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  • Bigjuicyhog
    Bigjuicyhog Posts: 61 Member
    I usually drink at least one diet soda a day. It has not hampered my weight loss in any way.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I'm confused about the insulin resistance thing.

    I don't have a bio-chem background, only took 1 year of biology classes, and medical training to EMT level, so I'm not super informed here. But I thought that it was the presence of carbohydrate -- as in the CHO chains -- that caused release of insulin into the blood stream (from the pancreas), not the sensation of sweetness on the tastebuds/ going to the brain. Has recent research actually changed this (and I don't mean research based on effects of artificial sweeteners/ diet drinks /etc, I mean actual medical research).

    If it is true that just the sensation of sweetness messes with the insulin reaction, then why isn't there some sort of reaction when we smell sweet things - candles, flowers, perfume, etc? Because aren't olfactory and taste receptors in the brain closely linked (after all when your nose is stuffed and you can't smell, foods taste more bland, and you can actually fool someone about what they're eating by giving them something different to smell at the same time).

    I'm legitimately interested in knowing this, not bringing it up just for the sake of arguing.
  • True! Big report out this year about how much more long term damage is done by diet sodas.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    It's been over 10 years since I had a diet soda and many years longer since I had a regular one. I don't miss it at all.

    I don't believe they are healthy and do feel they can contribute to health problems. Diet or not, soda/pop/coke has no place in my life.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I only drink it on occasion, sort of as a treat. I do notice it affects me and I am glad I am not a daily drinker anymore.
  • Love_cup
    Love_cup Posts: 20 Member
    i don't always drink soda, but when I do - i prefer the real stuff, Coca Cola. Stay Thirsty my friends.


    Thisss guyyy
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are more closely associated with Type II Diabetes than regular sodas and fruit juices, so I steer pretty clear of that stuff. I get a little aspartame in my yogurt on occasion, but I cut out my 4 daily Coke Zeros since I popped "diet soda" into the CINAHL database.
  • timesinfinityplus2
    timesinfinityplus2 Posts: 57 Member
    Aspartame has been around since 1974 and the world's population doesn't seem to be decreasing. Since they didn't track cancer rates prior to 1973 it is pretty much impossible to say if it has had an effect other than saying that giving a gallon to a rat causes it to get cancer.

    That said, I went from drinking tons of it every day to having smaller amounts each day. Whether my Mio stuff or diet soda, I drink it still. Losing weight, not any more hungry, and you can literally get cancer from ANYTHING anymore.


    Acesulfame potassium is what is in my water flavoring, so not even aspartame. Oh well, either way, not giving it up unless certain body parts start shrinking or something...
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    Diet Mountain Dew, every single day of my life for a few years now. Still losing weight consistently, and I don't plan to give it up no matter what anyone says about it. We all have our vices.
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are more closely associated with Type II Diabetes than regular sodas and fruit juices, so I steer pretty clear of that stuff. I get a little aspartame in my yogurt on occasion, but I cut out my 4 daily Coke Zeros since I popped "diet soda" into the CINAHL database.

    But is the association because of the aspartame itself, or is it generally because of the type of consumer ingesting the diet sodas? I'm talking about the consumer who's already obese, at risk of diabetes, and ordering their Big Mac meal supersized with a Diet Coke.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I know it's bad for you because of the aspartame (or other type of sweetener that may be in the kind you're drinking), but I crave it and love it. I used to drink it 2-3 times a day with very little water, which is BAD. Now I have about 2-4 diet sodas each week and have water 90% or more of the time with my meals.

    I know a lot of people say it sets your body up to receive sugar, and if you just have artificial sweeteners instead it does crazy stuff to your body. I do get sugar in other forms, so meh.

    I've also heard many people say that diet soda will make you eat more or crave bad stuff. I really don't think that happens for me. For example if I have a slice of thin crust veggie pizza with a diet soda, I'm totally satisfied. But if I had the same pizza with water to drink I would be looking around for something sugary to eat like chocolate...kinda counter-productive.

    Really I think all things can be ok //in moderation// if you enjoy them. But I see no reason that diet soda can't be PART of a good diet if you use common sense.

