

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Not a lot of time this morning, I`ve got to get ready to go boss my boys today:bigsmile: :devil: , I think maybe that`s just what I need to put me in a better mood:laugh: . Maybe I will actually wear my tiara today while I drink from my "Queen " mug:smokin: .

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in still soggy NC:grumble:
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning ladies. I tried twice to post and they both got lost in cyber space somewhere, but now I know why. I was trying to post on the old thread. If I'm repeating myself (again), sorry! I woke up very early, around 2:00-something and couldn't get back to sleep. Eventually got up around 4 to make a cup of tea, and I've been up since. We're taking our 11 year old son to summer camp later this morning and I suppose it was on my mind, together with everything I still have to do before my flight tomorrow. Nicholas has quite a lot of "issues" and he's going to a therapeutic camp which will be great for him. He went for 5 days last year but he's going for two weeks this year which is a long time for him. He's a very young 11 and is worried about being away from us for so long, plus he knows that I'll be in England while he's at camp.

    Now I have to try and make sure I don't add an extra meal into my day because I got up so early. How do early risers manage that??

    JB - Beautiful garden photos!

    Helen (Needham, MA)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    whewwww found you all!!!!
    yesterday I worked didn't work out ,except for walking here and there...
    the state did show up at my FIL house and did a suprise inspection :bigsmile:
    wont know how that went,but my SIL and BIL went to a Nascar race and left my FIL in the care of my wacked out nephew. he is the other one that abuses my FIL.
    I can only hope that when it comes time for my BIL and SIL that there children treat them as they have treated others...
    I am going up to my dad's for a few hours even though my heel is still killing me, and help hoe out his cellar,he has water in the basement and all the crap( can you say hoarder)is all moldy and has to be removed, he has a dumpster so I will bring some gloves and do what I need to do.. dont know how much my heel will take but I feel guilty that I am not up there..
    then come home and mow the lawn.... then cook dinner.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Morning Ladies, Thoughts and prayers going to all who are not feeling well or those who are going through a rough patch.:heart:

    Linda yes the blueberries are out here and doing well, we picked 2 baskets and hats off to you for picking what you do, it is hard work but worth it in the end, mosquitoes could carry you away though, they are horrible this year.

    Jb Lovely garden it looks so relaxing to be there enjoy your hard work

    Robin congrats on your new job and best of luck to you,been a long time in coming!!

    I to have been thinking of Michele so hope she gets her wishes and everything works out!

    Well enjoy your day everyone ,I'm off for a walk before the temp hits too high again would be nice to have a few days of cool
    weather my garden needs some tender loving care also, but I hate the heat.:grumble:
    Juanita in sudbury
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Meg- The outdoor concerts sound great. I have been to a few, but not around here. I wish we had them here. I love live music. Enjoy them for me!!

    DeeDee- Enjoy your time as queen! It is so nice to be able to spend time with friends. Hope it helps you feel more like yourself. Love the mug and tiara!!

    Grandmallie- Hope something good happens with the situation with your FIL. It is so sad to think that anyone can treat another human so poorly. (Iguess it truly makes me more angry than sad!) Sorry you are still having trouble with your heel. There is nothing worse than having pain when you are trying to move more! I am amazed at all you do accomplish as you are fight through the pain. Good luck with the cleaning of the basement with the mold. Be careful!

    Jb- Your garden is beautiful!! I am just starting mine and love seeing pictures to help me plan it!

    Today is going to be spent cleaning EARLY before it gets too hot. My house really needs it! My energy decreases rapidly as the temperature increases. With the forecast saying 90s for the next week, I can't let this stop me from cleaning and exercising. Il'l just drink more (okay- I will drink water, even though it may not be my first choice!).

    After cleaning, DH and I will go kayaking on a beautiful lake about 25 minutes away from here. I have never done that lake, but DH now is a kayaking instructor for LL Bean and teaches on that lake. Since kayaking is my favorite way to spend time, it is a good incentive to get the work done so I can play!

    Off to get started!! Have a great day and stay hydrated!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning, it felt so good to stay in bed until daylight and not have to be walking dogs so early. My only commitment today is to work in my yard. We have the house to ourselves and plans to eat our usual food and do our usual exercise and maybe even take a nap.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, one of my July resolutions is “don’t take things personally” so I suggest that to you in regards to your brother and his family. Just keep reaching out and don’t make up your own story about why they haven’t accepted your invitations.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, try to look past the soggy weather and whatever ails you and enjoy the time with the “boys” Act the way you want to feel.

    :flowerforyou: Helen, of course you’re concerned about your son. When I get up too early, I go to bed equally early or take a nap and that helps keeping food in check….or add a long walk in the afternoon instead of a nap to burn off some calories to allow me an extra snack.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, you are a good DIL……concentrate on what you can do to be useful and loving….you can’t go wrong if you come from a place of love and service.

