What triggered your weight gain?



  • drmcglone
    drmcglone Posts: 80 Member
    Great question!!!!! My answer...LIFE!!!!! :happy:
  • LynnMartin78
    LynnMartin78 Posts: 16 Member
    Yup. Anf my BF....the one with the high metabolism.....when he turned 30 he ballooned. And was so confused as to why he had gained so much weight in such a short amount of time when he was eating the same exact things he was when he was in his 20's. He didn't understand that his body changed and now he has to watch what he eats if he wants to keep the belly weight off.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Slow gain after divorce, then depression, diagnosed with bipolar disorder and put on two weight gain drugs together at high doses, mother had a liver transplant leading to sedentary lifestyle for a year, more bipolar depression, lost 30 pounds, fell and broke neck, gained 30 + pounds back while laid up for 6 months.

    Now back on track for good this time. Life is good.
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    Yup. Anf my BF....the one with the high metabolism.....when he turned 30 he ballooned. And was so confused as to why he had gained so much weight in such a short amount of time when he was eating the same exact things he was when he was in his 20's. He didn't understand that his body changed and now he has to watch what he eats if he wants to keep the belly weight off.
    I hear ya Lynn. I still double takes at myself in the mirror.....its like flipping a switch! We should be friends and help each other.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    being fat and lazy...
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    I quit smoking and ate my body weight in ginger biscuits.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I suffer from Hypothyroidism. I was 238 lbs in late May 2012. Going to Planet Fitness, using MFP, and doing levothyroxan every morning has brought my weight down to 199.4 lbs. I saw my Dad's health decline due to lack of activity and not getting a scope of his colon. I was not going down that.
  • jeslaughter
    jeslaughter Posts: 131 Member
    being fat and lazy...

    I think most of us can attribute our weight gain to this if we stopped blaming others!!
    I know I can but then again, it could be because my gramma and mom were overweight, oh and my ex loved Tim Hortons doughnuts and always wanted to go there for a snack...at least 2 doughnuts a day then I caught him cheating on me..or maybe because my husband died..oh wait no it was because I had two kids, hum...lets face it, I was being lazy...and got fat!!!
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Cakes, Cookies, Pies, Candy, Ice Cream, Sodas, and Pizza. I used to really hit the sugar, HARD!!
  • Thruen
    Thruen Posts: 80 Member
    world of warcraft
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
  • ohheyitsfelicity
    The stress of starting college, all my friends constantly going out for meals and deciding to join them, switching birth controls, getting "comfortable" in a relationship. Now that I'm going into my 3rd year of college and broke up with my boyfriend, I've decided that I desperately need to lose the 40 pounds I gained.
  • melissarae27
    Alright... bring on the crazy vegans.

    I gained weight after deciding to go vegetarian. The first few months I did it I relied much on pasta and I gained 30 pounds in the first 6 months. I soon figured out how to do it the "right" way and got as balanced as I could... but that weight didn't budge for 5 years. I followed Happy Herbivore to an absolute T... and I gained!

    I've gone back to eating meat (organic locally grown so calm yourselves, vegans) and didn't realize how crappy I felt as a vegetarian. It just isn't for me. The weight is now coming off and I feel human again!
  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    I moved to the southern US in my early 30s to marry a southern boy - but I grew up eating mostly organic, natural and "hippy" foods... My body couldn't take the dietary changes... I shouldn't have made em! in ten years and with 2 pregnancies in there - I gained and kept a total of 60 pounds and didn't even realize it. Beating it back now! Great thread - gets ya thinking!
  • 92joann
    92joann Posts: 67 Member
    Pregnancy, then comfort eating afterwards. My son has special needs so the first year of his life, I was a single parent and it was really stressful. Not to mention I was only 18 at the time and I couldn't cope very well with the stress so turned to food. We only got a diagnosis a month before he turned two, which was two months ago. Since then I've been able to lose weight because I'm not blaming it all on me being a bad parent, so I feel happier. Still gets difficult at times and comfort eat because he is 2 yet can't walk or talk so I feel really guilty (he has a genetic disorder that affects boys but he inherited it from me).
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    Didn't know how to eat right. I could eat whatever I wanted and wouldn't gain a thing. Then I got pregnant at 19 and gained 70lbs. I was so big. I almost lost all that weight and then miscarried while trying to workout so I wouldn't get so big with that pregnancy. When I got pregnant again I decided not to lift a finger unless I had to. I gained probably 60lbs or so. I'm trying to lose that now. I am 185 and my goal is 165 (I'm 5'11")

    Between having kids (they are spaced out 8 years) my husband deployed a lot and it was easier to get some drive thru after working all day to feed us instead of cooking.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    35 years of emotional eating. I probably lost and regained the same 40 pounds half a dozen times.

    It took me forever to figure out my triggers to over eat. Now that I have, I still give in to them now and then, but not enough to totally derail myself. Now I'm going through cycles of maintaining and alternately trying to get the last of the weight off. No gaining though. Yay me!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I moved to the USA, celebrated with my husband with lots of date nights that we couldn't have when we were apart (cue Cheesecake Factory anyone!?)

    I think Cheesecake Factory and Chili's are the two most fattening restaurants in the entire USA.
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    Work stress leading me to self-soothe with food and booze. Poor sleep. Arthritis in back, neck and both knees that limited exercise.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    No trigger. I was always very active...I grew up playing numerous sports and was a pretty decent athlete. After high school I went into the military as was very active there as well. When I got out I moved back home and started school and then a desk job, etc. I became less and less active as those years went by while continuing to eat like I was working it in the gym. 15 years later I had put on about 55-60 Lbs.