

  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    I haven't posted goals since joining this board, but I suppose it will be to continue to log everything I eat and keep moving. MFP has helped so much, even compared with WW that I did for years.

    Sandy - your kebabs/kabobs sound delicious. I was going to say I'd look for the Kraft dressing you mentioned but just remembered you're in Ontario? Maybe it's not available here. We have some good Canadian friends who live in the US and always stock up on Kraft Cucumber dressing when they go home. They used to share their stash with us when we lived near them. It was good. I contacted Kraft about it but they said they had no plans to sell it in the US.

    Michelle in IL - welcome. I'm new too and love reading everyone's posts.

    Mamby - I so agree with you. There are a lot of people on MFP who say 1200 caloaries is too low, but I know I don't lose weight these days if I eat much more than that. I have definitely found that cutting down on carbs has helped me. I still eat some fruit/berries and certain carbs, but try to have them earlier in the day. I love bread and pasta, but know that if I have a heavy carb day I wake up the next morning craving more carbs. It's whatever works for each of us.

    Grandmallie - I thought of you when I saw the Geico ad earlier. That camel is like the annoying person in the office who thinks he's soooo funny.

    Helen in Needham, MA
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Howdy from hot Omaha. I slept in this morning so I went walking instead of water aerobics and boy was I sweating! I had a fun lunch with my friend Peggy yesterday. We went to Longhorn steakhouse. As we were talking I kept feeling something crawling across my left foot, but each time either of us looked we didn’t see anything. I thought I was going crazy until I finally looked down and there were several ants crawling on my foot. So I kicked them off and kept on visiting, and the sensation came back. We both looked down and my foot was now covered in ants! So we asked to move and while the waiter moved us, I went outside to get rids of the little suckers for good. The manager and waiter were very apologetic, and I kept saying it was no big deal, they kept coming back and apologizing, and when it came time for the check….no check! They comp’d both our meals! Very unexpected but nice!

    Jazz on the Green last night was very nice too. It was a zydeco band (Cajun music). The paper estimated over 10,000 people were there, plus hundreds more at the restaurants that ring the park. We didn’t have the best seats but enjoyed it anyway. Watching people (and their dogs) is the most fun and we were on a sidewalk. We did scope out a better location for next time and since DH works right by the park, he can go right after work and hold the spots. I ended up with nearly 10,000 steps on the fitbit too!

    Janie: hooray for the more fitted shirt being comfortable!

    Amanda: I’m so sorry about your dad and how unhelpful your family is! You do need to take care of yourself though too! If he is being taken care of in hospital, can you let the nurses manage for a few days and get better yourself?

    DeeDEe: sounds like you have a busy day! Let us know how all those other tests come out and ice that finger!

    Ohiomomm and patceoh: hope you have a few days of nice weather now.

    Tere: rainy weather is like a sleeping pill for me!

    Grandmallie: have you seen a dr about your foot? Hope it feels better soon!!!

    Linda: last night we watched with joy as a very young girl (maybe 8?) danced with a very old man (maybe grandpa or even great grandpa) and they were good!

    Elliemay: welcome!

    Katla: how wonderful for your husband and his vision! I bet he is delighted

    Pat: sending you virtual sleepiness!

    Heather: sounds like your day was full of good things! I know people here from the UK who are very passionate about cricket! I am not familiar with summer pudding, so I’ll be right over to try some as it sounds delicious!

    Lucy: I too am totally shocked at the sodium content of a lot of foods. I like healthy choice and similar frozen meals but have started limiting them due to the sodium. I can’t believe how food makers think they have to add so much!

    Eatingtolive: you joined by posting! Welcome

    Brooke: we too are having 90+ weather! Makes it hard to want to garden or do anything else outside!

    Robin: hooray for the end of the witching era! I bet you feel so good to be free of her at last!

    Jane: nice to hear about your day. Congrats to hubby!!!

    Joyce: hope you feel better. Let us know what the dr says

    M: your wildlife story made me smile. I capture the little critters and let them loose outside; even spiders!

    Jodios: what a great nsv! I hope you take DH up on the shopping trip offer!

    Kat: I dye too but the part around my face never takes the color so I always have a bit of grey. Well I guess that at least looks sort of “natural” LOL

    Amanda: I’m glad the dr kept you if you have a fever!!!

    Katla: I vote for the skinny teenager! I died laughing at that!

    DebA: I’m jealous of your days on the water!

