

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    No replies because I didn't read it all try maybe later
    For now just wishing all you chicky poos a great day.
    I'm off to work my little half day job haven't been there in three weeks anxious to see my patient.

    Sitting here waiting for my purse that I left in the car and Bob's gone with it. But on his way home so need to wait.

    Be back latter.
    I started being good with my breakfast this morning. 1egg with half a tomato. Bringing a banana with me in case my blood sugar acts up. May wants to go for a walk so that will benefit both of us.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in wet northern Ontario but we needed wet.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grandmallie: You are an angel. I hope your DH and his dad realize this. Good luck with the heat. Congratulations on the weight loss.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I was surprised about the antibiotic refusal, too, and unhappy about it. :angry: The doctor is unhappy with me because I want to postpone a mammogram until it is time for my next pap. I think I’m being bull headed on that issue and will call and make the appointment. When I see her, I’m going to chat about the nurse. I didn’t even get to talk to the doctor on the sinus infection issue. Now DH has it.:mad:

    Heather in Hot Hampshire: I am a bit confused about who passed away. I understand it is a relative of DH’s deceased wife, but not sure who. Was this person his mother in law? It sounds like she was dear to him. I’m sorry for his loss and the reminder of his lost partner. He’s lucky to have found you.:flowerforyou:

    Good luck with the heat. We have central air but DD, who lives in much hotter Colorado, does not. When I stayed with her she had shades drawn and fans blowing constantly, and things did cool down enough at night to sleep well. I was much more comfortable than I expected. Still, it only reached the low 90sF/32.2C while I was there. The low 90’s here are more rare, and the 100’s are very rare. Today will be 85F/29.4C here and that is very comfortable for us. We live beside the river and nearly always have a nice breeze as well. I hope your weather moderates and you are able to feel better. Drink lots of water.:drinker:

    I haven’t gotten to planks in yoga, but I do down dog easily now. It used to be so hard for me and when my knee was bad I couldn’t do it at all. Somehow my bad knee trouble was accompanied by foot trouble. Both are much better since I’ve lost weight.:bigsmile:

    Gail: Congratulations on the NSV! Have a great day.:flowerforyou:

    Today is dog groomer day, and I plan to drag DH to the gym with me while the dog is being divested of loose hair. He’ll balk. I know he is feeling lousy because he now has my virus, but he doesn’t have to work himself into a sweat to keep his walking skills active. He needs to keep the skills he’s gained, and he’s not as assertive about taking care of his body as he should be, IMHO. (In My Humble Opinion. Probably not so humble.):noway: :wink:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning and a happy Monday, everyone!

    The weather finally broke last night – heaven! And the Phillies won – yay! The game was good, weather was miserably hot and steamy, but by the time we got home it had cooled off enough to sit on the patio and just enjoy the evening. DH and I grilled dinner and served it with a sauce made of my wild raspberries and the last of the blueberries in a wine-balsamic reduction – just a lovely night.

    Woke up this morning reved and raring to go. Kicked for a 45-minute routine, then went and fed the neighbors' kitties and finished bagging four more piles of branches. I have a few left to do, but I’ll do that tonight. I’ve been out in the garden smashing squash beetles and their babies with no remorse whatsoever. I hate those little monsters! Between them and the June bugs it’s a wonder I have anything green at all.

    Gail, congratulations on your NSV! Hopefully you have a good tailor – sounds like you’re going to need it. :flowerforyou:

    CityJane, I feel your pain, believe me. I hope your hot spell doesn’t last as long as ours did. Good for you for all your accomplishments in the gym!

    DeeDee, your day with the “boys” sounds like it was a lot of fun. I can tell you enjoy the break in weather as much as I do :smile::flowerforyou:.

    GrandMallie, congratulations on your loss! I hope things work out and they find a safe place for your FIL soon. Feel better too! I’m sorry, just read your post that you were off to water your butterfly bush and had to laugh at the idea of watering anything. I don’t think I’ll have to water until October.

    Katla, I’m sorry this is still hanging on. Please tell me you’re trying lots of steam/neti pots, and be sure to try a nasal spray too. I used to use Flonase and consider it one of the wonder-drugs. Maybe your Dr. can prescribe for you?

    Jill – jam is a hard thing if you’re trying to avoid sugar because it’s the sugar that helps jell, especially for low-pectin fruits. However a number of recipes use apple juice (high pectin) – you might be able to find something on-line that’s an “all fruit” jam.

    Hi, and welcome, Rhonda – you’re welcome to be as introverted or extroverted here as you want – we welcome everyone :smile:.

