Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 2



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My boyfriend is being sneaky. I told him I invited a bunch of people to come over on Saturday for my birthday. We're just doing a BYOB hangout/party. He was talking to me today and just randomly said, 'Man, I have good friends!'. So I asked what he was talking about and he's like 'Nothing, I just have really good'll see.' I have a feeling they're doing something for me, but I don't know what. :huh:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Awwww Rach your boyfriend sounds like a sweety! I'm sure you will be surprised on your birthday.

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Awwww Rach your boyfriend sounds like a sweety! I'm sure you will be surprised on your birthday.


    He is. He's broke though and feels hoooorrible because he wants to take me out so bad. He's only going to have $35 left of his paycheck after his bills. It's rough for us both right now. He knows that I don't care though, as long as I'm surrounded by my friends I'm happy.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

  • jldodd
    Sorry forgot to post! I weighed in at 173 yesterday
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I'm feeling my workouts, I've got that soreness in my body that lets me know I worked it.

    laughingdani - great new photo :smile:

    Let's have some fun today shall we. In honour of Rach's birthday weekend let's all suggest something for her to do for herself this weekend to make it even more special.

    Rach my suggestion is to start off your weekend with a nice short run/walk after work on Friday. Followed by a nice long hot bath, slather yourself with some nice moisturizer, pluck, shave etc. and afterwards put on some sexy lingerie and greet your boyfriend when he gets home! :tongue:

    Have a great day everyone!

  • LaChanchita
    Hi Ladies!!!

    How are you all?

    I am very very sore!!! my abs hurts and bummy and arms...and even my head ....... so much working out has me zonked. Tomorow I do the zumba, I had a screen put up in my workout area, some real loud speakers, and black matts and everything!!! I am soooo excited! My friend is coming over to do it with me. This Zumba pack came with Zumba towels and some party time boxset and heart rate monitor thingy, its very cool.

    It even came with Zumba shoes, and they fit exactly in my size, so I suspect it IS SOMEONE WHO KNOWS ME VERY VERY WELL to know my shoe size even!!!!...... I wish they would just bloody tell me so I could hug them to bits.....I was pondering that maybe they thught they would offend me by getting it for me.

    I bought heavy balls today, and a stepper. The heavy balls are amazing, they look just like a basketball but weigh soooo much, I got a 3 kilo, a 6 kilo and a 8 kilo. I can't wait to make my work outs fun and exciting, because I really can't do the same thing every single day...... I won't last.

    I really can't wait to start seeing the pounds fall off, because I am really sore, they better fall bloody off! I'm not this sore for nothing!!! :)

    What do you all have planned for the weekend?
  • reesegirl521
    Good morning ladies!! I hope everyone's doing well with our journey to Modern Day Pin-Up girls!!! It seems like, from reading the posts, that we are making good progress!!
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    Hope everyone is having a good Thursday! Its almost Friday!!! La Chanchita, the Zumba sounds like it will be a blast! Hope you have fun with it tonight!

    Rach: I don't know where you live, so I am going to suggest something fun for your birthday from where I live! I would spend the day on Saturday going for a nice hike with a picnic at the end and then come home and have a BBQ with friends. Or if you are by a beach, spend the day frying on the beach for a few hours with margharitas when you get home to celebrate!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Morning ladies!
    Happy Thursday again. Got another exciting weekend ahead of me. Hope all my soreness in my ab's goes away by Saturday. Got a surprise from my wonderful hubby and FIL this week with a trip on Saturday for us all so keep your fingers crossed that I can do well with eating this weekend. I've been working out really hard this week so I should hopefully be just fine and Saturday morning before we leave I'm going to go for a nice long run before we head out, the weather has been perfect running weather.

    Hope everyone is having a good week so far, by the sounds of it you all are :bigsmile: taking my kiddos outta school early today to go get clothes and shoes, backpacks ect. and then takin them out for lunch, their really excited and that makes me really excited. Gotta go workout then get ready! Hope everyone has a GREAT day!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Posted this on my status a min. ago and thought I would share it with you guys:

    All you Southern Gals out there will understand what a big deal this is to me.....Just dug out both pairs of my cowboy boots and tried them on. They are both loose and quite roomy in the calf area! woo! They look great! I haven't worn them in over a year because they were so uncomfartable. I can't wait to start wearing them with jeans and cute skirts/dresses soon. It's a little too hot to wear them now. These boots were made for walking!!:bigsmile:

    laughingdani - great new photo :smile:

    Thanks Karen! I couldn't wait to show off the new top I bought the other day!
    Rach: I don't know where you live, so I am going to suggest something fun for your birthday from where I live! I would spend the day on Saturday going for a nice hike with a picnic at the end and then come home and have a BBQ with friends. Or if you are by a beach, spend the day frying on the beach for a few hours with margharitas when you get home to celebrate!