    Kayakutie: I admire your fostering! Have a great trip!

    Sandy: most of our feeders are in squirrel cages and the ones that aren’t contain safflower. My cats make a chirping noise when they get excited. One of them actually tried to jump through a window yesterday. He crashed to the floor looking quite bewildered!

    Michelle: welcome to you too!

    Vicki: stay cool!

    Carol: nice to see you! We have been missing you!

    Well I need to get back to work on the book, then brave the heat to do a little gardening. I look a fright right now so I was glad when DD#2 told me her friend couldn’t’ come spend the night tonight. DD#1’s best friend was here last night. Her boyfriend dropped her off and we all had a nice visit. He’s a very nice guy but her parents HATE him, so he’s glad to come here where we talk nicely to him LOL. Take care and stay cool, Meg from hot Omaha where I think the senior golfers on tournament are melting.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,811 Member
    evening all.
    I am in sooooo much pain, I will be hittin the hay soon. my left heel has reached it's breaking point. even with the new orthodic's nothing is working..
    I made an appt with a podiatrist for next thursday and we will take it from there.. I love to walk but for my heel right now I think until this is resolved I better stay off my feet when I can.
    which ticks me off,how the heck can I exercise ?
    Oh well I will figure out something..
    well this chickie is off to bed, sad when it is only 6 pm, but I can't move...
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I am so psyched! I feel like a fat burning machine! Friday is my official record keeping weigh in day and I am down 3 pounds. Booyah! Total loss now 122 pounds. Tomorrow morning I will go to the gym.

    Pat: I agree, I’d rather eat something and get that satisfaction than whirl it up and drink it. \

    Michelle: welcome. I’m new too, this is the greatest group of ladies!

    M: great to know someone is right near me, looking forward to meeting IRL. I’m going to try some of those berries next walk!

    Helen: I am like you with the 1200 cals. I can’t really eat more than that and lose weight effectively. I really think it’s not just the number of calories but also the nutritional value of them. So, I choose not to have bread around cause it’s hard to stop eating it for me!

    Deb: it’s great that you have having some relaxing days. Cleaning is also oddly relaxing to me, it’s so nice when it’s done and you sit back and revel in the results!

    Barbie: wow, 33,000 steps! I still haven’t made it much above 20,000.

    Topskaren: big huge congrats on making your goal! Here’s to maintaining that triple digit loss!

    Vicki: Dryer sheets! I have to try that, thanks for the tip! Ugh, I can hear the dental drill in my head, I hate to think about it. I hope they can deal with my phobia, appt is Wednesday… I’ll probably starting feeling nervous about it come Sunday night. 

    Grandmallie: sorry to hear about your foot. You can do all kind of great exercises lying or sitting down. Just using your own body/limb weight is surprisingly effective. My physical therapist had me doing lying down leg and body lifts. I can do them right on my bed, so it’s really no impact at all. Sitting in a chair, you can lift up soup cans, or something even heavier if you want, with outstretched arms to build upper body strength. There’s probably a bunch of great ideas on you tube or google.

    Meg: sounds like a fun time. I have been to Omaha a couple of times, my dad lives there. I’m glad to hear you got the check comped, that’s the least they could do! Not too appetizing to be under ant attack while dining.

    Yay, Friday! So what if it’s raining! Again. At least it’s not in the 90’s! And I am getting healthier in mind and body.

    Kat in Maryland
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am such a bad girl. I did not call the doctor today. I took an Ambien, 3 Tylenol ES and 2 Aleve at bedtime last night and I slept like a baby and woke up pain free except for a little bit of neck stiffness. But around 4 the pain started up again. It's full force now. But I felt OK when it was time to go to the nursing home to see MIL. I don't know if it is a NH home rule or Medicaid rule but they say she has to spend her account money on herself. That has been fine up till now. We have bought her about as much as we can think of buying. Next week is the week to buy flowers. But she wants to give her 2 sons birthday presents. Her other son liked the cuckoo clock we got her so I ordered one for him and that came in today in time for us to get it to her. I do't know how the NH is going to accept that receipt since she already has one hanging on her wall we bought 2 months ago. She wanted me to order one for my husband also but we don't need one at all. The only thing he needs is a weed trimmer and I can't see the NH accepting that receipt at all. Why does a little old lady wheel chair bound need a weed trimmer.

