

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Good Morning Ladies – Wow, think I had 10 pages of catching up to do!!!

    Well I was a little off program this past long weekend at the beach. Did not meet my fitness goals, did not get my 14,000 steps (close on 2 days) and did not log food, although I did not eat too badly and did not have any of the beach snacks I thought I might, my big indulgence was a banana split. So on Monday, back on the wagon again. To make up for lost steps, I got 20,000 in yesterday.

    :smile: JB_2011 – what a wonderful garden you have, the way you have arranged your plantings makes for a lovely landscape, very peaceful looking.
    :smile: Lila – you are lucky to have raspberries, they are my favorite. Do you have bushes you have planted yourself?
    :smile: Many of you have mentioned ants – I came downstairs yesterday and they were having a festival on my countertops. We had put out some ant traps but they do not seem to be working. :smile: DeeDee - I’ll have to try the garlic trick / :smile: Brooke – I also like the vinegar hint.
    :smile: Sandy – so sorry the heat is taking its toll on you. Try to stay cool.
    :smile: Grandmallie – congratulations on hitting the 40lb milestone, that is awesome.
    :smile: Lucy – I don’t think there could be a better NSV!!!
    :smile: Rhonda – good luck w/your family reunion, that is a huge event to plan for.

    Be well and stay cool & hydrated.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning!

    I just couldn't take the "no exercise" order by last night and went for a walk around the neighborhood; I think my pedometer was crying from lack of steps! H/A a bit better this am (w/o any meds), so things are looking up......will take med and get on with my day at a slightly less than normal speed.

    ALSO: as of this am, GOAL reached!!!! Six months and one week, minus 28 lbs.; not the fastest, or the largest loss, but I got there, and, hopefully, with a way of eating that I can stick with. Thanks to everyone here for the friendship and encouragement and kind words during the times they were so needed!!!! I will try to return this many times over to the women of this thread---you are ALL wonderful.

    Rori..........sorry you came back to illness and so emotionally spent......rest, relax and regroup as best you can; all that travel has got to be difficult

    Grandmallie........fingers crossed that the podiatrist can help

    Heather.........hoping that your DH can find his emotional footing.......this woman certainly sounds like a gem.....I get thrown off balance myself by things from the past; sometimes just a song with a special memory. A couple yrs. ago I looked up an old friend (actually, my first real serious boyfriend; although our relationship had ended suddenly and VERY badly) to see what he was up to, only to find his obit---he had died 2 weeks earlier
    hadn't thought of him for years but he had been on my mind in a big way in the days prior to my inquiry. I was an emotional mess for weeks; still feel strange about the timing........too "Twilight Zone".

    Sandy..........hope your BBQ went well and you have regrouped and the heat has let up a bit

    Rhonda...........that's a huge family reunion.........sounds like major fun!!!.......happy cooking

    Meg.........I'm with Joyce; never fond of ACLS testing, glad when it was over........

    Nothing major on the agenda until this evening when I'm going to go to the Tues. night picnic for charity......I'm taking the watermelons so I have to show up for that. About a 40min. drive. I don't think that will be too much........I just help with set up, registration, and then the food.

    Have great days, all!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning!
    Sorry I've been MIA so long but just got back from vacation Sunday night. I found the new link and started reading from there. Everyone seems to be pretty busy right now. I'll fill everyone in on vacation and other stuff after this splitting headache lets up. Between that and my painful toe, not sure if it's broken, smashed it into a ottoman at DS's house, and pain in thigh area, that started after water zumba yesterday, pretty miserable right now. Plus, came home to a broken central air unit so waiting for technician to come back. They added Freon and dye stick yesterday and it's just blowing hot air right now. At least I logged on to MFP so I didn't lose my days but certainly didn't eat very healthy. Luckily only put a few pounds back on. Love and hugs to all! :flowerforyou: Missed you! Prayers and encouragement to everyone, esp. those struggling with health issues and depression. I'm going through a bit right now myself. Hoping to reconnect with all of you soon!

    JB- Love your garden photos, I wish I had half the green thumb you do! At least my hollyhocks seem to be coming back to life.