    :flowerforyou: Juanita, I hope your walk was wonderful….I am about to head out for my early morning walk with my poodles.

    :flowerforyou: Deb, going kayaking is an awesome reward for a morning of housecleaning.

    :heart: Barbie from cool and potentially sunny NW Washington


    July Resolutions:
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *continue with the squat challenge
    * a plank a day
    *18,000 steps a day
    *don’t take things personally
    *don’t expect praise or recognition
    *keep doing the things that have been working

    “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else: you are the one who gets burned”---Buddha
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello lovely ladies.

    Lordy - I am all over the place emotionally today. I have a secondary infection and have to stay put for a couple more days. The area around my navel is really swollen - I look pregnant.

    Speaking of which. I have some huge news, but I'm not going to jinx it for now.

    Hope you are all doing swingingly.

    Love to all.
    Amanda xx
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone – just a quick check-in (I promise!). It’s so ungodly muggy out here – I went out this morning to pick wild raspberries and probably sweated out two quarts of water in an hour. I still have half of the bush trimmings laying in the yard from yesterday but no way am I going to tackle that today. It can wait for a slightly cooler day – even if it’s raining when I finally get them. Ugh!

    So I picked about a quart of berries – trying to decide what to do with them. I think I’m going to opt for cooking them with salmon tonight. I just had fish last night (usually ~once/month), but it sounds good to me right now. I worked out yesterday morning, then worked in the yard for another five hours and probably lost my body weight in water. I think I need something a little more substantial but I noticed I couldn’t even feel food going in my stomach I was so wiped out lol.

    DH took me out to dinner last night – ordinarily we wouldn’t do that on a night with the kiddos, but he offered and I snapped it up. He laughed when I didn’t even think about it, just said yes. We tried out a friend’s new restaurant in Newark, a fish place, and boy was it fabulous! I was really impressed. Had a cup of gazpacho, then a piece of broiled rockfish with crab and a twice-baked smoked gouda potato (I only had a few bites of that). DH had a fruits de mar that was chock-full of wonderful fish and shellfish. I was very proud of him – he ordered a small Caesar salad and didn’t even eat the crouton. We split the best crème brulee I’ve had in ages – it was perfect. I had earned those calories :drinker:!

    Today it’s off to the Phillies game – tried to stay up to watch the second game last night but dozed off during the 4th inning or so, only to wake up at midnight when we were in the 12th inning. Stayed up and watched us finally pull out a win – yay! We played 15 innings of baseball yesterday, and now we’re going out to play in this awful heat/humidity. I hope those guys are getting IVs of Gatorade or something.

    OK, I promised to make this quick, so I’m signing off. I’ve read everyone’s posts to date, but I can’t respond right now. Enjoy the rest of the weekend –


  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies- Going back into the triple digits in Az today. I have had the cats out in their tent already this morning, because it will be way too hot for them later. I foresee pool time today!

    I did ok w/ my eating yesterday, but.... Thursday I broke down and ate flour (flour tortilla) and yesterday evening the results hit with a vengeance in the middle of Fry's grocery store. It's a good thing that they have large, airy, public restrooms and are open late, cuz I thought I was going to have to rent that b'room! I sometimes tell myself that since I am only "non-celiac gluten intolerant" that I might not really have to avoid gluten..... and then I prove to myself once again how foolish I am. Sorry if I offended anyone w/ my description, I tried to be delicate.

    Last evening in church we were given a report by our Deaconess on a mission trip she just finished. She is part of a Lutheran Comfort Dog group, and they deployed up to Prescott to give aid and comfort to the firefighters, families and townspeople. I am so proud to be a Lutheran. I didn't even know this group existed! They use only Golden Retrievers, awesome & beautiful dogs.
    That whole town is devastated by the loss of the firefighters, they all need our prayers.

    Lucy- Could the sore thighs have anything to do w/ going kayaking after such a long lay-off? Your fixation on salt is like my fixation on the sugar catagory. Fruit is supposed to be good for us (well, better than pizza, anyway) and it drives me crazy to be in red numbers after having a good breakfast of fruit! I Should be more worried about the sodium, should we trade fixations?

    Kat- Thanks for the encouragement! You are a trooper for the pooper duty! I don't care how many steps I would have earned, I hate that duty!

    Sandy- 50 lbs! Awesome! You deserve a charm, a hug, and a party for that! I am so sorry that you can not get these headaches under control. I think our pasts may be very similar, and, while the depression may have started out as situational, now it is just always there. But, we can still succeed, survive and thrive because that is what we are- Survivors!

    DeeDee- Work that tiara, Girlfriend!

    Grandmallie- What part of "rest that heel a bit" did you not understand?! I know, you are a loving, caring daughter and are doing what you need to do, but you need to take care of yourself, too! Maybe someone else can mow that lawn for you? BTW, I surely do understand the hoarder reference, my SO owns a fishing/hunting camp so that he has 4 cabins and other out buildings in which to store more of his treasures!

    Amanda- Hugs and love and get well wishes!

    For today- It is going to be a rest day. A little cleaning, a little swimming, a lot of reading and, maybe I will make a few cards. We'll see. Take care and have a wonderful Sunday!

  • carolmsb
    carolmsb Posts: 44 Member
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member

    Lin C: I had to pick strawberries as a child. Ugh. Sunburn and sweat for three cents a box.:grumble: I have gone to the u-pick fields a few times as an adult. I haven’t seen wild strawberries in quite a while, but I remember them as having the best flavor in the world, and being really tiny. Getting enough to make jelly or jam would be a LOT of work. I admire your efforts.:flowerforyou:

    I thought I was the only who had to pick strawberries as a kid! I didn't eat them again until in my late 20s. Those were NOT fun childhood memories - even the frozen coke packed in my lunch didn't make up for that job.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    well I am back... took 3 doors out of the basement,my father didn't really want me down there.. I have never in my life seen so much sh--!!! in my life..I brought home few things, my grandmother's rosary that I found and my paren'ts silver service..
    I found my father's bible that his mom had given him as a youngster and brought that down to him.. they have more books than I have ever seen, I set a few aside that I thought be worth something. and the rest are in boxes ready for someone to pick up... i worked on there old bedroom that was brimming with stuff. got almost half of it done ,going up and down stairs and then throwing junk in the dumpster. my DH did the push part and I did the riding part of mowing the lawn...by my fitbit says that I did 5000+ steps, will take that even though I was wearing my pedometer, all I know is I was dripping sweat when I left..
    I dont want my 85 yr old father hauling stuff down, my 28 yr old son should be doing most of it, but he is awful lazy.. my Dbrother hurt his knee and is on crutches so he isnt helping.
    Oh well. I am off to put the mower's away and water my butterfly bush, it is getting eaten to death by some sort of beetle..
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello all - just checking in. We are inundated with blueberries this year - picking quarts and quarts! Any good, low sugar recipes any of you might recommend. I do have a blueberry crisp that is good (and uses 4 cups!!). Would love to make some jam, but am uncomfortable with most recipes because of the sugar quantities. It really braised the carbs and, being diabetic, I need to watch those. Hope you all have had a great weekend!!

    Jill in western Mass.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Pat - I'm Lutheran, too! They have some wonderful aid groups and are well known for it. Do you have a group that makes quilts for Lutheran World Relief? My old church did, but our current one doesn't even have a WELCA group. I had been president at the other church, but I'm not up for setting up a group, etc. I can always go back to the other one when they work on them. (And it is fun to catch up with old friends.)

    Jill - if there were any blueberries left after I was picking I'd just freeze them. Sadly, our little bushes only went in last October/November, so not many berries and the birds got them. Good to feed the birdies, though...

    When I walked this morning I was contemplating how wonderfully made our world is - each thing supports another, what a Master Planner! And it made me want to be ever more mindful of taking care of the world around me, so will call the water company to let them know about the leaking sprinkler on the main drag.

    DH and I are getting haircuts this afternoon before we go to dinner with the sons for DS2's birthday celebration. What is it about a haircut that always makes you feel better?

    I ordered more bras and panties (in a smaller size!) online last night. Given the distance to the Soma store, the $4 delivery charge is probably less than the gasoline to go there.

    Grandmallie, my DH's two sisters passed away within 3 weeks of each other. The younger one was definitely a hoarder - very messy, buggy, etc., we wore hazmat clothing. It was awful and creepy! Most everything was thrown out and they had to call for the apartment dumpster to be emptied. Papers and things we had to bring home we double-bagged in those giant ziploc bags, lest any critters end up living in our car. Can't imagine what the landlord had to do to get it rentable again. The other was a borderline hoarder, or perhaps an over collector. There was rhyme/reason, just lots of it. Fortunately we didn't have to do the full bit on the older sister's items as she was living with her former husband and we didn't want to just take stuff. (We have a good relationship with him.) So, someday we'll likely get to do it again with his place as DH is the executor.

    Off to the showers - why is sunscreen so sticky??

    Gail, metro ATL
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    Wanted to share a couple of photos from my yard this morning :flowerforyou:



    Beautiful! :flowerforyou:

    Its so dry and hot here - we are on heavy water duty water restrictions so no flowers... Hoping for rain... so loved to see your garden photos
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Today is Alliyah`s baptism,my DIL crotcheted the dress,it`s beautiful.
    Have a good day.
    Amand,hope you feel better,sending hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    I have lurked on this thread for over a year, but never posted--a sign of a complete introvert! I really appreciate the caring and balance this group has! I am 56 (57 next month) and live in southeast TN where we have had more than enough rain!! I have two sons--25 and 21. My older son lives and works in Knoxville and earns more than I do! The younger son will finish college this year. I teach chemistry at the same school he attends. I lost 40 lbs about 6 years ago and have kept most of it off. Every spring I have to lose 10-15 pounds that I gain over the winter. One of these winters I will do better at recording food/exercise and maybe not gain those pounds. I try to exercise at least 60 minutes each day--running, walking, cycling, Pilates, or swimming. Enough for now.
    SE TN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    welcome Rhonda
    i am finally sitting down at least for a few minutes....have been going hell bent for election since about 7 this morning....in between all that is going on I did take a shower and went and took my magic bullet back to Bed bath andbeyond, just didn't think I would use it..picked up some dog food for Homer and came home,we had stumps grinded today too.
    I will be calling the elder abuse hotline tomorrow, since there is an open file for my FIL will give some more fuel for the fire.. will explain that I am DIL and his son and I have proof of the abuse(pictures) I am sure it will be an on going thing,but we want as much evidence as possible.. and I will spill as many beans as I have to to keep my FIL safe...
    have a small pork loin in the oven and made some noodles ,will feed that to the DH , I am so pooped will end up probably just having some corn flakes..
    will get up early tomorrow go to the gym, and ride the blasted bike and work on my arms ,legs and gut, then come home and wash the floors , then go to work..
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Hello Again, Ladies!
    I'm taking a break from my ''funk'' to stop in and say hi.
    JB-your gardens are amazing! You can tell how much love and care was put into creating them. My gardens are burnt from the heat-except for the devoted daylilies. Sadly my gardens come last. I need to water and feed my furry friends first!
    Haven't caught up on posts, but wishing everyone well...
    Critter Sue
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Brooke: If the cliff dwellings are a fake, somebody had to work REALLY hard to build them. I know they’ve been modified for safety—the gravel paths inside make the interior walkways more level and predictable and are an obvious modification. I enjoyed them either way and would go again.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Yay! I am happy for you and glad you get to start a new life at work.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jodios: Stop in whenever you can, you’ll always be welcome here.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Your symptoms have a lot of things in common with the virus I’m just now kicking, including headache, & indescribable junk coming from sinuses. I seriously doubt computer use has anything to do with it. I hope the symptoms go away soon. Meanwhile, the advice nurse suggested Mucinex to me and it was helpful. I hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: Everybody always wants something, and you do need to say no from time to time. :grumble: Your advice about teaching jobs matches my experience. There have been a lot of positions cut in my old district due to budget problems, and those teachers get first priority on vacancies. I'm glad I'm retired. I miss my kids but not the stress. :bigsmile:

    Sasha: Your kale and chicken salad sounds wonderful. You’ve inspired me.:flowerforyou:

    Heather in Hampshire: I’ll trade you the lawnmowers for the leaf blower my neighbor uses constantly. :explode: His house is for sale. Pray that someone without a leaf blower buys it.:bigsmile: I hope things straighten out with your Brother and SIL.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: Good luck on getting your infections under control and out of the hospital. I’ll keep good thoughts for your health and possible huge news.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Pat: Milk products are my nemesis rather than gluten, and my body does punish me if I slip up. I had this wonderful peanutbutter cookie with DH and ended up spending a long time in the ladies room at Walmart about two hours later. The cookie must have been made with real butter.:sick: :cry:

    M: Congrats on the fine dinner out with DH, and especially the good choices you both made. If it wasn’t on the other side of the country I’d want to go to your friend’s restaurant. On another topic, nothing in the world made up for the strawberry picking although I can tell the difference between good and bad employment now, as I have clear personal experience with “worst case scenario.” Evidently you do, too.:wink::bigsmile:

    Rhonda: It is nice to see your post. I always lost weight during the summer and gained it back with bonus pounds during the school year. Now that I’m retired, I seem to be avoiding the stress eating.:bigsmile:

    We had a great day yesterday and managed to get our dinghy into the water. :bigsmile: DH brought it up river in bouncy conditions without motion sickness. Yay! Maybe we can have fun in it again. He wants to install a forward facing steering system for the outboard and we’re researching our options. Our inflatable is smaller than those that usually come with steering wheels, so it may be a challenge to fit something in. Our great day included a low country boil at a nearby restaurant for dinner. :bigsmile: For those who don’t know, this restaurant’s version included shrimp, spicy sausage, corn on the cob and red potatoes all boiled up and then dumped onto butcher paper. Other seafood is often used including things like clams and crawfish. It is a fun meal. The food was fabulous, but today I have water retention and his blood pressure is up so water, water, and more water for us. The scale is up, too.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.