    Headache or not I'm going to the mall tonight. Justice is one of my oldest grand daughters favorite stores and they are having a buy one get one free sale this weekend. Her birthday is next month so I have to get there.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    WOW! Miss a day and it's like you are covered by an avalanche here. Did a kettle bell work out yesterday and had a bit of an NSV. At the end you go down in a pitcher's squat while holding the k-bell and rock up and down on your toes; well I had not done this work out for a few weeks and last night no problems doing what I couldn't do before; pretty sure it's due to kevrits squat challenge--thanks, kevrit!!! I made it to gym this am--treadmill and lifting; about mid-way through my second elephant for that challenge.

    Don't know what it is with bugs in the last two months..........I had the tick bite and antibiotics for that, then I had the wasps insisting on trying to build nests in various places in my car...........now I have an area a little bigger than a quarter on the front of my left shoulder for about four days that is raised and itchy and very bumpy; been told it looks like a spider bite----I am sooooooo over these!!!!

    Grandmallie........sorry you are in pain; hope your foot is better tomorrow

    jodios.........great NSV on the clothes, have fun shopping with your DH

    Kat.......if you ever get the urge to bring your chickens inside, Pampered Poultry and Hen Holster both make washable diapers for the poop so they can be in the house---somehow I can imagine you thinking something along the lines of: "No way in he!!" My friend does bring one of her "girls" in now and then using these...... congrats on the loss!!!

    Amanda.........glad you are following your dr.'s advice; also not impressed with your sibs

    M........my bushes also need trimmed AGAIN...seems I just did them

    Janemartin.............SUPER congrats to your DH!!!!

    Dee Dee...........I think I once read an article on a large lavender farm in NC; don't remember where, though.........sorry about the scale; I saw my rheumatologist yesterday and was 3 more pounds on her scale than mine, so I feel your pain---I'm just going to conclude that mine is the correct reading.

    Meg.........no spangle skirts...........just pom poms and weighted sticks

    Tere..........how about a pic of your Storm---love seeing the pets on here!!!

    Joyce.........hope your headache eases

    Heather............YAY for the wedges; enjoy!!!

    mid-Atlantic.......not too hot ,humid, drizzle off and on
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michelle and all Newbies: Welcome. We get to know you as you get to know us by posting. Join in and soon you’ll know everybody. Where are you from? It is fun to know, as we have members all over the place. Please add your location to your signature. It makes this more fun.:flowerforyou:

    Pat: No foxes here. We have raccoons, which are more dangerous than foxes in my opinion. There were also coyotes a couple of years ago but I haven’t heard about any sightings recently. My neighbor is being more responsible since the raccoons actually got into her house and made a mess a year or so ago. She finally took steps to stop feeding them with the feral cats. At last!:bigsmile:

    Helen in Needham: I have an iphone 4 and love it. DH got a 5 when his old phone died. He doesn’t like his as much as I like mine. I talked him into it because of the great camera.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on great looking comfortable shoes.:flowerforyou: Comfort is always my first priority.:wink:

    Grandmalle: Try cycling until you’re able to walk again. It won’t pound your heels. I’m guessing they have some good cycles at your gym if you don’t have one of your own. Stationary bikes are good places to listen to a book or watch tv. Regular bikes are a ticket to sight seeing.:glasses:

    Kat in MD: Congratulations on the fabulous weight loss. You rock!:bigsmile:

    Joyce: I hope your headache is gone soon. I’ve had one, too, and that is very unusual for me, so I’m quite sympathetic. Good luck shopping.:flowerforyou:

    A headache is interfering with my happiness today. I don’t usually get them and I think this is a lingering symptom of the virus I have been fighting since taking care of DGD in June. DS and DDIL are back from their honeymoon and are moving into a different place. They found a nice neighborhood that is about half way between the base where he is stationed and the city where she is registered for classes this fall. I look forward to seeing it after they’re done moving. This virus has saved us from helping with the move. At last, a silver lining for the sickness.:ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Trying not to let rejection pull me down - yet again, did not get the teaching position. I changed professions and I really love teaching children, parents & fellow teachers say they find me easy to work with and effective, still cannot get hired. I think I have 2 strikes against me - age and weight. Frustrating to throw myself into long term substitute teaching positions, the most recent one for 12 weeks the principal couldn't find the time to come in and observe me. When I asked for a reference letter his response was tepid at best and now I have a letter that expresses absolutely no enthusiasm. Do I use it & have HR wonder why the principal doesn't give 2 shakes about me or not have one and explain why after 12-13 weeks the principal didn't provide one. Would love to say why did you feel I could teach your students with little supervision (& none from you), you happily let me work 50-60 hours a week (yes, I was there before you most days & left after you, too!) yet you damn me with faint praise. Feeling fairly broken right now. Glad I have some place to write this where it won't come back to bite me.
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Well, after 3 days my swollen feet are back to normal, I do have ankles and bones in my feet:laugh: I have been doing some gardening, but not exercising as much as I would like, however, my meals have been healthy.

