

  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    Rori–what a tough business trip; my heart goes out to you and all your colleagues!
    Joyce–I am buying most of the food for the group, but they have sent money to cover some of the cost. I also have a friend who is helping with some of the food preparation. Everyone helps and I keep the menu pretty simple. The family is scattered all over the country–Washington to Maine to Arizona and points in between. My mother has six siblings and all of them will be here, along with their spouses and as many children and grandchildren as can make it.
    Yanniejannie–Congratulations on reaching your goal!
    Lucy–I only live a mile from the university where I teach and during the summer apartments that are used for student housing are available for rent. There are both 2- and 3-bedroom apartments with kitchen, two bathrooms, washer, and dryer. The 2-bedroom apartments are ~$75 which is quite reasonable. So that is where everyone is staying that doesn’t live in the area.
    jb–love the turtle picture; that’s how I feel some mornings when I run!

    I swam this morning and attended a Pilates class this evening. I got home after 6 and quickly changed clothes because my lawn desperately needs to be mowed (have I mentioned we’ve had a bit more rain than normal:laugh:?) When I got the lawn mower out of the garage I finally looked carefully at my lawn and realized it was already mowed!! My next door neighbor had mowed it for me while he was doing his lawn. I was so grateful, as I’m starting to feel a bit swamped. Family members begin arriving tomorrow night, although the majority are coming in Thursday afternoon/evening (Thursday supper is the “official” start of the reunion).
    SE TN
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone,

    On Sunday, I went swimming for the first time this season, on Monday I felt muscles in my chest, arms and back that I had forgotten about. :laugh: Today, Tuesday I went swimming again…now that I have started, I intend to swim two to three times a week.

    Grandmallie…Congrats on your 40 pound goal!! I am sending healing thoughts for your heel. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie…Congrats on your reaching your goal!! :smile:

    Dee Dee…when I remember that I need to drink more water, I think of your posts :drinker:
    Lucy…grilled or roasted chicken is my major meat source, we also have fish once or twice a week.

    Kathy…Hope your days get better. :flowerforyou:

    Katla…Nice you were able to relax your back with your intention, yoga and sleep! :flowerforyou:

    Jb…If coloring your hair makes you feel good…keep on doing it!! :happy:

    Janie…Go easy on your knee, last year I had a partial tear of my knee and at times, if I turn or twist around it can be painful. Congrats on donating the too large clothes.

    Heather…Happy planting...your brussels sprouts and purple sprouting broccoli.

    Joyce…nice you do not have a headache, congrats on being under 200 pounds! :smile:

    Meg…Congrats on passing your tests. :happy:



    Barbie…over 20,000 steps a day, WOW!!! I am working on 7000 steps a day.

    Rhonda…Have a great family reunion, getting ready can be stressful. What a nice surprise that your lawn was mowed!

    Terri, from Oregon
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Holy cow, ladies!

    I've been away for a few days and unable to log in. I will have to spend some time tonight, reading the 10+ pages that I've missed. Just wanted to check in for now and wish you all a joyous day! I've been thinking about so many of you while I've been away and sending out lots of positive thoughts and prayers for those who need them.

    Have a good one!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    evening ladies,
    well I texted the SIL and she took my FIL to dr, if she hadn't he could not have gone back to Senior care, anyway she tells me it is heat rash.. he does have central air at the house ,but he sleeps in a bed,that A-probably only gets the sheets changed every couple of weeks at best, B - wears the same clothes over and over C- sleeps with a heavy comforter and 2 blankets on..
    every time I go there his hamper is full and everyone elses laundry is getting done,the 3 nephew's come down and use there washer and dryer.
    What a freakin mess.
    well by my pedometer I logged 13,000 steps today.. so I counted at least 10,000
    My foot feels crummy, now looking on websites, thinking it could be a combo of plantar faciitis and heel spurs, we shall see,my appt is 8:15 on thursday,paperwork is all printed out and done..
    haven't heard from the social worker, will try again tomorrow and call her..I dont work until noon.so that gives her time to call me back...
    thanks again dear friends for the well wishes on the 40 lbs, gonna keep plugging along.
    so proud of all of you for sticking it out like me.. we should all stand tall and proud because we are taking control of the situation:bigsmile: .

