Why don't I ever pull big numbers?

I'm going to start this off by saying this is not a whiney "I'm not losing post"! I understand that I am not perfect and I can always strive to be better and improve my eating and working out. Please don't get the wrong idea.

My question is this: Is it just simply harder for some to lose weight than others?
I say this because I have tried all kinds of different things. Working out with trainers, eating vegetarian, "clean", upping my calories, lowering them, working out 6 days a week, 2 days a week, fitness classes, video's. .and I NEVER lose more than a pound and a half a week. It's a totally mystery. I simply can't figure it out. My friends and my "MFP's" are always pulling 2-4 pound losses a week. My friends can barely change their diet and drop fifteen pounds, and I have to totally work my *kitten* off for 3 months to achieve it.

Any ideas? Could it be a genetic thing, I hate blaming weight stuff on that but I'm seriously just confused. I am happy with my losses so far and I will continue to work hard. I guess I'm just wondering if I'm the only one in this boat. I just don't pull big numbers.

What do you think?


  • pattya925
    pattya925 Posts: 398
    I think I wouldn't stress about it... I also tend to lose weight slowly - though I wouldn't consider 1.5 lb a week slow at all!
  • fpuckett2383
    fpuckett2383 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm not really stressing, more just curious, you know? And that's a "big" number in my book, I average a 1/2-1 pound. Still proud! Just wondering if anyone had any idea's or are the same way.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Not sure if srs.

    Srs? You lose 1 1/2 lbs a week and you're not happy?

    Keep your goals realistic. You can't just drop mega weight every week. It's not even safe.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member

    My question is this: Is it just simply harder for some to lose weight than others?

    What do you think?

    for the majority of people no its not. You may simply need to eat less and or exercise more.
  • fpuckett2383
    fpuckett2383 Posts: 49 Member
    If you would have read the post I said I was happy twice, just CURIOUS to see why I can't pull big numbers as easily as others. And two pounds a week is safe.
  • Kushy8
    Kushy8 Posts: 103 Member
    I can only speak for myself. I have been on here since the end of May. I lost about 13 pounds, and now it has stopped. The scale is stuck. I continually eat at a deficit and exercise regularly. I have read A LOT of these forum posts, and we are NOT ALONE! People frequently talk about plateaus, where the loss just stops. What I've seen recommended is this: change something. This can be temporarily and slightly upping or lowering your calories (by maybe 200-300 calories.) It can also be shaking up your workout by doing different exercises than you are used to and/or doing more or less than you are used to for just a few days. I just tried these suggestions this week, so I don't yet know how effective they will be. It's certainly worth a shot! Best wishes to you! And whatever you do, don't give up! You will get past this, it just takes time!

    As for the genetic question, I just don't know. I can say this: I have hypothyroidism, and I do take medication for it. Despite my blood levels of thyroid hormones being in the ideal range now, I still struggle with the weight. There was a post on here awhile back about someone else with hypothyroidism balanced with meds, and she too was concerned that the weight was just not coming off. Do you have, or have you been recently checked, for medical conditions including hypothyroidism?

    I don't go back to see what people have posted after me in these forums, but if you want to reply to me, feel free to message me on here.
  • fattymacfattass
    Hey guys,

    I had really similar issues. I was constantly over weight, even when extremely active, eating "healthy", not eating, etc. etc. At my highest I weighed over 180 lbs. I'm am now 136.

    I have psoriasis (a dry skin condition) and heard that a Gluten Free diet has worked for reducing it's effects. I have lost over 20 pounds in 8 months, was able to go off of my anti-depression medication with out a single side effect, and my psoriasis has improved tremendously. After seeing results I went to the doctor, sure that I has a gluten allergy, which I...dun dun dun...did not. I had an intolerance, which means my body just didn't LIKE the food I was eating, not that it would harm me in anyway.

    My mother, who also has had chronic/ arthritic psoriasis for most of her adult life, and suffered with extreme weight issues, tried
    the same thing, and has lost 30 lbs. in two months. She then was so encouraged that she has cut out dairy, which inspired me to do the same. I'm not suggesting everyone will have the same results, but I am suggesting that food intolerance can have drastic effects on your body.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    A pound and a half a week is more than reasonable. What were you expecting to lose? anything moew than 2/wk is not sustainable, and puts you at risk of developing loose, saggy skin.
  • shelliemacs
    shelliemacs Posts: 42 Member
    Im riding that slow bus as well. I loose maybe a pound a week then gain1 then loose one then gain one. I don't think its possible for me to exercise more. I am in a gym 7 days a week for 90 minutes. I think my issue is I don't reach my calorie goal. The idea of eating more to lose weight still stops me cold even though I know that its probably whats stopping me from continuing to loose. having been a fat kid and a fluffy adult till about 4 years ago its boggling for me to wrap my head around eating more. but I understand the reasoning to eat more when I am exercising so much more then I ever have.

    Im just a work in progress I guess.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Mathematically speaking, it's pretty hard to clear more than 2 lbs per week of actual fat loss...actually it's pretty much impossible unless you are literally and figuratively starving yourself. Most of the bigger losses you see are water...I can reduce my carbs for 4 or 5 days and drop about 3-4 Lbs of water in that time...course my training sucks because I don't have any glycogen stores, but hey...if scale loss is all you care about then go for it...actually if scale loss is all you care about I'd suggest eating at your deficit, don't do any exercise and eat a low carb diet. You will rarely retain water and most certainly not have any of those pesky glycogen stores to worry about.

    I'm just kidding of course...you just need to understand better what makes up the number on the scale.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Adjust your expectations.

    If people are hitting 3-4 a week steadily, then they have a LOT to lose, or, it's re-reporting fluctuations of pounds already lost.

    For example, I could easily post 4 pounds a week if I timed my weighing correctly, because gains aren't posted to the newsfeed. By the end of the day I'm usually up 5 pounds!
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    It depends on a number of factors, how overweight are you compared to your friends? if your friends have more weight to loose versus you then they are going to see bigger numbers drop off. The closer you are to your ideal weight the slower its going to become. For me ive been at it since the end of may and lost well over a stone and a half, now ive got another 4 stones to go, so the closer I get the slower its going to become.

    So if you have lets say 1-15lbs to lose 0.5lb per week is expected
    16-29lbs 1lb a week
    29-40lbs 1.5lb a week
    40+ 2lbs a weeks.

    So dont worry about it, just keep going you will get there in the end!
  • caithleensteeves
    Im new here and do not have the answer for anyone else.I have had a shape shifting body all my life.From 250 in my twenties to 135 in my thirties then up to 204 in my sixties!!!The one thing that keeps recurring is candida yeast , when its under control I lose weight.....when its out of control I'm bloating out like a ferris wheel......
    All the best to us all
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    The closer you get to your goals and the more fit you become, the harder it is to get the same calorie burns you did before. This translates into less burn for the same intensity. Also, the closer you get to your goals the less likely you will get those big numbers unless you make some drastic changes.

    I know I was averaging 10 lbs a month with ease at first...now it's closer to 5-7ish lbs per month. I can make some calorie adjustments, increase my workout intensity and frequency, and there are days I think about it, but overall...I'm headed in the right direction, I like how things are working now and I'm not really in a big hurry to change it.

    I also know that with the "swoosh" factor I can hover around the "0's" part of a weight group (220, 210, 200, 190) for a long time, then drop 4 lbs, then a couple more, then a few more rather quickly then...hover around the "0's" again for a while. It seems to be in cycles and I just roll with it.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Back when I start at 560 lbs. my dietician said we will adjust your calories so that you are losing no more than 1 to 2 lbs. a week. She said that is a sustainable weight loss and will more than likely guarantee that the weight I lose will be permanent. This isn't a race to some finish line. Slow and steady will win the race, my 1 to 2 lbs. a week has turned into a 312 lb. of weight loss. If you are doing this right, then you are in this for the rest of your life so please don't feel the need to rush it..... Best of Luck...
  • fpuckett2383
    fpuckett2383 Posts: 49 Member
    It depends on a number of factors, how overweight are you compared to your friends? if your friends have more weight to loose versus you then they are going to see bigger numbers drop off. The closer you are to your ideal weight the slower its going to become. For me ive been at it since the end of may and lost well over a stone and a half, now ive got another 4 stones to go, so the closer I get the slower its going to become.

    So if you have lets say 1-15lbs to lose 0.5lb per week is expected
    16-29lbs 1lb a week
    29-40lbs 1.5lb a week
    40+ 2lbs a weeks.

    THIS makes so much sense. I guess I had never really thought about that before.

    So dont worry about it, just keep going you will get there in the end!
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    HI -
    You look fantastic in your picture let me say!!!!
    I started about 6 weeks ago and just lost my first two pounds... I have been eating right and exercising and logging everything - it has been frustrating but I keep pushing on - some days with the help of my MFP friends...
    I just wanted to reply to say that I haven't been pulling any numbers at all but still haven't given up .... Slow and steady is good though it means that you are doing it right!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    its taken me over a year to lose 52 lbs. While slow and frustrating, I am glad that I took the time because I learned a lot and with this way, I am not coming up with ways to gain it all back. Slow and steady wins the race. If you wanted a quick fix and lose weight only to crave food etc then obviously there are ways but if you want a life long healthy association with food and fitness, then go slow. Your body and mind will thank you.

    Good luck :)
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Back when I start at 560 lbs. my dietician said we will adjust your calories so that you are losing no more than 1 to 2 lbs. a week. She said that is a sustainable weight loss and will more than likely guarantee that the weight I lose will be permanent. This isn't a race to some finish line. Slow and steady will win the race, my 1 to 2 lbs. a week has turned into a 312 lb. of weight loss. If you are doing this right, then you are in this for the rest of your life so please don't feel the need to rush it..... Best of Luck...

    Hi-jacking to say, holy s**t dude. What a transformation.

    My best loss is also 1.5lbs a week, but if the scale and measurements are going down who am I to complain? I work my *kitten* off, I get results. The weight is coming off a hell of a lot quicker than it went on!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    this is a joke right..you are complaining about losing 1.5 pounds per week...really?