Early Risers here??



  • annemb989
    annemb989 Posts: 6
    I WANT to work out in the AM but my husband and I do date night at the end of the day because we both get home and done with everything in the evening. Now to talk him into getting up at 4AM, lol. I've done part of BodyBeast- My husband completed it he is a BeachBody Coach! I LOVE The Body Beast WorkoutS!!!! Currently I'm doing T25!!! Love the new program! I think I might do Bodybeast all the way through for lean when I finish T25 Alpha!!!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I conquered the morning today... last three times I wanted to get up at 4 and run I backed out because of the weather...

    Well this morning it was 85 degrees and so humid, but I made myself go run a 5k distance. The first 15 minutes my body was telling me to turn around and get back in the air conditioning and enjoy some time in my bed... muscles ached, knee b*tched but pushed through it. Running in the dark on a moonless morning showing my resolve to keep pushing!

    Kick @$$ today morning people!
  • MarthasVineyard
    MarthasVineyard Posts: 35 Member
    Up at 4, workout from 5-6. It's the only time I can fit it in.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Hey all, it's Charlie. I'm the one that started this thread. I am glad to see that you all are using the thread. This is my goal which is to have people that workout in the morning be part of something like this. Something big. Just wanted to say I am proud of all of you that continue to post. If I can ask a favor an that is to keep the momentum going while I am away. I am taking a step back from posting for right now. At first my intention was that I just finished my workout program and was going to take a well deserved break and then come back strong. I will be planning on coming back but I was just hit with some very bad news and has just need to be with family. I'll do my best to check in and post but I will be back in a few. Keep it up you AM warriors. You guys and gals got this....

  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Draggin @$$ today! I slept in yesterday because I had an early Dr. apt before work, and then class after work. Left the house at 6 am, got home at 10 pm. Did some homework and rolled into bed about midnight. Tuesday is cardio only, so I snoozed a couple times this morning and got to the gym with enough time to do 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'll have an early night tonight, but tomorrow will be another long day - leave at 5:30 am, home at 10 pm again. Thankfully I only have a couple more weeks of this Mon & Wed class!

    @ Charlie - Hope everything turns out o.k.!
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member

    What classes are you taking? 6-10 sounds like my old college schedule more like 7-11:30 for me as I fit in some work to pay the bills from 7-12, then school from 1:30 to 11:30 and then an hour or so drive back home. Only to repeat that a few hours later. How is that coming along for you? Are you following a routine?

    As for me everyone, sorry for letting this thread fall off the wagon. I took a break after finishing my last workout routine. I forced myself to take a much needed break and enjoy a bit. Although what I have found is that I am not enjoying not working out and not eating the way I do. I forced myself to eat Mcdonalds and drink soda. Although they tasted good I felt crappy afterwards and trust me it was not worth it. I was going to give myself one more week off, because I have put together a few people together to workout using a workout routine that fit everyones schedule which is less than 25 minutes and has no weights. It's start date is August 5th but I could not hold off till then. I had to do something so I did some light weights today and will continue till next week. I hope all is well with you all and are keeping up with this. If you need help with anything let me know. I'll keep you posted on this week.


  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Man, in reading some of the responses, I am a *late* riser. LOL

    I participate in a boot camp class 4 x a week (except for this week which is an "off" week between sessions) at 5:45 AM. I run 2 other times during the work week at 6 AM (my third running day is Saturday, which I do after boot camp and breakfast, so more like 7:30 AM).
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Early Riser here, workout from 5am -6am during the week. Add me if you would like!!!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i start at 4.
  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    Up at 4:45a, workout complete by 6a!
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    I must be a slacker, only getting up at 5:15 and starting my workout at 5:45-6. Running or spending time with Jillian. YEAH!
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member

    What classes are you taking? 6-10 sounds like my old college schedule more like 7-11:30 for me as I fit in some work to pay the bills from 7-12, then school from 1:30 to 11:30 and then an hour or so drive back home. Only to repeat that a few hours later. How is that coming along for you? Are you following a routine?