    Hello.We haven't met,but never miss your posts.Congrats on the 40 pd loss,how proud you should be :flowerforyou: !

    So sorry to hear about your FIL.Thank heaven he has you to help the situation.I'm an elderly person & coming to realize just how common such things are.Shame,shame on people who treat our helpless souls in such a way.Patceoh
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Meg - we had a dry day Tuesday. It seemed odd!

    Off to work earlier than usual today - hopefully once the boss gets on his plane late in the afternoon I can get to the gym today!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`ve read all the posts, I just don`t have time to reply:cry: . It has been a crazy busy month so far, I just want to slow down a little bit!

    I had to go buy a new washer and dryer last night:grumble: , yesterday morning I threw a shirt in the dryer to get some wrinkles out:blushing: , the wrinkle release setting runs for 18 minutes, while it was doing it`s thing I was finishing getting ready, I noticed the dryer was still running:huh: after quite a bit of time...stinking dryer reverted to regular setting and hot heat and added 32 minutes, I touched the outside of the dryer to turn it off and it was boiling hot:noway: , I was afraid the darn thing would catch on fire, so here I am in white linen pants and high heels trying to pull the dryer out to unplug it, finally got it out enough to get behind it and unplug it. Had a friend of mine who works on appliances look at it and it would cost almost as much to repair it as to buy a new one:huh: . It`s only 11 years old, they just don`t make things the way the used to:grumble: , The washer is okay other than it tore a mattress pad I washed the other day...I just decided to replace both so they`ll match. It took my 2 hours to buy a new washer and dryer, 2 hours...I just thought that was a long time. I researched what I wanted on line, called to makes sure they had it so I could look at it and I could get it sometime this week, so it was paperwork that took so much time:huh: . Seems the older I get the less patience I have for things like this:grumble: . I did make it to my meeting yesterday morning with 3 minutes to spare:bigsmile: , I was impressed with myself:tongue: .

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC where it`s partly cloudy with a chance of storms
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Another very hot day here. It is supposed to cool off on Saturday. DH and I are melting, sleep has been impacted. We are both working hard at staying pleasant!! So far we have been successful. We have spent one day at the mall for the air conditioning and spent yesterday on the water in our kayaks. I'm running out of ideas!! Possibly more kayaking.

    Yesterday we went kayaking with a group of friends. We paddled the swamp that the famous Loomis gang used for a hide-out in the early 1800s. They were horse and cattle thieves. They supposedly would steal a horse, paint it and sell it back to the owner. It is easy to see how they could hide in that area. My biggest concern was that I would take a wrong turn and get lost forever!! I am (as DH claims) directionally challenged. I did break away from the group a few times so that I could paddle hard. Our group's name is Go With the Flow Kayakers and most of them will literally let the current pull them along rather than paddle hard when possible. I like to use it as exercise, so often break away for a while and then paddle back to meet up with them again. I'd really like to go kayaking with my personal trainer. I bet he would challenge me!! He stores his kayak in my garage, so maybe we will get to do that at some point.

    This morning I am going to head to the gym and then do some work around the house. I need to do laundry and clean the kitchen. I have a lot of outdoor chores, but I don't know how long I can last out there. Instead I may just sew for a while. I need to make new kitchen curtains and have several pairs of pants to hem.

    Amanda- You have been in my thoughts. Hope you are healing well.

