When did you decide to get serious about getting fit?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The first time was in my early 20's after I had given birth. Then just before turning 30 I noticed I'd been slacking and I got serious again. Then around age 39 the same thing happened. Then I remarried and got comfortable and just before age 50 I again said "Enough!" and got back on track. Trying very, very hard to not have to say that again in 7 years, but there does seem to be a pattern here.
  • blbasham
    blbasham Posts: 11
    When I went shopping with my sister and had to buy maternity pants just to get something that fit right. I was mortified. But my sis has always been great and told me to get them if they fit and made me feel good. I got them..but knew i never wanted to do that again! I knew it was time for a change!
  • farmer50340
    farmer50340 Posts: 28 Member
    May of last year. We were planning a family vacation to Disney World for September, and my daughter wanted to go swimming. She loves being in the water as much as I did when I was her age. I was over 300 pounds at the time. I promised her that if I lost 20 pounds, we could go swimming. From June 1 through September 20, I lost 40 pounds. Proud to say that we went swimming at Disney World.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I was drunk, and saw pictures of a Warrior Dash. I wanted to do it. Amazingly, I remembered the next day and once my hangover was gone, I started training for it. Haven't looked back since.
  • wmbrett
    wmbrett Posts: 31 Member
    When I hit a BMI that classified me as "Obese." I kept avoiding photos since I did not like my double chin, and looking at photos of my 25th reunion of my old friends - realizing we had all gained weight and very few were in good shape. Over the last 6-7 years, I kept inching up from size 35 and upto size 38 - and just kept getting angry with myself (coincided with my discovering microbrews and having kids). Now I'm a size 34 and just entered the "normal" range for my height.
  • ldnmaggie
    ldnmaggie Posts: 222 Member
    When i was embarssed to even get undressed infront of my boyfriend! And creeping upto a tight size uk 16, seeing all the pretty slim girls wearing what they want and theirs me stuck in baggy tshirts and leggings. Also seeing my BMI as OBESE. No one ever wants to be called obese

    Something had to change. and FAST.
  • tuckersmom72
    tuckersmom72 Posts: 8 Member
    When I kept saying to myself "I'm still young, I have plenty of time to lose weight" and then I woke up and I was 40. I didn't realize that all along if I would have just ate smaller portions, drank lots of water and walked a bunch that it would work, but it has and I feel great.
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    When the dr. said, "if you don't lose weight, we will definitely put you on blood pressure meds. Losing weight may make that unnecessary." I was at the highest weight that I'd ever been. That was December 2012 and I haven't looked back!
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    Several different moments for me.
    1) My dr put me on BP medication at the age of 28.
    2) All of my size 18s were bursting at the seems, but I didn't want to get size 20s.
    3) I moved to a new state, got a new driver's license, and cried when I saw my picture. I joined MFP a week later.
  • CarlaRG
    CarlaRG Posts: 264
    When I saw a video of myself. I knew I was heavy but that just broke me. I lost 35 pounds but then had a family tragedy that sent me into a depression and I gained almost all of it back. So my second course of this journey started almost a year ago now.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    When I had to buy new pants for my new job, and had to grab for a "20".

    4 months later they're so baggy I need a belt, and new pants.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    When I was almost 50 pounds shy of 300 pounds. I got tired of being bigger than every body I hung out with, bigger than most people on my mother's side of the family. I got tired of hearing, "You have a pretty face, if only..." type of remarks. I got tired of my dad's side of the family making me the butt of all their fat jokes. My dating life suffered miserably. I hated to classify myself as BBW, and plus size clothing, just for a pair of leggings were ridiculously priced. If I was the right size for my height I could have bought leggings from Walmart for 3 bucks instead of 50 bucks.

    Then, I was out of breath for everything, even picking up my son's toys would create massive amounts of sweat and panting. I could not wear sweats and dresses because I looked like Barney. I also have an autistic son, who I wanted to be around for. So, all these reasons was when I got serious, plus the doctor telling me that my sugar was elevated and I was getting close to being diabetic if I did not change my eating habits and lose weight. Now, mostly everything that I mentioned has been reversed and I owe that all to getting serious about being healthy.
  • PLoveElliott
    PLoveElliott Posts: 114 Member
    My grandpa was a fitness guru...he was in better shape than most of my friends. He decided to take a bike ride that he had been dreaming of for years....to cycle across the US. He was hit halfway through his trip by a truck. Most people would have died....he survived and the doctors can only attribute it to him having been as healthy as he was (cycling and weight training were a normal part of every day for him).
    When he eventually passed away, I made a promise that fitness would be a part of my life....not just a phase...but a real part of my everyday life.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My husband told his colleague I would be her teammate in a gym challenge. I didn't want to disappoint her by saying no, but I was mad at my husband for signing me up without my consent!

    I ended up winning the next two challenges, joining the gym full-time and now I work for my trainer.

    My man deserves a medal. =)
  • femmefae
    femmefae Posts: 65 Member
    When I realized I was getting close to 200 pounds (168 lbs. starting weight). I'm also 4'10" so it did not look cute AT ALL.
    Nearly 40 pounds later and my curves are kicking, I've run a 5k, and I'm training for a triathlon. **** I couldn't even imagine doing a year ago :flowerforyou:
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I bent down to tie my shoes, and found that it had become very uncomfortable to do so because my stomach was too big.

    I stepped on the scale and it read 265 (shortly before dying from being crushed!) I had actually GAINED twenty pounds since joining MFP. So, I finished out that weekend with pizza, beer, whatever I wanted. I could either get depressed, or get off my *kitten*, and burn it!

    I then started low carb, high protein, zero alcohol, LOTS of exercise plan. Now, 50 days later I am half a pound shy of being down 30 lbs, and I'll be down another ten in three weeks (ready for the beach). By the time of my class reunion in late September, I'll be down at least 50, and where I want to be.

    If I can actually make 66 lbs, I'll be a bit too thin for my frame/height/build and just losing muscle at that point...

    And this is where I want to thank you folks, your support has REALLY helped!
  • SweetDee80
    SweetDee80 Posts: 62
    One day walking down the street, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a sleeveless dress. I didn't even realize it was me at first. Very sobering moment. I hope and pray I can keep this up. I need to change desperately.
  • MrsGspotcpa
    I decided to get fit a few years ago...unhappy marriage and lifestyle....wanted to see if getting happy with myself would improve other areas of my life. It did.....I became a healthy/active/happy person......who is addicted to running and recently got remarried to the most supportive person I know. So much so, that he is going to the gym with me and his goal for 2013 is to run a 1/2 marathon.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    When I met the coroner at my fathers house. I got to see what the end of the road looked like and it was NOT what i wanted but most definitely would see if I didn't change my ways. The next day I quit smoking cold turkey and the rest fell into place. Now a year later I feel 15 years younger and have changed the road i am traveling for good.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    When I had to cancel my family plans for Christmas because I was in ICU with heart and lung issues. And the doctor told me when I was released I would probably have to be on oxygen 24/7.

    The day I was released from the hospital I started tracking my food and decided it was time to take my life back.