40 and finally figured it out...

fitnh Posts: 238 Member
Friends and Family don't let Friends and Family.........
Get Fat!!! Mine didn’t get the memo!!!

If I could go back 3, 4, even 5 years and smack my loved ones and my best friends….I would. Hello? Why couldn’t you just come out and tell me “hey you’re chunky, lose the chunk”. Yeah, I probably would have been hurt, but guess what, I’d be thanking them today. I suppose it is not something someone else can tell you to do; you have to be ready to do it on your own. Well, this past November was my time and my journey began.

I was/am unsure how I feel about posting my before pictures (it’s embarrassing), but can say, without a doubt that I am pleased to post my after pictures. They aren’t really my after pictures because I still plan on losing another 20 or so.

My total cholesterol started at 226, it is now 155. My fasting glucose was 99, it is now 82. My blood pressure is perfect. I feel good.

So….here goes. Side note: This first picture is me at my sister’s wedding, I thought I looked nice. Ugggg---I guess I owe her an apology!

Eat Clean and Train Dirty!!! ~M


  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Holy smokes! What a transformation -- you're looking HOT :flowerforyou:.
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks :)
  • rswalls
    rswalls Posts: 157 Member
    You look great - way to go!!
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    I'd do ya.
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks Rhonda and DM!
  • peanutbutterz
    peanutbutterz Posts: 74 Member
    awesome!!! Congrats. How much did you lose in total?
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    Nice Job!
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    PB 42 so far...want to do another 20 or so.

    Thanks mj!
  • RockClimber69
    RockClimber69 Posts: 82 Member
    Wow! You look awesome! Great job!
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Even though you were heavier then, it seems like you were always a beautiful person. However, as I mentioned before, you took corrective measures, worked hard and now you're inspiring others, myself included. Nice job, babe. ;)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    So glad you figured it, holding others accountable is never the way to go. This journey is personal and you must always hold yourself accountable. Congrats!
  • DaniDC28
    DaniDC28 Posts: 83 Member
    WOW! I'm inspired! You look great!
  • machew777
    machew777 Posts: 1
    Wow, great job 41 lbs lost is a phenomenal accomplishment and your goal of 20 more is great. I have been on my fitness pal for 5 days and have lost 6 lbs! My goal is losing 35 lbs so it's nice to see someone who is sticking with it and changing the lifestyle and breaking out. My wife and I were just sharing about how it's not PC to share with loved ones that you are concern with their weight and lifestyle. My mother in law did this day before yesterday with our niece and her parents flipped out! Ugh. Well congrats and keep it up!
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Loving someone also includes "tough love" which is a very hard thing to administer to those we care about. That tough love may sting at first but it could very well end up saving that person's life.
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    What a fantastic job! Keep it up girl!!
  • shortie_cheryl
    shortie_cheryl Posts: 19 Member
    You are looking great! Excellent muscle tone in the legs!
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    Loving someone also includes "tough love" which is a very hard thing to administer to those we care about. That tough love may sting at first but it could very well end up saving that person's life.

    Nicely stated Jason, exactly! :)
  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    You look awesome!!! I would DIE for your legs!!! Well not die but feel like it :) and I shall train dirty for them this evening!! SUPER INSPIRATIONAL!!! :flowerforyou:
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words....I work my butt off for those legs, do have to thank my parents too, genes play a factor too. I hope I can inspire even a few people, it's hard work, but so worth it to feel good, confident about who you are.

    I know each and everyone of you who are on this journey too can absolutely do this!
  • alwilson1974
    alwilson1974 Posts: 28 Member
    You look AWESOME! I am about to turn 40 in 7 months! I only pray my results are as good as yours.
  • mickeyullrich
    mickeyullrich Posts: 156 Member
    You look amazing and have been so motivational and inspirational to me! As your best friend, I was too busy struggling with my own weight to give you grief about your own. It's hard to point out to someone how they should lose weight when you can't even do it yourself...If I could go back in time I would slap us both :wink: !

    Regardless, I am so proud of how well you have done and hope you are proud of yourself too! :heart: you!
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    You look gorgeous - awesome job!! BTW, I envy your legs tremendously!
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    You look amazing and have been so motivational and inspirational to me! As your best friend, I was too busy struggling with my own weight to give you grief about your own. It's hard to point out to someone how they should lose weight when you can't even do it yourself...If I could go back in time I would slap us both :wink: !

    Regardless, I am so proud of how well you have done and hope you are proud of yourself too! :heart: you!

    I ♥ you MU!!!!!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yep, I was 40 too when I figured it all out,,
  • Cherie0622
    Cherie0622 Posts: 87 Member
    I want your legs <3 You look awesome!
  • You look amazing! What an inspiration you are!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Wow you are super strong! You were always pretty though, don't be so hard on the old you!!!
    Nice work!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    You look amazing and have been so motivational and inspirational to me! As your best friend, I was too busy struggling with my own weight to give you grief about your own. It's hard to point out to someone how they should lose weight when you can't even do it yourself...If I could go back in time I would slap us both :wink: !

    Regardless, I am so proud of how well you have done and hope you are proud of yourself too! :heart: you!

    Aw this is sweet. I have to say though, I have some friends who are struggling with their weight, and they don't need me to tell them. They already know, I can tell. Everybody needs to go on their own journey in their own way.
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    You look wonderful!
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    You look amazing and have been so motivational and inspirational to me! As your best friend, I was too busy struggling with my own weight to give you grief about your own. It's hard to point out to someone how they should lose weight when you can't even do it yourself...If I could go back in time I would slap us both :wink: !

    Regardless, I am so proud of how well you have done and hope you are proud of yourself too! :heart: you!

    Aw this is sweet. I have to say though, I have some friends who are struggling with their weight, and they don't need me to tell them. They already know, I can tell. Everybody needs to go on their own journey in their own way.

    You are correct Steph....I think it helps others to see "you" living healthier rather than being told "you" should.
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