    CritterSue – seems like a lot of people are feeling the funk right now – must be the dog days of summer. Hope it passes soon.

    BJ, enjoy that pool (although it sounds more like a bath lol).

    Lila, so glad someone is getting beautiful weather. I like the sound of your workout – does it have a name?

    JB, DH and I finally found a recipe last night for something to do with all the turnips (we had a bumper crop this year, my first!): we pureed them like mashed potatoes. Sauteed some onions and sage from the garden in a little butter, then pureed the boiled turnips with the onion mix and a little milk, just enough to make them this side of runny. Added a little salt and pepper – it was like horseradish mashed potatoes on steroids. So good!

    Yanniejannie, so sorry to hear about that vindictive shed! Feel better soon.

    Joyce, thanks for the ant tip!

    Kat, that’s a laugh and an achievement, all those steps by being on poop-patrol! Congratulations! I had the shorts-falling-down moment when I was out berry-picking – the shorts I threw on used to be my favorites, but I can’t wear them anymore. I took them off and threw them straight in the trash.

    Sandy, I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling. It’s so easy to get discouraged – but look how far you’ve come! You’ve lost a medium-sized dog in weight and don’t want him to come back. I hope things start looking brighter for you.

    Deb, in addition to them needing a place to stay, they might need things like access to a laundry – can you give her rolls of quarters, the use of your machine, or a gift card to a cleaners? The flooding this year has been atrocious everywhere. I told DH about your husband being a kayak instructor and told him I’m adding you to my list of “must meet IRL” people. I’ve been afraid to try kayaking, but I’m going to try it this year.

    Meg, congrats on your good food choices – and smooth pool tricks! Good for you :smile:.

    Helen, I’m like that – I can’t sleep if I’m traveling the next day. I just spend too much time thinking about everything. I hope your son does well at camp. It was one of the best memories of my childhood, going to camp, but mine wasn’t a therapeutic camp. Will his father be around if someone needs to pick him up or go for parents’ day?

    Amanda, keeping you in my thoughts. I hope your infection is brought under control soon. I bet I can guess the news, but I’ll leave it to you :smile::flowerforyou:.

    Pat, that attack of the flour tortilla sounds horrible! I hope your system is back to normal now. My MIL is sensitive to fruit too – she loves it dearly, but it messes with her blood sugar terribly. I feel bad for you.

    Katla, I used to have trouble with my shoulders doing downward dog – my upper body was sooo tight. I move my arms at random times now just because I can – it feels awesome to have mobility again!

    OK, off to work. Well, I’ve been working all morning except for this break, but now for some paying work. Have a wonderful week everyone!


  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi, Someone was asking about sugar free jam, sorry don't remember who this was given to me this weekend have not tried it yet but am passing it on
    Refrigerator Jam No sugar added pectin free 2 cups

    1 1/3 cups strawberries 2/3 cups rhubarb 2 tablespoons raw honey to taste 2 tablespoons chia seeds

    Process all ingredients in blender and refrigerate overnite.
    the chia seeds will gel thickening the fruit puree
    add additional diced fruit if you like it chunky

    Hope this works its supposed to be good for diabetics

    Juanita in sudbury
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies- My bad, old habits are catching back up with me.:frown: I, literally, spent the entire day doing nothing, nothing, nothing yesterday. A comfy chair, 2 newspapers & crosswords, and a whole book later, I just had to put myself to bed. I was exhausted from all that effort! If I don't get my butt in gear and in motion today, you may have to dust me like old furniture! :blushing:

    It was very hot yesterday, and it is going back up there today. No significant monsoon moisture, so no real cool down in the evening. That just gave me my excuse to sit and read!

    My SO and I made a decision last evening that I will not go back to MN until just before Xmas. Then we can see both families, and I can ride back down here with him, Tinkerbelle the dog, and Silkie the Siamese Queen of the World. Between just us, I really wish he would sell the hunting/fishing camp so we could live together all year. We are a little old to be doing this long distance romance stuff like college students!:frown: Ok, done carping.

    Today I have one meeting to go to, and then I am going to meet a friend for a nice, long chat and coffee. I am looking forward to that.

    Grandmallie- Congratulations! :flowerforyou: That is a wonderful accomplishment!:drinker: :drinker: I am glad that you are going to take it easy today. It sounds like your body needs a day of rest!

    Gardengail- Congratulations to you, too! :flowerforyou: Surprises like looser clothing is always a treat for me.

    OK- time to get some dusting and cleaning done. Then I am going to go splash a bit before I head off to my meeting.