    Hope everyone stays cool and hydrated!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DeeDee: Sorry to hear about the washer and dryer. :grumble: What did you choose as replacements? The last time we had troubles we switched to a Filter Queen top loading conventional washer and dryer set, made in America by Americans. We’re done with the front-loading water conservation machines that never get our clothes clean and require their own wash cycle with their own special soap or the rubber gaskets stink. We’re pretty much done listening to Consumer Reports, too, because they recommended that garbage and didn’t warn about the gasket problems and dingy, gray clothes. The one good thing about that set was the “he” detergent we found, which does work well. We still use it, and we love our Filter Queen set..:heart::bigsmile:

    Rhonda: Your family reunion sounds fabulous, and like it is a LOT of work for you. I’m amazed at the $75 two bedroom apartments. That is extremely reasonable, and miraculous if they have equipped kitchens.:flowerforyou:

    Ohiomomof2: Your picture says you joined July of 2012. Have you already had your anniversary, or is it coming soon?:huh:

    Deb A: The kayaking sounds wonderful. I love the water and spend lots of time in boats, but never had the chance to kayak. The closest I’ve come is canoeing, which I love. Is there a mosquito problem in the swamp? What do you use to protect yourselves? We live right beside a river, but it flows right along at a good pace and there is usually a breeze so mosquitoes are rarely a problem.:happy:

    I’ve been thinking about Michele this morning. I hope her trip is going well and her son’s wedding is turning into a positive experience for her. We adore our DIL, and our SIL is a loving dad and good to our daughter and granddaughter. Our kids are several years older than hers, I think, and they were a challenge when they were younger, too.:flowerforyou:

    DH decided to leave Comcast and get Century Link and Direct TV because our Comcast service has declined over time, costs are high, and so on. The Century Link people have been wonderful to work with and our internet speeds are much better, BUT the Direct TV people have been FRUSTRATING.:angry::explode: It’s been a week since the computer and phone service was installed, and they still haven’t installed their TV equipment. They keep scheduling times that conflict with DH’s medical appointments. We tell them we can’t be home at a certain time, they come anyway, or say they did, and blame us for not being here. I’ve never seen any evidence that a person actually came to our door.:noway: They told us they were scheduling us for today, which does work in our schedule, but last night we were called by someone who tracks complaints and were told we aren’t on today’s schedule. I don’t think they even have an office in our state. We’ve talked to people on the east coast, and last night’s call came from California. We had their service before and I liked it then, but DH thought Comcast would be faster. It was at first, but too many customers have resulted in slower service. In the past, Direct TV service was good. Not now, and I’m feeling jerked around. Advice on how to deal with them is welcome.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Hiya from a FAR too hot Hampshire. The government has issued a health warning - as if we didn't know!:noway:

    DH is not sleeping. The heat doesn't help, but it is mainly the coming funeral I think. He was sitting up most of last night. He is seeing his therapist tomorrow so I hope that can be of some help. It is all just a reminder of losing his beloved partner, but he is mostly worried about being worried ! He is fine in the day. He knows all the things to do, but ends up being paralysed. Oh well:love: No one is sleeping well in the heat. I emailed my DDIL yesterday who is 7 months pregnant. She is not a complainer, but she finds it exhausting and is wanting to get a mobile a/c. London is not the place to be in the mid 90s!

    I have just made skinny taste's Easy Crustless Spinach and Feta Pie for supper. It's yummy and I have double portions. Low cal, but lots of sodium. It will be great to have something quick, cold and instant to eat when we come back in from planting out the veg I bought yesterday. I'm going to wait until later to do it. We have watered the patches of land where they are going to go as the dirt is like dust.

    The only good result of all this hot weather is that our gas and electric company have just reduced our direct debit!

    Still waiting for my ounces to melt. Shouldn't probably be having all the salt if I want the loss to show. For lunch I had a giant couscous salad with king prawns tossed with garlic and chilli. Oh heaven, :bigsmile: and only 300 cals. But I know I put a bit too much seasoning on it.

    Good news on the DSD front. It looks like she was distancing herself from her boyfriend, even before the lung cancer, ( this we heard from her sister), and is no longer living with him. He is a convicted con man whom she believed had turned over a new leaf, :noway: and I think she found out that he was still not being 100% straight with her. If all that is true it is a great relief for DH, who felt helpless in the face of her wilful ignoring of his advice. Let us hope she has seen reason.

    Cricket again tomorrow. England won the last test match so only 4 to go!:yawn: :yawn: :laugh: We are watching the Tour de France, as we do every year because my son is a cycling geek, and the leader so far is an Englishman. I can't watch the reruns in the evening without sneeking a quick peek at the results on the internet, while DH hates knowing the result and I have to mute the sound on the news while he averts his eyes. I hate suspense and even want to know the ending of a film before I will watch it. :ohwell: :embarassed: :huh: There are enough things to stress about in life without giving yourself another adrenaline surge!:laugh:

    Oh well, that's enough rambling for one fine day. Love to all. I have you all in my thoughts.

    Heather in sizzling Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    morning lovely ladies,
    well alot accomplished,except exercise:grumble:
    was up at 4:30 this morning, and have the DH dinner for tonight and lunch for tomorrow all set
    2 loads of laundry done..
    and I finally i contacted elder services and filled her in,on my FIL situation.because of privacy laws she could neither confirm or deny there is an open case. but spilled the beans anyway, told her we had pictures of my FIL arm, that my SIL and nephew have mental issues and that my FIL is scared of both of them.. forgot to tell her about the laundry that doesnt get done.but I think she got the hint ...
    I am hoping this build a case , and that something is done..
    Tomorrow morning I m off to the podiatrist and hopefully get some sort of answer on my heel. I have been doing everything I am supposed to without relief..
    I have the weekend off,so hopefully will be able to get back into the swing of things and get some exercise done and start dropping more lbs:wink:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Katla- I was worried about bugs in the swamp, but didn't have any problem. There was a breeze which I am sure helped. I do always carry bug spray just in case. I prefer to kayak on the lakes north of us in the Adirondack mountains, but the group likes a variety so we include swamps and rivers. Next week we will be up north on one of my favorite lakes. I have also been thinking of Michele. My son got married two years ago and it was the best celebration I have ever been a part of. We adore our DIL. She and my son are great for each other. I hope Michele gets to have the same type of experience. We have Dish. We choice to go with them rather than Direct based on what we heard from friends on their service. We have been happy with them so far.

    Heather- We are also experiencing a heatwave. We are fortunate in that we live about 5 miles from the city up on a hill. We usually have a breeze that helps make the temperatures tolerable, but it has not been comfortable this summer.

    I need to get back to work!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!Hot and humid day in the 90+heat index 100.May get to the pool for awhile.
    Have a good one!!
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, Barbiecat!! My diabetes doctor recommended myfitnesspal a couple of months ago, and I have found it to be very, very helpful! Love the positive attitudes in this group and the encouragement everyone provides too.

    Hope it starts cooling off soon. It's been running in the 90's here with high humidity. We have blueberry bushes and have to pick every other day now. We have 6 bushes, and only two are coming in strong so far. Still, we are getting about 4 quarts each time we pick. I have a blueberry crisp recipe that's tasty and also low in sugar, fat and calories. Just 4-5 cups blueberries with a crisp topping that's half cup flour and half cup or so of oats, with a little cinnamon, a couple of tablespoons of truvia for baking, and about 4 tablespoons of melted smart balance butter with canola (the stick kind). I put it in a square baking pan (have a nonstick pan), put the crisp mix on top of the blueberries and bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. Very yummy. It makes 6-8 servings anyway (sometimes 9).
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies- Not much time to write, but wanted to tell you all how much I enjoy your company and your support. I really believe that is what is keeping me from giving up.

    Yesterday I got a 'nasty gram' from the home owners association chastizing me about my untrimmed palm trees, so I am going to have to fork out big money to get someone up there to trim them. I really hate getting those nasty letters. And, I don't believe my trees are in any worse shape than the ones in the common areas that the HOA is responsible for trimming! OK- done complaining.

    Storknursekel- Welcome! Nice to have you among us.

    Janie- Careful with those knees, new ones are really expensive!

    Meg- Congratulations on passing the test! We all knew you would. And, Mega Congrats on the 1.3 pounds!

    DeeDee- I feel your pain over the washer and dryer! Glad you got new ones.

    I, too, am thinking about Michelle and sending 'happy thoughts'. I'll check back in later. Have a great day, Everyone!

