Looking for BREASTFEEDING moms.

I'm still nursing my 1 year old with no plans to stop anytime soon.
Just starting to calorie count again to lose this blasted 30lbs of baby weight PLUS an additional 30lbs to get me to my overall goal weight.

Looking for breastfeeding moms to add as friends. I'd like to snoop in your diaries and watch your caloric intake along with exercise and listen to other mothers moan about late night feedings and leaking boobs while trying to exercise.

add me.

(I warn you now, I swear like a sailor):blushing:


  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Well, I'm no longer a nursing mom (my youngest self-weaned in November), but I have a lot of awesome friends who are nursing moms on my list. I did lose almost all my weight while nursing, and I'm no stranger to being up all night thanks to both of my girls going through a stage with nightmares right now.
  • hayles333
    hayles333 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm still nursing my 10 month old (no plans to stop anytime soon either). Feel free to add me! Happy to share ideas, my diary is open...also happy to share war stories about late night feedings, working out despite being a sleepless zombie, and what this weight loss combined with nursing has done to my boobs (or as I lovingly refer to them..."dried up raisins" or "deflated balloons"...good times!). :tongue:
  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 5 month old and don't plan on stopping anytime soon either. Though hoping when I start her on foods properly it'll cut down a bit! Lack of sleep is worst lol but I have a 3 year who has only slept through once since he was born so I'm used to being up in the night. Is anyone adding extra calories because there breastfeeding? I add 300 which makes my calorie intake allowance of 1500 but I'm only 5'2 so though it mite be too much.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    Breastfeeding my 13 month old with no plans to stop,
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    Im nursing my 12.5 month old. I love it! So no plans to stop soon. Add me I need more friends :)
  • MJLA71
    MJLA71 Posts: 3
    Hi I am still breastfeeding my 20 month old daughter. She really enjoys it for food, comfort and sleep time so I'm not sure how to stop! Doesn't help that we are co-sleeping. I want to stop bf and get her in her own bed but she screams and screams and nothing settles her.

    I have also put on 30lbs which is proving VERY difficult to shift this time (I lost 2 stone before become pg and it came off easily then)

    I wonder if my body is preserving weight because of the breastfeeding?

    Anyone else feeling frumpy and unsexy?

    Saying that, I do love her to bits and the bf is certainly very nurturing for both of us! X
  • wheezeybouncer
    wheezeybouncer Posts: 122 Member
    My 4yo self weaned a few months back. He was the 3rd I bf so leaky boobs, being extra hungry and the ll nighters? yup I have vivid memories! Feel free to add me :)
  • Still nursing my 10 month old! With my first daughter who nursed until she was 3, the weight just melted off. This time it is being a little more stubborn! Lol! Definitely add me! :)
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i am also, but this probably isnt about the same thing
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I nursed mine to 24 months and I just wanted to say this post is AWESOME. Great job everyone!!
    I myself could lose no weight and actually gained quite a bit while nursing for 2 yrs :blushing:
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    I'm not currently nursing but I am due August 30th and will be breast feeding. I nursed my daughter until she was 18mo and lost 93lbs in the process so feel free to add me and just reference this post so I don't accidentally decline please :)
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Breastfeeding my 7 mo, no plans to stop for awhile if I can.
    Has anyone found that babies (like 7mo) want to wean themselves off milk? My little girl doesn't really want it anymore, will have only 2 feedings a day (she's on 3 solid meals a day), one of which is a dream feed as that's the only way I can get her to drink anything.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    My daughter is only 7 months but we plan on continuing until she self-weans. Please feel free to add me...although the weight isn't melting off me. Boo!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Breastfeeding my 7 mo, no plans to stop for awhile if I can.
    Has anyone found that babies (like 7mo) want to wean themselves off milk? My little girl doesn't really want it anymore, will have only 2 feedings a day (she's on 3 solid meals a day), one of which is a dream feed as that's the only way I can get her to drink anything.