    Have a great day, Everyone!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Pat/Phoo – Lovely, encouraging (and true) words! Thanks for sharing them :flowerforyou:

    Janie – Good for you, yellow is such a happy color, know it will “rub off” on you this lovely day! :smile:

    Kat – Wow! Congratulations on the 25,000 steps! You inspire me :happy:
    As for the vinegar and other pests, I’m not really sure. But I use vinegar to clean my kitchen and bath as well as to repel the ants, also because I want a healthy home for me and my pets.

    Sandy = 50 lbs. lost is a huge success! Celebrate it. Hoping you had a good read and great sleep :smile:

    Amanda – So very sorry to hear you’re having to stay in hospital due to infection. Healing vibrations are speeding your way! Prayers for a positive outcome on your “news” :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie – Awesome news, 40 pounds down!!!!!

    Sue – thank you so much for the info on the lodging in SD :smile:

    Rhonda – Welcome, glad you’ve joined us! Since you’ve lurked you already know this is an awesome group of wise and supportive women, come back and read/post often :happy:

    YannieJannie – Oh, sooooo sorry to hear about your shed mishap! :sad: Hoping your headache and aches & pains improve rapidly

    Heather – your dinner sounds truly divine!!! :smile:

    M – loose shorts into the trash, good for you!! :happy:

    DeeDee – did you wear your tiara yesterday? Glad to hear all that bossing got you out of your funk (whatever works!!) :bigsmile:

    Brooke from Colorado :glasses:

    “Judge the day by what you’ve sown rather than what you’ve reaped.”
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi again,
    Was it Pat who posted the watermelon popsicles recipe some time ago. Well I've just had one that was left over from the batch I made back then. It was absolutely delicious and perfect for this weather. THANKYOU! :flowerforyou:

    Katla - the lady who died was the mother of DH's SO who died of breast cancer. They weren't actually married, but together for 23 years and very happy. He was previously married and had two children with his wife. I respected the old lady very much as she was DH's rock when he had a breakdown, despite being the grieving mother herself. She was brought up in an orphanage in the 30s which made her very resilient. Some people are exceptional and she was one of them.

    Back from the shops and have prepped the dinner. Time to relax with "The Americans"!!! Good series.:bigsmile:

    Heather in hot, but lovely Hampshire UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mon.
    The baptism was beautiful.A little hot outside for the party,but a breeze once in awhile.
    Gonna be another hot week.
    Sending Hugs to you Amanda,hope u get better quick:heart::heart: :heart:
    And anyone else sick,feel better.
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Rhonda - welcome. I'm new too and am so impressed with the kindness and support this group of women has for one another. We lived in Knoxville for 8 years before moving up to New England 7 years ago. Friends have told me about all the rain you've been having. And we're having East TN-like hot, humid weather up here :)

    Grandmalle - woohoo for 40lbs lost. You're an inspiration.

    I am going to get my packing done for my flight home to England tonight. I'm looking forward to sunny warm weather rather that the stifling heat we're having here at the moment. I'll check in on my Mum's computer (which is really slow) because I need to stay focused on my goal and not let all the visiting and pub grub lead me off track.

    Have a great day,
    Helen in hot, humid Needham, MA but soon-to-be lovely sunny Cheshire, England
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Monday afternoon ladies,

    The weekend went by so quickly and here it is Monday again. DH worked on Saturday (yeah, overtime!), so I just cleaned and baked some banana bread for my upcoming jewelry party. On Sunday it was too humid to do anything outside, so I made a huge pot of homemade spaghetti sauce (or gravy, if you’re Italian) with meatballs and sausage. It’s hard to figure out the calories, sodium, etc. in anything homemade, but I did the best I could, entering in individual ingredients. I love the “meal” feature, as I now have it saved as one of my meals, so next time it will be easy to bring it up. We had it for dinner, and then I froze the rest. That should keep up through the summer. It felt good to get that done.

    I bought an entire chicken when we went shopping and plan to make my own lunches. I can make some chicken salad and keep some to add to garden salads. Hopefully, this will cut down on sodium. We bought lower sodium deli meat, and if I only take that one day a week, it should be fine.

    After my visit over July 4th weekend to see my kids and grandkids, my granddaughter called and while we were talking, she asked how old I was. When I told her, she said “You are the sexiest looking 60 year old I’ve ever seen”! Now THAT’S an NSV to me!:laugh:

    My sore thighs are much better after a weekend of rest, and I was excited to get back to my run this morning. It was very humid, but if I’m going to do it, early morning is best. I can’t believe that I’ve started running at 60 years old. Who does that? I have to say that it makes me feel great that I can do it, even though I’m not the world’s fastest runner…lol!

