Why such hate for running or cardio?



  • CindyC60
    CindyC60 Posts: 30
    The hate for cardio probably comes from the fact that many people go at it harder than they really need to and burn themselves out.
  • Amyp7777
    Amyp7777 Posts: 79
    Has no one ever said "shut the f up" on here before?? Just curious. I mean... I feel like I committed some type of unforgiveable sin. Its my personality, don't like it...... then ignore me. :) lol. I grew up with 5 older brothers, sweet and ladylike isn't in my character, more like eat or be eaten.

    For what it's worth, it made me laugh. Also, you have a sweet figure, so you're doing it right.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    Because cardio is useless. The lungs and heart aren't particularly important organs. Better to focus on getting a beach body. Just my 2 cents.

  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I've never seen anybody bash cardio on here. I've seen people suggest that people who do only cardio should pick up weight training, but they're not mean about it. There's nothing wrong with cardio, I personally do little to no cardio, but that's personal preference.


    I generally only see people suggest that maybe certain individuals should take it easy on the cardio and instead of doing two hours a day or whatever....maybe balance that out with spending an hour or so doing resistance training.

    Personally, I'm all about fitness...being fit requires cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, balance, and flexibility. Any good fitness regimen is going to incorporate aspects of each...how much would depend on what specifically the individual was training for at any given time.

    I'm talking about the people who are all hardcore.. My way or no way. Its not just on MFP in general. At the gym, in fitness articles, blogs, etc. I see a lot of negative things said about cardio. I was just curious if anyone that's a cardio basher could share why they thought it irrelevant to do cardio.

    I agree its all about balance. When I first started losing weight I ran exclusively and it worked. I dropped the lbs rapidly. But then I looked in the mirror and realized skinny fat was not my goal and started lifting weights.

    Probably for the same reason some people are my way is the only way about 1) religion or atheism, 2) how to discipline children, 3) how to clean the house, 4) how to load the dishwasher, 5) which direction the toilet paper should roll from, 6) you get the point.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Has no one ever said "shut the f up" on here before?? Just curious. I mean... I feel like I committed some type of unforgiveable sin. Its my personality, don't like it...... then ignore me. :) lol. I grew up with 5 older brothers, sweet and ladylike isn't in my character, more like eat or be eaten.

    Does anyone else see the irony?

    Perhaps you should have heeded your own advice and just ignored him.
  • ricomincia
    ricomincia Posts: 229 Member
    Not a natural runner myself but I've found cardio is pretty much the best way to shift fat. I prefer cycling but have recently tried to do a bit more running as it seems to burn more in less time. Only doing around 2km a day at the moment buts its good enough for me at the moment as I just started my regime on the 15th July... :)
  • jaycbadass
    jaycbadass Posts: 325
    Look at a marathon runners body..not very muscly often flabby.. Now look at a sprinter, built like a home depot.
    Im very fast for my weight 226-230 6'1. My joints cant handle the impact of running for so long plus After playing basketball with all out sprints for 1 hour you have basically fried your legs.
    You cant run marathons or long distances and build sizeable muscle, just aint happenin"
  • jaycbadass
    jaycbadass Posts: 325
    Now keep in mind, fat is burned at low metabolic rates or by doing HIIT, rule of thumb, you must be able to carry a conversation without gasping for air..if you have to stop in between words for air then your MR is too high.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I agree that the people who only utilize the treadmill & elliptical are rather annoying..

    Makes post about people bashing cardio.....but bashes people doing cardio.

    Seems legit.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Now keep in mind, fat is burned at low metabolic rates or by doing HIIT, rule of thumb, you must be able to carry a conversation without gasping for air..if you have to stop in between words for air then your MR is too high.

    Erm... no.
    Fat and glycogen are burned in different proportions at ALL heart rate zones, higher fat proportion at lower heart rate and declining all the way through to high intensity.

    "At 50% of your max heart rate, your body burns a ratio of 60% fat to 40% glycogen. At 75% of your max heart rate, the ratio is 35% to 65%, and at even higher intensities, the ratio is even lower."

    Not arguing in favour of this misnamed "fat burning zone" by the way - in the end it's about calories if you are exercising for fat loss.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • devinbear
    devinbear Posts: 38 Member
    I like running because it makes me feel good. I really like running because I can eat more ice cream!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I really like running because I can eat more ice cream!

    Doesn't that cover most exercise?
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    While I haven't seen explicit "bashing", I think it's definitely the black sheep of many people's exercise routines. I'm with you - I love distance running. It's one of the few fragments of time I have to myself, I do my best introspection while running, and I love the feeling after blazing through a route for a PR.

    That being said, after doing only running for a good portion of time to lose weight, I realized how weak my core had become, so over the past few months I've been mixing in strength training and HIIT core work. It's helped the running immensely.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    While I haven't seen explicit "bashing", I think it's definitely the black sheep of many people's exercise routines. I'm with you - I love distance running. It's one of the few fragments of time I have to myself, I do my best introspection while running, and I love the feeling after blazing through a route for a PR.

    That being said, after doing only running for a good portion of time to lose weight, I realized how weak my core had become, so over the past few months I've been mixing in strength training and HIIT core work. It's helped the running immensely.

    I don't think it's the black sheep, as I see many here advocate a mix of strength and cardio.

    I believe what makes it seem like the black sheep is when individuals think that it's the only way to lose weight, burn fat, and stand by this statement.
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    I want to love running so much, and feel so awesome right after I give it a shot and start doing c25k, but then next day I feel like someone drilled a hole in my hip :(
    I'll be trying it again when I lose some weight because I'm convinced I'll become a runner.


    I agree with this poster. Ill fitted or worn shoes can cause these problems.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    *takes notes*

    Running good.
    Weights good.

    Okay I don't have weights but I found these heavy things in my big sister's bedside drawer...I think I'm ready.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Look at a marathon runners body..not very muscly often flabby.. Now look at a sprinter, built like a home depot.
    Im very fast for my weight 226-230 6'1. My joints cant handle the impact of running for so long plus After playing basketball with all out sprints for 1 hour you have basically fried your legs.
    You cant run marathons or long distances and build sizeable muscle, just aint happenin"

    You mean look at this?
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    I don't do cardio or run because like another poster said, simply put- I'd rather be dead. I don't find it enjoyable in the least and it hurts my joints to run. I had asthma as a child and I can remember growing up being the chubby kid in gym class who took 15 minutes to run a mile. I am enviable of others who enjoy running, I wish I was someone who had the endurance and the stamina to run every day or at least a few times a week, but I am not and never will be. Does that mean I hate or judge others who are? Absolutely not, only do what you enjoy. I think the common misconception though with a lot of newbie exercisers is that cardio is the only way to lose fat and "tone up", and thats where a lot of the lifters come in and tell them to strength train instead, but I have never seen someone 'bash' cardio.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    No hate for cardio here. I do cardio because it's fun, yoga because it feels sublime, and weight training because, damn it, it's good for me.