Goal weight for women who are 5'1-5'2



  • JudithEssex
    JudithEssex Posts: 34 Member
    5"31/2". Strated in January 150. Now 145. (that's THREE MONTHS, people!) Goal 135 and keep it off. Final goal 125.

    I am 67 years old, had been about 115 - 123 most of my pre-menopausal life. I have tiny bones and I really think that counts, although I don't hear people talking about that much.

    I think the mirror is truly the best determinate of what is right (and how you feel of course). No chart can take ever factor into account. Age and frame makes a difference. And build: I have large boobs and if I am too thin it looks ridiculous!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    im 5 2, and im on my second GW of 120. First was 135, once I got there I said, ok, I can go a bit lower, and here I am, I feel great!
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    This is a matter of individual build, age, and lifestyle.

    I'm 5'2" and have a small frame. When I was young I was as low as 88. I spent a lot of time from 90 to 95 in my 20s and 30s. My highest weight, caused by medication, was 112. The last few years I've been in the 101 to 104 range, but I recently decided to try to lose some vanity pounds and get below 100 again. Intermittent Fasting helped me and I've sustained the loss for about two months. I wouldn't mind weighing a few pounds less, but it would be a lot of work at my age and given my current activity level.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    5'2, my first goal is 125 and then 120
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I'm 5'almost 1 and my goal weight is 120. I currently weigh about 145 and started at 208. I had two nutritionists tell me that 140 would be an okay goal. I kinda feel like they were just saying that because they thought it would be hard enough to get to 140 but whatever.

    I feel a lot better and would probably be comfortable/happy staying at 145 but I'm not giving in no matter how slowly this last bit is coming off!
  • blwalton70
    blwalton70 Posts: 71 Member
    I am 5 feet exactly and don't ever recall weighting under 120.... Maybe in middle school. I am a stalky build and have always maintained muscle. I weighed 190 at my highest weight after kids and now (almost a year later) I weigh 142. I would like to get down to 130, but I am not sure if I can.... I have done a round of insanity, play soccer, cycle, and run. I think my body is comfortable where it is, and to be honest, the number on the scale doesn't mean as much to me as it used to, that said, I will still weigh myself to keep things on track, but how I look and feel is more important!
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm 5'1" with a large frame. Currently I'm 148. When I met my bf 9 yrs ago I weighed 125. That's my goal but I'd be happy anywhere between 125-130. I haven't seen the 130s in a very long time lol.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    5'1.75" Here! :laugh:

    I carry a lot of muscle under my layers of fat so off the top of my head I have to say that I doubt if I'll ever see under 125 :noway: ...but who knows???

    My ULTIMATE goal is to be the healthiest and fitest I can be! :flowerforyou:

    Since I've never really tried to be that before I'm not sure what or where that will be exactly, however for measurable quantifications I have set my first set of goals below:

    For starters, in order of importance to me, I'd like to:
    1-Drop my Body Fat Percentage BELOW 30%
    2-Shrink my waist measurement to 30 inches or less
    3-Get down to 143 pounds

    I've given myself close to a year (52 weeks) to reach these goals, however if I reach them before that time is up I will be at a good point to review, reevaluate and then re-set my next set of goals and I will continue with this process until I feel I have reached my ultimate goal. :love:

    Good luck to all of us! :bigsmile:
  • I'm 5'1 and 96lbs. I can maintain 100lbs without counting calories, I just make sure to avoid processed foods, stick to a vegan diet, and avoid carbs when at all possible. My highest weight was 118lbs, but I was extremely unhappy at that weight. Generally my weight has been between 96-110lbs, typically 100lbs, have been lower than 96 though. When I was 118 for about half a year I was eating a lot of crap. Eating out almost everyday, eating lots of carbs like potatoes and pasta and stuff....no bueno.
  • ravegee
    ravegee Posts: 999 Member
    I am under 5'0 and hope to be roughly between 105-110. That was when I was at my happiest.
  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I am 5'1", I was at 189 lbs, now at 132, aiming for 126. 126 is a good weight for me, i ahve been there before and that is when I looked (and felt) at my best.
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    I'm down to 161 from 185.I would like to be around 110-120,whatever looks best on me.The lowest I've been was 115 and was a size 2 at that weight,I was pretty happy with it but I wasn't fit.I'm aiming for fit this time around.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    Eh, I'm 5'2" and my goal weight is 135 or 130. I like the way I look at that weight, and any lower would either be a bonus or too much for me-- just depends on what I thought once I got there.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I am 5'1". My highest (non pregnancy) weight was 158-160. I didn't think I was that big but looking back at pictures makes me cringe. Currently I weigh 139 and my goal weight is 125. That's the lowest I've weighed since puberty so I'm assuming that's it for me lol. But I never thought twice about my body at that weight so that tells me I was comfortable :)

    Eta: Whoops, looks like I already answered this post 9lbs ago ;) lol
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    I'm 5ft 2.5" and am aiming for 115lbs. This was my weight 11 years ago when I met DH, and I liked the way I looked then. Because I'm small boned, I didn't look too skinny.

    Yes, it's definitely based on bone structure and density too. I'm 5'2, but very fine boned. I feel the most comfortable at 105lbs and I don't look half-starved either.
  • PatrickMJ
    PatrickMJ Posts: 2
    This is an interesting site. It automates lookups on the CDC Height Weight Distribution Charts, by age, gender and height.


    It may be of help in deciding a target weight (if your goals are not health related, just general wellbeing/attractiveness goals.)

    Let's say that you are 5'1" and (for example) 31. The if you want to be at the 40th percentile for women your age and height, you would target 131 lbs.

    In other words 60% of women like this in the US are heavier than 131 lbs, 40% are 131 lbs or lighter .

    It does not take into account body frame, ethnicity, muscle mass or other important information, or what is a healthy weight (though there are other sites for that.)

    And of course this changes over time. 40 years ago maybe 40% of women were under 121 lbs not 131 lbs.

    Note: There may be other similar calculators or charts. It was strangely a little hard to find a definitive usable source of information for this basic and fundamental question: what do people actually weight and where do I stack up?
  • nmuwildcat
    nmuwildcat Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! Fellow shortie here: 5'1" and currently weigh 256. I started off at 275.8lbs so close to losing 20lbs altogether now. I've been trying to find people who have relatively similar stats as I do. So any fluffy and short ladies feel free to add me, or message me! I need all the support I can get. Thank youuu! <3
  • I'm 5'1 and 125 lbs now. I'm at my heaviest I've been since 6 years ago. My comfortable weight is between 110-114. It's been dramatically fluxuating since last year, due falling ill, taking sterroids and starting new BC (birth control), and becoming unemployed. So now I'm trying to be even more focused than before to keep my lifestyle healthy and my weight at a comfortable level. As long as I feel good I think I'll be okay as 114, but anything over that starts to stress me out because extra weight just doesnt' look good on me. For a short woman, I'm very pear shaped which isn't fun :/
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    I read most of the last 2 pages of posts. I am 5'1" 150 lbs, and aiming for 125#. I usually have been 125 most of my adult life, not overweight as a child. I just have slowed down, not working, not running around, not doing much of anything. I am big boned and will not choose to look skinny or teeny petite ever, I just look not tall. I like my distributions. I pack fat on in my legs and behind though so extra fat does not look good on me. So there you have it. I sit around, I like to eat as a sport, so that all has to change. It will take effort on my part, a lot more than what I have been doing. I see people here doing the work and getting results. Why don't I? Again, I will change that as I head off to the gym after writing this feeling invigorated by you all.
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