Halloween Challenge



  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Weigh in:

    Started challenge at 210
    Currently at 206
    Goal by Halloween: Anywhere in the 190's.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    142.8 today, down 2.2 lbs. from last week, trying to get to 135.

    7.8 lbs. to go!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Weigh in:

    Start 164
    Now 159.8
    Goal 154
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    I am RIGHT ON TRACK! YES! I weighed in on Satruday. I am now down to 213.6 pounds. 9 more weeks and and 9 more pounds and I will weight 204 which was my goal! WHOOHOO! perhaps I will weigh less??? We shall see!
  • modify24
    modify24 Posts: 12
    i am in :)
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I'm a bit late to join but I'll have a go! Have joined the 'lose 5lbs in September' challenge. One more won't do any harm!!!!:noway:

    BTW, I do apologise for the photo...My girlies and I had a 'girly night' and they had fun making me over!!!! It's the only photo i could find cos I'm usually good at avoiding the camera!!:laugh:
  • Yes, I want to join in this challenge. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by halloween. I am sure that together we can all reach our goals! Thanks, Eileen!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Started at 143.4.
    Today's Week 4 weigh-in is at 141.8
    Goal = 135
    6.8 lbs. to go!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Okay so I didnt post on Monday. I didnt like my scale reading on my usual Friday weigh in and it wasn't any better on Monday. So thats that. I think i had a huge loss due to water weigh the weekend before last and i put it back on by getting hydrated again.. sheesh. So i'm currently at 229 and I am still going for 220 so thats still 9 pounds.
    And I'm only posting cuz i decided i need to stick with it and my yesterday doc visit showed an overall 2 lb loss over the last month. so i'm happy with that even if i'm not happy with the weekly weigh i.
  • HI ladies. I would like to join in. Ive been at a plateau for about a month and I need some challenges to help me bust out of this. I would LOVE to lost 15 lbs by Halloween. I am gonna do a for sure weigh in, in the morning and come back and post it. 15 lbs should put me at about 223-225 lbs. I will let you know for sure. Anything in the 220's will tickle me!!!! I love getting to the next set of numbers and I have yet to see the 220's. I sure have been in the 230's LONG ENOUGH. Yall feel free to friend me
  • Weigh in:
    Started challenge: 200.6
    Current weight: 190.2
    Goal by halloween: anywhere in the 180's
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello, Im Jackie and would like to join the Halloween Challenge. My current weight is 217, and I would like to be 205 by then. I love Halloween, its one of my favorite holidays actually. I am new to this site, but so far I love it! I hope I am going this right! count me in!
  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member
    Starting weight 197.8

    Current weight 192.0
  • 11 weeks to Halloween, always was my favorite holiday, maybe I can make it so again~
    Sitting at about 195 now, 15 lbs seems realistic while still making me commit~
    So, I will aim for 180... no, 179 for good measure, by Halloween!~

    Weigh-in today ~
    made it to 186.6, so doing good :) On track, all that!
    start 195
    current 186
    goal 179
  • OK, I am back. I weighed this morning and I am 238.0. :( I am up about 2 lbs for some reason?? But I want to set my halloween challenge for 228.0. Surely I can lose 10 lbs by then. Good luck ladies
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Weighed in at 141.6 this morning.
    0.2 down from last week. Had an awesome Mexican food dinner last night loaded with sodium so that put me up from the 140 that I was at, but it was goooood!
    1.8 lbs. down, 6.6 lbs to go!
  • weigh in:

    Started: 183
    Today: 178
    Goal: 165
  • haven't checked in in a while, so here we go.

    as of today, i'm down 11lbs (i know my ticker says 12- i'm up 1lb from my last weigh in-hoping to lose that by the end of the week though!)... so to reach my goal of 25lbs, i need to lose 14 more pounds by halloween. i'm going to do this! i think i can, i think i can! :)

    keep up the great work everyone!
  • sureeee...I am at 277......I will be at 260 by Halloween!!!:drinker:
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    138.8 this morning. Down 2.4 lbs. from last week (finally got rid of all that sodium!).
    3.8 lbs. to go!
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