

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Vickie :flowerforyou: I remember one time when I was still working as an RN. For some reason the communication system was broke and we all had to use paper requisitions. It freaked them out! But all us oldies just laughed at them and knew we had worked in that 'remember when era' and requisitions was the only way to do it.. These young kids. all they know is modern technology.

    Joyce, from the old school in Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Just a real quic check in Vince came home from the hosp yesterday, Iguess around 4 or so Katla - Swiss hocolate is also a GRET comfort food.

    We have tickets on the TGV to go to Paris today. The train leaves around 2:34 and gets there around 5:30. Talked to the girld yesterday. They went to the top of the Eiffel Tower, the Bridge of Locks, and Notre Dae. We'll go to Hard Rock Café Paris tonight and fly home tomorrow.

    The hosp gave Vince a summary of his medical care here. It's interesting, one sentence in English, the next in French. But he does have an apt with our MD on Tuesday.

    I feel we've imposed enough on my girlfriend and her husband. But at least it happened here, imagine ifit were in Paris or Spain, hotels need to know when you are checking out, hospitals usually don't give you a definite date. Oh well...

    Thinking of everyone

    Michele from NC now in Switzerland soon to b in Paris
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Happy Saturday! Feeling pretty good overall. Did my morning 3 mile Leslie Sansone walking DVD, went to the wedding reception, ate less than ideally, and arrived home later than expected. Didn't end of going to the gym, however I did a second 3 mile workout with Leslie Sansone. As long as I keep that type of focus, I will get where I need to go. Yea!

    Will catch up on reading later. Sending positive energy out to you all!


    this could also be what I look like exercising.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Critter Sue: Good luck with your health situation. I hope they figure it out and it is something easy to deal with.:flowerforyou:

    Tigress in GA: I hope you get your health straightened out. Managing diabetes is a real balancing act and 8.5 lbs lost in two days is frightening. I hope you’re in touch with your doctor about this.:flowerforyou:

    Pat: Congratulations on being home. That has got to be a comfort and relief. Time to celebrate! :bigsmile:

    Barbie: I wonder what lavender ice cream tastes like. I hope you enjoyed every lick of it.:tongue::wink:

    Sveltewisher: Bat wings will reduce some as the weight goes. You will also need to do exercises to firm up the underlying muscles. I like yoga for the help it gives me, and I’ve also started working out at the gym. This is a slow process, so I know I have to be patient, but also diligent in getting good exercise. My skin is softer/looser than I’d like, but it seems to be doing a fair job of shrinking to fit the smaller me.:smile:

    Michelle: I’m glad Vince is well enough to be out of the hospital. Travel safe.:flowerforyou:

    I left my sick husband at home with a fresh box of Mucinex and bottle of cough medicine and came up to WA to see my son and DIL’s new home. The traffic was dreadful and I was thrilled to get here. They’ve leased a lovely place and worked like dogs to have it all set up before I got here. It is well laid out and spacious with nice appliances. They plan to be here at least 2 years. DH and I bought them a barbecue as their combination housewarming/birthday present. (Both of their birthdays are coming up soon.) They chose to get one in a box rather than already assembled, and it still needs to be put together. I'm glad I don't have to do it.:bigsmile:

    Katla temporarily in Beautiful NW Washington

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Good morning with a nice breeze coming through the window. It won't last. High temps forecast for today. I didn't sleep well last night, but woke up later than usual this morning so I feel OK. At least I'm getting some reading in! At the moment I'm gently preparing for our trip to Rome at the end of September. I am reading a series of detective stories set in Rome and have a book on my pile about corruption in the Berlusconi era. I am also occasionally checking in on the language books I have on my Kindle. Nothing serious, but the momentum might pick up the closer we get. I just love being able to say a few words in the language and shopping for local food in the market. We have rented an apartment so can cook for ourselves with all the lovely veg you find in the markets, but never, for some reason, in the restaurants. Looking on Trip Advisor I am having trouble finding a place that isn't all pasta etc. So many places are just for tourists. :laugh: :laugh: I think I have spotted a good one in a quieter area about a mile walk away which is mainly locals. I like to eat seafood and fish if possible, but I know from my reading that traditional Roman food is mainly things like calves' heart, liver, tripe etc. I like that sort of food, but not if it's warm. Should be OK at the end of September.

    With regard to all the lovely meals I cook - of course I am retired, so have all day to think about it. DH and I amuse ourselves with playing a game most nights which goes, "How much do you reckon this would cost in a restaurant?" :bigsmile: By restaurant I mean a 'gastropub', which is a pub which sells upmarket meals. They are very common round here and the traditional pub has almost disappeared. It's all scrubbed pine tables and the meals on a chalk board that you order at the bar. Generally very nice food - good home cooking. Anyway, we usually reckon we would be happy to pay around £7-£8 for our lunch, unless it is just a simple sandwich and £14-£15 for dinner. Each. So we reckon we are saving ourselves a LOT of money! :laugh: The only trouble is, a place has to be REALLY good for me to want to go and eat there and nowdays I am looking for a nice atmosphere and great service to make the expenditure worth while. Do I sound fussy? Yes I am!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Pat - mange tout are a kind of pea that you can eat the whole thing. You sometimes find them in Chinese meals, but one of the advantages is they only take a minute to cook. The name means 'eat all' in French.

    Michele- safe journey! Have a little walk down the Seine for me. I'm getting a nostalgia pang!

    All those with poorly heels, knees, stomachs, backs and anything else, I hope it improves for you. Blood sugars too. My brother is #2 diabetic and has had a lot of trouble with his eyes. It was yet another reason why I wanted to lose weight.

    My ounces are still hanging on. I think it's only a couple now though. It is ready to drop. :ohwell: :huh: :tongue:

    Heather from still blazing Hampshire UK. (Government health warnings and numerous heath fires, people, including army trainees, dying in the heat)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    Morning ladies
    All I can say about the heat is it does sweat off the weight. I have lost another lb:bigsmile:
    I am down in the 150s granted it is 159.8 ,but hey I will take it....
    trying to figure out what I want to do it is already 81 degree's out, should I walk or go to the gym?:wink:
    How do I change the ticker? I cant remember how I did it:blushing:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    Morning again,
    The DH and I went for a walk and came back soaked.it is the air you can wear..Oh My word...
    Anyway got 5000 + steps in before 9 that's good. the food site is down for maintance,trying to log and I cant.. oh well will have to wait I guess
    Making spagetti and meatballs for my FIL today, and taking them over later, then probably stopping at Sam's and then out for pizza I think..supposed to cool down later this afternoon with a nasty storm coming through.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Morning ladies
    All I can say about the heat is it does sweat off the weight. I have lost another lb:bigsmile:
    I am down in the 150s granted it is 159.8 ,but hey I will take it....
    trying to figure out what I want to do it is already 81 degree's out, should I walk or go to the gym?:wink:
    How do I change the ticker? I cant remember how I did it:blushing:

    Enter your weight under "progress" and the ticker takes care of itself. Congratulations on your loss!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.Was suppose to get rain and cooler temps,no rain and still feels hot.
    Have a nice trip Michele,glad Vince is out of hosp.
    Everyone have a great day!
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Just a quick morning check in. The humidity has finally broken but at a price, some pretty violent storms last night. But today I can actually go outside for a walk

    Weigh in today - 3.4 lb loss this week, i'm thrilled considering the 1 lb gain last week. (happy dance icon here :laugh: )

    Michele - so happy to hear that Vince is out of the hospital

    Grandmallie - congrats on the loss and WOW on the steps already this morning

    Heading out to get the cars washed and vac'd

    Have a great day everyone!

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi ladies

    I've been out of hospital for four days and haven't stopped since I got home. I'm trying to limit myself to making phone calls and doing the organising for moving dad to sheltered accommodation. Not always successful though.

    Anyway - I'm going to burst so I'll just get this out:

    After 15 years and 9 rounds of IVF in an attempt to conceive, just over a year ago my daughter gave up. Left her husband and moved to Germany to focus on her career instead. Met a wonderful (albeit much younger) German guy and is very happy with him. She had been having bad problems with endometriosis and polycystic ovaries so the doctor put her on the pill. This didn't seem to make that much difference. Then she went off on holiday to Egypt with the BF and succumbed to severe tummy upset. Well, she is now nine weeks pregnant! I am going to have a German grandchild to go along with my darling grandtwins.

    Thrilled and scared for her and cannot believe that I won't be able to be with her all through her pregnancy and after. Skype will definitely be used!

    So that is my news. Please spare a prayer that it all goes well please.

    I'm sorry I've not responded to anybody, but I just about have time to log in at present. Hope you are all doing well.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Amanda I am so happy for you and will be sending positive energy to you and your daughter.

    Michele safe travels and I am sure you will be glad to be back home soon.

    to all of you with success I say hooray!! to all of you with struggles know that you are in my thoughts.

    I haven't gotten back on the straight and narrow yet. I think it is because I am a little worried about making a good impression with the new job. I am really so much happier and the organization is awesome. It is also forcing me to really think about what I want for the next 10 years or so that I will have to work before I can retire.

    Today will be spent in the yard cleaning things up. Bodi and Ritter have made it such disaster but I still love them to pieces.

    Happy Saturday all.

    Robin, Bodi boy and Rit bit.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member


    this could also be what I look like exercising.

    :flowerforyou: Janie, I love this graphic and may swipe it and use it myself sometime

    :flowerforyou: Katla, you'll have to drive north next July and taste lavender ice cream for yourself........there are several different varieties----lavender plus strawberry cheesecake, vanilla bean, white chocolate, dark chocolate chip, lemon, peach and maybe others.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Amanda, I'm dancing the happy dance for you and your upcoming German grandchild


    :heart: Barbie from foggy NW Washington
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello! I stopped in a couple of weeks ago, said hello, and then returned to lurking, but am trying again! I've been eating absolutely horribly the last couple of weeks. I frequently go over my calorie goal but also go under (sort of a natural 5:2 program), and as long as my weekly average isn't too bad, and I've been losing fairly steadily I've been okay with that. Often I have one really bad day a week when I binge / eat compulsively (I'm not sure what term to use for what I do). I eat, almost nonstop, usually sugar and carbs, and there is no correlation between hunger and intake. I can eat despite being very full and uncomfortable, and I may end up with a stomachache. I need to get a handle on this behavior. I do log every single bite though!

    I also haven't been exercising - I'm doing c25k, and usually my daughter goes with me. But with the heat wave, neither of us have been motivated to get up and out. We finally did this morning, and I'm hoping that'll be the push to get me back on track, both with eating and exercising!

    Lucy . . . you are really an inspiration and role model for me - running in this heat, even on your day off!

    Katla, Barbie, Robin, Terri, and anyone else who lives in the Pacific Northwest . . . I am quite envious - you live in a part of the country I've always wanted to visit and haven't made it to yet.

    Michele . . . as a long time lurker I'm familiar with your story. Hope Vince feels better and your trip home is uneventful.

    To all who are exercising, eating right, losing pounds or inches, meeting your goals . . . congratulations and thank you as you are truly inspiring!

    Amanda . . . Congratulations to you and your daughter !!!

    Kate in hothothot Brooklyn, NY
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Checking in early today. How are all my fine mfp pals? Yesterday was HOT, in the upper 90s, but we managed to go to our concert anyway. We found a nice shady spot and it was just slightly uncomfortable, and we really enjoyed the band. I’m glad we went. Dinner did not go as planned; DD#2 had made a chicken broccoli salad and rosemary pull apart bread, neither of which turned out right, so we ended up eating at the concert. I had a plain hamburger, homemade potato chips and an 8-ounce mango smoothie, so it wasn’t too bad. Could have been much, much worse! Had a glass of wine when we got home and cooled off.

    Today is parent-daughter day. DH is out with DD#2 and I’m waiting for DD#1` to get home and see if she remembers. We won’t have much time, she works one job til 2 and the other one starts at 5, but we could go out and do something. I doubt she remembers though even though it’s been on the calendar all month; she is totally oblivious.
    It is beautiful here today…going to be just 90 (just! I know!!!) and there’s a little breeze blowing. We may get rain tonight (please please please).

    Kathy; I’m just catching up so I hope to read later on that your back is better! Sounds like you had a wonderful visit.

    Michele: hope Vince continues to recover and you get home safe and sound. The only thing better than Swiss chocolates (believe it or not) are Russian chocolates. OMG they are to die for. Great nsv! I don’t think I was born wearing a 7!!!