    Ttyl, Kathy from hot, soon to be hotter, and humid IL
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies,

    Last night I roasted an entire chicken and picked it apart for lunches. I took some with me today to make a wrap. I was eager to enter it to see the calorie and sodium counts and was pleased to find out how much lower the sodium was. I plan to make chicken salad with some, and cut some of it up for wraps or to put in salads. I will individually bag them for convenience. I’m going to have to freeze some because it’s way too much for one week’s worth. It was a little bit of a pain, but I’m hoping it will be worth it in the long run. The smell was driving Milo crazy and he was right behind me as I was picking it apart, so of course, I had to give him a little treat. I think he likes the fact that I’m cooking my own lunches too!

    :noway: Joyce – I was getting light-headed just reading about all those shots you had to take. You are one brave lady! I hope this solves your problem. I have bathroom issues as well, and my doctor also suggested Miralax, but it never worked for me. I do take Metamucil every day. That and LOTS of water helps some.

    :huh: Alison – FLEAS? Your poor FIL! I sure hope you get some resolution and things improve.

    :happy: Janie – Sounds like you have a good plan. Start slow and build. I started with 2 pound weights, moved up to 3 pounds, and I am now using 5 pound weights. Believe me, I FEEL it! Especially when I’m doing one routine where I have to double up on the weights in one hand and do curls…whew! Every little progression is a success!

    :grumble: Deb – Isn’t that always the way? When you need the Fitbit, you never have it on! But the important thing is that you know you got in some serious steps, so congrats and enjoy the kayaking!

    :noway: Rhonda – Welcome! Are you having 65 people stay at YOUR HOUSE???

    :frown: Meg – Between the extreme heat and all the rain, my garden isn’t doing so great. We also have an extraordinary rabbit population this year, and they are eating everything in sight!

    :huh: Kat – What is “tmrw”?

    :wink: Collyfaye – Are you sure you are logging accurately? I found that getting a scale helped tremendously in getting accurate reading on weight. I also measure out everything. It is a bit of a pain at first, but eventually, it becomes second nature.

    :smile: Drkatiebug – I can relate to the problem of getting rid of things. It’s hard to let go. When we had a neighborhood yard sale in May, I finally got rid of three totes full of pants that I hadn’t worn in years. Good luck with your de-cluttering! I hope it’s a smashing success!

    :flowerforyou: Suzy – Congrats on getting in 20,000 steps! I don’t think you have to worry about an occasional splurge (especially on vacation!). The first time I came back from vacation after being on MFP, I had gained 4 pounds and was so upset. Three of those came right off within two days, so I’ve now learned that most of it is water weight. The important thing is that you are back on track!

    Consistent logging (Pretty good except on vacations)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (90%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET!!!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (NOPE, but working on it!)

    Welcome to all the newcomers an keep coming back! Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!:heart:

    Lucy in DE. :bigsmile:
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Good Morning, All

    Great job to all that have maintained their resolve throughout all of the daily challenges and heat! :flowerforyou:

    While I am eating within my guidelines, I have yet to begin a serious exercise routine. Seems whenever I get started on one something interrupts it and I can't seem to get back on track. I really want (or find my old one) a pedometer so I can track my steps. I get so encouraged looking at everyone's numbers.

    Getting ready to leave for a few days to celebrate our anniversary and so much to do around the house getting things ready and the animals situated. Fortunately, we have a wonderful pet sitter that comes and stays at the house while we're gone so we know they are well taken care of (probably spoiled more than we do).

    yanniejannie - congratulations reaching your goal!

    Rhonda - it's nice so many make it a priority and come to the reunion.

    Grandmallie - hope you find relief for your foot pain soon and congrats on hitting the 40 pound mark!

    Collyfaye - understand completely with the frustration but stay with it! I get impatient with wanting the scale to drop each and every day.

    Deb A - hope you have a great time kayaking with friends. Hope to get some in the next couple of days.

    Gotta run and do some work. I'll check back in later.

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Yanniejannie – so happy to hear that your injuries were not major, take care of yourself.

    Grandmallie – CONGRATULATIONS!! :flowerforyou: What a great accomplishment 40 lbs. I do hope that they do something about your FIL, no one deserves that type of treatment but especially so in the golden years. He deserves to have some peace and be treated like a respected member of society. Take care of that heel of yours, I hope the podiatrist helps.

    Rhonda – I hope that bit of rain cooled things off for you. I love seeing the rainbows after a good rain. One of God’s little miracles. Wow that’s a lot of relatives coming, sounds like fun though. I hope you aren't cooking for all of them.

    Meg – you always amaze me at how busy you are. Do you ever just sit and relax? Maybe that’s what you should do during the yoga tape :laugh:

    Kat – sometimes it’s hard to keep up with everything, everyone is so busy. I do love getting to know all the wonderful busy friends

    Collyfaye – maybe the 1200 calories is too low? You have to nourish your body enough to thrive.

    Rori – how sad to say goodbye to so many colleagues. I love that quote too :heart:

    Barbie – you stayed in bed until almost 5 am? WOW, I am soooo NOT a morning person. I drag my butt out of bed at 6 am for work. I can’t imagine getting up earlier. I wish that I was a morning person, that I could get up and get my workout done before work but nope it’s not going to happen. :noway: maybe when I retire.:laugh:

    Drkatiebug – wow – that sounds amazing. I’m more of a “getting rid of things” person, so I would love to get rid of 500 things out of my place but I don’t think there is that much left in my apartment. Good luck with your flinging

    Linda – I love that recipe for jam, gonna have to try that one

    Today is another scorcher. It was 36C in my office this morning, now with the ac on it’s down to a balmy 32C and will probably stay that way for the remainder of the day. I’ve closed the blinds so that the direct sun doesn’t heat it up more. We have the window ac unit running and 2 fans and that’s about as cool as it gets. It exhausts me.
    I didn’t bbq last night, by the time I stopped at costco & the grocery store and get home I was way too hot to be outside bbq’ing. So I ordered a pizza. At least it was whole wheat with a thin crust with lots of veggies & chicken. It fit fine in my calories but bumped up my sodium.
    I’m hoping that going directly home tonight that I can get a workout in before dinner.

    I better get back to work, stay cool everyone

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I’m up and at ‘em this morning. Went to the gym yesterday and had a nasty ache in the middle of my back for the rest of the day. It took two rounds of yoga and a good night’s sleep for it to go away. I think I must be using one of the machines incorrectly. The next time I go, I’ll talk to the trainer and see what it might be. Circuit training is new to me, and I’m doing it because so many people say they get good results and to build some muscles in the places that used to be fat and are now wrinkly skin. It isn’t really bad wrinkly skin, but it needs to be addressed. Here I am, nearly 64 and in better shape than I’ve been since my early 30’s. (And I still have about 10 pounds to go.) You’re all miracle workers.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good morning and Happy Tuesday. I am caught up with reading the posts, time just gets away from me. I so enjoy reading all the posts. Makes me feel like I am having tea with my friends. I finally figured out I can see the pictures(pool-flowers) on my home computer, but not work. They have so many things blocked I shouldn't be surprised. Well we are going thru a cool spell only high 80's. Still doesn't get me outside much. Doing my walking around the hospital and the steps add up. Had a long weekend and now back to work. DH and I went out on the motorcycle last evening. Was a nice ride as not so hot. Even went to this new place for supper and I only had 4 BBQ wings and a diet coke. Was below calories for the day.
    Sue- Sounds like you had a good trip to the Black Hills of SD. When we go up there I love going to Craxy Horse Mt. Only been there twice about 10 years apart. But enjoy seeing how much they get done.
    Joyce- Good news about your sister. Cancer is different for each person and sometimes it is hard to understand. Her DH sounds like a keeper.
    Kat-Congrates on the 25000. I can see you being the poop carrier for the dog park. I am trying to get more steps by doing little things and my DH is not sure what to think as he is used to waiting on me most the time.
    Sandy- Congrates on the 50 pound loss. Hope you enjoy your new charm.
    Meg- I have a GD that lives in Omaha and she goes to Millard Jr High.
    grandmallie- So glad to hear State is checking things out. Fleas now?? They are so lucky to have you. 40 pounds good for you!!!
    yanniejeannie- Thank God you were not hurt worse. If it was me I would go out and kick that shed, but then would probaly break by foot.
    Heather- Prayers to you and DH on your loss, Sounds like she was a very caring lady.
    Lucy- GD sounds like a gem. Out of the mouth of children is pure love.
    Collyfare- maybe you are eating to low of calories. Maybe need to up them acouple days see if that helps.
    I pray those having a tough time and in a funk are doing better. Depression is terrible. I know I used to drink to deal with mine. But DH was very helpful in my recovery and he has delt with depression himself. Prayer has made the most difference.
    Well hope you all have a great Tuesday and keep cool!!
    Blessed-Vickil NE
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi again you all.

