hope I will lose weight after it.
    I had mine inserted 5 weeks ago. After 5 days my spotting started and never ended. It goes from light to heavier, and about for 5 days it looked like a real heavy period. But it just never stop. I started to loose hair about a week after having IUD and my weight cripping up. I've already gained 10lbs without any changes in my lifestyle or diet. I feel puffy and bloated, and I feel and look regnant. I had to change my clothes twice as I cannot fit in my old ones.
    After reading all these post it just make sense. I want to make an appointment and had it removed. I only had it to reduce heavy periods. I dont know what I will do after, but I cannot tolerate all these side effects, and this never ending period:(
  • sophsw
    sophsw Posts: 81 Member
    Bump to read later as I have one
  • dizchic77
    dizchic77 Posts: 16 Member
    I had my Mirena in for about 2 years and gained about 40 pounds. I was emotional and had milk supply issues. I wasn't sure if it was the Mirena so I started a healthy diet with exercise 5-6 times a week. My weight barely changed and then it came back on to where it was. After having my thyroid checked I removed my Mirena. Happy to announce with it only out for a week, I've already lost seven pounds and I feel soooo much better.
  • Hi,
    My ordeal with the Mirena was severe and I would NEVER again go near it. I too had anxiety/depression attacks and gained about 30lbs after losing around 2st before having it fitted. Mine wasn't fitted for birth control as I have previously been sterilised but was fitted to attempt to stop my heavy bleeding during my TOTM. To cut a long story short, after 2 long years of bleeding CONTINUALLY with no break, mood swings, temper tantrums, massive hair loss to name but a few ailments, I had the thing removed but have managed to maintain what I'd struggled to lose and lost about another stone since. It has been extremely hard to lose weight regardless of how much exercise I do and how good I am with my food. It's the best thing I've ever done, having that thing removed. It ruined 2 years of my life. Now, I have about a stone left to lose and I know now that I will eventually lose it but it will take me longer than I'd hoped.
    Good luck. x
  • I bled continually like this for 2 years. Give yourself a limit of how long you will accept it and then take no more. I wish I had. x
  • AlysonM
    AlysonM Posts: 21 Member
    I've had my mirena for over 10 years now and am due (overdue) getting it replaced with #3! I've had no problems with weight gain due to the coil at all, that was because of what I have been shovelling into my face for years! The advantage for me is no periods, which has to be THE Best side effect ever! I've never had any side effects, pain or the bloating and cramping that others seem to have had. I've had no problem losing weight in the past at all with having the mirena and I don't foresee any problems this time either .. other than myself and my will power. :-)

    This - Mirena (with hormones) is no problem for me either. The Doctor was ultra careful with insertion (wore two sets of gloves and kept everything very sterile) there was no pain with insertion, periods stopped, I have no cramping and have lost about 35 pounds since middle of Sept. 2012. NO pain, no acne, no insomnia. Will power is a different story... I'd be a lot closer to my goals if I could get an injection of that along with the hormones!
  • Alisa_d7
    Alisa_d7 Posts: 6 Member
    Been great reading about all these experiences. I wouldn't say I hate Mirena as I loved it for being my security blanket, but since I got it in 6 months ago, I started experiencing comodonal acne (have always had great skin), mood swings, severe cramping before my period, and hair thinning (well, I HOPE that's from mirena, not just a sign of my gradual aging process!), not to mention, since I've fixed up my diet and exercise a month ago, the weight is being really stubborn and coming off a lot slower than it ever has in the past. I've also noticed my stomach is continually bloated, which is odd when I'm watching my diet.

    Soooo...in a moment of resolve tonight, I took it out myself. I'm excited/scared to see what happens over the next few days as I've read about the dreaded "Mirena crash", but I'm pretty positive that after that *hopefully* subsides, that I'll be all "me" again.
  • I have read multiple horror stories about this device. I, too, have one. Although, am going to be having it removed in a few hours. I had no problem with mine until last summer. By then, I had had it for 2 years. I lost 15lbs. But seemed to have to work for it extremely hard. I worked so hard to get into a bikini for a trip to Aruba this past October. Well since October, I've gained 35lbs!! I started with a personal trainer and he couldn't even figure out why I wasn't losing the weight. I have always been less then 140. This all made me feel awful. I hope getting this out helps my efforts of losing weight.
  • mozra
    mozra Posts: 1 Member
    I've had mirena since October 2011. I got it to manage endometriosis symptoms and I loved it to start with. No more heavy painful periods! However, I've gained about 30lbs with no changes to diet or exercise levels, I get dizzy spells and, worst of all, am totally exhausted all the time. All my blood tests come back normal and there is nothing that can explain the sheer exhaustion and weight gain. I am so bloated I look like I'm pregnant! That's when I started reading about the problems some women have with mirena. I've no idea if mirena has caused my problems, but so many other women report exactly the same experience, it can't be coincidence. Anyway, I got mine out today and will keep you posted.....I even measured my belly to see if it changes :)
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    I had a Mirena for two months. I reacted very badly to the hormones. My hair fell out in clumps, I was an emotional wreck and I didn't EVER stop bleeding, in fact I would occasionally have break-through bleeding that no pad or tampon that has been made could handle. I even fainted once. I had it inserted after a Molar pregnancy and my Dr. was convinced I had cancer. So we removed the IUD and my symptoms went away and I lost 10 lbs in a week. I didn't have cancer. Scarred the hell out of me.

    My sister has one and loves it, no problems.
  • Had Mirena removed 2 weeks ago. For seven months I watched the scale go up no matter how I tried to stabilized my weight with diet & exercise. I'm 45 and so the Mirena was to manage perimenopausal symptoms. What I got instead was a body transformed back into what I used to look like @ 5 months pregnant. I've lost 5 lbs, 10 to go. Thank goodness this is coming off finally. I really recommend taking macca (most health food stores carry it). This supplement helps to regularize hormonal levels and I don't care if it's a placebo effect, I feel like my old self again!