    :wink: Eileen – California is sure progressive. We have to go through security as soon as we enter the courthouse, and NO electronic devices are allowed. They will be confiscated if you try to bring them in.

    :happy: Janie – I can totally relate to giving up at the first slip in diet. I yo-yo dieted for many years, and that is EXACTLY why! This is the first time I can remember actually having slips and getting right back on track. Your positive attitude will take you on the road to success!

    :noway: DeeDee – Thanks for the advice on the ants, but we have a problem all over our office! I think we need something stronger than garlic! Our truck driver bought boric acid and swears that will work. We shall see!

    :blushing: Kat – I am blushing! Thank you for the kind remark, but I sure am 60 and proud of it! I had two children at an early age (and I mean EARLY….18 years old), so I now have nine grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren It doesn’t hurt that my DH is eight years younger, so I work hard at looking my best. That’s one reason I’m here. Since losing 20 pounds, I feel better than ever! I think 60 is the new 40!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy – Don’t let a little setback get you down. You are worth the effort, and you CAN do this! I have faith in you.

    :glasses: Meg – Congrats on the good food choices! If there’s one thing that being on MFP does, it is making you aware of what you eat. And NO, we are NOT cool on the east coast….now that the rain is finally over, we are having a heat wave!

    :heart: Alison – With all the work that you do, I sure hope you find some relief for that heel soon. So sorry to hear about your FIL’s abuse. He’s lucky to have you to check up on him.

    :wink: M – You’ll have to tell me the name of that restaurant in Newark. It’s right in my neck of the woods, and I’m always looking for great new places to try. How about those Phillies? All those extra innings…..made me tired to watch! Hope you had a great time and stayed cool!

    :laugh: Pat – You have me confused with someone else. Although my ticker has a picture of me kayaking, I’ve only done it once (in Key West). The pain was probably coming from either running or lunges…I alternate days of running with circuit exercises (including lunges). Uh oh…..I don’t track sugar…..could I be in for another obsession? I don’t think trading will help either of us, but thanks for the offer…lol!

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie – You poor thing! Take care of yourself. Thank God it wasn’t worse.

    :ohwell: Heather – When I was a child, nobody had the luxury of an A/C in my neighborhood. My parents had one A/C in their bedroom, and on especially hot nights, we were allowed to sleep on the floor. Nowadays, we are so spoiled, that almost everyone has one. Once you have it, you can’t imagine living without it.

    Consistent logging (Pretty good except on vacations)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (90%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET!!!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (NOPE, but working on it!)

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Lucy in DE. :bigsmile:
  • Fergyferg53
    wow gorgeous yard!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Doctors appointment at 1PM
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone,

    M and Lucy...........spoke on the phone with my cousin who lives in center city Philly this am and he's as "over the moon" about his Phillies as both of you are! Go Phillies!!!

    Kat.........25,000 steps...........WOW!!! You are way up in "Barbie territory"! Keep it up!

    Barbie.........no, I sure can't imagine you being still.......

    Grandmallie............congrats on the 40! I've also cleaned out relatives homes and it's no fun. Hope your podiatrist can give you some answers and, better yet, resolve your heel issues.....

    Sandy.......50 is fantastic............hope you are feeling better......

    Helen.........have a fabulous trip home!

    Hello to all. Thanks for the healing wishes. I've been following orders, taking h/a med, a little less creaky and hurting. Slept quite well last night. Bruises are blooming in places I do not remember hitting.........I am just eternally grateful for no broken hip.

    Have excellent days, one and all!!!
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    good afternoon lovely ladies :flowerforyou:

    Thank you all for your kind words. Sometimes the depression and anxiety rear it's ugly head and get the better of me. I just need to back off from the world and regroup. I'm feeling much better about life even with this humidity.

    Going to try and bbq again tonight, if I can stand the heat. I just don't deal well with the heat. I'm very pale and the sun gets me all the time :ohwell:

    I hope everyone is staying cool and drinking water.

    I'll check back later (boss is in the office today)

    Sandy from Ontario :heart:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back from the doctor :frown: It was as I expected, inflamed occipital nerves. So I got 6 cortisone shots, 3 on both sides :frown: It wasn't that bad. It takes just a split second for him to inject them and then it's over, except the next 5 to come. But I had a chance to talk to him about some of my other concerns, especially about diet. He just said keep on plugging along :grumble: He was very proud of my weight and the inches lost and especially the blood sugar. But that blood sugar will go up now that I had all that cortisone. He told me to not do the strength training for 2 weeks but to continue with the cardio. I also talked to him about my bowels, or rather lack there of. Just like my neurologist he suggested Miralax. So when we went to Sams Club to pick up prescriptions I picked up a couple of bottles. My husband will need one when he has his colonoscopy next year so we got a 3 pack. On a side note I asked him if DH lab work gave any clue as to why he is so cold. Seems as if when he had all his lab work done the lab sent them all to his cardiologist. His thyroid is all out of whack so now we add another pill to his regime. And to think a couple of years ago he didn't even like to take one pill. I looked at my husbands lipid profile and it is so normal it is sickening. He also gave me my antibiotic for my sinuses since I do have tenderness right on them up on my cheek bone. i also go a script for Lortab

    This was my husbands first pharmacy fill since being on Medicare. His scripts cost him nothing on his old insurance since he had met his deductable. All the OTC drugs cost about as much as all our 14 presriptions.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    evening chica's
    home from work and tired.. when your foot hurt's it is so hard to concentrate on anything else, I am on my feet all day which doesnt help things...
    got a missed call on my phone when I called the # it was Senior care-my FIL day care- he goes 4 days a week.. well he told them that he has bed bugs and the itching is driving him crazy..poor guy
    It isn't bed bugs it's flea's .they have 2 cats and a dog in the house and my poor FIL is covered in bites all over his back and arms.
    I spoke with the nurse and filled her in about the abuse,and asked if she had seen his hand, and that he said he got that moving his bed. well I told her what he had told the companion and that my SIL is being investigated by the state.
    so the way it is looking, I hope she is putting another nail in her coffin, this poor man can't catch a break. will hopefully be talking to the social worker assigned to his case tomorrow and fill her in on the rest of the goings on that have been happening..
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I'm not doing a god job at reading every post but I do try. It's hot & hotter here in Ohio.Thank heaven for AC...I don't do we'll in these high temps.
    Going to water aerobic classes early in the day.No way It would work for late day classes.Hoping to have a good loss on the scale this wk.Only weigh every other wk.
    Looks like a lot of good info on this thread,about all different topics.Makes for interesting reading.

    Good luck to everyone having health problems.That is no fun to get thru. Patceoh
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Happy Monday, everyone! Doing projects around the house that have been neglected lately while I waited for Fedex to deliver something. Did a couple of dog walks & my 3 miles with Leslie Sansone. She's just about right for now at 3 miles. I can do it, especially if I use 3 lb. weights most of the time, and feel stretched but not forced. Waiting for a DVD that should help me work on flexibility – right now I’m so tight & also afraid if I get down on the floor I might not make it back up. Sat down to slowly enjoy lunch & guess who showed up? Of course, Fedex delivery :-) Giving myself some down time, but I plan to go to the gym this evening. I think I finally figured a good pace to push me into vigorous exercise. Shooting for 5 minutes for now & will up that when it feels easier. Love having a plan!

    yanniejannie – SO sorry to hear that you were hurt. Take care of you – maybe visualizing the shed burning will help? JK 

    Grandmallie – congrats on the 40 lb. mark! So sorry you’re having problems and then extreme heat on top of everything.

    DeeDee – glad that things are drying out there :bigsmile:

    Gail – don’t you love those kind of NSVs.

    Pat – dusting and cleaning is moving. Trying to do too much in the heat isn’t good for you. Don’t worry, you will move enough to avoid needing dusting :laugh:

    Helen – have a wonderful time in England!

    Lucy – love your GD’s NSV, I’ve had students tell me I cannot be 55 & when they’re in kindergarten through second grade, they’re generally sincere :happy: And running – wow, I think I might get there someday. So thrilled that you can and do!

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Everyone, sending good thoughts out to you all – I appreciate you more than you can know. :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Another hot and humid day here. I guess we are going to stay this way until Saturday!! Don't like the heat at all!!

    Got up and walked for about 1 and 1/2 hours this morning. I went a little farther than usual to make up for the fact that I didn't feel like I was walking as fast as usual because of the heat. After a shower, DH and I went to the mall to walk and see a movie. We were there for about 7 hours!! I forgot to put my Fitbit back on after my shower. Wish I had remembered it so that I know how far we walked.

    Tomorrow we will go kayaking with a group of friends. I am hoping to complete some simple chores when we get back.

    Hope everyone has had a gereat day. Stay cool and hydrated!

    Deb A in CNY