How often do you weight yourself??



  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Every morning after I pee, every time I lose a pound.
  • seliinac
    seliinac Posts: 336 Member
    I only weight myself when scuba diving. It's hard to sink with all that neoprene on otherwise.

    I weigh myself every morning. More data = more accurate trendlines. Some people can't handle seeing the number bounce up and down though.

    That's the only time I weight myself, too!

    And I weigh myself every 3 or 4 day and log it when it's down.
  • saanaismom
    saanaismom Posts: 79 Member
    here iswhere I will get a lot of flak.

    I weigh myself every weekday morning. Always right after the shower and evacuation and befor eating. Generally 20 minutes after waking up.

    Now the downside to this method is that I see the ups and downs, buuuut, I am getting really good at understanding why I gained or lost. So on a day when I am up and I think back and go ok, I went over calories and only had 3 glasses of water oh and there was that coke in there. Or I went down and think, damn, i did a bunch right! So as long as I know why I gain if I do, it helps me to see what the smaller changes I can make daily to help lose or maintain.

    THIS! I do the same for the same reasons. Just find out what works for you and stick with it. I only log my weight on MFP once a week though.
  • iarelarry
    iarelarry Posts: 201 Member
    Every morning AFTER I poop. I then use Excel to calculate the average per week to normalize the fluctuations.... Tedious, but it helps keep my in line with my goals.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I weigh in once a week, on Mondays, first thing in the morning (post-pee, pre-shower). However, if the number on that scale is not indicative of how I've been eating (It says I gained three pounds since last weigh in and I know I've been eating right), I will weigh in daily until the number at least comes down to where it was the previous week. I am generally documenting in MFP once a week. I am at goal weight so I am documenting every week even if the scale is up. It's just for me. I actually have it set up so it doesn't put my losses on my feed anymore (so nobody sees them) because I'm just gaining and losing the same two or three pounds. My goal is to stay within a range, not a set number.

    Like another previous poster, I have also dealt with issues of disordered eating and so the scale became my enemy and best friend all at the same time. I'd weigh in every single day and that became unhealthy for me for a while. The once a week think really is best for me. And when the scale is up and I know I'm doing the right things, I TRY not to freak out over it. I don't always succeed in this venture...
  • nina8611
    nina8611 Posts: 25 Member
    I agree....I only weigh myself every 2 weeks...I have learned my lesson from past weight loss failures!
  • I weigh myself every other day in the morning
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    when doing dips on heavy days.
  • CountingCaloriesSuxass
    CountingCaloriesSuxass Posts: 387 Member
    I dont own a scale now. It broke around 5-6 months ago
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I weigh myself daily and the scale automatically logs the weight to MFP. I also have it connected to and get this nifty chart along with bf%, fat l and lean weight charts.


    Interesting, I may need to connect with trendweight. I tend to weigh myself at least twice a day if not more. I like data points when it pertains to certain things.
  • My solution is to invest in one of the Wifi connected scales (I use a Withing bought from an Apple store but there are others). Those scales automatically log every weigh in to myfitnesspal. That way I can weigh myself every day without being depressed about an "up" day since I can see the over all trend.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Generally every Friday morning; exceptions to this are TOM, if I have been out the night before drinking, if I know I have had a lot of sodium; I want to see what the impact of these are - sometimes they have one other times they don't :-?.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I weigh myself daily and the scale automatically logs the weight to MFP. I also have it connected to and get this nifty chart along with bf%, fat l and lean weight charts.


    Interesting, I may need to connect with trendweight. I tend to weigh myself at least twice a day if not more. I like data points when it pertains to certain things.

    Trend weight is great but you should weigh under the same conditions every day (just after waking and using the bathroom, nude or in underwear). Multiple times per day just introduces noise.
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    whenever I remember probably about every 2 weeks +/- a week
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    s'been about a month.... lol
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I weight myself three days a week. Deadlifts on Monday, squats on Wednesday, bench on Friday.

