Looking to add friends with open diaries



  • endureandpersist
    endureandpersist Posts: 59 Member
  • fabry12
    fabry12 Posts: 32 Member
    Mine is open to friends, feel free to add me.
  • elliebear2012
    elliebear2012 Posts: 12 Member
    I think mine is open, feel free to add me Hun xxx
  • Mine is open too. Feel free to add me :) I'm an honest tracker
  • Michelleh118
    Michelleh118 Posts: 42 Member
    Mines open ????
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    feel free to add me. my diary is open
  • catbubbles
    catbubbles Posts: 28
    my diary is open to friends. I feel it makes me more accountable to more than just myself. It is great to see what others are doing because it helps with ideas. The same 'ol same 'ol can get boring. Add me if you wish :)
  • ARoe9410
    ARoe9410 Posts: 97 Member
    Mine's open too, anyone feel free to add me. My meals are kinda boring and I'm not the most consistent logger (esp weekends), but I'm working on getting better at that! :)
  • emlott88
    emlott88 Posts: 75 Member
    Open diary for friends, added you :)
  • Brittles927
    Brittles927 Posts: 348 Member
    I'm very new to MFP would love to get some friends on here for ideas! Feel free to add me! :)
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    Mine is open and it reflects my moods, energy level, etc frighteningly well. Am normally an extremely inventive menu planner but had to get thru some emotional/physical hurdles over the last 2 weeks so right now not reflective as a whole of what my meals look like (except for the homemade soups in there at least 2x a week). I have written out menu plans for weeks ahead that are all based on seasonal foods; as long as my world stays good I will live up to them.
  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    If you haven't found enough friends by this topic, then by all means feel free to add me. Mine is open, I log everything.
  • megfischer
    megfischer Posts: 12 Member
    Why is it that people are responding that their diary is open, but when I cluck on their profile, it isn't available? BTW, mine is open, I think!
  • megfischer
    megfischer Posts: 12 Member
    Never mind, mine is not open, even though I set it to be public....how can I change that!
  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    Never mind, mine is not open, even though I set it to be public....how can I change that!

    Maybe they mean open to their friends.

    Go to settings, diary privacy, public
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Never mind, mine is not open, even though I set it to be public....how can I change that!

    Maybe they mean open to their friends.

    Go to settings, diary privacy, public

    Just what I was thinking. Mine is set to be open for friends, but not to the public.
  • megfischer
    megfischer Posts: 12 Member
    Never mind, mine is not open, even though I set it to be public....how can I change that!
  • lynnerack
    lynnerack Posts: 158 Member
    Mine is open but I'm a 5:2 IF dieter and it works for me so I don't want any criticism!
  • thatTOPSlady
    thatTOPSlady Posts: 199
    Mine is open. I make mine out every morning and print it out, so I know what I'm eating for the day (I do not do well with flying by the seat of my pants). I'm a work in progress and you will still see junk on mine (for instance, at supper today I'm having half a cup of Betty Crocker Loaded Mashed Potatoes).....so...like so many others said, you can read it but you may not want to follow it LOL and please don't criticize it because I am a work in progress. :)

    ~Amy aka thatTOPSlady
  • Add me if you want :)