    Kat - Congrats on the 3 pound weight loss. Wow… 122 pounds down!!!

    Grandmallie – sorry about your painful heel, hope you are back on your feet soon.:flowerforyou:

    Meg – Jazz on the green, a complimentary meal and 10,000 steps…sounds like a great day:happy:

    Helen – Hi, being mindful of what I eat and moving everyday has been very helpful for me too.

    Vickie – I also do not do well in the heat…my feet swell, it’s nice you can do your steps in (I assume) a cool hospital.

    Phyllis – great 5 pound loss in June!

    Jodios – enjoy your shopping trip !!

    Karen – CONGRATULATIONS on making it to your goal weight. Wow…106.5 pounds down!!!

    Barbie – Dancing and walking…33,000 steps…awesome :smile:

    Amanda – take care.

    DeeDee – Sorry about your finger, hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Deb – Kayaking and spending time at the lake…what a great week!

    M. – Enjoy your week-end yard work and gardening, one of my favorite things to do at home.

    Helen – have a great trip/vacation!!

    Sandy – I am going to try your shiskabobs.

    Michele – Hello :smile:

    Yanniejannie – bugs, wasps and spiders…oh no!

    Katla – we have coyotes, cougars and foxes and they all want to eat our lambs:cry:

    Terri, from sunny Oregon
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies, looks like we are in for a hot humid weekend, but we did ask for summer just awhile back so here it is. Drink, Drink Drink your water.

    I have been in the basement using the recumbent bike while trying to get use to the new Tablet DH bought for me, might as well
    keep busy while sitting ,kind of exercising my mind and body, neither one are top shape anymore, lol

    Only lost 1/2 pound this week and will only count it on my marker when I earn the full one!! at least it is moving slow as all get out.

    Congrats to all the successes and NSV, Prayers to all who are in need, hope those who are under the weather get better soon.

    Welcome to all who are new this is a great place to be!!

    Have a great weekend everyone, we are off to the bush tomorrow to pick wild blueberries, fun and hard work at the same time.

    Juanita in Sudbury ontario
  • YamRector
    YamRector Posts: 74 Member
  • Wjmu7
    Wjmu7 Posts: 10 Member
    Stay positive. I am a teacher, too. The main thing I ask myself everyday is Do these kids know I love them? and Did they learn today? I bet you are an awesome teacher. The weight thing...just keep trying. I just read earlier about a lady who has walked 347 miles in one year. Wow! I'm going to start keeping track. That may motivate me to do more. I just had a hysterectomy 11 days ago, and I really don't want to gain more weight. That's what I hear happens to everyone.
    Let's stay positive. I know we can do it!

    Wanda from Texas
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Robin – Yay!!!!!!! So glad you don’t have to deal with SWSNBN any more! It sounded like your new boss and you have a good chemistry. Good luck on your new adventure!:drinker:

    Amanda – God bless your DH and DD, and so glad you decided to heed your doctor’s advice and take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee – So sorry to hear about your “pantry injury”. Hope it feels better soon. You made me laugh about putting on makeup so you won’t scare the electrician :happy:

    Jodi – What an awesome NSV!!!! I’d trade fitting into the closet full of my “right weight” clothes over what the scale says any day :smile:

    Pat – Being safe does not mean you’re being a weenie, it means you’re being smart and applying appropriate self-care! :tongue:

    Helen – Please update how it goes for you with your new smartphone and the learning curve to use it, I’m contemplating entering the 21st century sometime soon myself Also, hope you have a terrific trip home. I know we’ll all look forward to hearing about your visit. :happy:

    Janie – I will quote a fairly recent post of mine:

    Any body else come to a crossroads or point in life when you felt as if you'd wasted the majority of your life??? Having worked since I was 13, and having been a hard-working (others said) over-committed, workaholic I find myself at 51 unable to even get a job asking someone it they "want fries with that". In my second marriage, I find myself wondering why I've committed time, energy and precious emotions in men who want something/someone other than me. I have a friend who has always been heavy, has gone through weight loss surgery, who said to me "I feel sorry for the girls who haven't always been fat" - - which is me. I was the same weight from 13 to 49, give or take a few. My weight gain coincided with my job loss, causing extreme self-esteem issues of a depth I'd never experienced. Couple that with a 'marriage' devoid of emotional or physical connection and I've lost my way. My compass is askew, I feel broken I feel as though I've put tremendous effort into my work and my marriage but am at this stage of my life completely empty, devoid of purpose or identity. :sad:

    I had the most amazing responses from this amazing group:

    You’re not the only one – honestly :happy:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “the secret to change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new” – Socrates
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    This Grandma spent to much money at Justice!:blushing: But you get pulled into this 'buy one get one free'. Then I was 30 cents from getting another discount. I had spent so much on the clothes I didn't want to buy any of the things they had at the counter like finger nail polish. I have seen the price of that. So I bought a Snickers:noway: But it was the cheapest thing!!!! But the headache is gone:smile:

    Joyce, Indiana
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member

    Brooke and Janie, I wish I were good with words to tell you how I feel. You are important, lovely people. Your posts are inspiring. I hope that things in your lives turn around and you get the love and support you need and deserve! Until then, we are all here for you.

    This morning some guys came and put up a new shed for us in the back yard. I couldn't help but think about Michele baking for each and every person who comes and does any kind of job at her house. I don't bake, but even if I did I would never have even thought about doing something like that. (And while I was thinking, I prayed that her trip is going well!)

    This afternoon went and got my hair highlighted and cut. And then when I got home dh and I went out to paint the shed. So now the new hair-do is all messy and sweaty. Oh, well. The color still looks good.

    It's early, but I think I'll head for bed. I was rudely awakened this morning (5:30) when some guy came squealing around the corner and took out a street sign. Then he rocked his car back and forth until he got it back on the street and took off. Yikes. That car has to have some serious damage.

    OH. I never did get on a jury...or even in a courtroom yesterday. We were excused at noon.

    Eileen near beautiful San Diego
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :glasses: :glasses: It's supposed to be the hottest day so far this year today, :noway: :noway: Surely it can't be hotter than it was yesterday - can it :noway: :noway: I used to love the hot sunny weather when I was a young un, but now - I have my own internal heating system without the heat from outside too :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I was hoping to get an early start this morning before it got too hot, but we slept in :ohwell: luckily it was quiet on the field where we walk the dog, so that was a nice change. The last few morning there's been a new dog and owner on the field a lovely dog but he does tend to run over to everyone he sees, our dog Frankie hates dogs running over to him - well to be honest he hates dogs people cars practically everything:ohwell: DD has run away when she sees the dog running over, trying to give the owner a hint that we don't appreciate his dog running over to ours, but he doesn't seem to take the hint. Yesterday DD ran off with Frankie but I was too tired to run, so thought I'd stay and have a chat with the owner, and asked that he not let his dog run over, explained that Frankie is a problem dog and doesn't like it etc, the owner said he'd put his dog on a lead but I said there's no need for that, but we'd really appreciate him not letting his dog run over to us. I hope I didn't offend him, but it really winds Frankie up and stresses him out for the whole day if things upset him on the morning walk.:ohwell: The joys of living with a problem dog.

    :flowerforyou: Think I've caught up with the posts, but it's 8:30 a.m. here and already getting very warm:smokin: so I'd better make a start as by dinner time I'll be like a wet rag and fit for nothing.

    :heart: hugs to those who need it and congrats to those who are losing. Still needing the willpower so please keep sending it. :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new posters.

    :heart: Thinking of you all dear Vit F friends.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    Good morning from expected to be HOT Hampshire. I'm talking about the 90s, so properly hot.

    Eileen - I too am thinking about Michele and wondering how it's all going. :heart:

    Kat - 3 lbs in one week. I am madly jealous, :flowerforyou: but I know I could never live on 1200 calories. I find 1650 - 1700 suits me fine and I eat loads, but as I am close to goal the weight loss is slow. SLOW. But I just love to eat. And cook. But WTG girl! Such a fantastic weight loss.

    Granmallie - if you google wheelchair exercises I am told there is stuff on there you can do. I hope the podiatrist can suggest something. Have you had an X ray or other investigation? This has been going on far too long. Since I joined this thread.

    Jane - what wonderful news about DH' MA. A great achievement. May it open many doors for him.

    Karen - what a fabulous weight loss and many congratulations on reaching goal!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I hope you are letting it sink in. How are you rewarding yourself?

    Janie - that is so frustrating! :cry: DH went through something similar when he was looking for a teaching job in his 50s. A lot of disappointments and false starts. In the end he did get one in a great school. It started off temporary but they found they couldn't do without him. I think it was the headteacher that made it such a good place for him. There just has to be a 'click' of personalities and if it doesn't happen then you are just in a place that isn't right for you. I think we have to remember that we can't please everyone, but there is right 'fit' for us somewhere. I am sure it will happen and this time next year it will all seem like a blip on the landscape.:flowerforyou:

    Brooke - I remember that post very well. :heart: I hope we were all of some help. As I am sure you know, many of us have been in that place. Has some of that turned around for you? (Sorry to be nosy) :flowerforyou:

    My Summer Pudding juice hasn't soaked through the bread so I am going to have to boil up a bit more and dribble down the sides of the bowl. Blurgh!:grumble: My fault for not coating the bread first.:sad:

    We got in our exercise and strength training early and I shall stay indoors out of the heat. It's much better than when I had a layer of lard covering me, but still not my favourite temp. DH is in his element - he's like a lizard!:tongue: I can now do 15 full push ups and plank for 1 minute 20 secs. I could not do one PU when I started and could not get off the ground for the plank at all! At yoga I used to look round at the ladies in their 70s, all doing the plank, and wonder how they did it. I seemed to have no core strength at all.

    Hysterectomy lady - sorry don't remember your name - I had a total one in 1998 and have been all weights since, including my current lower one, so it is not inevitable that you put on weight. I used to blame the chemo after my breast cancer, but I am more inclined now to blame the cake!:embarassed: :embarassed: Now I have taken up exercising instead of baking things are under control. I still bake for DH who is super skinny. But I don't eat any of it. Thank goodness for freezers!:bigsmile:

    Lots of love to the strugglers. Physical pain is the pits.:love:

    Heather in soon to be boiling Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I had bad news:cry: , then good news:bigsmile: , then no news:frown: yesterday. Found out lighting took 2 of my cameras out. then found out they are both still under warranty!!! And then no news from my Dr. office:ohwell: , I`m guessing all the test results didn't come in, now I have to wait until Monday:grumble: . I`m not doing so good on the waiting:noway: . I bashed my head yesterday morning on the counter:sad: , I reached down to pick up the dog, and when I came back up the dang counter was in my way:angry: , I saw a few a stars, and now have a lovely bump on my head, it goes well with the black and blue swollen knuckle:tongue: . I`m thinking the stars are just not aligned in my favor at the moment:cry: .

    Not feeling very chatty at the moment:frown: , in a very grumpy mood:angry: ! Hope everyone is doing well and hope you have a wonderful Saturday! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    Grumpy DeeDee in soggy, foggy, miserable NC:sad:
  • bjcl
    bjcl Posts: 21 Member
    Hello everyone, I am Bettyjane and I am 63 I am from NYC but I live in Pa for a long time. I never had a weigh problem as a child or teenager but since I had all my children I go up and down. I recently lost 15 pounds only to gain most of it back over the summer so far. I had to get weighed at the doctor yesterday and reality hit me. When she had to move the big weigh over to 200 it hit me, I need to be serious. My goal is 150, I am tall but am uncomfortable at this weigh Thank you all for listening, if anyone is struggling with the same things, I would love to be your friend so we can encourage each other.
    Thanks for listening
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Now will this work we are at 500 posts.

    As for me i'm busy picking wild strawberries there is some in there that are tame gone wild. I made 4 jars of jam and two of preserves yesterday plus my hubbies favorite strawberry cake. I tried something different for fluff and it didn't turn out tried the egg white replacement. Never again I threw it out and will try my way sometime today. As for right now must get dressed and out of here and get my berries before it gets to hot.

    I need to get on what I was doing when first diagnosed with diabetise. I got the book out and will try and follow it. My sugars are high and don't want that. Sure don't want to end up on insulin.

    So see you all lighter

    To the lady in Sudbury so the berries are ready I pick about 100 baskets a year when the picking is good. Very anxious to get out to the patch.

    Joyce your headaches could of been caused by a lack of sugar if the chocolate bar worked. Our bodies work in mysterious ways.