need plus sized friends/ motivators to help shed some lbs

Heellloooo...... I'm very new to this site and i'm looking for new friends to help me lose weight. I decided it was time for CHANGE a month ago and I'm already down 13 lbs woohoo. I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 241 lbs. I know that is really unhealthy for me to carry such weight and I feel it in my back and feet. My goal is to get to a size 12- 14 soon since i've been an 18 since I was 12! I'm taking this one day at a time and would like to have someone to encourage me in the process. I'm the only plus size in my circle, it would be great to know i'm not alone. So join me! :)


  • Kadiebug3000
    im plus size 26/28 would love to be in 18's.
  • poetic_britt
    It's so hard finding clothes for me because of my curves. I've been stuck between an 18-22 forever! it would amazing to even get to a 16 smh
  • ehilario13
    ehilario13 Posts: 11
    I'm also 26/28 and I wish I was your size! Haha I'm down for friends so feel free to add me, and I feel your pain on the clothes!
  • poetic_britt
    I added you and YES clothes are a complete pain uurgh lol
  • twosixeight
    I'm stuck in the 18-22...and I really want out! I would love to be friends with you - we can keep each other motivated! :)

    I'll send you a request!
  • poetic_britt
    that would be great! i just added you :)
  • 1caroline76
    I'm also new and looking for friends. I'm struggling to get out of size 16 which I just recently got into as I was also stuck in 16-18 for what seemed like forever. LOL. Feel free to add me! Btw... your pic is gorgeous!
  • Kadiebug3000
    i love torrids TOO EXPENSIVE
  • norcaligirl72
    norcaligirl72 Posts: 34 Member
    At my largest I was an 18-20 and smallest a size 6 and they were loose. Now I am about a 12 and finally broke through the food addiction part and am looking at this as a lifestyle and not a diet. I try and focus more on health than weight and make decisions on what to eat looking at the bigger picture instead of in the moment. It's a step by step process. I have to eat healthy, watch my calories and exercise regularly to look and FEEL like I want. Once I accepted that with no more excuses it's actually been a lot easier to manage. Welcome!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Hi....I am not plus sized any longer but i have been there and i can relate to being in the size 20. When i started trying to lose weight 14 months ago i weighed 200 lbs ( maybe a bit more but that was what the scale said the day i started). Anyway, i have lost 80 lbs and you can too!

    Use the tools that mfp gives you to log every thing you eat. Stay consistent and dedicated to your weight loss goal and make sure yo exercise several times a week. If you are the heaviest one in your circle you will have to make some tough choices when you hang out or go out to eat etc. It is all possable if you want it bad enough.

    Your body will thank you for it with every single pound you lose , i guarentee it!!! I am now wearing a size 6 and i havent worn that size in over 25 years. So i truly know where you are coming from.

    Congrats on the loss you have made already!! You can totally do this beautiful!!!
  • twosixeight
    i love torrids TOO EXPENSIVE

    Yes! I love torrids too, but you're right - they are way too expensive. :(
  • chantelle403
    chantelle403 Posts: 6 Member
    You are all beautiful and seem like a bunch of genuine ladies :)
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    We have similar start weight.

    SW: 242
    Now: 193

    I'm on a mission to get in shape and become a fitness queen, lol.
    Always looking for motivated buddies!
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Feel free to add me- started at 245 now 229 but STILL in that damn size 18!!
  • poetic_britt
    You are all beautiful and seem like a bunch of genuine ladies :)

    I was going to say the same thing lol! and Torrids charges an arm and a leg for their clothes. I can't deal with that even Lane Bryant
  • poetic_britt
    I'm also new and looking for friends. I'm struggling to get out of size 16 which I just recently got into as I was also stuck in 16-18 for what seemed like forever. LOL. Feel free to add me! Btw... your pic is gorgeous!

    Thank you so much!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    You are all Beautiful! And you all deserve to look and feel your best!! I wish all of you the best of luck on your personal journey and while it wont always be easy will ALWAYS BE WORTH IT!!!!
  • chantelle403
    chantelle403 Posts: 6 Member
    What are everyone's goals like?
  • slim4xmas13
    slim4xmas13 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey! like u I'm also new to this site, having only discovered it yesterday! I have a lot to lose and would love to be a size 14. I do think having a good support network is the key to success. I'm looking to make new friends to share my journey aswell,,,good luck x:
  • poetic_britt
    What are everyone's goals like?
    Right now I would like to get to 200 lbs. I didn't want to say a 100 because I don't diet well. I start and stop and will pick back up again. This time I figured I'd take it one step at a time and when I hit my mark, make another goal.