Has anyone met there goal weight eating 1200 calories??



  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Hi am worried i will gain by just eating 1200 calories a day but im full and don't feel the need to eat any more not even my net calories I have a personal trainer 5x a week will i still lose weight??

    Has anyone met there goal weight just eating 1200 calories??

    I have met my goal in the past eating 1200 calories, twice in fact. First time I lost 33lbs, the second time 41lbs. I put weight back on because I ate too much.

    Your body needed fuel and once you started eating more it hung on to everything you ate, that's why you gained. Figure out your TDEE and BMR!!!
  • PamGeirng
    PamGeirng Posts: 165 Member
    I have lost 43 pounds so far. (I lost 5 before joining fitness pal). I eat 1200 a day plus at least 1/2 of the calories back on days I exercise. I take 2 days a week off of exercise and only eat 1200 on those days. I am not hungry. I am 4 pounds away from my goal and this has all happened in the last 7 months.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member

    THIS!!!!!!! ^^^^^^

    A million times a day, every day!!!! :grumble:
  • thepiratemd
    im down from 250 to 202 right now eating 1200 calories (since february), my bf % went from 24% to 15% so far, with lifting and doing cardio

    is your diet 1200, AFTER working out? or 1200 base and then you work out on top of it.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    1200 in thats it, so i'm probably in a deficit on most days.
  • vintagehearts
    vintagehearts Posts: 1 Member
    Since May 24th I've lost 31 lbs on 1200 calories a day.
  • penelope76
    penelope76 Posts: 49 Member
    yes I lost 47lbs and 3 dress sizes in 6 months eating 1200 cals and not logging my exercise. it depends on your body and how much you lift as well - not just doing cardio.
    I never thought of this. This is such a good idea,i think,not logging the exercises.And congratulations on losing 47 lbs,that's awesome!
    Me either and yes it is a great idea!!!! I too will stop logging my exercises!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    yes I lost 47lbs and 3 dress sizes in 6 months eating 1200 cals and not logging my exercise. it depends on your body and how much you lift as well - not just doing cardio.
    I never thought of this. This is such a good idea,i think,not logging the exercises.And congratulations on losing 47 lbs,that's awesome!
    Me either and yes it is a great idea!!!! I too will stop logging my exercises!
    that's honestly a pretty awful idea.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    You just might gain weight eating so little, when your body does not get enough food to fuel your body and metabolism is hoards everything. Eat more, your body will greatly love you and in thanks will burn fat. It's about what you eat. Not so much about "how much you eat"

    1200 calories is actually considered starvation to most these days as that's what most females metabolism lie at. You need to eat slightly more than that, unless recommended by your doctor for a medical supervised diet... in order to keep and fuel up your metabolism. Be one with your body my dear, listen to it. It's your friend, not your enemy. Same goes with food when you use it right.
  • 1BigMidge
    1BigMidge Posts: 17 Member
    Hi am worried i will gain by just eating 1200 calories a day but im full and don't feel the need to eat any more not even my net calories I have a personal trainer 5x a week will i still lose weight??

    Has anyone met there goal weight just eating 1200 calories??

    I lost a stone and a half in 5 weeks at 1200 ... I am however a 6'4" bloke lol
    After 4 weeks the loss started to dry up so I increased my calories so my body didn't go into starvation mode
  • ladyu
    ladyu Posts: 70 Member
    i did!
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    I did. I went from 135 to 119.2 in about 3 months with 1200 calories. I eat back some of my exercise calories, but not all.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I lost 40lbs in 4 months by eating 1200 calories and walking 3 miles a day. Then I bought a HRM and gained half of it back because I thought I could eat all of the exercise calories. Welllll now I'm back to 1200, but if I get really hungry, I eat. I'm back to losing again.
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member

    Oh! I like this "bang head here" sign! I have one in my office at work, but this one is much nicer! :tongue:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    my question is how much is everyone weighing to eat 1200 calories what if your over 250 lbs can that make your body go into starvation mode? when i typed my information in on mfp i did slightly active because i am working out...and it set me at 1510 calories..

    MFP commonly gives people 1200 calories based upon what their WEEKLY weight loss goal is ......not on what they currently weigh.
    This makes 1200 calories look like some "magical" number...... when really it's too low (for some people).

    Also, most people will put sedentary up front and then log exercise separately. So MFP will add exercise calories back ... so people are supposed to eat 1200 calories + exercise ..... this is known as 1200 NET caloires.

    Because you incorporated exercise up front (that's fine)....... don't log your exercise (or use a count of zero) .... or you will be "double" counting your calories..... just eat 1510. You're still at the same place.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Is it me or is it that a lot of MFPpers have trouble reaching 1200 cal. a day? It seems like I could have 5000 cal./day without any problem (besides weight gaining and metabolic issues and other stuff). What do you guys all eat to be this full?

    Many people ditch "regular" food when they start a diet & focus on low calorie foods that they can eat large portions of. Sometimes these "large portion" foods have very little nutrional value ...... say iceberg lettuce, cucumber, or celery.

    Because of all the fiber in these low calorie foods they are "full" ....... feeling full & eating proper nutrion are not one in the same ................
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Is it me or is it that a lot of MFPpers have trouble reaching 1200 cal. a day? It seems like I could have 5000 cal./day without any problem (besides weight gaining and metabolic issues and other stuff). What do you guys all eat to be this full?
    ^^This..I wish i could feel full.never seem to reach there no matter how much i eat..i love food:laugh:
  • sherrymccall
    sherrymccall Posts: 60 Member
    I have met my goal in the past eating 1200 calories, twice in fact. First time I lost 33lbs, the second time 41lbs. I put weight back on because I ate too much.

    Same here. I`ve lost over 40 pounds twice on 1200 calories, then I upped my calories to 1700 and packed the weight back on. Since then I read so many posts about maintenance, so I will up my calories by 50-100 calories slowly.

    Exactly the point in finding something sustainable. Can you eat 1200 and lose? Sure.. but unless you plan on doing that forever, why start now?

    You don't have to remain on 1200 forever though, this is the bit I never understand when people say that. If somebody remains on 1200 forever, they will continually lose weight. Once their goal has been met, they will need to go onto maintenance, so need to up their calories?

    This is the truth. I ate at 1200 calories for about 5 months and lost 37lbs. Which was too much. I originally wanted to lose 17 to be at 115lbs and never upped my calories. Ended up weighing 95lbs until I finally realized how unhealthy I was. It took some work to gain enough to be back at a healthy weight, physically and emotionally. I'm now a happy 106lbs at five foot one:). I also eat close to 2000 a day to maintain!
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    I have, many times before! It works! :smile:

    But guess what? Each time I did, and started eating "normally" again, I gained it all back, and then some.

    Decided I never wanted to diet ever again, so I committed to a change in my lifestyle.

    I'm 4'10" and lost 9 pounds (that's a lot on a small frame like mine) by eating 1600 calories gross and exercising.

    I eat 1800 to 2500 cals a day on maintenance. I'm about half the size of most folks that feel they have to severely cut calories to lose weight. It's not a sensible, sustainable approach.

    By the way, I've been 103 pounds for the past year and a half. I wonder how many people can live the rest of their lives on such a low calorie allowance. Gives me a headache just thinking of it.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Hi am worried i will gain by just eating 1200 calories a day but im full and don't feel the need to eat any more not even my net calories I have a personal trainer 5x a week will i still lose weight??

    Has anyone met there goal weight just eating 1200 calories??

    I have met my goal in the past eating 1200 calories, twice in fact. First time I lost 33lbs, the second time 41lbs. I put weight back on because I ate too much.

    Your body needed fuel and once you started eating more it hung on to everything you ate, that's why you gained. Figure out your TDEE and BMR!!!

    You are not listening lol, I said I gained weight after reaching my goal because I ate too much. By "too much" I mean over 3000 calories per day, everyday.

    My body did not hang onto everything, it stored what it did not use, THAT is why I gained.

    I don't like broscience, please don't start me off LOL