Parents let their kids eat trash?



  • Chellody22
    Chellody22 Posts: 95 Member
    First let me say I'm a mother of 4 and step mother to 3. The excuses to feed kids garbage on here are just amazing...picky eaters, that's all they have on the kids menu. Blah, blah blah... Hey guess what, you don't HAVE to order from the kids menu, you can *gasp* order them something a bit more healthy from the adult menu and split it between you and them, since we all know the portion sizes at restaurants are way too big. So why is it all the picky children only live in the US or the overindulged European nations? How is it a Asian child can eat vegetables, lean meats and rice, but an american child has a special tongue that can't handle it? I lived in the Phillippines when I was 8-12 years old and the things my young tongue ate would just blow your mind. Squid, fish head soup, stir fry, etc and I liked it. I was taught you eat what is given to you or don't eat at all, which my kids are taught now too. My 3 year old and 5 year old love baked fish, beans, quinoa, asparagus, greek yogurt, etc...all the things I eat. Making excuses is just lazy parenting if you ask me. It's an epidemic of lazy, spoiled over indulged people turning their children into the same thing.

    The fact that people feel that it's okay to call other people bad or lazy parents because they allow their kids to have ice cream or chicken nuggets occasionally just astounds me. I wouldn't call someone a bad parent for never allowing their children those things, that is their personal choice. So many judgemental people who feel that their way is the only right way.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I know right??? This mother just let hers eat trash, and this is what ensued \m/
  • blossomnu
    blossomnu Posts: 65 Member
    Parents tend to think something along the lines of:" They are kids, they should be able to eat whatever" or "They are growing" or.. "They have fast metabolic rates, it's okay" I don't think that's right in my opinion especially if the parents are not preaching good eating habits to their kids. We develop our eating habits from a very early age, and they continue through out our life. At the end of the day, kids are kids and shouldn't have to worry about calories and their candy consumption, but I do believe there should always be that common sense in the back of their minds that guide them towards healthier food choices.

    Edit - don't be so quick to judge, they were eating out, you don't know anything about their lives.


    I have friends whose attitude is, "My kid's not fat, so therefore if we eat McDonald's 4 nights a week, it's fine". They don't think about it from a vitamins/minerals/balanced diet or habits perspective.

    My boyfriend has always been a fussy eater. He's not overweight, but it's kind of embarrassing that he asks for plain spaghetti without any sauce in an upmarket restaurant, or opts for chicken nuggets and chips at a Chinese restaurant.
  • mrsg2006
    mrsg2006 Posts: 120 Member
    If given the choice off the kids menu at places my kids like to go, my youngest (3 almost 4)usually chooses the grilled chicken option and broccoli or grapes. My oldest gets pasta and sometimes mac and cheese. If they have chinese dumplings, she gets that.

    just saying....

    Edited to add: My youngest generally eats way healthier than my oldest, but we are working on it.....
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    I think on society nowadays...parents need to disapline and teach their kids more respect than pointing out with the healthy foods. They're growing for Pete's sake.. let them have their choice of foods.
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    I kept my daughter eating clean at home, with restaurant food usually being pizza or grilled cheese on whole wheat.

    Once she started school, however, the teachers started feeding the children pure junk. Math was taught with M&Ms and Froot Loops. Hard candy was slipped to them during tests. My girl has ADHD and I was desperately trying to keep the poisons out of her mouth to help manage the symptoms. I offered to buy health food Froot Loop analogs without all the artifical stuff, but they refused.

    What happened? They continued to give her junk food but told her not to tell her parents. Then they reported me to Child Protective Services. True story.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    This will not end well. :huh: for impending drama!

    Oh yeah! This thread will probably be locked by the time I get home. Guess I won't ever know what happens. :noway:
    Edit: smiley added
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I kept my daughter eating clean at home, with restaurant food usually being pizza or grilled cheese on whole wheat.

    Once she started school, however, the teachers started feeding the children pure junk. Math was taught with M&Ms and Froot Loops. Hard candy was slipped to them during tests. My girl has ADHD and I was desperately trying to keep the poisons out of her mouth to help manage the symptoms. I offered to buy health food Froot Loop analogs without all the artifical stuff, but they refused.

    What happened? They continued to give her junk food but told her not to tell her parents. Then they reported me to Child Protective Services. True story.

    You just called M&M's and Fruit Loops poison.....
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    This exact subject makes me so damn irritated! I swear people think that it is child abuse if you feed your kids healthy food! And you know what?!? I hate even calling it healthy food! IT'S FOOD!! REAL DAMN FOOD!! The garbage that most people feed their kids is disgusting!! I have people judge me all the time because my kids eat what I eat...vegetables, proteins, low sugar. They think that I am being unfair to my kids and that I'm not feeding them real food. I love how people think that hot dogs, cookies, candy, pizza, etc is a great diet for kids. To me, FEEDING YOUR KIDS THAT CRAP IS ABUSE!! Sorry! Had to rant..I was having this exact discussion with someone today because they said they couldn't diet because they couldn't feed their kids diet food!!! What exactly is diet food?? Are you talking vegetables, fiber, good oils/fats, lean meats? Because that is real food!! GRRRR

    Wishes I had a picture of my 3ft tall four year old eating his foot long corn dog on Sunday......
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    Impossible for me to say since I don't have children.

