

  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member

    That's what was in those burgers besides meat.

    While they may have changed in the past year....that is plenty of burgers we all consumed with the pink slime.

    I do agree with you jonny that learning not to demonize food as to not sabotage your own weight loss is critical. I still eat Mcdonald's, just very, very rarely.

    I do not agree however that the food is even close to the quality we should be eating or should have access to. It is basically dog food grade meat, cheese, etc. And we do have access to better quality food whether we chose to indulge in it or not. I prefer the taste and consistency of grass-fed beef and I feel better about its effects on the environment. Attack that all you want, I won't feel stupid or change my opinion.

    It is delicious, but it is crap.

    The "Pink Slime" has also been put in school lunches. In my area it has, starting last year!

    Edited to add cool face!! :sick:
  • jaimers1
    jaimers1 Posts: 2
    I gotta say, I'm new to the forums and loving the debates. I think that some people need to not take themselves so seriously. I agree with the original posts from ninerbuff, jonnythan, and the comment from Prattiger65 about the wine being poison comment made me laugh . Now before y'all rip into me, here is my 2 cents:

    I have to disagree with the poster who declared that fast food is 'poison'. I have been a yo yo dieter for too many years to count. Why did I constantly battle the 10 lb loss and 10 lb gain for the majority of my life? Because I had this idea in my head that some foods were 'bad' and some were 'good'? What foods were on my 'good' list? Let's see.. vegetables (no dressing), rice cakes, cabbage soup (yah you've know you've tried that diet right?) and other foods that a book told me would make me lose weight. Foods I did not enjoy AT ALL. I lost the weight every time. And then ate all the foods that I 'wasn't allowed to have' in excess and there I was right back where I was before. It has only been in this past year that I have learned to look at food differently. The reason I am posting this is because just over a year ago I would have made the same comment about fast food being poison. Not anymore. I enjoy fast food because the sugar, fat and sodium make it taste delicious. The difference now is that I enjoy it in moderation. If you had told me over a year ago that I could be the healthiest I've ever been and be able to eat fast food with no feelings of guilt, I wouldn't have believed you. Changing my relationship with food has changed everything for me. But that is my own Personal experience. Emphasis on the word Personal. Every one of us is unique. My wish for all of you here is that you find success with whatever path you choose to take on your journey.

    Oh and BTW, I am a Pescatarian, been that way for my most of my life ... let's bash that now just for sh%&s and giggles!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Why did I constantly battle the 10 lb loss and 10 lb gain for the majority of my life? Because I had this idea in my head that some foods were 'bad' and some were 'good'? What foods were on my 'good' list? Let's see.. vegetables (no dressing), rice cakes, cabbage soup (yah you've know you've tried that diet right?) and other foods that a book told me would make me lose weight. Foods I did not enjoy AT ALL. I lost the weight every time. And then ate all the foods that I 'wasn't allowed to have' in excess and there I was right back where I was before.

    This! A billion times this. This is what I've been saying all along!
  • jaimers1
    jaimers1 Posts: 2
    Why did I constantly battle the 10 lb loss and 10 lb gain for the majority of my life? Because I had this idea in my head that some foods were 'bad' and some were 'good'? What foods were on my 'good' list? Let's see.. vegetables (no dressing), rice cakes, cabbage soup (yah you've know you've tried that diet right?) and other foods that a book told me would make me lose weight. Foods I did not enjoy AT ALL. I lost the weight every time. And then ate all the foods that I 'wasn't allowed to have' in excess and there I was right back where I was before.

    This! A billion times this. This is what I've been saying all along!

    That's why I had to inject my 2 cents in the conversation.. I completely agree with what you were originally saying.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    I found this thread enlightening. I guess I do demonize foods. I had subway today with a coworker and I debated eating my egg whites/apple/greek yogurt lunch.

    I still think it was too high in calories for a lunch (400 for a grilled chicken sandwich?), but I will just do some cardio tonight and bypass the pizza for dinner and eat my original lunch for dinner.