    Can you pump and give it to her in a bottle or sippy cup? My son weaned at 9 mos but that was because he started becoming more mobile, less interested in cuddling/nursing, my supply got low because I got pregnant with my second so I started supplementing with formula and mixed it with what little milk I could pump out for as long as I could and just could not keep up with his demands (he's huge, he was 30lbs at his one yr checkup).
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I hope to be breastfeeding again in about 2 months time. I breastfed my son until he was 3.5. My mojo (in all senses!) didn't come back until he started to sleep better at 18 months, so I'm hoping this time it will come back sooner, as I caught the running bug just before I got pregnant.

    Unfortunately I also have gestational diabetes, so the Drs will be on my case to return to a good weight and waist size. I had a BMI of 21 when I got pregnant, and I started to lose weight when I had to cut carbs about two weeks ago, so I suspect I won't be needing to lose too much weight after the birth. Last time I gained in the early days of breastfeeding, but I'm much more clued up now.

    My diary is open to friends, but be warned, I eat A LOT! :laugh:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Oh, and if breastfeeding makes you feel less than glamorous, Google Hot Milk nursing bras. They are great for adding some oomph ;)
  • sueclare38
    sueclare38 Posts: 125
    I'm still breastfeeding my daughter who is 21mths, sometimes she just has a bedtime feed other times it can be 3-4 times a day, she just makes her routine up on a daily basis. Feel free to add me, my diary is open.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I am breastfeeding my almost 3 month old, and my diary is open to my friends. The weight is not melting off like I had hoped (being pretty stubborn actually!), but I am sticking to at least 1500-1800 calories a day and more if I am more active to not hurt my supply. Other moms are free to add! :)
  • Jungle_Julie
    Jungle_Julie Posts: 11 Member
    i am also, but this probably isnt about the same thing

    CHEEKY :laugh:
  • coraann23
    coraann23 Posts: 6
    Hey I'm breast feeding my 5 month old and would love some moms who are doing the same add me please
  • Emmy360
    Emmy360 Posts: 69 Member
    Hie still nursing my 18month old..Feel free to add me..Love to see how other moms are getting it done.
  • Emmy360
    Emmy360 Posts: 69 Member
    WOW! I did not know you could log your breastfeeding. Thanks to a new friend, another member when I looked on her profile I found it. Could have been using it all along.. Tanks
  • How did you log your BFing????
  • jfwahl
    jfwahl Posts: 6 Member
    I am breastfeeding my 3 1/2 month old and have a 21month old.I stopped breastfeeding my first when I dried up. She was a year old at time time. Feel free to add me. I have been working out or walking almost everyday from the time my baby turned 5 weeks old and can't seem to loose a single lb. I just started on myfitnesspal and hope this helps. It's nice to know that many new breastfeeding moms are having problems with this. I thought I was just me or that I was eatting too much. I logs my food and I don't seem to be. SO hope this clears up after she is don't BF. Please add me too if you want.
  • danalin26
    danalin26 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm breast feeding my 9mo dd. I don't lose the weight with my dd's like I did with my ds's :sigh:
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    currently nursing my (almost) 4 month old, planning on going at least a year, but will be doing baby-led weaning :)
  • I am still breastfeeding my 7 1/2 month old and plan on doind this for however long my baby wants to nurse. I am about 15lbs away from my goal weight. Seems like it is really difficult to get these last pounds off. Would love to share with others going through the same thing!
  • belle10317
    belle10317 Posts: 5 Member
    I am BF my 2 month old. I still want to lose 25 lbs...but I know it will go slowly while nursing. I BF my daughter until she was 2.5, my son until he was 14 months (actually tandem nursed them together for one year!). With all my pregnancies I have gained over 60 lbs and have eventually lost it all. I'm looking for support from other BF mom's who are into fitness and BF! Add me as a friend....my diary is open!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I'm still breastfeeding my 6 mo old started insanity today eating between 1800-2000 calories
  • Breastfeeding a 20 month old. Feel free to add me. :smile: