Parents let their kids eat trash?



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Ahh let me say it...

    Dear Parents,
    Thank you for allowing your child to have that fried greasy piece of chicken heaven...because I surely don't want to sit in a restaurant for 1hr listening to them scream over why he/she has to eat another bite of peas & carrots....just sayin CHEERS! let them enjoy! and be KIDS!

    Actually, any kids that act like that in ANY public place should be taken out immediately. No reason they have to act like baboons, or be permitted to annoy others.


    Pretty sure there was some sarcasm in there.

    Actually no sarcasm intended...just the thought of trying to have a nice quiet restaurant dinner (NOT in a fast food place) with somebody's obnoxious kids screaming about what they will or won't eat.

    When kids in restaurants are screaming for whatever reason usually as their already embarrassed parents usher them out of earshot, it is because they are learning the rules, don't have a good handle on their emotions yet, and etc. When grown women are whining on the internet about everything all the time in the most negative and obnoxious ways repeatedly and calling little kids who are still in the learning curve "obnoxious" it is because they are :devil: .

    Srsly. Kids who never talk back, never complain, never resist anything, and obediently do what they are told at all times do not grow up to be anything worth growing up to be.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    This exact subject makes me so damn irritated! I swear people think that it is child abuse if you feed your kids healthy food! And you know what?!? I hate even calling it healthy food! IT'S FOOD!! REAL DAMN FOOD!! The garbage that most people feed their kids is disgusting!! I have people judge me all the time because my kids eat what I eat...vegetables, proteins, low sugar. They think that I am being unfair to my kids and that I'm not feeding them real food. I love how people think that hot dogs, cookies, candy, pizza, etc is a great diet for kids. To me, FEEDING YOUR KIDS THAT CRAP IS ABUSE!! Sorry! Had to rant..I was having this exact discussion with someone today because they said they couldn't diet because they couldn't feed their kids diet food!!! What exactly is diet food?? Are you talking vegetables, fiber, good oils/fats, lean meats? Because that is real food!! GRRRR
    To you it's crap. To others, it's food. No need to diss people's choices as garbage.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    Actually I think they do need to, because otherwise there's no good reason to eat "real" foods like lima beans and kale and celery.
    Calling food choices crap and garbage will get others to eat "real" food? You do realize that overweight, obese people hear that **** everyday? And by golly I guess it's working.:huh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    No, what I mean is that the clean eating zealots need to shame other peoples' foods in order to feel superior, because otherwise what is the point of eating kale and celery all the time? They certainly aren't eating it for the taste. ;)
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    ChildrenCryinNCoffee Posts: 477 Member
    Let me sum up the thread.


    Agreed 100%.

    This ^^^
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Srsly. Kids who never talk back, never complain, never resist anything, and obediently do what they are told at all times do not grow up to be**** anything worth growing up to be.****
  • tinylightsbelow
    tinylightsbelow Posts: 85 Member
    Haven't read all the replies.
    I have a 3 year old who has a diet mixed between - picking her own snow peas and cherry tomatoes from the garden for a snack, to eating possibly once a fortnight chips and nuggets. If we go out for dinner the kids menu 98% of the time looks like this "chips and nuggets, fish and chips, burger and chips, pizza with chips and spaghetti or lasagne and chips".
    This absolutely rings true for me. Though I don't have children, I have seen kid's menus before. They are not exactly healthy! I would not blame a parent for giving their kids something deep-fried or fatty when eating out because almost everything on a kid's menu is that way. There aren't really child-sized salads or veggie wraps available at most restaurants...

    Of course, it's much easier to control the food you buy at home so those people you're judging while you eat might go home later and serve their kids a snack of broccoli with hummus and some fruit. You don't know.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    This thread was done in the first reply.

    Daww why u no spend $20 on food your kid won't eat? Lulz
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    My two year old loves healthy foods - broccoli, apples, bananas, yogurt, cheese, etc. In a restaurant she probably would be eating nuggets and fries. You're assuming that complete strangers "let their kids eat trash" based on your evaluation of their menu choice at one meal?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    This exact subject makes me so damn irritated! I swear people think that it is child abuse if you feed your kids healthy food! And you know what?!? I hate even calling it healthy food! IT'S FOOD!! REAL DAMN FOOD!! The garbage that most people feed their kids is disgusting!! I have people judge me all the time because my kids eat what I eat...vegetables, proteins, low sugar. They think that I am being unfair to my kids and that I'm not feeding them real food. I love how people think that hot dogs, cookies, candy, pizza, etc is a great diet for kids. To me, FEEDING YOUR KIDS THAT CRAP IS ABUSE!! Sorry! Had to rant..I was having this exact discussion with someone today because they said they couldn't diet because they couldn't feed their kids diet food!!! What exactly is diet food?? Are you talking vegetables, fiber, good oils/fats, lean meats? Because that is real food!! GRRRR
    To you it's crap. To others, it's food. No need to diss people's choices as garbage.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    Actually I think they do need to, because otherwise there's no good reason to eat "real" foods like lima beans and kale and celery.
    Calling food choices crap and garbage will get others to eat "real" food? You do realize that overweight, obese people hear that **** everyday? And by golly I guess it's working.:huh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    No, what I mean is that the clean eating zealots need to shame other peoples' foods in order to feel superior, because otherwise what is the point of eating kale and celery all the time? They certainly aren't eating it for the taste. ;)
    Ah, makes sense then. I think what some believe is that children somehow think of nutrition before taste.:laugh: If that were only true.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Ahh let me say it...

    Dear Parents,
    Thank you for allowing your child to have that fried greasy piece of chicken heaven...because I surely don't want to sit in a restaurant for 1hr listening to them scream over why he/she has to eat another bite of peas & carrots....just sayin CHEERS! let them enjoy! and be KIDS!

    Actually, any kids that act like that in ANY public place should be taken out immediately. No reason they have to act like baboons, or be permitted to annoy others.


    Pretty sure there was some sarcasm in there.

    Actually no sarcasm intended...just the thought of trying to have a nice quiet restaurant dinner (NOT in a fast food place) with somebody's obnoxious kids screaming about what they will or won't eat.

    When kids in restaurants are screaming for whatever reason usually as their already embarrassed parents usher them out of earshot, it is because they are learning the rules, don't have a good handle on their emotions yet, and etc. When grown women are whining on the internet about everything all the time in the most negative and obnoxious ways repeatedly and calling little kids who are still in the learning curve "obnoxious" it is because they are :devil: .


    I was agreeing with the poster I quoted about not wanting to listen to some kid screaming in a public restaurant, and yes that IS obnoxious to other diners, I don't care what the reason, learning curve, bad behavior, undisciplined, too young to know better, I don't care why, just don't want to have to listen to it. Perfectly reasonable.
  • cbluna
    cbluna Posts: 26
    I don't have kids, but I can't imagine kids are all that complaint with healthy eating. I'd definitely mind your own business on this one.

    Agreed with this poster.. you have NO IDEA how hard it can be to get a picky child to eat ANYTHING.. and anyone that has anything to say about what I let my child eat can stick it.

    From a parent of a very picky child, thank you.
  • akgrown4
    akgrown4 Posts: 28 Member
    If part of the observation is based on what you see people eating in restaurants, bear in mind that is not always a completely accurate picture. My family only eats out for birthdays and so yes, the kids get to order whatever they want for dinner and desert. It's a special occasion.
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    in all fairness... my kids are only permitted to eat garbage on our dumpster diving days...

    this is totally sensible. Why go to the trash more times than you need to!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    in all fairness... my kids are only permitted to eat garbage on our dumpster diving days...

    Moderation is a life skill. :drinker:
  • marilynx
    marilynx Posts: 128 Member
    I can only say that when I was a child, if my parents had handed me a Happy Meal toy and a salad, I would have eaten the toy.

    ROFLMAO!!! THIS!!!!

    Annnnnnd..... Even though I do agree that "fun" foods aren't necessarily the best foods, I have yet to see how it's comparable to child abuse. I think forcing her children to eat things like kale is setting them up to look like 2 demensional anoerexics. I mean, God forbid they gain any weight. Lets hope she's not the type to vigorously restrict their diet in case they gain a few pounds. To me, that's child abuse.

    My son has all organic food. I'm setting him up for having a healthy relationship with food. Limiting food will only start to put a distorted imagine in a child's head. Now, fast food, McDonald's, not good. If my son goes his whole life not eating it then all the better. But cookies, ice cream, especially if it's homemade?! A child should be able to have a few treats every once in awhile.

    Seriously, get a grip. Calling thousands of devoted parents child a users because they let their children have a piece of candy once in awhile is disgusting. Try other avenues of boosting your self esteem.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    Guess it's a good thing I'm not a parent. I would not allow my children to eat chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, or 90% of what I see on kid's menus. I would be too strict about food and diet and perhaps this is because I was brought up on fast food and TV dinners and became obese. I am a real stickler for feeding children healthily since I was an overweight kid myself and know the pain it causes. I cringe when family tries to load up my 3 year old niece with soda and candy. I can't imagine how I'd react were it my own child.
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    Guess it's a good thing I'm not a parent. I would not allow my children to eat chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, or 90% of what I see on kid's menus. I would be too strict about food and diet and perhaps this is because I was brought up on fast food and TV dinners and became obese. I am a real stickler for feeding children healthily since I was an overweight kid myself and know the pain it causes. I cringe when family tries to load up my 3 year old niece with soda and candy. I can't imagine how I'd react were it my own child.

    There is a difference betweeen eating these food every single day and eating them say once a fortnight/month/year.
    I have also seen the reverse of this - kids that were so restricted when they could get soda and candy (as a teenager/adult) they over indulged and voila obese.
  • jusa1011
    jusa1011 Posts: 21
    I love the Hidden Valley Ranch commercial where it sends the message to kids and their parents that without this product, veggies are not tolerable. Let's add extra fat to something that good in its natural form. Recently I watched a report about childhood obesity in the U.S. According to it, only about 10% of parents will seek help for their children. I was a child in the 60s and 70s and the numbers of overweight children now is so much greater than it was when I growing up. But then again, we didn't have as much of "the supper-size me" like there is now. I think advertising is a parents worst nightmare. Yes, I raised two kids, both who were picky eaters. The hardest thing was feeding them when they were young. But, I made sure fruit was around and other healthy foods that they liked.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148

    Guess it's a good thing I'm not a parent. I would not allow my children to eat chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, or 90% of what I see on kid's menus. I would be too strict about food and diet and perhaps this is because I was brought up on fast food and TV dinners and became obese. I am a real stickler for feeding children healthily since I was an overweight kid myself and know the pain it causes. I cringe when family tries to load up my 3 year old niece with soda and candy. I can't imagine how I'd react were it my own child.

    There is a difference betweeen eating these food every single day and eating them say once a fortnight/month/year.
    I have also seen the reverse of this - kids that were so restricted when they could get soda and candy (as a teenager/adult) they over indulged and voila obese.

    I agree with you. And I did mention in my post that I feared I would be too strict. I guess it's hard enough to police my own eating and I'm thankful I don't have to do it for a child.
  • marilynx
    marilynx Posts: 128 Member
    Guess it's a good thing I'm not a parent. I would not allow my children to eat chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, or 90% of what I see on kid's menus. I would be too strict about food and diet and perhaps this is because I was brought up on fast food and TV dinners and became obese. I am a real stickler for feeding children healthily since I was an overweight kid myself and know the pain it causes. I cringe when family tries to load up my 3 year old niece with soda and candy. I can't imagine how I'd react were it my own child.

    There is a difference betweeen eating these food every single day and eating them say once a fortnight/month/year.
    I have also seen the reverse of this - kids that were so restricted when they could get soda and candy (as a teenager/adult) they over indulged and voila obese.


    I can relate to this. My parents rarely let us have junk. We got pop once a year, on Thanksgiving. My dad made us say no if we were offered any sort of snack. I hated it.

    Then I got to college and gained 50 pounds. I ate nothing but junk and drank pop for breakfast. Voila, obese.

    It's about balance and moderation.
  • pkul85
    pkul85 Posts: 29 Member