Anybody new to P90X?

superdave123 Posts: 15
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
P90X is the best workout program, but it's a good idea to be prepared. If anyone has questions about the program, nutrition, etc, I'd be happy to help out!


  • Kresent
    Kresent Posts: 39 Member
    First week will be completed tonight! Those squats kinda tear up the legs don't they?
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    me 6th week here
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Planning to start Sept 27th after I'm done with the race season.
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    almost done my 4th week of lean!!
  • A_shelton316
    A_shelton316 Posts: 127 Member
    I will start on Monday! I'm doing lean. if you have any advice I will take it.
  • schwin97
    schwin97 Posts: 1 Member
    Just finished day 2 this morning. Today was definitely easier than yesterday, but I am also much more sore today than I was yesterday...? Different sore though - yesterday it actually hurt/ached, but today it only hurts when I move.
  • I'm on my second round of P90X. Should I switch to phase III if I have don't have the six pack yet? I am currently at 11% body fat and want to get to 8-9% to get my abs to show. Shoudl I stay in phase II until I reach that body fat percentage and THEN try to bulk up? kind of a complicated question for advanced P90X people out there
  • LadyLyric
    LadyLyric Posts: 4 Member
    Actually, I'll be starting P90X on Monday, I have a few items to purchase like the elastic bands and pull-up bars which I'll be doing over the weekend.

    I'm not in the best shape, but I figured I'd just push on through and keep my hands off the stop button. LOL.

    The only thing that scares me a little is that I've been seeing comments on the boards about some people actually GAINING weight when they start the program. Although it's been clarified time and time again that this is muscle weight and not fat, I can see why people tend to freak out. When you start something like this, you really rely on the scale to tell you if you're doing well. But I'm not going to let that stop me.
  • Hey everyone!

    The one area where a lot of people struggle is the nutrition. First get your calorie goal correct. The basic formula is weight x10 x 1.2 (20% average metabolic rate) +600. That is your caloric goal to MAINTAIN weight. If you aren't active much, then it may be more accurate to use 15%. Also, P90X assumes you will burn 600 calories with each workout! That is why a Heart rate monitor that can track calories is very useful.

    The first week is BRUTAL. You body simply isn't use to the routine so you will be very sore. BUT, your body will quickly adapt and the second week will be much better!

    I HIGHLY recommend using some kind of recovery drink to keep the energy levels up for the week and to prevent muscle breakdown. You won't need one for yoga or rest days.

    Some people do gain weight initially because extreme muscle inflammation can cause temporary weight gain. Also, the body won't be used to the high caloric demands of the nutrition plan, so you may want to downplay the calorie goal for the first few days. Soon your body will adapt and need those calories.

    Drew77, you should definitely move onto Phase 3. Once you go below 10% those abs should start popping out! Also, you can't really 'bulk up' and lean up at the same time.
  • mrslantu2020
    mrslantu2020 Posts: 71 Member
    I am starting tomorrow - I have never done a program like this and am hoping it will slim me down and help tone [I am at the last 20ish pounds til my goal weight so this is VERY needed!]. If there is anything that would be of help going into this - like you mentioned a recovery drink...I am very "illiterate" when it comes to these things so I'd love the advice!!
  • This is an awesome program, and intense. Like the fella above said, the leg workout is brutal. It does work as long as the diet is up to par.
  • alisha11
    alisha11 Posts: 41 Member
    Will be doing day 3 today, and I have to say despite the soreness I'm pretty pumped! One question I have is about the calorie intake and such, I'm doing this program with a friend so I myself don't actually own the P90x what is the formula if I'm trying to lose weight and not maintain it?? I'd have to agree with bowaknee I'm equally as illiterate about all of this. Thanks in advance for all of your help!
  • alisha,take your body weight and times it by 10. Then you must add your estimated average metabolic rate. 20% is considered average, but 15% may be better if you are sedentary (8 hour office job with little movement the rest of the day.) So either weight x 10 x 1.20 (20%) or 1.15 (15%). This is you calorie goal to maintain your current wait WITHOUT exercising. To lose weight a 500 caloric deficit is typical. So you have to burn 500 or reduce 500 calories in your day. However, it is MUCH better to burn calories so you can also raise your metabolism.

    P90X assumes you will burn 600 calories with each workout, actual calories burned depends on muscle mass, metabolic rate, and intensity. I have some good muscle and I typically burn 900 calories with most workouts. Having a Heart Rate monitor that can track calories burned is very handy. Otherwise you have to guess and adjust your calorie goal often.

    But let's assume you will burn 300 calories with the workout, then you must also subtract 200 from your daily goal. Or let's say you burn 600, then you can actually add 100 calories to eat for the day to make the 500. Eating too few calories can lead to low energy levels for the week.
  • bowaknee, the recovery drink will help keep you energy levels up for the week. Intense exercise will burn off your glycogen so its important to get it back. a typical recovery drink is 4:1 Fast carbs to protein. The P90X recovery drink also has vitamin C and E which are very important for muscle recovery.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    sup fellow p90xers :drinker:

    about to start plyometrics in a few
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    ok just got my azz kicked :sad: again on plyometrics

    damn it seems like ill never get it all !!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

    till next time ill keep pushing play :devil:
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    What would be considered a recovery drink?
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    ok just did ab ripper x 2nd time today !!!!! hate but love it !!! :love:
  • I ordered the DVD's last week, they should arrive any day...I am excited to begin and happy to have found this thread because I know I will need the support.
  • alisha11
    alisha11 Posts: 41 Member
    thank-you so much superdave123 I'll definitely be hitting you up with any other questions I might have about P90x! :smile:
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