    I myself was given what I wanted, crisps (chips for those in the US) for dinner, microwave cheeseburgers, deep fried sausage rolls (I did that myself, my parents had no idea). I was about 175lbs when I was 11 years old (5 foot 5 inches). My parents loved me, it wasn't neglect or abuse, I was a quiet child and my mother had four other children to care for and I was the youngest so I was spoiled.

    I personally feel very sad when I see this, if the child is in any way chubby. You can tell by looking at them if this is a common. I have two nieces. I personally have never brought them any junk, though I do bake with them or make pancakes. One is a dream child, loves vegetables. The other won't eat anything that isn't a chicken nugget. Sometimes parents simply don't have a choice and I don't think they deserve to be judged for it. All they can do it try to encourage them to have an interest in vegetables or cook them fresh chicken instead of nuggets.

    When I make them dinner, as long as I ask "Do you like......?", and respect what they say, I can always have them eat the vegetables by getting them to decide to eat them themselves, and most importantly, cooking the vegetables in a way that was tasty, not like the salty boiled to death carrots I hated as a child.

    But that takes time, and I'm not a parent so I'm not as busy, and so have the time to spend 20 minutes modelling broccoli into a tree with carrots as the trunk :laugh:

    But seriously, unless the kid rolls instead of walks, I don't think any judgement is necessary
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    I kept my daughter eating clean at home, with restaurant food usually being pizza or grilled cheese on whole wheat.

    Once she started school, however, the teachers started feeding the children pure junk. Math was taught with M&Ms and Froot Loops. Hard candy was slipped to them during tests. My girl has ADHD and I was desperately trying to keep the poisons out of her mouth to help manage the symptoms. I offered to buy health food Froot Loop analogs without all the artifical stuff, but they refused.

    What happened? They continued to give her junk food but told her not to tell her parents. Then they reported me to Child Protective Services. True story.

    That is nuts. While some schools are banning bake sales, others schools are handing out crap. And while all that is happening, our kids are being served processed junk in the cafeteria.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    You cant judge people on what they eat out... This week I had spaghetti and meatballs, an ice cream, and a mcdonalds chicken mayo... What you didnt see is that the day I had meatballs and ice cream I had salad for lunch to balance it out... and the day I had mcdonalds it was kind of the only thing i ate :S but that was an accident too much driving and busyness :(

    However I would say that a child learns from their parents...fussy eater parents = fussy eating children... and a parent that gives in to their childs "fussy eating" is one who just isn't doing themselves any favours in fact I'd say they are a little bit stupid because they will turn into my mum she cooks at least 2 (sometimes 4!) different meals every night because none of us (mum, dad, me or my sister) eat the same stuff ... the few things that my dad, sister and I eat my mum doesn't like...
    So don't let your children be fussy unless you LOVE cooking loads of different things at the same time....
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    So much judgement in one little thread. Whatever happened to minding your own business? I say this generally, not just to the OP. And feeding my kids pizza is child abuse? M'kay.

    My kids aren't allowed to go over 1200 calories and I don't let them eat their baseball/trampoline/bikeriding/etc calories back.


  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I let my kids eat "trash" foods often because I'd rather that than they go hungry. A kid can only take so much fruit/veggies. I let them have the occasional pizza rolls or chicken nuggets. I also eat gluten-free and won't take that out of their diets just because I have for me. I'm doing it for health reasons and I don't want them having issues due to my cutting it out for no reason for them.

    I have my kids eat healthier than I did when I was a kid because I feel I was given an unfair disadvantage. I don't want that for them, but kids deserve to be kids and have sugary and fatty snacks too. Moderation.
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I don't have kids, but I can't imagine kids are all that complaint with healthy eating. I'd definitely mind your own business on this one.

    Agreed with this poster.. you have NO IDEA how hard it can be to get a picky child to eat ANYTHING.. and anyone that has anything to say about what I let my child eat can stick it.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Have you seen the children's menu at restaurants? It's always hot dogs, fries, mac 'n' cheese, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, and maybe some other pasta dish.

    Edit: Typo!
  • culpjm90
    culpjm90 Posts: 58
    I can understand where the op is coming from....I don't have kids myself so please don't jump down my throat. But when you see an overweight child eating McDonalds it does make you think why are the parents not trying to better their childs life and teach them about nutrition. My entire family is over weight and my mom says all the time that not teaching us proper nutrition is her greatest regret as far as parenting. I am the youngest of 3 kids I am still over weight and the rest of my family is obese. My oldest brother who is 28 wont touch a vegetable not one and yes I do believe it would be different if we were raised a little bit differently. We grew up on mac n cheese, hotdogs, pizza, pasta, big breakfast with biscuits and gravy, bacon, fried eggs and now we are all overweight so ya I think it has something to do with it.
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    The fact that people feel that it's okay to call other people bad or lazy parents because they allow their kids to have ice cream or chicken nuggets occasionally just astounds me. I wouldn't call someone a bad parent for never allowing their children those things, that is their personal choice. So many judgemental people who feel that their way is the only right way.

    I've found that when it comes to kids, EVERYONE has an opinion and a judgment to make about parents, especially people who don't even have children.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Oh... I was hoping to see parents letting their kids eat actual trash.

    Now I'm disappointed.


    ^^^^ YES! Thanks! I'm at work and can't post awesome gifs!:flowerforyou: