When did you decide to get serious about getting fit?



  • JuzDuIt
    JuzDuIt Posts: 222 Member
    When I was watching an ESPN pre-game show with my hubby and they were talking about different NFL players, giving their stats and stuff. Big hulking guys, right? All muscle... imposing guys. I outweighed many of them.
  • When I guessed that my weight was "about 275", was afraid to step on a scale for years out of fear of the truth, then found out I was over 300.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I knew after recovering from a torn achilles tendon that I had to do something. I was hurting all the time, legs, feet, ankles, the most but all over. That winter I had pnemonia, torn achilles tendon, broken nose, and felt horrible. I decided it was time to do something. I was well over 100lbs overweight and it had to go.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    October 31, 2011 after seeing pictures of my friends on Facebook of them running in the Tough Mudder. I felt so left out.
  • Cindymop
    Cindymop Posts: 27 Member
    My defining moment was sitting in a seminar for the lap band surgery with my husband and son (both healthy weights). We were reviewing numbers, blood pressure, sugar, amount of insulin, etc. and, I know it's in Gods hands, but they said that I would probably be dead by the time I was 56 years old if I didn't make some changes. I am 50 now. Yep it kinda lights a fire under you.
    That was February this year. I chose NOT to have the surgery and found a weight loss clinic that follows the Zone Diet. I have now lost 65 lbs. and my numbers are looking excellent now, except for my A1C which is .3 from the normal range. I am off the insulin and all other meds. I feel great and am now in a size 10 jean. I thought I would never again see that size.

    I wish I had found MFP to log all thru my journey, at least I have it now for maintaining my weight. I wish everyone the best in your journey, whether it be weight loss, or just getting and staying healthy. You can do this!:flowerforyou:
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    My mother died last July of a heart attack at the age of 51. In the past few years, I have worked hard to get things in order (money, love life, job) and am so happy with my life in general. Now that I have that taken care of, I want to work on the part I have put off and put off for too long. The knowledge that I might possibly only have 20 more years on this wonderful earth were the kick in the rear that I needed. I miss my mum so much - we were best friends. I know she'll be smiling down on me the day I finally hit my goal :)
  • loriwhitefaith
    loriwhitefaith Posts: 116 Member
    Well, I lost 52 pounds on WW the first time and gained it all back and then some. I went back to WW a second time and lost between 70-75 pounds second time. I gained it all back and then some. This is my third round. I am using myfitnesspal this time. I am tired of the yo yo diet I have done for the past 17 years. I'll be 33 in August this year. Once you decide to quit making excuses and just do it you'll find a way. I am never turning back to old ways old habits. It's not worth it. I finally finally finally finally realize what WW meant all that time saying this is not a diet.....it's not. It is a lifestyle change. It finally sunk into my head. I finally get it now. We all start from somewhere. Unfortunately I have had to do this several times to learn my lesson. This go round I have another 129 pounds to lose as of today.


    PSSSS.....turning back is for wimps

    There is a saying, If you want it badly enough, you'll find a way. If you don't you'll find an excuse.

    No more excuses for me. I'm FOR REAL THIS TIME!

    :smile: Once you get to the point of being sick and tired everyday of your life due to your weight.... you have to take responsiblility for your past actions. I am owning up to mine now. Im changing all them old ways old habits one day one step at the time. I have do or die attitude now. I finally got that feeling at a young 32 years old I will die if I don't do this. When I exercise I say do or die, but it's worth it. I felt like I was dying when I started this in April of this year. I have came so far in just 16 weeks and Im never turning back.
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    When I started exercising to deal with the stress that was going on in my life. If I couldn't control what was going on around me, I could at least control what was going on inside me. It became a habit and I eventually saw results which prompted even more exercise and healthy habits. Now I am more physically fit than I've ever been in my adult life.
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    When I weighed more than I had in my life and was making excuses to myself as to why my last blood pressure was so high ("Oh, I rushed to get to the Dr.'s office, so that's why") <--- yeah right.
  • CooperSprings
    CooperSprings Posts: 754 Member
    Last night.
    I came home from my first jog in almost a year and my depression was GONE for over 2 hours.
    Might not seem serious since it just happened, but whatever.
    Sick of being sad.
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    2 yrs ago, walking up a flight of stairs and almost died b/c i was so winded.

    Now: Toughmudder in Sept.
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    There were several reasons. One was I started to feel really ill most of the time and my digestion was so bad that I thought I needed to see a doctor. The second issue was I started to never want to leave the house because I felt so uncomfortable with myself and in my clothes. Lastly, I had just gotten married and went to go get my drivers license picture. They handed it to me and I looked like a very large, swollen, chipmunk. When I saw that I knew it was time. Past time.
  • schakiiiii
    schakiiiii Posts: 39 Member
    This sounds bad but when I started to feel i didnt deserve the compliments I was getting. I didnt feel as pretty as others said I was. I am my happiest at my pre baby weight and I want a healthier lifestyle for my family. Now a days I see alot of overweight kids and I dont want that for my young one either. :ohwell:
  • karebearandken
    karebearandken Posts: 26 Member
    The first was when my doctor told me my sugar levels were a little high. The 2nd was when I went to put my belt on and I was at the LAST notch. So, instead of buying a new belt, I decided to do something about my weight. That was in February of this year. I've lost almost 40 pounds!! :happy:
  • 08kat
    08kat Posts: 51
    When I saw a picture of myself. I didn't really understand how large I had become, and now I am ready to do something about it. It's time to get down to 1 *kitten* instead of 2. :bigsmile:
  • kaycevaughan
    kaycevaughan Posts: 91 Member
    Whe my daughter turned 1 and I still had every bit of the baby weight. Not to mention seeing the awful pictures of me :noway:
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
    I've been yo yoing my whole life with my motivation and weight and so on, but, I finally realized that I don't want to live my life like this anymore. It was almost an epiphany I guess you could say.
    THIS. ME.

    It was an issue of self respect, and not wanting to be old and fat.
    I can't avoid the 'old' but I can avoid the fat.
  • MaTaylor30
    MaTaylor30 Posts: 11 Member
    For me it was two different event that really made me get serious about losing weight.

    1) my wedding ring is getting REALLY tight. I have gained so much weight that I cant even show off my awesome ring
    2) yesterday I stepped on the scale at just under 200lbs. When I had my daughter 3 1/2 years ago I went into labor weighing 210. I have let myself get to just about the weight I was when I gave birth.
  • First of all, I've loved reading everyone's stories - thank you for sharing.

    I guess lately I've been dealing with feelings of inevitability. Like, my life is going to take some predetermined course that I have no control over. Ever since I got my first 'real' job - desk job - I'd been seeing this weight creep on, and I was tempted just to say "whatever" and use that as an excuse to get fat.

    Another factor is that I've been in incredible shape before and am very active. I've always been the most athletic person among my friends. It bothered me that I wasn't anymore, and that I certainly didn't look like it. Like others have said, envy and competitiveness might seem petty to use as motivation... but, whatever works.

    It certainly feels good to have lost 8 pounds since joining back in May, all while sitting at this same desk :)
  • wrests
    wrests Posts: 84 Member
    I decided to change when my ex posted a picture of me on his Facebook, and someone asked whether or not I was pregnant...whether out of curiosity or spite I guess I'll never know, but they sure did me a favor :flowerforyou: