30 Day Shred - Anyone want to join me ?



  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Taking a break till Sept 13. Then will start back at level 2.
  • Hello, everyone! Finished day 3/level 2. Actually did the plank jacks today. I was huffing and puffing, but got through a good portion of it.

    Janet: Brazil! How exciting! I know it's for work, but I would love to go there someday. I hope you get a chance to look around.

    Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!
  • Oranda
    Oranda Posts: 121
    Yay, just got the DVD today. I will start it next week though :) I'm kind of excited.
  • erickamw
    erickamw Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to join!! I've had the DVD for a while and its great. I haven't ever been able to find the time to do a week straight, so hopefully this will motivate me to get thru it. I'm so excited!

  • Taking a break today. We hiked for 2 1/2 hours today at one of our State parks. Just a beautiful day to hike. Lots of uphill climbs. My legs are really feeling it.....more than anything Jillian can through at me in the 30 day shred. Feels good though! Have a great 3-day weekend!
  • Oranda
    Oranda Posts: 121
    What size of weights do you guys use? I have to buy some before I start the shred, but I'm not sure what is recommended. Any suggestions?
  • I think 5 pounds are good for the chest fly and standing row, but 2 or 3 pounds is enough for the other moves -- at least for me. I bought 3 pounds, but they seem a little heavy at times.
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    I finished the shred yesterday for the 2nd time round.

    For anyone who wants to know, here are my stats:

    First time round (May/June):

    Second time round (August/September, just completed):
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    I was wanting to start this. Do I need anything besides the dvd to start? Like resistance bands,weights anything like that?
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    I was wanting to start this. Do I need anything besides the dvd to start? Like resistance bands,weights anything like that?

    You'll need hand weights /dumbbells :)

    I used 1.13kg (mid weights in the Davina McCall Dumbells) for the stuff in level 1 and 2 then worked my way up to 2.27kg weights (heaviest in same set). The heavier weights really take alot out of me so I'd suggest if you're just starting out to use lighter weights. Don't be fooled when you pick them up and think they're too light. 1kg weights will give you a GOOOOD workout!
  • Hi Guys,

    I am new here and have just done Day One/Level One and found it a pretty good work out. I know I am not too good at sticking at things so I am hoping that coming on this group will keep me going. Have people actually had good results from this work out?
  • Back on and done with day 4/level 2. My calf muscles and knees are still stiff from hiking, but I knew they would feel better once I warmed them up. Really hate those planks...UGH!
  • Fabu_lass
    Fabu_lass Posts: 122 Member
    i've got two days left of doing shred today and tomorrow

    i really enjoyed it and she had me huffing and puffing

    i will post my start and finishing stats on wednesday
  • Wow! Where did everyone go? Ran out of time to shred yesterday, but completed day 5 / level 2 today. Half way through Level 2!
  • Day 6/Level 2 is done. This was my first time using my new HRM and I was glad to see that I actually burned more calories than I was originally logging.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    I LOVE 30 day shred!!!! It does "kill"ya but the pain is well worth the results!!! I normaly try to run between 3-4 miles every other day (which has not happened since I went back to work-I teach 2nd grade) and then do only the strength and abs. On my off days I would do the whole first level and believe me I hurt!!! Just having a hard time finding the time to get the workouts in now that I'm back to work-and have 2 little ones at home!!! I might have to just suck it up and get up at 5:00....
  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    I haven't shredded in about a week. I picked up today where I left off L1D6 and it was ok. My legs still burn when doing the punches but I getting better at the other moves. Check back in 2morrow.
  • Yes, I did this workout once again last week. I thought I was strong enough to just jump right in and combine it, back to back with C25K. Oops, that didn't go well. I was only able to maintain the C25k last week. This week I will start anew - but alternate days.
  • Day 7/Level 2 is done after taking almost a week off. I have been so busy with work (preschool aide) that I really haven't felt like doing anything other than trying to catch up on some sleep. So I did it early this morning, instead of sleeping until I had to wake up my son for school. We'll see how the day goes, but I'm glad I did it.
  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    Ok, so, I totally fell off the wagon. I'm back at square 1 so I'm starting the shred over. Its good to see a few people I started with are still pushing on and losing weight. Hopefully I don't let myself get distracted again.
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