90 Day Weight Loss Challenge



  • xarchie1980x
    xarchie1980x Posts: 36 Member
    congratulations to everyone who had successes this week.

    I had a bad last week, so am not weighing myself today, and plan to join in with u guys from next friday onwards!

    hope everyone has a good weekend! :)
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Happy Friday to all! Congrats on all the good results on the scale! I'm still waiting for my 10 days to be up to weigh in, so I will post on Tuesday. I am really feeling good about it this week & am hoping the scale agrees with me! I've been doing lots of leg work this week & running stairs. My calves are mooing today! :laugh: I have lots of biking to get done this weekend for another challenge I need to complete by the end of the month.

    I hope you all have a fantastic, fabulous & fat free weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Hey everyone. Sorry I missed the Friday post and weigh ins, I did not feel like myself all weekend. I did weigh myself on Thursday and I am at 146.4. I never can recall ever being that light.
  • king6083
    king6083 Posts: 30
    Hey everyone. Sorry I missed the Friday post and weigh ins, I did not feel like myself all weekend. I did weigh myself on Thursday and I am at 146.4. I never can recall ever being that light.

  • krazie4u247
    krazie4u247 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey everyone. Sorry I missed the Friday post and weigh ins, I did not feel like myself all weekend. I did weigh myself on Thursday and I am at 146.4. I never can recall ever being that light.

    that is great!! What is your goal weight?
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Thank you. Oddly, my goal is 139. Just wanna be a odd ball. At first it was 150 and I made it to that and maintained it for 3 months, now that I am lifting more weights I made it to 139.
  • krazie4u247
    krazie4u247 Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you. Oddly, my goal is 139. Just wanna be a odd ball. At first it was 150 and I made it to that and maintained it for 3 months, now that I am lifting more weights I made it to 139.

    That's a good goal. I am not sure what my weight goal is because I am not sure how I will look. But I think I want to be anywhere between 145 and 160. So once I get to 160 I will see how I look and feel and go from there. I sort of want to be 18% body fat so what ever I need to lose to weigh that. I know muscle weighs more than fat, so I just want to be lean and tone.
  • melcap
    melcap Posts: 148 Member
    oops i forgot to post... 141.2 this week!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Thank you. Oddly, my goal is 139. Just wanna be a odd ball. At first it was 150 and I made it to that and maintained it for 3 months, now that I am lifting more weights I made it to 139.

    That's a good goal. I am not sure what my weight goal is because I am not sure how I will look. But I think I want to be anywhere between 145 and 160. So once I get to 160 I will see how I look and feel and go from there. I sort of want to be 18% body fat so what ever I need to lose to weigh that. I know muscle weighs more than fat, so I just want to be lean and tone.

    That is what I did also. In the Navy, for my height, 160 is the max, so I definitely wanted to get below that. I have been tired having to get taped, so I wanted to get to a point that I no longer had to worry about a "bad day" on a scale.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    08-17-10 218.0
    08-21-10 217.2
    08-31-10 214.4 Not as great as I had wanted....TOM showed up today :grumble:
    09-07-10 Goal >>>> 210
    10-08-10 Goal >>>>200 >>>>>Leave for my CRUISE!
    10-21-10 Goal >>>>199 >>>>>My 39th Birthday!
    11-15-10 Goal >>>> 193 (25 lbs lost in 90 day Challenge)

    Hopefully when TOM leaves and with my weekend of camping - planning on hiking, biking, canoeing & doing lots of walking....there is hope I will hit my Labor Day Goal of 210.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    08-17-10 218.0
    08-21-10 217.2
    08-31-10 214.4 Not as great as I had wanted....TOM showed up today :grumble:
    09-07-10 Goal >>>> 210

    Hopefully when TOM leaves and with my weekend of camping - planning on hiking, biking, canoeing & doing lots of walking....there is hope I will hit my Labor Day Goal of 210.

    I think you will definitely reach it, remember TOM causes most women to retain water. I think you did great for your 8/31 weigh in!
  • I have been such a slacker this week. No exercise, haven't even logged in. I was shocked when I stepped on the scale this morning, which I was dreading, to find out I only gained 2 ounces. I am back ladies! How is everyone else doing?
  • Weighed in at 189.8 this morning. Up 1.8 from last Friday, but my cardio has been down. I think that has helped get my glycogen/water back up to normal levels. I'd consider this weeks number to more accurately represent my real progress.
  • krazie4u247
    krazie4u247 Posts: 51 Member
    I left for camping friday, but I was down to 170.5 for the previous week. Hopefully camping didn't make me get fat. We shall see.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    08-17-10 218.0
    08-21-10 217.2
    08-31-10 214.4
    09-07-10 212.4 Not too bad since I was away camping since Thursday! :ohwell: Goal >>>> 210
    10-08-10 Goal >>>>200 >>>>>Leave for my CRUISE!
    10-21-10 Goal >>>>199 >>>>>My 39th Birthday!
    11-15-10 Goal >>>> 193 (25 lbs lost in 90 day Challenge)
  • I know I"ve been MIA but I haven't stopped trying. I'm proud to say that I'm making better decisions everyday without depriving myself. I'm feeling better, doing better, have more energy, sleeping better, and I'm trying to be a better me everyday.

    Its great to see so many others doing so well. Keep it up everyone. for those who may have had a bad day or week. don't be down just learn from it, do better the next day. One choice at a time, one meal at a time, one day at a time.

    We're WINNING!!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • krazie4u247
    krazie4u247 Posts: 51 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I weighed in this morning and I am down to 169!!! Whoo hooo. It is funny, I have been this weight before but I don't remember looking like this. So I think my working out is making my body sexier.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I weighed in this morning and I am down to 169!!! Whoo hooo. It is funny, I have been this weight before but I don't remember looking like this. So I think my working out is making my body sexier.

    Awesome job to you! And I have to agree on the weight thing - I have weighed less than I am now before, but NEVER was I in a size 12! It goes to show that working out really does do a body good! So here's to getting our sexy back! :bigsmile:
  • krazie4u247
    krazie4u247 Posts: 51 Member
    This morning when I weighed in I was still at 169. I haven't worked out as much as my body is used to. I am super stressed and rushed to get my thesis done. So as long as I don't put on stress pounds I will be happy staying at 169.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    08-17-10 218.0
    08-21-10 217.2
    08-31-10 214.4
    09-07-10 212.4
    09-17-10 208.4
    10-08-10 Goal >>>>200 >>>>>Leave for my CRUISE!
    10-21-10 Goal >>>>199 >>>>>My 39th Birthday!
    11-15-10 Goal >>>> 193 (25 lbs lost in 90 day Challenge)
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