    I was going to suggest a picnic as well! Beach is always good too. Me and my husband have spent many a special occasion just chilling at the beach when we were broke and couldn't afford to go out. Parks, lakes and nature trails are a nice alternative. Maybe the weather will atleast be nice on your B'day Rach so you can get out and do something. Hope you have a great birthday!! Oh yeah....and tell the boyfriend massages are FREE!!!! :wink: They don't cost a thing, so he can give you one of those for your birthday!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Morning ladies!
    Happy Thursday again. Got another exciting weekend ahead of me. Hope all my soreness in my ab's goes away by Saturday. Got a surprise from my wonderful hubby and FIL this week with a trip on Saturday for us all so keep your fingers crossed that I can do well with eating this weekend. I've been working out really hard this week so I should hopefully be just fine and Saturday morning before we leave I'm going to go for a nice long run before we head out, the weather has been perfect running weather.

    Hope everyone is having a good week so far, by the sounds of it you all are :bigsmile: taking my kiddos outta school early today to go get clothes and shoes, backpacks ect. and then takin them out for lunch, their really excited and that makes me really excited. Gotta go workout then get ready! Hope everyone has a GREAT day!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Deanna that sounds like fun! I love when my daughter gets excited, I get excited too! We did the back to school shopping and got our hair done together on Saturday. It was a blast! The whole day was all about her and getting ready to go back to school. She is 12 and a wee bit spoiled! Enjoy the day with your children.
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Hey all you gorgeous ladies!!

    Just wanted to check in really quick and apologise for being so MIA - this week has been a little crazy and I'm a little stuck in a rut.

    The flat I'm trying to buy has taken a bit of a dive this week, turns out it needs a load of work done on the building so I've dropped the price I'm offering for it, hoping the sellers will go for it cos I really REALLY like this flat and I want it want it want it.

    Also I've been feeling a bit under the weather the last day or two. Not really ill, just a bit throaty and rubbish and I guess a bit....disconnected. Like i kinda just want to sit and stare at the wall all day!!

    Anyway just wanted to check in and say hi and say keep up the great work

    I'll be properly back from tomorrow

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions!!! So far we've invited some friends over to my bf's apartment Saturday evening, and my bf says they'll be enough alcohol to kill me! Lol. I don't plan on drinking too much though.

    I'm living in Texas now, and we're supposed to get rain for the next week, pretty much, but we'll see. I'm dying my hair tonight as a present to myself, and the bath after work tomorrow sounds like a good idea!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening pin up girlies! I hope everyone is well.

    I haven't posted for a few days as I don't really have much to say but I've been eating within my calorie goal each day and exercising. Earlier I did level II and level III shred which I think I may regret in the morning!

    Yay, it's Friday tomorrow!!!! :tongue:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I'm dying my hair tonight as a present to myself, and the bath after work tomorrow sounds like a good idea!!! :flowerforyou:

    ooh yay! I love dying my hair as a present to myself. It always makes me feel fresh and new afterwards! Hope its a fun color! Can't wait to see pics!
  • hotdawg1986
    omg! i have seen the videos to all of those and those are the ones that i wanted to try but they are so expensive! how are you doing all of them? i even checked to see if netflix had them ahah. How are they? do you see the results the video shows?
  • malpal0111
    malpal0111 Posts: 48 Member
    Happy Thursday pin-ups!

    Looks like everyone is having a great week and has fun-filled weekend plans!

    Chanchita--it sounds like someone really loves you! Have a blast shakin' it Zumba style!

    Rach--I love everyone's budget birthday suggestions thus far! I personally, like Karen, love to pamper myself with a mini-makeover on special days. It feels awesome to get in a good sweat in the morning, then take a hot bath (I scrub myself down with some sugar-scrub, leaves your entire body feeling luscious! There's a good do-it-yourself recipe here: Then, you know, put on some music that gets you pumped and do your nails, get yourself all dolled up, and revel in your beauty! You deserve it! Whatever you do, have an awesome day!

    Dani--definitely making that new top look good! You look so toned and healthy!

    As for me, I've been struggling through the TOTM this week......key word, struggling! If anybody has any tips for getting rid of that puffy bloated feeling or beating the crazy hormonal cravings for chocolate, chips, cake, ice cream, french fries, and all things bad-for-you, I would be delighted to hear them! It's this one week of the month that always knocks me off the horse.

    Take care, beauties!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    As for me, I've been struggling through the TOTM this week......key word, struggling! If anybody has any tips for getting rid of that puffy bloated feeling or beating the crazy hormonal cravings for chocolate, chips, cake, ice cream, french fries, and all things bad-for-you, I would be delighted to hear them! It's this one week of the month that always knocks me off the horse.

    Ugh I'm struggling through it too!!