  • catmarch4
    catmarch4 Posts: 17 Member
    Oh, wow. These are gorgeous. Thanks for posting them.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Wednesday morning!

    I've completed another round of my "Phase 2" exercise program this morning, jogged a full mile 'round the track, racewalked 1/2 mile and walked very brisk pace for warm up and cool down, total of 3 miles. Also did 40 wall pushups and jogged 6 flights of stairs.

    Oh, Meg, I might have misled you regarding the bleachers! I'm not jogging the bleachers per se, but the regular stairs that are inbetween the rows of seats. This morning I decided to try the actual bleachers, though, and OMG :noway: they're horrendous LOL! I won't be jogging up them anytime soon, believe me. It's hard enough keeping my balance just walking up them! Going down is horrifying :laugh: On another note, did you read my comment about cutting the delphiniums the other day?

    Must get busy chopping scallions for the freezer. I brought home a bucket full the other day and they're taking up too much room in the fridge. Soaked some red beans overnight and need to get them cooking. I add chili powder, dry mustard, cayenne, cumin, thyme and ginger. Delicious! Beans beans ... ♪♫

    My hair turned out great, it was well worth the effort :bigsmile: If only the pooches on my thighs would just be that easy to cover up! :ohwell:

    Eat well, be well, and have a great day!

    :smile: jb in cooler, cloudy Portland
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Feel real draggy today:yawn: I have been taking a sleeping pill every night due to this awful headache but since the problem is now resolved and taken care of I felt like it was not needed last night. I knew ahead of time it might be a sleepless night. It wan't sleepless but very restless sleep. My brain just kept on talking. Plus one of the medicines I take for MS problems I forgot to take and I felt that. So just real draggy.

    On a good note :happy: :happy: :happy: yesterday I weighed 199.8 and I didn't' let myself get excited since I have done that before and then immediatley back in the 200's. But today was 198.4!!!!!!!!! Plus lost another 4 inches.

    Off to fix my lunch:smile: Have a good day

    Joyce, Indiana
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I am trying to keep up with you all. The job is going well so far. This group likes to laugh and have fun and I feel like I fit in much better. Now I just need to figure out why I am not losing. I am still eating very well and getting my steps in. I think I need to really get better with cutting out the treats at the end of the day. I need to stay much more focused on the good stuff like I used to. I feel a change coming on. I will keep you posted.

    Much love to you all,
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter,
    In the warm PNW.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good afternoon, Vitamin Fs!

    DH woke me up at 1:30am when he got home from poker – evidently I had left the garage door open (I never look around to lock the house, that’s generally his job) so he had to close it. The garage is right under our bedroom, and when you a) sleep like a snowflake and b) have your room shake when the doors close there was no sleeping through that. Anyway, I was awake until ~5am. Ugh. Fell asleep as the sun was coming up. Needless to say I didn’t bounce up out of bed and head to work out this morning :laugh:. I did however go take my lunch in the basement – got a good hour of kickboxing in. It’s feeling good to be working out on a regular basis.

    Finding a lot of cucumbers, so my garden is starting to produce more, but my poor tomato plants are plagued by some sort of disease that makes the branches get spots and then die. My asparagus beans are making lots of vines but no beans. My squash are either suffering through a transplant (looks like some might make it) or trying desperately to fight off the squash beetles. It’s too hot for lettuce anymore. Oh, well. I’ll enjoy the cucumbers – made a cucumber, tomato and avocado salad last night with my first cucumbers – it was yummy.

    Joyce, congratulations on reaching a new low! That’s really terrific.

    Jb, wow, jogging the bleachers! That’s a lot of work – even if you never do it again you did it once. Good for you.

    Grandmallie, I hope the podiatrist can give you some good news. It will feel good to be able to stand without pain, I’m sure.

    Tina, have a wonderful time on your anniversary trip!

    Sandy, it always kind of amuses me to hear the friends from up north talking about the heat wave – I keep thinking it can’t possibly be as bad as down here in the States, but I can see it’s as bad. It’s been another crazy summer, that’s for sure. Have fun with your workout tonight – and embrace the sweat! :laugh:

    Katla, we’re just the support staff – you’ve done the work! I hope you figure out the back issue. It probably is a combo of incorrect posture while doing the weights, possibly moving too quickly between the machines, and just plain old muscle growth.

