

  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
  • sluggz
    sluggz Posts: 134
    AND THERE"S THE CAVEAT! self control and moderation... If most people on here could do that successfully, they wouldn't be here would they?
    and "people like me"? what exactly are people like me? Are we resorting to attacking me again? or the argument? I don't give 2 rips what your personal opinion of me is, you are just some dude on a message board who likes to talk about how awesome he is.
    I'll ask you again because you didnt answer, Who are you to piss all over someone else's accomplishment? Are you an expert? a nutritionist maybe? Or are you just some dude who lost some weight?
    The OP accomplished something in their eyes, and you jumped all over them for it to "correct" their "unhealthy view" of food. Good job dude! Thank you for informing all of us about how wrong our views are. Im so glad MFP has you here to police the message boards to make sure we all keep some love for commercialized food!
    I think it's perfectly clear to everyone because you mention it constantly, how great your cholesterol is and how much weight you've lost. But the fact is still this, you can lose weight and improve lipid scores on a diet of Twinkies, the proof is here:
    would you argue that this diet is healthy?
    Based on your rationale it is, but I bet you are not willing to say that. Which again proves the point that food quality is important. and IIFYM isn't an all encompassing solution for everyone.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    AND THERE"S THE CAVEAT! self control and moderation... If most people on here could do that successfully, they wouldn't be here would they?
    and "people like me"? what exactly are people like me? Are we resorting to attacking me again? or the argument? I don't give 2 rips what your personal opinion of me is, you are just some dude on a message board who likes to talk about how awesome he is.
    I'll ask you again because you didnt answer, Who are you to piss all over someone else's accomplishment? Are you an expert? a nutritionist maybe? Or are you just some dude who lost some weight?
    The OP accomplished something in their eyes, and you jumped all over them for it to "correct" their "unhealthy view" of food. Good job dude! Thank you for informing all of us about how wrong our views are. Im so glad MFP has you here to police the message boards to make sure we all keep some love for commercialized food!
    I think it's perfectly clear to everyone because you mention it constantly, how great your cholesterol is and how much weight you've lost. But the fact is still this, you can lose weight and improve lipid scores on a diet of Twinkies, the proof is here:
    would you argue that this diet is healthy?
    Based on your rationale it is, but I bet you are not willing to say that. Which again proves the point that food quality is important. and IIFYM isn't an all encompassing solution for everyone.

    I didn't piss on anyone's accomplishment. I don't even know what you're talking about. I never said anything at all to the OP in this thread. How you determined that I "jumped all over them" is a mystery.

    And yes "people like you." People like you who demonize McDonald's do people a bigger disservice than McDonald's itself does in my opinion. It's people like you who unnecessarily convince everyone else that McDonald's is automatically bad and they must cut it out of their lives completely in order to achieve their health and fitness goals. Many of those people fail as a result of this belief and pressure, and that's a damn shame.

    If more people realized that you CAN eat McD's with regularity and still achieve all of your fitness and nutrition goals, more people would be successful at doing so.

    People already think McD's is automatically bad. You're not helping anyone by coming here and reiterating that idea. I'm trying to help people by liberating them from that untrue notion.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Well I did it this morning!!!! didn't stop at McDonalds!!! I am so excited. One goal I need to accomplish.

    Good person! :drinker:
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Congrats on meeting a goal you set.

    It's not "poison" nor really bad. A 300 calories sandwich is not excessive for a meal. And yes they use real eggs, cheese and ham, the same you would buy at a store.

    It's positive for the OP to avoid if McDonald's is her vice and derails her from losing weight, but McDonald's is hardly poison.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I highly disagree, but each to their own. You eat McD's everyday and I'll eat fresh foods from the farmers markets everyday and we'll see who dies first.

    Thank you, I highly disagree too, the stuff they inject in that so called meat is deplorable at best, obviously someone hasn't done their homework-I call this place, mc dead animals and burger king is called murder king ha ha-helps me stay far far away!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Stay away from Mcdonalds and hit up subway for them clean foods!

    This is a joke, right?

    Since you have made yourself blatantly clear that you refuse to celebrate or recognize the OP's accomplishment by taking the post completely off course, then perhaps you can find a new thread to argue in? The OP herself even mentioned how she wanted to commemorate how she passed up fast food a 2nd day. Yet you're too busy filling your ego with being right all the time and disproving everyone else. Is it quite possible that what works for you may not work for the OP or anyone else in here? What little esteem you must have with your 10% body fat if you truly need to make an argument about how someone can go from LOVING a food to completely hating it. Props for being an unnecessary evil.

    it seems the narrative has changed. It has gone from fast food is evil, to Jonnythan is mean. I submit that both are false.

    Not so fast. It is well known that I am not only a horrible person, but a big meanie as well. I help no one in any way, I am in the employ of every fast and junk food establishment in America, and kick puppies.

    It's OK though. I'm apparently on the verge of death from metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer as a result of eating fast food regularly. Then no one will have to listen to me, and the clean eaters can dance on my grave. "Here lies jonnythan, big mean jerk killed dead by Doritos Locos Tacos."

    Oh good, one less person to hog all the DLT's!
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    But I'm a very nice McDonald and I like it when people stop by for breakfast.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    those dirty fast food chains.

    Oh lordy.
    even a 6 inch sandwich is much larger a portion than most people should eat

    Yeah, when I go to Subway and get a 6-inch double meat turkey sandwich for about 350 calories, I think "hot damn, this is more food than anyone should eat! 350 calories! I'm a glutton."

    Who is lying to you about 350 cals-not any of the websites I have frequented. The bread alone is close to that!
  • 1HappyTurtleRunner
    1HappyTurtleRunner Posts: 125 Member
    I stop there almost every morning ..cant beat a dollar cup of coffee..their eggwhite delight or even fruit oatmeal isn't bad at all..