    As for me everyone, sorry for letting this thread fall off the wagon. I took a break after finishing my last workout routine. I forced myself to take a much needed break and enjoy a bit. Although what I have found is that I am not enjoying not working out and not eating the way I do. I forced myself to eat Mcdonalds and drink soda. Although they tasted good I felt crappy afterwards and trust me it was not worth it. I was going to give myself one more week off, because I have put together a few people together to workout using a workout routine that fit everyones schedule which is less than 25 minutes and has no weights. It's start date is August 5th but I could not hold off till then. I had to do something so I did some light weights today and will continue till next week. I hope all is well with you all and are keeping up with this. If you need help with anything let me know. I'll keep you posted on this week.



    I'm taking one evening class to finish up an Associate's degree. 1 more week and class is done. Normal schedule is up at 4:45, at the company gym by 6, at my desk by 7:30, home by 5:15. When I have class, I'm just stopping at home to drop off my work bags, change clothes and pick up my school bag, and then home by 10:15ish. I alternate each day. 1 day weights and cardio, 1 day cardio only. I try and mix up the cardio between a bike, an elliptical and a treadmill and I have 3 different strength routines that I rotate through.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Lyerin-you are not a late riser. You got this. I like that you are running and doing a bootcamp. What kind is it? Welcome aboard.

    Jennifer076- Nice job girl. An hour long workout. What kind of workout?

    Kangoojumps-Nice avatar. Another 4am'er... Just like me.

    Salt_Sand_Sun-I like that. Are you workouts similar to the one of you flipping that tire? Great job.

    Angimom-Nice. 5:15 is still a great start time. Most people are still in la la land...

    Richie2shoes- That is a busy schedule. Man good for you to be able to fit in where most would sacrafice the workout and use all the excuses in the book to skip a workout. Not you.. That is great!

    All of you I hope that you continue to post here daily. I try to keep a day to day interaction with you all so feel free to post. As for me it was a short burst workout this morning. Still easing myself into the start of next weeks "BOOT Camp" if you want to call it that. IT's starting soon.
  • just_me_mindy
    just_me_mindy Posts: 210 Member
    im up at 3:30 am and at the gym by 4:00... it is empty I love it :)
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Up by 4:30 for my morning run, 7 days a week.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I have been spoiled for the last month.. only doing the really early lifting sessions when I wanted to... well starting tomorrow football practice starts 5 days a week for all of August! So Coach Gorilla needs to start his days off at 5am at the gym again to lift, then work all day... THEN run football practice until 8 each night in the heat... Better damn well lead to some more pounds being gone!
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    im up at 3:30 am and at the gym by 4:00... it is empty I love it :)

    Morning! :drinker: (coffee)

    LOL I was just getting to bed about that time (I have a hard time with sleep) but I was up a 8 am and that's early for me my only wish is that the pool open that early.

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • mescle
    mescle Posts: 7 Member
    My gym opens at 5 a.m. and I am there most days at that time. I have aerobics and water aerobics classes that begin at 5:45 a.m. on various days, so I am either doing strength training for 45 minutes before class or in the water at 5 a.m. doing deep water jogging before the aqua class. On weekends, my husband and I usually head out to the park for an early morning walk with the dog.

    I find that the classes keep me motivated because I have made a lot of friends at these classes and I know I'm going to see my friends. We are all at different levels of fitness and encourage each other.
  • LTrangsrud
    LTrangsrud Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone! So glad to see there are many early risers. Sometimes I feel like I am the only crazy person that gets up at 5 AM and works out. Very happy to have company! My sis and I have been workout/get healthy partners for the past two years and we have both lost weight and toned and trimmed. We actually live many miles apart and work out two days a week on Skype. The rest of the week we are on our own. We log onto MFP everyday and it has helped so much! Right now, I am in a little of a rut like you Charlie, where I am starting to lose motivation. It really helps to know others are getting up and doing the workouts too. I haven't reached my goal but am only a few pounds away.
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    I am an early riser as well. My pets normally wake me about 5 mintues before the 4:30 alarm goes off. I walk the dog and then do an exercise video right now. I live in Florida and even though the sun is not up it can be pretty warm and muggy that time of the day. But I enjoy the walks in the dark. On nicer days it is a longer walk/jog.

    I am a true dork and sometimes I wear a headlamp so that those people driving down the road can see me and I can see any animals that might be lurking about in the am.

    Glad I found this thread it is nice to see others like me. My husband thinks I am crazy but I keep telling him that if I don't do it then it won't get done.

    It is my time!