    Vickil, I love the image of tea with friends. Thanks for that.

    LindaC, my grandmother used to make strawberry freezer jam that way. We loved it . . . Chalk, huh? I’ll have to try that out.

    Janie, I’m sorry to hear about the knee – ouchie! Hope it heals soon.

    Heather, good idea to plant the fall crops now. We get bugs/worms in ours, so I’ve had to give up trying to grow them. I hope yours turn out well. It’s tiring, taking care of rental properties. I hope you find a good solution for yours.

    Meg, you’re really inspiring with how well your weight loss is going. I never eat at fast food restaurants, but I realized on the road trip to/from NC that I may occasionally need to. On that trip I was looking for a breakfast sandwich and couldn’t find one without meat at the gas station I was at; wound up getting something from Wendy’s. Sure enough, it didn’t sit too well with me :frown:. I’m glad to hear McD’s has an egg white something.

    Rhonda, your family visit sounds like it’s going to be great fun. A lot of work, but I hope you have the kind of family where everyone just pitches in. It makes everything go so much easier. Blessings to your neighbor for doing a nice thing just because he could.

    Terri, don’t you love the feel of muscles letting you know they still exist?

    DeeDee, I’m jealous – not of the two hours it took to complete the deal, but I would love to have a new, matching washer/dryer set. I may just have to go buy one – and mine still work, they just don’t look like the cool red ones I bought for DD :laugh:. Glad you caught yours before it caught fire – how scary!

    Katla, I’m not a huge fan of any of the cable carriers, but I’ve not had good service with either Dish or DirectTV. When I had to move out of CO they were pretty awful about the contract and equipment. They don’t ever get ranked very high on customer service either. I think I mentioned we’re trying to wean ourselves off of cable altogether.

    Oh, Heather, you’re cracking me up. I admit to occasionally flipping to the end of a book however.

    Robin, so glad to hear the new job is a better fit. That must be a huge relief!

    OK, I’m back to work now. Tonight I’m going to meet one of my MFP friends IRL to go for a walk. Yes, it’s hot, yes, it’s muggy, yes, I’ve already worked out, and yes, it will be right around dinner time – but why not? I’m looking forward to meeting someone new and trying something different.


  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Happy Wednesday, all! I’m going a little stir crazy today. Trying not to overdo it with the knee. Taking too much Aleve to keep the pain down and icy/hot isn’t my favorite fragrance. :grumble: Dr. appointment this afternoon – yea! Staying off my feet – yuck! I need to cut my grass while it’s cloudy like to day, grr. :angry:

    DeeDee – sorry you have to replace your washer & dryer, but so lucky you were home and realized the dryer wasn’t working properly.

    Katla – Sorry for your headaches. I didn’t like Direct TV, don’t have the option of Comcast (comes with living where I do), and we use Dish. No one seemed much better. I’m also hoping for the best for Michele.

    Heather – hope things cool down there for you soon. Sorry for your DH’s sleeplessness, hopefully seeing his therapist will help. The spinach & Feta pie sounds wonderful.

    grandmallie – so glad you got to talk to elder services, hope they get things moving, too. Take care of yourself & that heel.

    Jane – I hate hot and humid, it’s why I hide up here in the other WA where we don’t see it often :-b

    jfenner – your blueberry crisp sounds yummy & I love how you’ve substituted truvia for sugar. I use it for my tea.

    jb- so impressed with your phase 2 routine, wow~

    Joyce – great news on the ones and the 4 inches! Woo hoo, look at you! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Robin – so happy that you’re enjoying the new job. As for the end of day treats, perhaps you can find something that engages you and push through that time. Going to the gym in the evening was working for me.

    M- wow, an hour of kick boxing after not sleeping well, amazing!

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Sending supportive thoughts out to all of you wonderful people! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Janie – Pacific NW