    Agree, I stop for the coffee almost every morning!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Congrats on meeting a goal you set.

    It's not "poison" nor really bad. A 300 calories sandwich is not excessive for a meal. And yes they use real eggs, cheese and ham, the same you would buy at a store.

    It's positive for the OP to avoid if McDonald's is her vice and derails her from losing weight, but McDonald's is hardly poison.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I highly disagree, but each to their own. You eat McD's everyday and I'll eat fresh foods from the farmers markets everyday and we'll see who dies first.

    Thank you, I highly disagree too, the stuff they inject in that so called meat is deplorable at best, obviously someone hasn't done their homework-I call this place, mc dead animals and burger king is called murder king ha ha-helps me stay far far away!

    Stuff they inject in the meat?

    You know the ingredients of a McDonald's hamburger patty are, right? They are: ground beef. That's it. They put some salt and pepper on at the grill.

    "McDead Animals" is very clever. I never knew they made food out of dead animals. That's horrifying.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    those dirty fast food chains.

    Oh lordy.
    even a 6 inch sandwich is much larger a portion than most people should eat

    Yeah, when I go to Subway and get a 6-inch double meat turkey sandwich for about 350 calories, I think "hot damn, this is more food than anyone should eat! 350 calories! I'm a glutton."

    Who is lying to you about 350 cals-not any of the websites I have frequented. The bread alone is close to that!

    A 6" turkey sub is 280 calories. The bread by itself is 210.
  • mxwlmckee
    mxwlmckee Posts: 1
    Damn you morning value meal #2. Damn you straight to hell.
  • sluggz
    sluggz Posts: 134
    Thanks for the saving the message boards NEO! You've done the MFPers a great service!

    You know why people love Fast Food? because it is delicious! thast why. You know why that is? because it's packed full of sugar and sodium! RESEARCH the effects of those things from a different perspective otehr than IIFYM and you might learn how addictive those 2 substances can be.
    you wanted science, here's science that says fast food is a poor choice for health and you are ignoring it or attempting to refute it.

    Your promoting of eating fast food 3x a week or more is laughable! Is that what you call responsible eating? The only one I've seen with an unhealthy view here is you! But by all means, keep using peer pressure to push everyone back into fast food.
    What you are doing is the equivalent of telling an alcoholic it's still ok to drink in moderation. Good job dude.

    Fast food is not a healthy choice. Some iceberg lettuce on a sugar laden bun with a couple tomatos and pickles is not healthy regardless of if it fits your macros or the calorie content. The micros your body needs to function optimally are not there. That's a fact supported by science.
    Maybe you should quit pushing
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Congrats on meeting a goal you set.

    It's not "poison" nor really bad. A 300 calories sandwich is not excessive for a meal. And yes they use real eggs, cheese and ham, the same you would buy at a store.

    It's positive for the OP to avoid if McDonald's is her vice and derails her from losing weight, but McDonald's is hardly poison.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I highly disagree, but each to their own. You eat McD's everyday and I'll eat fresh foods from the farmers markets everyday and we'll see who dies first.

    Thank you, I highly disagree too, the stuff they inject in that so called meat is deplorable at best, obviously someone hasn't done their homework-I call this place, mc dead animals and burger king is called murder king ha ha-helps me stay far far away!

    What stuff? Please tell me the name of this deplorable stuff.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Thanks for the saving the message boards NEO! You've done the MFPers a great service!

    You know why people love Fast Food? because it is delicious! thast why. You know why that is? because it's packed full of sugar and sodium! RESEARCH the effects of those things from a different perspective otehr than IIFYM and you might learn how addictive those 2 substances can be.
    you wanted science, here's science that says fast food is a poor choice for health and you are ignoring it or attempting to refute it.

    Your promoting of eating fast food 3x a week or more is laughable! Is that what you call responsible eating? The only one I've seen with an unhealthy view here is you! But by all means, keep using peer pressure to push everyone back into fast food.
    What you are doing is the equivalent of telling an alcoholic it's still ok to drink in moderation. Good job dude.

    Fast food is not a healthy choice. Some iceberg lettuce on a sugar laden bun with a couple tomatos and pickles is not healthy regardless of if it fits your macros or the calorie content. The micros your body needs to function optimally are not there. That's a fact supported by science.
    Maybe you should quit pushing

    This could be the most asanine thing I have read lately. Maybe you should quit pushing. I think you are taking this personnaly. Go have a beer and relax.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You know why people love Fast Food? because it is delicious! thast why.

    Indeed. That's why I think it's far more helpful to teach people how to responsibly fit this delicious food into their lives than it is to tell them to just never eat this delicious food again.
  • romanticRECK
    They took the double cheeseburger off the dollar menu! When? Blasphemy I tell you! It goes to show you that last time I've been to a McDonalds..

    And just to note, it's not by choice. It's because the closet McDonald's to me is 45 minutes away :(
    DDCNY Posts: 64 Member
    Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting! I am really proud for you.
  • sluggz
    sluggz Posts: 134
    LOL, thanks for your opinion Pratt, I love beer!
    if you aren't aware, commercially raised beef is fed grain in order to fatten them up. Cows are not able to digest grains well, hence why it fattens them up. Cows are grazers, they eat grass, their stomachs are designed by nature to do this. When you feed them grain, it causes them to get sick, hence why they are administered antibiotics, which in turn can be passed to the people who consume the meat.
  • sluggz
    sluggz Posts: 134
    Pratt - when I get attacked by someone on a personal level, I think it's fair to take it personally.