I want to stop feeling embarrassed of my weight



  • mpbartley
    mpbartley Posts: 7 Member
    One thing you may want to try doing is not only logging everything you eat, but how you feel emotionally when you eat it. Many people self medicate with food, so by logging both what you are eating and your emotional state when eating it could helpful to you.
    Second don't stop. so many of us will attend a party or go on vacation and eat poorly, then get down on ourselves for being failures. We only fail when we give up, not when we stumble. You are going to give in on occasion and have a piece of pie, or a burger and fries. You need to. If you say you will never eat anything unhealthy again you are setting your self up for failure right away by making an impossible statement. You can give yourself one day a week that you loosen up a little bit, and not fail.
    Last thing is do it for you. If you are doing it for someone else you start with the pressure of failing them.
  • You still should go and enjoy yourself. I don't know anyone who is really that pleased with their body.
    I can't seem to lose pounds either.
    I watch what I eat and refrain from eating sugary foods and high carb foods.
    I believe that in time, I will see a reduction in my weight. It just takes a lot of time sometimes to get it off.
    I have also learned to ask God to help me with my weight issues.
    Trust in God. He will help you get motivated.
    He is always the answer.
    It's hard for me at times, esp. when I sit down and relax. I just ask God to help me find the strength to get up and get on my treadmill.
    The only sugar I consume is via truvia, stevia and nustevia. I also eat fruit, but I have limited my fruit intake. I am also active. I believe that in time, I will see lots of progress.
    Never give up on yourself. No one is perfect. Even if you were a ten, you still wouldn't be satisfied. We are our own worse enemy. We see flaws that other don't and that is because we look at ourselves too critically.
    Don't make yourself miserable. Life is too short.
    Please reply when you can.

  • You can totally do it!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    Greats thoughts & advice, I greatly appreciate this. I know reading or hearing about everyone's success stories or struggles does help motivate me and I don't feel alone when it comes to the struggles. My family & friends don't seem to understand that if I want to lose why why don't I just do it. It's just not easy like that.

    Repeat -- "It's just not easy like that." I have yet to find any thing, any relationship, any moment, any goal, any need, ANY PART of this short life we have on earth to be EASY. You are a mother of 4 children. Is that easy? I only had 2 and that was hard. You have a job. Is that easy? You have other family to deal with. Is that easy?

    You are not giving yourself any credit. I am in AWE of a mother that can juggle a job and 4 children! YOU ARE AMAZING.!!!!

    I understand that you are unhappy with your weight. Every single soul on this site has been there. That is why we are here. You have come to the right place. I believe you know what you need to do. Is it easy??? Heck no. Was it easy for any single one of us? Heck no. If it was, we wouldn't be here cheering each other on, inspiring others with our successes, being inspired by the success of another. We all fall off the diet/health wagon and our friend here encourage us to climb back on. You need to complete your profile (if you have not). This is YOUR SAFE PLACE. You can put on your profile what you cannot say to outside family or friends. You can just be you. You can list your fears, your goals, your doubts, and best of all---EACH SMALL SUCCESS. It feels good to see them all in print.

    Start requesting friends. You like someone's thread or their response to a thread, send them a message and request their help. You see someone your age or with the same amount to lose or someone that makes you laugh, send a friend request.

    I owe my success to the friends here. Yeah, I did the work--but I found the inspiration and strength in theirs. I will be your friend if you don't mind an old lady (tho I am raising a 6-year old too--my grandson). Your original post sounds depressed. I was very depressed when I began. I could not understand why I could not just eat better and get off my fat *kitten*. I joined here because I wanted to get myself healthy. I didn't want to diet or exercise, but I knew it was time to take charge of my health. Being on mfp got me to looking at my food choices when i began logging. I found friends. I saw what they ate, what exercise they did. I have friends in their 60's and 70's. I saw them losing and working out. That made it real for me. If they can, I CAN. and you, my friend with the gorgeous eyes---YOU CAN TOO. 'with a little help from your friends'
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    First...Scuba you rock! You have just been there and seen me through many life issues that effect my weight.

    I started "Leslie Sansone Walking DVD's" This is a good place to start. Here is a free link to her one mile. I started here.


    There are many of us who come from where you are. I over came this struggle first with the Lord I forgave all of those who judged me. Then I learned from the success stories and my small group of supportive gal friends that I don't have to be embarrased about who I am. Hey, I even went swimming today!! I wore shorts but a tank top! Me in a tank top :-) Baby steps all the way.

    One other thing, this seems long so thank you for reading. I am curious to your vitamin D levels. I was very tired and seemed depressed yet I wasn't if you know what I mean. The doctor ran a blood test and I only had a trace amount of vitamin D. That was serious!!! After high doses for months I was still too low. I was very happy with my blood test I just had. I am now in the normal range. I still take a vitamin D daily. Maybe write down any symptoms you may be having and look into it. Also a complete physical with complete blood test. With children, work, home and all that goes with it, you my friend sound exhausted!!! You need some self care too. Maybe a pedicure? Something nice just for you. I am wondering if you even get "me time".

    Anyways, please check out the walking video. You will be in my prayers. Sending you hugs and love!
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I didn't read many of the replies so I'm sorry if I'm repeating...

    Is there any way you can log in after every meal throughout the day? I log my breakfast while I'm eating it. Do you have the App for your phone - it's really helpful if you have a smart phone because you can scan items you eat that have a bar code...

    Try to be positive & excited about logging...
  • jkdarby
    jkdarby Posts: 53 Member
    I saw this on another message board, but I thought it might help you with the negative thoughts:

  • kairsme
    kairsme Posts: 29
    It seems like most points have been addressed, being a working mom myself, I'm betting you also have a heavy home keeping load?
    "Work, pickup child, make dinner, clean up dinner , put child to bed etc."

    To cut some steps out maybe try some crockpot meals you set up the night before, or making a few big dishes over the weekend to eat as leftovers? Are your children old enough to pick up some of the cooking, or cleaning responsibilities ? Could your laundry or bathroom go a few days or an extra week without cleaning?

    I don't know what your situation is like, but I'm sure your plate is very full--I can definitely understand the overwhelm, and running out of steam to take care of yourself. Try to lesson your load, pat yourself on the back for EVERYTHING you are accomplishing, and try to make some room in that routine for yourself.

    Hope that helps! Add me if you would like :)
  • luvtcuk
    luvtcuk Posts: 69 Member
    Like many other post, great advice. But I have some experience to add and hope it help.

    Like you, I feel the same and I started to log in MFP and work out since 4/2013. I didn't lose much weight but feel good, confidence and strong. Even if on vacation, I try to log as much as I can, When I see the number of cals I eat, I got the motivation to make better choices and portion control. I just come back for 1 week vacation and I gain nothing. I am super motivate to get back on track.

    So make work out part of your schedule, and log on MFP is your chore. When you make it part of your day, you will feel wierd to not do it.:smile:

    The only time I could work out is early in the morning before my family got up. At first it is hard but now I am use to it.

  • Meng25
    Meng25 Posts: 1
    Thank you for recommending the 30dayfitnesschallenge website. I'm going to start the abs one today, and they have some good blogs posted on there.
  • Wow, thank you for all the sweet encouragements. If I could click on one button to have you all as my friends, life would be pretty good. You all sound like great people with great advice, I think Fitness Pal is going to start being my new hang out. :) HUgs! ♥
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Thank you for recommending the 30dayfitnesschallenge website. I'm going to start the abs one today, and they have some good blogs posted on there.

    You're welcome. :) It's definitely an awesome site!