    Ducking because I know people will disagree...
  • GypsySoul_74
    GypsySoul_74 Posts: 152 Member
    i'll usually have one can a day. some days i don't have any. once in awhile, maybe i'll have two (i find it helps me feel full when all i want to do is snack). certainly i don't consider it a health food, but it is one of my favorite treats! i drink tons of water & unsweetened green & black tea as my primary hydration sources.
  • Warcraftmommie
    Warcraftmommie Posts: 9 Member
    I was up to drinking 2Litres a day, and I stopped over 2 months ago, it was the best decision I could have ever made! When I was drinking the soda, I would be nodding off at my computer at work mid-day, I seriously couldn't keep my eyes open ( sugar crash), my ankles would get swollen every day about twice the size from the sodium, and my teeth have definitely taken a toll, which I am now repairing.

    Do some research on what aspartame does to your body internally, and I'm sure you will make the decision to either stop or seriously cut back on diet soda.

    Now, I'm soda-free and feeling sooo much better, I'm awake, perky all day long and I just drink water and you know what, I don't even miss the sugary taste.
  • BeverlyHillsCop
    BeverlyHillsCop Posts: 94 Member
    Make it easier on yourself (and your teeth). Eliminate it altogether and it will make your journey MUCH smoother. Why waste the energy burning off empty calories?
  • eklavon84
    eklavon84 Posts: 9 Member
    I personally don't care for the taste of diet soda(except occasionally Diet Strawberry Limeade from Sonic)I assume like everything you could drink diet in moderation. However, I do know a guy who drinks 8-10 cans of diet pepsi a day and has for 20+ yrs he is in fine heath except for diabetes which is why he switched to diet in the first place.
  • EvilFeevil
    EvilFeevil Posts: 95 Member
    I never liked diet soda but now that I'm really trying to lose these last 20 lbs I've started making changes that I never thought I would, such as drinking the occasional diet soda (I still drink regular soda periodically but only about 4 oz a day and not every day).

    I thought that Diet Dr. Pepper might taste the least "fake sugary" and I was right, it's not as bad as Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi.

    Someone has a new soda out with ten calories instead of zero and I wonder if it tastes any better (or less bad) than zero calorie soda? I can't believe I'm at the stage of my life where I am one of "those people" who drinks diet soda. :wink:

    Now I will digress momentarily. Of course my dentist says all soda is bad because of the acid but you know what, I already gave up my favorite sour candies because of all the citric acid de-calcifying my teeth (okay, and the calories, you got me); I am not giving up everything I enjoy, I'm just enjoying it in smaller amounts and in moderation. And as my dental hygienist suggested, I try to remember to drink water after I drink soda (and after coffee with creamer in it), kind of swish some water around in my mouth to rinse off the acid (and sugar if it's regular soda). I know this has nothing to do with dieting but good oral hygiene should be part of everyone's fitness journey so I hope my water tip helps someone! :smile:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I drink it here and there. I like the taste. It's not an addiction or a daily thing but it's not something I avoid like the plague.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,887 Member
    STAY AWAY from diet sodas! If you're going to splurge and have one, just have a small can (the little ones) of the regular, fully loaded one. Diet ones are horrible! The reason that they have "Zero" everything is they are all made of artificial chemicals. They actually break down to formaldehyde in your system once broken down. And, they trick your brain into thinking you are hungry. Have you ever noticed when you have a diet, you start craving junk food? Whether it be a sweet or salty, it makes you crave carbs. Can BOMB your efforts! If you like fizz, try sparkling mineral water with a slice of lemon or other citrus to add flavor.
    Here's a few links for you to check out:


    Formaldehyde is formed in the body eating citrus fruits...................doh. Diet soda doesn't cause cravings, lack of having what you crave does............doh.
    Articles are peer reviewed. Thanks for just spreading more alarmism.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LynnMartin78
    LynnMartin78 Posts: 16 Member
    Let me say this.......I only gave up diet pop and didn't change anything else in my diet and I lost 10 lbs. No excercise....nothing.....still ate bad. So..I think that says something about how diet soda affects your metabolism .
  • JKardeno
    JKardeno Posts: 24 Member
    Pepsi Max all the way. I drink it pretty much daily.