    In the jam recipe forgot to mention I used sugar free jello to sweeten not as thick as i'd like but hey it's healthy and tasty.

    It's hot this afternoon and i'm going out for cards hope the air is on. lol. So had one toast for breakfast with my jam.
    Lunch 5 chicken wings and a big bowl of cherries. So alright so far today.

    For those of you with ant problem put a chalk line where you think there coming in ants will not cross a chalk line. I put one at the front door and one at the back and no ant problems. I used those big sidewalk chalks.

    See you all lighter
    Linda from Northern Ontario.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Ok- I guess I misunderstood them when they said we wouldn't get monsoon moisture yesterday. The monsoon came in with a 60+ mph wind in gusts and microsbursts- damage everywhere! A tree went down very close to a friend's condo, and it took out a gas line! Can you say "evacuation"! No damage here at Suzie's house, and I will check on my house when I go back to that side of the valley today. Those weatherpeople really need to get better at guessing these things!

    Heather- It was not I who posted the popsicle recipe, but I would love to have it. Sounds very refreshing!

    Grandmallie- Those beasts deserve whatever level of hell they end up in! I am about ready to have your FIL come and live with me, for cripes sake! Living with a total stranger who is kind and caring has got to be better than living with relatives that abuse him and obviously don't care about him at all! I am so sorry you, your DH and your FIL have to go through this. :mad: :angry:

    Janie- Thank you, I knew you would give me a positive side to my slothful day! :happy:

    YannieJannie- Congratulations! Awesome job of reaching goal! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I think, from the way my clothes feel, I have probably gained a couple of pounds while I have been house sitting. That does not make me real happy, but it is not sending me into a tailspin, either. I have not been exercising, and I really am anxious to get back to my own house and my own routine. I am also having trouble making good choices about things to eat. I know I should be doing more vegies and less red meat, but I like the red meat and don't really care for many vegies.... plus, the stomach for some reason really has trouble with raw tuberous vegies..... and, of course, those are the ones I like. So, the mind continues creating excuses and creating distractions, and my weak sense of resolve just goes with it. I need to hire someone to kick me in the butt, and tell me to grow up! ( Or, I need to win the lottery so I really can hire someone to cook for me!)

    For today: I have to go visit a dear friend just home from a rehab center for a broken thigh bone, and then I have a class at the scrapbook store where I am going to make a Christmas album. I might decide to keep it, or it might be a Christmas present for someone. I won't know until it's done. This is Christmas in July at the store, so there are sales and classes all week. Oh, this could get expensive! :laugh:

    Have a great, happy, healthy day, Everyone! :happy:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Mornin' all,

    It's going to be a HOT one today, I did my workout early and was already sweating crazy. :huh: Did 10 laps on the track for the 2nd day in a row, a combo of jogging and racewalking. Also jogged up and down the bleacher stairs and did 30 wall pushups.

    I'm sitting here for a few minutes waiting for the color to develop on my hair, wondering why on earth I ever started with this nonsense in the first place. :laugh: Some day soon I'll just have to bite the bullet and let it grow out. Salt n peppa, here I come. Might be a couple of years yet until I'm brave enough. :tongue:

    It's amazing how nice and clean the house was while my mom was here, and now, well......it's time to get after it again. The gardens are immaculate, though, can you tell where I'd rather spend my time? :bigsmile: I'll take the dogs walking in a bit and down to the river where they like to swim. I haven't jumped in yet, but the water's finally warming up!

    Happy Tues!

    :smile: jb wearing gross, stinky hair color :ohwell:
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    It’s Tuesday & hope all is well wherever you are. Twisted the knee carrying microwave I’m donating down steps to the car. Good grief, this poor knee may never forgive me. It’s painful enough I’ve taken Aleve, used some icy/hot and made an appointment with my doctor. She cannot see me till tomorrow, rats. I plan to keep moving albeit slower today. I have lots that I’ve been readying to take to Goodwill including some still nice but too large clothes.

