Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • Awesome awesome onion blossom! hehehe way to go at it! keep it up!
  • I think this sounds amazing!!!

    I have lost 15 pounds and have 109 to go for my goal of 136. :)

    My real problem is that I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) for over 10 years now, and have come to realize that I will never be happy. I am learning how to be the highest functioning adult that I can be, but I still have a long way to go.

    rock on sister! whoop whoopbigsmile we all need support and I am glad you jumped in!!!!!!!!!!
  • i'm losing 75 and have only lost 16 in 3 months. its sooooo hard. im working out 6 days a week and eating so well within my calorie limits. i dont get it. weight should fall off. but il do it for as long as it takes..we'll make it!

    Take your time hun. It is not won in a day but in the end the battle will be worth it. Just like it took lots of calories to get us here! I'm wishing you the best!
  • Hey, I like this idea.

    I am newer here (have been outta the loop for a month or two) but I find most who I associate with either have lower weights now they are dealing with or have already lost what they wanted. Which I think is great but as someone who is struggling to start and hasn't seen the results it can be challenging to keep my spirits up about the progress.

    I am hoping to lose at least 50-60lbs while my future spouse is overseas for a year and a great support foundation would be wonderful.


    Lets stick together! I am so proud of the determination you are showing! and I bet your Man will love it too!!!!
  • Hi Christy! I don't have 50 to lose but believe me, I need a lot of support in my weight loss goals. One day at a time is the only way I can do it and not beating myself up when I fall into a plate of chicken wings. I think for me it is taking a good look at the stuff I was eating and thinking of long term health.

    Hey! I totally understand! I am here, We ALL are here to lend a ear to all and support eachother! You are always welcome!
  • Count me in! I've been around MFP for about a month.. now.. I've lost about 25lbs.. give or take.. my scale isn't working :frown: ...... I am a scale addict! I must tip it 5 times a day, at least! Then I take the lowest number for the day.. lol.. does that count?

    My HW was 257
    currently at 232
    goal weight 128

    I'm having a hard time with my scale not working.. haven't weighed in 2 days.. ugh! But I haven't really eaten anything either.

    Everything counts! Keep it up and keep that chin up. We WILL DO THIS!
  • me too. I have more then 50 Lbs to spare. Everyone keep up the good work.

    thank you for joining!
  • me too - i have 75 to go and lost 13lbs so far - its going to be a slow but successful journey - I am hoping!


    Way to go! This will work out for us all babe!
  • Hi All of You Pretty Ladies,

    I think one guy needs to weigh in here and it might as well be me. I've had a life long fight with weight. I've been working MFP for about 2 months now. I've lost 100 lbs and still have about 100 to go. I guess that qualifies me to run with this crowd. I don't think it will ever be easy for those of us who've gotten really large. I'll help any way I can.

    :flowerforyou: YOU GO BABE! I am so excited for the loving response! I am here for you!
  • fabulusn40
    fabulusn40 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello to all my BBW & BBM, I am a plus size girl but I'm tall so everyone tells me I don't look that big I just have a big butt. Anyway, the jeans don't lie. I just wanted to say you have my support. According to the books i need to lose 60 but I don't know how I will look so I'm gonna start with 35 and see where it takes me. Good luck and good health to all. Hit me up sometimes.
  • Hello to all my BBW & BBM, I am a plus size girl but I'm tall so everyone tells me I don't look that big I just have a big butt. Anyway, the jeans don't lie. I just wanted to say you have my support. According to the books i need to lose 60 but I don't know how I will look so I'm gonna start with 35 and see where it takes me. Good luck and good health to all. Hit me up sometimes.

    keep us informed on your progress! Take it slow. Set 10lbs at a time of a goal and pamper yourself everytime you make it!
  • Now here is a crowd that I can identify with. I have been working with this for about four months but I just had surgery for gallbladder 6 weeks ago and went completely off my program during my recovery. Just by luck I only gained back 5 pounds of what I had lost. Today is my first day back. (here and at the gym). It was harder to restart than it was to start at all.
    starting weight: 411
    present weight: 383
    goal weight: 140

    When your weight is this high and your goals seem this big you are in a whole different world than most. Great to see that there are others out there. I am sure that I will have alot to say in the next few months. I hope there is someone out there that can relate. Maybe I can even help someone along the way.....
  • lilprnss
    lilprnss Posts: 52
    Now here is a crowd that I can identify with. I have been working with this for about four months but I just had surgery for gallbladder 6 weeks ago and went completely off my program during my recovery. Just by luck I only gained back 5 pounds of what I had lost. Today is my first day back. (here and at the gym). It was harder to restart than it was to start at all.
    starting weight: 411
    present weight: 383
    goal weight: 140

    I just had my gallbladder out in January. It was kinda an eye opener.. that's why I'm here... I joined the gym in February.. and joined MFP in June.. so GLAD I did!
  • Now here is a crowd that I can identify with. I have been working with this for about four months but I just had surgery for gallbladder 6 weeks ago and went completely off my program during my recovery. Just by luck I only gained back 5 pounds of what I had lost. Today is my first day back. (here and at the gym). It was harder to restart than it was to start at all.
    starting weight: 411
    present weight: 383
    goal weight: 140

    When your weight is this high and your goals seem this big you are in a whole different world than most. Great to see that there are others out there. I am sure that I will have alot to say in the next few months. I hope there is someone out there that can relate. Maybe I can even help someone along the way.....

    I am glad you are here sharing with us, thank you. Keep up the great work!
  • HEY FOLKS! Lets do a Challenge! I Challenge everyone to report here at least once a day with how they are doing and to set a mini goal of 10 pounds. Lets all put our heads together and find a date to loose by!!!
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :flowerforyou: Hi Christy, I think you are awesome, thanks for starting this thread for all of us who need all the help we can get. I think checking in each day is a great idea. How about a once a week weigh in to see how we are doing. I think that exersize is important not just for the weight loss, but for our mental health too. When you are as large as some of us it can be a real challange, but there is always a way. I used to do a lot of the exersizes on the bed as I couldn't get off the floor, now that we have a pool I exersize there and on an exersize bike. There is always something we can do, we just have to find out what it is. I don't have any suggestion for the 10 pounds as some of us lose slow and some faster. The best I have ever done is 2 pounds in a week, some weeks I don't get anything. Well, anyhow keep up the good work all you big, beautiful women and our one handsome man.

    Be B;essed.


    "It is never too late to be who you might have been."
    - George Elliot
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    I'm with yall and we can do it!!! I kept my wn food journal for a few months before I found MFP and lost 30 lbs! No I have 30 more to go and its getting harder. Everyday is either really good or really bad and its hard to stay motivated when you've lost a lot of weight and are STILL overweight, esp with skinny friends!
  • lilprnss
    lilprnss Posts: 52
    I'm still here with it.. Definitely staying under my calories.. Trying to hit the gym at least 4-6 times a week for 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. I have a friend I go with.. so we hold each other accountable.. I certainly wouldn't have made it this long there without her and God's help!
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    day one of being home from vaca and doing fine.. I even walked to work today... and will again tomorrow..(my car broke :sad: )
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I am still here. I have been keeping up with exersizing. Atleast an hour 5 times week. I went yesterday even though I really did not want to, its that time and I did not want to do anything yesterday and today is not looking much better, but I am going to make my self go. Everyone keep up the good work. I probublyt will not check in everyday but I will atleast a couple times a week.
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