  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm just wondering what everyone's habits are as far as #1 - How often do you weigh yourself? & #2 - How often do you log your weight onto MFP?
    Well, definitely only after I have done a "#1" and/or a "#2"! I weigh myself several times a day but only because I'm NOT manic about it and because I'm intrigued at how I can lose 1-2 lbs between the 1st and 2nd weigh-ins of the day even though I haven't "voided" between them.
    I track a single reading every day in my "Libra" app for Android, the lowest one before I eat/drink. However, I only capture it in MFP if either:
    a) It's a new low! OR...
    b) It's a gain that I haven't lost within a month.
    My current MFP weight is 240.6# on June 29th, but I've been hovering 1-5# above ever since. If I don't meet/beat it by July 29th, then I will record the gain by entering whatever as am at the time.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    I weight myself three days a week. Deadlifts on Monday, squats on Wednesday, bench on Friday.

  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    I weigh myself daily and the scale automatically logs the weight to MFP. I also have it connected to and get this nifty chart along with bf%, fat l and lean weight charts.


    Interesting, I may need to connect with trendweight. I tend to weigh myself at least twice a day if not more. I like data points when it pertains to certain things.

    Trend weight is great but you should weigh under the same conditions every day (just after waking and using the bathroom, nude or in underwear). Multiple times per day just introduces noise.

    I do weigh under the same conditions everyday, wake, pee, strip, weigh same routine everyday. Trendweight will only allow one data point/day, so if I weigh 2 x/day it will only use the first one.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    1 - How often do you weigh yourself?

    & #2 - How often do you log your weight onto MFP?

    Last day of the calendar month.
    More or less
    I keep a monthly progress on my profile page
  • MercedesV
    MercedesV Posts: 70 Member
    Weigh myself every day and log my weight after each loss. If the scale fluctuates up, I'll wait about 3 days to see if it's from water and what not. If the weight is still higher than my last log, I will log the gain.

    This is kinda what I do too. When I notice a loss, I wait and make sure it registers 2-3 days in a row. Also, I'll downplay to loss. For example, yesterday I was at 159.9. Today I was at 160.5 but I lowered my weight today to 161.

    I hate having to go backwards so I try to make sure its a real loss first.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Every other month, I used to every day but was getting frustrated
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I weigh myself daily and the scale automatically logs the weight to MFP. I also have it connected to and get this nifty chart along with bf%, fat l and lean weight charts.


    Next time you see a post where someone's discouraged or depressed because their weight went up a couple of pounds over a weekend, point them to this graph and tell them to study it, particularly the larger zigzags ... That's called noise.
  • Once a week, first thing in the morning after I do my business but before my shower (I have really long hair, and wet hair weighs alot). Then I put the scale away under the sink so I cant see it. I do that so I wont step on the scale everytime I walk into the bathroom. I cant handle the daily ups and downs, it sorta stresses me out... So weigh and log once a week, its best for me...
  • vicelike
    vicelike Posts: 22
    Every morning and then record it.

    I like the feedback. Helps to keep me focused on my goal.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I weigh myself throughout the day...everyday. Probably a few times a day, like morning...afternoon...and before bed. I like to see the patterns of up and down.

    I noticed that when I didn't weigh, was when I gained weight.

    I only log if the loss is two days in a row.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Well was once a week, but it's now twice a week . Once for MfP - Monday and since we started a biggest loser group at work - twice - every Thursday !! Asked the work group to change to Wednesday.. So from now on going to weigh, once a week , on a Wednesday!
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,474 Member
    I weigh in every Monday morning right after I get up and do the bathroom thing. I only log on Monday just as others have said, I get frustrated with the ups and downs of daily weight. So I try to avoid it..
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    I weight myself three days a week. Deadlifts on Monday, squats on Wednesday, bench on Friday.


    Perfect! :love:
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I weigh daily if I can (was on a cruise and scale was in gym--didn't weigh because I typically remove EVERYTHING). I record it in MFP and find it helpful for trends (i.e. lots of salt = high weight, alcohol = high weight), and it keeps me focused. Now when I start to trend upward I can do something about it before 2 lbs becomes 20.