    I guess the problem is the 400 calorie lunch followed by the 600 calories for pizza and 2 glasses of wine while sitting on the couch on a mesage board :-0
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I guess the problem is the 400 calorie lunch followed by the 600 calories for pizza and 2 glasses of wine while sitting on the couch on a mesage board :-0
    They sell under the desk pedal machines for this!:laugh: No kidding.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • luismiguelsilva144
    Options should really watch this documentary:

    McDonalds is NOT to blame for our excess weight. Our sedentary lives, excess carbs and low fat meals are the culprits!
    Go Low Carb, High Fat and you'll lose weight without even trying hard.
  • dhilliges2015
    Good for you! That is great! You don't need that poison!

    did you know that the Big Mac and the fries....DO NOT DECOMPOSE!!!
    yummy huh?
  • EvelynR1967
    EvelynR1967 Posts: 78 Member
    Congratulations! I must admit, I am guilty of going there a few days a week for egg whites. When I am on the run, getting the kids to school and then work, I will get two orders of egg whites plain. They steam them, no butter or salt and it's wonderful cheap protein on busy mornings!!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    did you know that the Big Mac and the fries....DO NOT DECOMPOSE!!!
    yummy huh?
    Neither do fries or burgers made at home. Anything food devoid of moisture will just harden. Ever hear of beef jerky? Or stale pretzels?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I didn't even eat mc d's at my heaviest... cant stand that place... so gross!!! ITS ALL ABOUT IN N OUT BURGER!!!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Congrats, OP. Keep up the determination.

    Separate from the OP, Mickey D's has always been and will always be my least favorite fast food chain. Burger King or Wendy's are more tasty, IMH(umble)O.
  • Aliviuum
    Aliviuum Posts: 67
    Awesome job! I have a very hard time resisting some fries every now and then :) Way to go!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Well I did it this morning!!!! didn't stop at McDonalds!!! I am so excited. One goal I need to accomplish.

    Hey Girl!!!! How goes it that last few days??? I've been thinking about the folks on here that are working really hard to kick the fast food habit. I am hopeful that you are finding what it takes to replace fast food with a sustainable healthy alternative! Still pulling for you here!!!!
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    Congrats, OP. Keep up the determination.

    Separate from the OP, Mickey D's has always been and will always be my least favorite fast food chain. Burger King or Wendy's are more tasty, IMH(umble)O.

    I like Five Guys. The spicy fries are off the hizzle.
  • aneexer
    aneexer Posts: 29
    I have also overcome the McDonalds crave I have to pick my grandson up from day care during the week and we stop at McDonalds so he can have an ice cream cone and play on the lack of equipment. As soon as I know we are going there my mind starts racing as to what burger I can order but NO once in there I will order the same as my grandson, an ice cream cone.

    The temptation is getting less and less the more we go there and I am quite proud of myself for not listening to that bad side of my brain haha :)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I found this thread enlightening. I guess I do demonize foods. I had subway today with a coworker and I debated eating my egg whites/apple/greek yogurt lunch.

    I still think it was too high in calories for a lunch (400 for a grilled chicken sandwich?), but I will just do some cardio tonight and bypass the pizza for dinner and eat my original lunch for dinner.

    I guess the problem is the 400 calorie lunch followed by the 600 calories for pizza and 2 glasses of wine while sitting on the couch on a mesage board :-0

    That is only 1,000 calories. I still have 800 more. More pizza, please.
  • raydolph
    raydolph Posts: 43
    That's an awesome start OP. You can keep it up. I used to stop at McDonalds 3-5 times a week for lunch and get 2 McDoubles and a large fry. It was a cheap and easy lunch that I later realized was 1300 calories!!!! It's been 4 months since I've had any food from McDonalds and I truly don't miss it. I still stop there maybe once a week for the sugar free vanilla iced coffees.

    Keep up the good work. You will feel better and your body will thank you for not eating there.
  • cseckinger1
    I have never eaten at McDonalds. I will buy my daughter happy meals there once in awhile, but I've known for years that food is not good for us. I think they must sprinkle their french fries w/cocaine bc they are addicting! Just kiddlng. Stay away please & you will be so much better for it.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Congrats, OP. Keep up the determination.

    Separate from the OP, Mickey D's has always been and will always be my least favorite fast food chain. Burger King or Wendy's are more tasty, IMH(umble)O.

    I like Five Guys. The spicy fries are off the hizzle.

    The Habit has five guys beat....hands down! Bomb