How to stay within your calorie goal at a fair?



  • If you are going with friends, share. Buy any one item and split between your friends, usually a quarter to eighth portion is ideal. Sharing will still let you enjoy the taste of the food, but make it so you are not consuming all those calories. Also, drink water, no soda or lemonade, save those calories for your treats.
  • GnosisGnosis
    GnosisGnosis Posts: 148

    Source The Fair.

    I meant on the fried oreos being 90-110 calories. I'm pretty sure they're more than that. 50 calories an oreo, batter + deep fried? I meannn.... But hey whatever, it's your bodies.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Source The Fair.

    I meant on the fried oreos being 90-110 calories. I'm pretty sure they're more than that. 50 calories an oreo, batter + deep fried? I meannn.... But hey whatever, it's your bodies.
    I'm sorry. My psychic powers are on the fritz today.

  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Hi everyone, I am seeking some advice here:

    I am going to a fair with some friends on Saturday. Since I will be there all day... any suggestions on being able to stay within my 1500 calories?? I know it will be hard and I know there aren't any healthy options at the fair.

    get in a really good morning workout so you have extra calories to indulge - it's one day enjoy it. :)
  • GnosisGnosis
    GnosisGnosis Posts: 148

    I'm sorry. My psychic powers are on the fritz today.


    Haha, no worries. I had to re-learn the quote function :p
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    Definitely bring your own healthy picnic style food, things that can hang out in a cooler while you enjoy the rides and shows. Wait on your fair treats until after your healthy packed lunch, you will be less likely to indulge. Most importantly- share your goodies! My brothers and I always split items at places like the fair or theme park, the portions are HUGE and a taste or two of a couple of treats is usually enough to satisfy that junk food craving. There are plenty of other fun things to do at a fair besides eat, explore the fair in a new way.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    Get in a good workout before you go, bring a bottle of water, and enjoy yourself. I agree with some of the what you want in moderation. It's just one day.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Source plz.


    I've seen a handful of calorie listings....toping out at 175. Of the 4 I looked at, average 124.
  • olasmiles
    olasmiles Posts: 13 Member
    Why? It's the fair. Eat yummy fair food.

    Exercise every day and enjoy yourself this one day. I can't get the kind of food I like from the fair pretty much anywhere any other time of year. So I enjoy it.

    ^^Exactly! You'll be miserable walking around and smelling/seeing all the amazing foods there and chomping on a celery stick. Enjoy yourself!

    If you make sure to log everything you eat, you can literally see how much you're getting and how you're doing in regards to your calorie goal. At the end of the day, do a workout and burn some of that back!
  • Lkooiman
    Lkooiman Posts: 1
    SHARE! Don't get things that you eat by yourself, but instead, enjoy a bite or two of different things.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    Fresh kettle corn is not a bad call. :-) Last time I went it was on 1/2 price food day, so my hunny and I got a bunch of different small and sample sized things and snacked on them, I think it counted to about 800 calories for dinner including a beer so not bad at all! Have fun!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Agree with the suggestion to share. You still get to sample all the awesome fair food but you don't feel like barfing afterward :) I went to the fair and it did not hinder my goals at all, because I ate 1/3 of a fried dough, 1/2 of a snow cone, etc.
  • chrisloveslife
    chrisloveslife Posts: 180 Member
    This is a thing? I need to start going to fairs.

    When I went to the fair at the beginning of the month, they had some healthy options. If you're getting food, make sure you check out all the options so you can try to make the healthiest decision (if you want). I would also make sure to workout before you go if possible so you'll have more calories to play with.
  • Don't go hungry. When I know Im going somewhere where there is going to be a mongoloid of bad food, I tend to drink a LOT of water while Im there. I find that I do not eat nearly as much. Also, eat before you go.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    OMG, bring your own food!
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    You will not regret eating fried oreos...


    I just went to a fair on Sunday and was able to work in a corn dog and fries. Tons of walking to offset any indulgences.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member

    Just eat.... it won't be as bad as you think!!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    last time I went I think we got turkey legs and a bowl of soup.

    All was delicious.

    But that was the Renne Faire- not the regular fair- someone somewhere will have meat- get a burger- eat the burger- take off the top part of the bun- whatever doesn't matter- make sure you get enough protein BEFORE induldging in teh junk food.

    Eat big breakfast-
    Enjoy a snack or two while you are there
    Walk a lot
    Go home

    feel good about yourself and get back on track the next day.
  • EmilyGetsSkinny95
    EmilyGetsSkinny95 Posts: 54 Member
    You could bring one of those cooler bags with some healthy snacks + a lunch. :glasses:
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I wouldn't even try. I'd just consider it a free day.

    But you'll probably be walking a lot so at least you'll be burning calories