What is your favorite breakfast?

pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
I am not normally hungry in the morning, but I do feel the need to eat a meal to get some fuel into my body. So I am looking for some ideas. What is your favorite healthy breakfast?


  • Terragina
    Terragina Posts: 1

    for a long time i didn`t eat breakfast in the morning, but in a similar way as you the body needs it to execute the day.

    My favorite breakfast ist the following:

    mild yoghurt
    2 Tablespoons oat bran
    1 Tablespoon flaxseed
    1 Peach or 1 Apple or 20 Grapes, ... (or a combination of fruits, like 1/2 Apple and 10 grapes)

    I really love it. It gives me the power for the day and it fills my stomach, I´m not hungy till lunch.

    Hugs from Germany,
  • Readybrek!

    Om nom nom nom
  • jolodo
    jolodo Posts: 24
    In summer:

    2 weetabix
    With either :
    30g sultanas
    a banana
    or strawberries or blueberries

    Winter breakfast is porridge and sultanas
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
  • matyoung125
    matyoung125 Posts: 72 Member

    Om nom nom nom

    Great shout. *High Five*
  • TheBoev
    TheBoev Posts: 58 Member
    2-3 egg scramble with fresh spinach, mushrooms, red peppers and zucchini sauteed in it. Piece of whole grain toast. Perfect amount of protein and good carbs. I cut it all on Sundays so it's in containers to use so it doesn't take me long to cook up.
    Other days it's a protein shake with 1% milk and frozen blueberries blended in. Both work to keep me full.
  • What are sultanas?

    I guess I could google that one.... lol

    I always have a banana or some whole grain crackers and NUTrition energy mix peanut butter (cinnamon and raisin) before my morning workout, then I eat 1 whole egg + 1 egg white before work.
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member

    Love it!
  • Geojerm
    Geojerm Posts: 291 Member
    If I could have anything it would be a toss up between poptarts or cinnamon toast (tons of butter, tons of cinnamon sugar)

    But, I try not to eat those things very often.... so Iately I'm addicted to homemade granola.... so good !
  • Readybrek!

    Om nom nom nom

    Great shout. *High Five*

    Haha, I just can't be bothered with sprinkling loads of blueberries or blackerries on my breakfast, but fair play to those who do. I just want some good, wholesome porridge...
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I usually have cereal, so I need to come back later and check this thread!
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I don't have much time in the morning during the week, so I usually throw together a smoothie. It keeps me full till around 9 (I drink it at 6am), then I'll have a snack to hold me over till lunch.

    On the weekends, it usually involves eggs, a couple pieces of bacon, 2% cheese, a flatout or a slice of sprouts farmer's market multi grain bread
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Griddled asparagus, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce.
  • imfittted
    imfittted Posts: 73 Member
    On the weekends when I have more time at home in the morning I like 2 pieces of sprouted grain toast (has 4g protein each) w/ whipped earth balance buttery spread.

    On workdays, I usually eat once I get to work and I'll have some type of (lightish) frozen breakfast sandwich or oatmeal and fruit.
  • lukester19
    lukester19 Posts: 72 Member
    Whole wheat spaghetti, 2 eggs, protein shake and a side of veggies.
  • eahill4
    eahill4 Posts: 60 Member
    Trader joes 7 grain sprouted bread and morning star sausage patty. A total of 140 calories and keeps me going for awhile
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    Toast and peanut butter
  • supermaninprogress
    supermaninprogress Posts: 17 Member
    I have two eggs over easy and two pork sausage links. So far this is the only breakfast that keeps me satisfied until lunch, for about 320 calories. I'm not paying much attention to other nutritional content, just focusing on calories at this point.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Pancakes, Eggs, Bacon, Maple Syrup, Melon, and Coffee
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I'm not really a breakfast person. I like to be awake for a few hours before I eat, if I have the chance, which just depends on my hours for the day because I don't eat at work.

    I go through stages. I can't do cold cereal because I just don't find it fills me up for more than an hour. In the winter I do oatmeal with 2 pieces of turkey bacon.

    If I have time, I make my own breakfast sandwich - 45cal/slice sara lee bread or 100 cal thin bagel, turkey bacon, egg and cheese. Usually comes out to 250-300 cal depending on how much cheese and if I use 1 or two eggs. Usually, I'll make enough of the turkey for 2 days so I only have to make it every other day since that takes the longest.

    If I'm home and not going anywhere or if I am running late, it's usually 100 cal bagel, yogurt or granola bar.

    I have tried protein shakes but I just haven't found any of them that I like or that are filling. Soo, I guess it's usually the oatmeal or the breakfast sandwich