    Lucy: now that is some dedication! Good for you and you have inspired me to make sure I exercise today!!!

    Grandmallie: what could be better than a day off with pay? Stay cool there..I bet you did wish you were shoveling snow! Congrats on the weight loss.

    Heather: can’t wait to hear how your eggplant tasted. I love eggplant and hope to get a few from the garden this year.

    Katla: is there someone nearby who could check in on DH if you went?

    Sandy: I have not used that particular BBQ sauce before, so I’ll let you know how it goes. We are smoking the ribs tomorrow, so I have to do extra exercise today and tomorrow so I can eat some! We rarely have red meat more than once a week, but Sunday dinner is also Monday dinner, and we are having burgers tonight (after our burgers yesterday!) so that is a TON of red meat for us! Usually we eat 2 vegetarian, 2 fish, and 2 poultry meals a week. I may have to go all fish/vegetarian next week to make up! Congrats on the weight loss!

    Janie: you could have eaten something much worse! So don’t fret! LOVE the dancing cat!

    CritterSue: hope things at GI go well for you. I’m with you on not wanting to eat so much when it is stifling out.

    Kat: ball shaped cucumbers? Do you have them staked so that the cucs can’t get elongated? We had a zucchini that I staked thinking it would keep all those leaves off the ground and several of them have been roundish.

    Tigress: wow I sure hope you feel better soon! You were very patient with the little one!

    Pat: I bet you are glad to be back home!

    Barbie: I have never heard of lavender ice cream!

    Joyce: good for you to find a restaurant meal you like and works in your calories. Sounds like Cracker Barrel is one of your favorites.

    Vicki: isn’t it funny how the younger “kids” have no idea what to do when the technology goes down? Remember “back in the day” when we worked without any computers of any kind…paper charting, paper lab reports, etc etc etc. It’s good some “old timers” were there who knew how to manage!

    Heather: I just can’t imagine the UK being so hot. My mental image is grey and raining!

    Amanda: so glad you are out of hospital and doing better. Please take care. OMG the news about DD is amazing. So happy for both of you. Sending prayers and good wishes!!!!! I know you are thrilled.

    Robin: always good to hear from you and so glad your job is still working out.

    Kate: all that behavior is the result of years and years of habits. You can’t break them all at once. Just take baby steps. Logging is great. That is the perfect place to start. Then you can pick one thing to work on. It takes time, time, time. I have been here over a year with only 23 pounds to show and I can tell you I’m happy with that and all the little tiny changes I have made over the year. They all add up.

    Well ladies I’m going to go clean the kitchen, finish trying on the last rack of clothes, then get ready to go out just in case DD#1 remembers about parent daughter day. Stay cool and hydrated…speaking of which I need a glass of water! Take care, Meg from Omaha where rain is promised tonight> we’ll see!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I can't remember who mentioned me finding a good meal:embarassed: but I would say we eat at a restaurant almost 100% of our meals. That has been our habit for many, many years. My husband has a problem in that if there are leftovers he eats them all. Even if I immediatley put food in the freezer he will thaw them out that evening. When I had to quit work I ate my lunch at home and told him that when he retired we may argue a bit on that. Sure enough we ate out a lot for both lunch and supper. And he is very regimental about what time meals are...11 AM for lunch, 5 PM for supper. It's a pain in the butt:ohwell: So now it is really rare that we have lunch out. :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I don't know what's wrong with my weight but where I couldn't lose an ounce last week,:frown: now I can't stop losing:huh: On Wednesday I was 198.8, Thursday 198.4, Friday 197.4 and today 196.4. So that's 2.4 pounds since Wednesday:huh: I don't know whether to be happy or concerned. My diary is open. I know I eat a lot of processed foods and that's not going to change. I also realize I am only eating 2 meals and 2 healthy snacks a day. I do know that with the antibiotic I'm on for my sunuses, my bowels are moving very well which is unusual for me:sad:

    Have a good day, stay cool. Joyce, Indiana
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    Wanted to share a couple of photos from my yard this morning :flowerforyou:


    Wow...absolutely gorgeous!
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! It feels good to be back in a routine! I slept like a rock in my own bed, and I am a happy, happy girl!
    I did not get my walk in last night, but I did get my little lawn mowed. Ever little bit helps, right?! Today I am going up to the scrapbook store for a demonstration in making jewelry. Our little scrappy community does all sorts of interesting things, not just scrapbooks. I really like being around creative people because I do not have a creative bone in my body! :blushing:

    :smile: Sveltewisher- Welcome! If you figure out what to do with the batwings, please, let me know! I really do believe that I just need to accept mine because they aren't going anywhere! (I could glide 'cross country with mine!) It is really fun to hear that you and your son have taken on this challenge together.
    :smile: Vicki- The hospital must have been in panic mode w/o the phones and internet! I can't imagine the chaos! Congratulations on the new outfit and new size! I am a little jealous of the motorcycle ride, I love those bikes!
    :smile: Janie- Love the graphic! You may be able to move that quickly, but I can not! That little pussem is way more coordinated than I! Keep on dancing, my friend!
    :smile: Michelle- I am glad that Vince is out of the hospital, and I am glad you have already made the Dr app't here at home. You need to come home to destress from your 'vacation'!
    :smile: Grandmallie- I can't even figure out how to get a ticker, let alone change it! 5,000 steps so early in the morning! You are a trooper, girlfriend! I am still trying to get my heart to beat!
    :smile: Sandy- Congratulations on the 3.4 loss! :flowerforyou: Awesome! Could I ask a favor? You are such a sweetie, kind & caring, and you say such nice, supportive things to people, I would really love to see a picture of you with a smile..... :blushing:
    :smile: Amanda- Miracles happen. Blessed Be and congratulations to you & your daughter. What fun! You have only been out of the hospital for 4 days, take it easy!
    :smile: Kate- Glad you came out to chat today. It's ok to lurk, but we really like to chat, too. That 5.2 program sounds interesting. The binge eating I surely can empathize with, I am a 'grazing queen'! I don't do big binges in one sitting, I just nibble and graze my way through entire days. Not something I am proud to admit, but it is a behavior I have to be very wary of. Logging every bite I take helps because it does truly make me ashamed of myself some days. (No, I don't beat myself up, but it really brings home what I had done during the day) Take care and be well.
    :smile: Meg- Your poor daughter! I bet she was devastated by the cooking failure! Tell her to try it again, she will succeed! We have a restaurant in town that does homemade potato chips, and I can eat them by the bushel basket! Other than the calories, the drawback for me is that they are fried in the same oil as foods with breadings on them, so they may be cross-contaminated by gluten. If I break down and have them, I know I am going to probably really regret it. (But, my willpower is weak, so sometimes I eat them anyway) Sounds like you are going to have a good day today. Have fun and enjoy parent-daughter day!

    I am going to go up to the rec center and ride the stationary bike for a while, and then I am going to get into the pool for real laps!:drinker: I am excited to be home.
    Enjoy your day, Everyone!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good Morning or should I say afternoon?? It is another HOT day here with a chance of rain. Yesterday we got just enough rain to make things really muggy. I am working 12 hours today so inside with the AC. I am since a wimp. Doing my walking around the inside of the building every two hours so getting my steps in.
    Michele- So gald that Vince is doing better and out of the hospital. Praying your trip home is problem free.
    Katlie- Sounds like DS has a nice place. Hope DH is feeling better when you get home.
    grandmallie- Congrates on the weight loss. The ticker should change when you update your weight. I admit mine does not always change and then the next time it will bring me current.
    Sandy-Great weight loss!!! some weeks I will gain or stay the same and then the next week I will have a good loss. I do think all this heat doesn't help.
    Amanda- Good to hear you are out of the hospital Be sure and take care of yourself and don't overdo. CONGRATES to you and your DD and the up coming grandchild. Saying a prayer for all of you. God gives us such great Blessings.
    Kate- important thing is not to give up. Some days I want to eat everything that is not nailed down. I just keep telling myself to pick myself up and face a new day!!
    In case I let anyone out I do say a prayer everynight for all my MFP's friends. So have a great Saturday. Stay cool!
    Blessed, Vicki in HOT NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Amanda,don`t over do it.:heart:
    How exciting about the baby:drinker:
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart: