What is the biggest unexpected surprise after losing weight?



  • DancesWithBirds
    DancesWithBirds Posts: 25 Member
    I didn't read through all 8 pages, so I don't know if anyone else has said this, but I was just noticing the other day that my center of gravity has changed a lot. I'm a lot more balanced and comfortable in all kinds of movements. A couple of years ago we went to the Grand Canyon and my [skinny] friends were getting their photos taken in all sorts of precarious positions, and I couldn't fathom how they could feel safe and comfortable. Now I know.

    I'm also able to climb around, under and over things much more easily than I could before, which is nice.

    Sometimes, though, I still feel like I can't do things. That sucks, because it's hard to get out of that mindset.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    Looking at some big people and thinking- omg it's so easy to lose! but telling them is insulting them, pitty because there is nothing better then healthy critic....
  • I have had many goes at losing my weight! ..... failed miserably everytime. But always get back to I need to do this. my usual pattern of behaviour is do it for 7 - 10 days and then that is it. get discouraged and then QUIT!

    recipe of insanity! - keep repeating the same pattern over and over and expect a different outcome!

    This time I have taken on a completely different strategy..... and have now wittled down 7KG and nearly got my waist down below 100cm. (started at 118CM)

    I was shocked out much stronger I have become and how fast I recover from my insane workouts. And I am doing a 6-8Km walk every day as well to work out the *****s after my hard out insane workout (25 mins of full on exertion with 30- 45secs per excercise (No WEIGHTS- just a training towel) and 15sec recoveries in between.

    My stamina have improved massive amounts also. I have now done 3 x 9 day cycles on my program and it feels fantastic!
  • My surprises are mainly positive. Since I was never overweight, just unfit, I never thought I'd get as much strength to jog, cause I always hated running, now I find it fun. I was surprised at how ripped my lower abs can get by just eating right. Never thought food was even more important than exercise: I used to work out like crazy, but continued eating rubbish, only smaller portions, and never had any results! (dumb me)
  • there are essential oils that you can blend to tighten skin naturally.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Lets see.....
    1 . I can roll over in bed without having to sit up. (or sometimes had to get out of bed completely just to change sides.)
    2. I can wear 2 bracelets that were gift that never fit
    3. I walk every where faster
    4 . I was in the shower, and wondered what was sticking out under my boobs. ( my ribs)
    5. I can cross my legs
    6. I can jump up and sit on the kitchen counter.
  • mochicakes92
    mochicakes92 Posts: 48 Member
    Mainly, the way people (particularly men) treat me now! When I started school last August it was as though I was invisible. Now, almost a year later and 20 lbs lost, men who didn't or would have never looked at me before just ogle me at school. Same when I go to other festivals with lots of people and everything. I haven't really been used to this attention since I was a thinner teen, but I definitely notice it more today than I did back then because it is so weird and new to me now! I'm a sociology student so it's kind of a good sociological experiment on my part ;)
    On the other hand, it's nice not feeling invisible or just being "That chubby chick" but at the same time I almost feel as resentful as I feel proud. Mainly because I wasn't good enough back then for them, I guess? So I guess that's another unexpected surprise, the fact that I don't appreciate the improved way people treat me as much as I thought I would!!
    Regardless though, I am gonna keep losing for myself because I LOVE the way I look now!! That's another thing, how much my own self confidence has gone up so quickly, didn't expect that!
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    how fast I sink to bottom of pool lol

    I used to just bob under and then right back to surface

    People are much nicer to me and strangers smile, which is nice now but sad that heavy people get treated differently.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I love the responses, need to read all of them stil :)
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    My penis grew significantly lol
  • My alcohol tolerance has decreased...BY A LOT!!!
  • I also had acid reflux issues. I used to eat tums like they were going out of style. Add in a couple prilosec every couple of weeks. Since I lost 30+ lbs in the last 4+ months, I've only had 1 episode.
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    Not really unexpected, but nice... my boyfriend bought me a gorgeous ring in Ireland when I was big and also pregnant... I've had to have it sized down once already and now I need it done again!
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    After having lost 158 pounds (and still 37 to go), I have rolls of skin on my back that I must "replace" when I go to bed or whenever I exercise on the floor... However, no more urine leeks, no wobbling double chin, and so many more advantages...
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    My husband's sex drive has mysteriously increased...
  • ejacree1010
    ejacree1010 Posts: 20 Member
    I have been working on myself since 2009 and God has helped me lose over 210 pounds. Every day I wake up and pinch myself to see if this is a dream. I have work really hard to achieve this goal. MFP has truly helped me; I managed to drop 140 pounds since signing up on this site back in January 2012. There are so many things that I notice about my transformation. Just being able to sit comfortably in a Restaurant booth, or riding on a Bus, or Fasten my seat belt, Riding rides at the amusement park. I got my life back and it was worth all the blood, sweat and tears I endured to achieve it. I just give God all the praise and honor for giving me the will power to overcome something that has been haunting me my entire life.
  • soozy_q
    soozy_q Posts: 56 Member
    Rolling around in bed uncomfortable thinking that's I'm lying on something to discover it's my hip bones. That was last time I lost weight though. This time I will not be putting it back on again
  • ejacree1010
    ejacree1010 Posts: 20 Member
    I know how you feel, it is sad to realize that many people went out of their way to not speak to me when I was fat and now some of those same people are all up in my face. I have to pray hard about that because I feel like I am the same person, just smaller. We live in such a shallow society and being over weight sudden give people the right to treat you differently. This entire experience has truly humbled me and I take nothing for granted. Although I love the compliments that I am receiving, I take it like a grain of salt.
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    - I can fit 80% of my old clothes. 20% of those clothes were way too big, and I threw them out. 1 pair was a brand new; only wore once, and then I got too big for them. :[
    -It's cheaper for me to get a buzz when I'm drinking, so I spend less money when I do actually drink (rarely do).
    -My work uniforms are too big for me. Need to get them exchanged so my boss doesn't keep giving me a hard way to go anymore.
    -I get cold a lot easier. >:[
    -I've motivated some of my friends and family (especailly my wife). So now I HAVE to be a good example. lol
    -I feel even more repulsed by some old friends who continue to disrespect their bodies (seriously bro, you're 400+ lbs. drop the mcdonald's and step away...).
    -I walk faster than most joggers.
    -I can't find anyone to jog with for that matter. They hold me back from actually working out. :P
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