    Rori –Downsizing is so difficult, sorry you and you and your colleagues are going through that. I like your affirmation- sending that hug right back at you.

    Collyfaye – this is a wonderful thread of very helpful people. I agree with everyone who suggests looking at what you’re eating as well as number of calories. Come back often.

    Katla – hope you get back to 100% soon, take care of you.

    grandmallie – when do you see your podiatrist? Trying to exercise with that heel causing pain cannot be easy.

    DeeDee – hope you’ve gotten your call & heard what you expected.

    drkatiebug – I know exactly how you feel about the clutter, that’s my project while DH is out of town. Have to say I’d enjoy the data dig, though, even though summer’s never long enough. I have some online trainings to do.

    Linda – when I’ve had a garden I’ve had a very hard time letting my favorites like strawberries stay in the container :-b

    Barbie – I’m right there with you on having a routine, and love the quote 

    Suzy – DE – you kept the wagon in sight, good for you! and 20,000 steps, too!

    yanniejannie – major props for your GOAL REACHED! Done wisely and well, so this will be your time. Hope to join you there sometime next year :-D

    Lucy – good for your with that roasted chicken. When I’m working, I like to prepare things ahead so that I don’t have to think about it and I don’t have an excuse to indulge.

    Tina – that work you’re doing getting ready to go counts as exercise. You can start slowly, really. Just add in a bit of walking (I like grocery stores for this). I like telling everyone here what my plan is & being accountable for following through. Would that work for you? You could call your interruptions time-outs then just jump right back in. When I rename something to a positive, it makes a big difference. Perhaps that might work? Enjoy the anniversary get away!

    Sandy – so sorry you’re scorching away there, and good luck getting in the workout. I really droop when it’s too hot.

    Vicki – yes, those steps do add up quicker than you think, don’t they?

    Pat – I hope your home is okay!

    jb – I concur about the stinky hair color, eventually I’ll let mine grow out. Right now as I job hunt I don’t need anything making me look older :-b

    Happy Tuesday!

    Janie – Pacific NW
  • storknursekelly
    storknursekelly Posts: 94 Member
    Would love to join this group :)) Can someone add me ! 54 years young :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,329 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    Posting much later than usual as I've been to yoga and the dentist today. Teeth are good and now all shiny and white!:laugh: The hygienist is really sweet and is sooooo gentle. We talked babies as she has a one year old.

    For dinner we have just had our own potatoes (DH only) and our own yellow zucchini. On the way back from the dentist I called in at the garden centre and bought a tray each of brussels sprouts and purple sprouting broccoli. Will plant them up tomorrow and will have to protect them from the pigeons! I haven't grown brussels sprouts for 36 years so we shall see. Even more watering in order I think, all with watering cans!

    Vicki - I remember you said you don't like to fly. That's a shame. Yes, there is a whole big amazing world out there. I hope you decide to give it a go one day.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Katla - you are the same age as me and I feel the same - 33 instead of 63!:laugh: in fact, when I was 33 I was in the middle of one of my long depressions, so I actually feel MUCH better!:laugh:

    Reaching goal!!!, Well done yannie jannie! :flowerforyou: I just want those few ounces to melt off me so I'm in healthy BMI.:grumble: I measured my body fat today and I am only half a point down from obese! Mind you, when I get hold of my stomach rolls I can see why!:tongue:

    Woah - fleas! Yikes! Grandmalie, you are doing a great job.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy - your working temperatures sound impossible. Is it legal?

    It is still far too hot here. I dread to think what it's like in London for my heavily pregnant DDIL. The underground goes up to over 100 degrees and she is still working. Sleeping is my main problem. I tell DH when he wakes up worrying at 4.30 am that Barbie is up walking the dogs at that time. :laugh: :laugh: :love:

    I have a small worry about a small apartment that I own, that I bought with the inheritance from my mother. It is vacant at the moment and the agency is having trouble finding tenants as it is getting a little "tired". I dont have the money, it is my only income apart from a tiny state pension, or the energy to do a refurb. I would like to sell it, but I know I would not get back what I paid for it. The lease needs renewal as well. It's the kind of thing that wakes me up at 4.30 in the morning. Worry, worry, worry.:embarassed: :cry: I'm lucky I have such a problem, really, I know.:embarassed:

    Love to all. Please hold your breath everyone for my few ounces to disappear. I am fed up with waiting.:tongue:

    Heather in boiling HOT Hampshire UK

    PS Welcome back to England, Helen:flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Woke up with no headache :smile: :smile: :smile: Still a little soreness in my neck but the head is OK. Also I weighed in at 199.8 again today. I'm not getting excited about it yet because I have done that 2 other times and immediately gone back in the 200's and not had any change in my diet to account for the increase. So I will wait a couple days before allowing myself to get excited. Very hot today and have to go to the grocery store. DH usually lets me off at the door so I don't have to walk in the heat.. I must admit that my Healthy choice 35 calorie whole grain bread is getting boring. But that's what I have every day for lunch. I'm surprised my husband is tolerating it.

    Have a good day, Joyce Indiana
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Would love to join this group :)) Can someone add me ! 54 years young :)

    Welcome! You don't have to be added. You are here. Just go to "my topics" to find the thread.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Howdy all. I’m checking in early today. I had my class today and passed, then after the test, I stayed to talk to the instructor and we ended up chatting nearly til 2:30! I wasn’t hungry so I ran to ****’s Sporting Goods to get some new swimming goggles (mine leak) and decided to just go home. Half way home I suddenly got the shakes from being hungry, so Ipulled into ARbys. I haven’t logged those calories yet but will probably be over; I also had an egg white delight meal from McDonalds this morning (my new Tuesday going-to-work treat) so I know I’ll have plenty of sodium to pass around!

    Today was weigh in day and I’m down 1.3 pounds!!!!! I also had a nice nsv; the ACLS instructor and I don’t see each other very often and she told me she thought I had lost a “lot “ of weight since she saw me last. Well, it’s not a lot, but I’m happy with it! Now I’m sitting here absolutely stuffed!!!!!

    Mid-month goal checkup: I’m doing well on all my listed goals but I do need to get back into the produce. I have been staying under goal but eating too many carbs in the form of bread-type items. With our garden coming in and all the wonderful fruit, I need to get back to it!

    Kat: I see you are having a heat wave there. Stay cool!

    Rori: glad you are home safe and sound and hope you feel better. Maybe the stress of the trip is making you ill. Take care of yourself.

    Joyce: nothing wrong with your diploma!!!!! You and your classmates all graduated knowing how to run the floor! I love codes. I know that sounds weird and I don’t wish it on anyone, but I’m an adrenalin junkie and loved trauma too. Unfortunately my back didn’t!!! My absolute favorite was being in charge with multiple traumas all hitting the door at once. I thrived on the chaos and bringing control to those situations. I did NOT like armed family members in the waiting room however!!! I once talked a guy out of his gun. I didn’t really like him waving it at me. LOL

    Barbie: your body probably wondered what happened to it with all the restaurant food!

    Katla: you take care of yourself!

    Janie: that’s one of the benefits of this group at least for me….lots of virtual kicks in the rear, even if we imagine them!!!

    Grandmallie: take care of that foot!

    DeeDee: my fingers are cramping from waiting for your lab tests!!! Hope they turn out well

    DrKatie: my summer vacation is rapidly dwindling away too! One of the benefits of deep cleaning a room a month is that by going through every drawer, cabinet, etc, things don’t accumulate so much.

    Gail: is it still raining there?

    Linda: jealous of those wild strawberries!!!

    Janemartin: stay cool!

    Suzy; good for you getting those steps in. I think I started the ant discussion; I was at lunch with a friend and my feet ended up covered in them!

    Yanniejannie: good for you to meet your goal. You didn’t like ACLS either ?LOL. It used to be way harder than it is now. Basically is that rhythm too slow, too fast or just right? Way simpler!

    Kathy: welcome back!!! Hope that A/C and your toe both feel better soon!

    Lucy: we have rabbits the size of large cats roaming around here. I have never seen such huge ones so they must be finding plenty to eat!

    Tina: good pet sitters are worth their weight in gold, aren’t they? We have a wonderful one

    Sandy: I had trouble understanding your post until I looked up the word “relax” in the dictionary. People actually do that????? I’ll investigate LOL

    Vicki: which jr high does your DG go to? Mine went to Millard Central Middle School. Millard has a really good school system.

    Jb: you actually can run up and down bleachers? OMG I can’t even walk up them without falling. I have really poor balance and no depth perception to speak of so bleachers kind of freak me out. I’m impressed with your abilities!

    Storknurse: you joined by posting. Welcome to the group

    Heather: We have several rentals too and they used to keep me awake all the time too. I finally turned them over to DH to deal with (we do have a management company) so that I don’t have to hear anything about them if not absolutely necessary. Our old property manager stole about $200,000 from us then killed himself in one of our places and I no longer have the heart for it although I still want to get more.

    Well I’m off for the evening. Need to get my food logged before I forget! Like that will happen; I’m stuffed. I guess that’s what you get for an emergency meal (LOL) at 3 in the afternoon!
    Take care, Meg from steamy Omaha
    July goals:
    90 ounces of water
    5000 steps on days with other aerobics; 7000 on days with walking
    <1800 calories/day
    Exercise 5x/week
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    evening ladies,
    well I texted the SIL and she took my FIL to dr, if she hadn't he could not have gone back to Senior care, anyway she tells me it is heat rash.. he does have central air at the house ,but he sleeps in a bed,that A-probably only gets the sheets changed every couple of weeks at best, B - wears the same clothes over and over C- sleeps with a heavy comforter and 2 blankets on..
    every time I go there his hamper is full and everyone elses laundry is getting done,the 3 nephew's come down and use there washer and dryer.
    What a freakin mess.
    well by my pedometer I logged 13,000 steps today.. so I counted at least 10,000
    My foot feels crummy, now looking on websites, thinking it could be a combo of plantar faciitis and heel spurs, we shall see,my appt is 8:15 on thursday,paperwork is all printed out and done..
    haven't heard from the social worker, will try again tomorrow and call her..I dont work until noon.so that gives her time to call me back...
    thanks again dear friends for the well wishes on the 40 lbs, gonna keep plugging along.
    so proud of all of you for sticking it out like me.. we should all stand tall and proud because we are taking control of the situation:bigsmile: .
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Really enjoy this Board! I belong to a strength training class at our YWCA - feels good getting workouts (been a loooooong time). A little about myself - am mid 60's and have two metal knees. The usual health suspects, but am working hard on getting rid of some medications, through better eating, exercise and weight loss. Have about 80 - 90 punds to go!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tina, this is the pedometer I have had for about three years and I love it.
    It allows me to keep records of my steps on the computer so I can see my progress. My hubby lost his two weeks ago and we ordered a new one and it came in just a few days. Having a pedometer keeps me challenged to walk more. Over the years my daily average has gone up from around 10,000 steps a day to over 20,000.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I get up earlier now that I’m retired. I had to train myself gradually to go to bed earlier. It didn’t happen quickly. Many nights I’m in bed by 7:30.

    :flowerforyou: Drkatiebug, we have moved four times in the last 10 years and each move has helped us get rid of things. I don’t know if we’d have been so successful if we’d stayed in one place. I like the plan of getting rid of a certain number of things in a specified time period. I’ve also done times when I had to put away a certain number of things in ten minutes…..not too much of a strain, but a great feeling of accomplishment…..unfortunately I can’t get my hubby to buy into the plan.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, before I had dogs to walk and I woke up super early, I would choose to believe that I had awakened early to allow me the time to do a needed project and I would get up and do something. It made me feel joyous and useful instead of cranky and annoyed.

    :flowerforyou: Pat, why not create some new healthy routines for yourself at your house-sitting job---special meals, special exercises.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy, that roasted chicken is a great idea.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, we had rental property that I inherited from my parents…..they loved being landlords (my mom did the books and my dad dealt with the tenants). Jake and I didn’t like it so much and were glad to finally sell the last one not too long before we moved north to Washington.

    :drinker: Grandmallie, you are proof that weight loss is possible even in the midst of stress and injury……you inspire us all.

    :flowerforyou: Jfenner, I am way over 60 and lost a lot of weight with the help of the wonderful women in this great community. I wish the same for you…..Keep coming back.

    :bigsmile: I got a lot of errands done today and still managed to work in the yard for 90 minutes and walk the dogs. Today is a rest day for the squat challenge but never a rest day for the dogs.

    :heart: Barbie from warm and sunny NW Washington where rain is promised tonight
