Fat shaming???



  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Preface: I am five feet tall.

    A few weeks ago I went to the 80th birthday of someone. It was a big party and a bit later in the evening a very tall and quite overweight ( maybe 175kilos/more than 350 pounds ) man asked me " how is the air down there ". I answered " it stinks of fat people ". The moment I said it I felt bad, but also must confess that I am sick & tired of the short people and dwarf jokes and because of that felt a certain satisfaction in regard to my answer. Also, and that is just my personal opinion, I am 65 and find that even though someone feels like saying something , even though it is never funny, no matter what they say, they should show a bit of respect for an older woman.
    I wonder, am I guilty of fat shaming ? Should I have taken the high road ? I am not American and sometimes comments that have to do with what is PC confuse me some. But I also don't want to use the excuse that I live in a different culture and therefore my remarks ( and with that my attitude ) are OK.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I thought fat people were jolly. :angry:

    I guess we need to take a second look at Santa then. He must be deeply depressed.

    nope. He has the naughty girl list. He is really jolly.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    So, if a fat person makes fun of THEMSELVES and how they look I'm not allowed to laugh right along with them ? How about the Asian who calls himself/herself a twinkie? Can I no longer call myself a mutt as a joke? What about my sister with the acquired brain injury who makes the tell tail sign with her hand and the sound of a disabled person, while she is making fun of HERSELF? My mom frequently lifts her rolls of fat and laughs about how long they jiggle, is it acceptable for me to laugh with her? How about my father who is German, born in Germany, and arrived in Canada on a boat, and laughs when he makes jokes about being fresh off the boat.....is this acceptable?

    Man, if we can't laugh at ourselves and those we love who are laughing at themselves, then I'm not too sure what is worth laughing at or about anymore.

    This is a different issue. My boyfriend is Jewish. He makes fun of Jews all the time, but I'm not Jewish and when I do it it's disrespectful. It's kinda ettiquette. Common sense dude.

    So your telling me that you don't have a secure enough relationship with your significant other to laugh at him or make fun of the fact that he's Jewish? Wow, that's gotta suck. I make fun of my husband all the time b/c he has tiny ears or the fact that he's the product of some infidelity by his mom (completely not true of course, but a fun joke all the same). And he laughs at me calling me a mutt, or that I have a "shelf" on my abdomin for oue kids to sit on, etc etc. If you can't laugh and make fun of each other in ANY aspect and still love each other and not be hurt, then man does that relationship kinda suck the fun out of the air.

    When I was thin I cracked jokes about fat people and when I was fat I cracked jokes about fat people. Who cares. If YOUR life is so devistated by a person who you don't even know who makes fun of you, then you need help. Why care about what a non consequential passerby thinks of you? You'll most likely never see them again, or interact with them again. Shouldn't the ONLY comments that matter are from those who you love and trust?

    So my advice is to get away from the "poor me" and "I'm a victim" mind set and start realizing that its only YOU who's putting yourself down b/c your believing what some nameless stranger thinks or says. Your making yourself the victim, NOT the joker. Like another commentor stated earlier, they are an equal opportunistic joker as are A LOT of other jokesters. They don't care that your fat; have long or short hair; are thin; are muscler; etc. They just cracked a joke. Its up to YOU on how you respond.

    I like your style
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I like the Tosh.0 approach. Make fun of everyone!

    And do it naked!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I thought fat people were jolly. :angry:

    I guess we need to take a second look at Santa then. He must be deeply depressed.

    Maybe he only gives us presents so we will finally accept him. This puts a different spin on Christmas, doesn't it? I mean, I don't want to use the word "ruined", but...well...you know.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    I thought fat people were jolly. :angry:

    I guess we need to take a second look at Santa then. He must be deeply depressed.

    nope. He has the naughty girl list. He is really jolly.

    I'll make sure I'm EXTRA naughty this year. I want to see how "jolly" he REALLY is.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I don't usually recommend this...but you need a j! Seriously...or a hug or something.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    I don't usually recommend this...but you need a j! Seriously...or a hug or something.

    J? Like mary j? B/c I've got some of those to pass around.......Mmmmmm, with some chips, and ice cream, and chocolate bars, OOO, and what about some fast food together?! This way we can ALL get together and makes fat jokes about each other, while also shoving our faces with DELICIOUS garbage, and have a real good time :)
  • Panda_1999
    Panda_1999 Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks to the OP for this article.
    Attacking anyone or any given type hurts someone, even when that attack is hidden in humor. Humor is often used to excuse ideas or behavior would be otherwise unacceptable. Maybe that is why so many people here couldn't wait to pile on the jokes instead of actually discussing how much harm comes from fat shaming.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    This might not end well....

    Might? lol More like won't

    Yeah. You are right. I was still in a good mood from moon moon.
  • kjmiller_15
    kjmiller_15 Posts: 22 Member
    I agree, I am so terrified of being made fun of when I step outside into the world. I am a really sensitive person to start with. And I know I know....Its my fault im this overweight. BUT at the same time, im trying to fix it, so all this criticism, and judgement upon me like im the scum of the earth, or like im the most disgusting person someones ever seen doesn't help!!! Everday I battle with being afraid to go somewhere because of the Judgement against me. It hurts, and cuts deep, and leaves big scars.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I don't usually recommend this...but you need a j! Seriously...or a hug or something.

    J? Like mary j? B/c I've got some of those to pass around.......Mmmmmm, with some chips, and ice cream, and chocolate bars, OOO, and what about some fast food together?! This way we can ALL get together and makes fat jokes about each other, while also shoving our faces with DELICIOUS garbage, and have a real good time :)

    Lol - Im good...but OP on the other hand...
  • moolfson
    moolfson Posts: 29
    Touched a very personal nerve and I didn't take a break and look before I posted.

  • kjmiller_15
    kjmiller_15 Posts: 22 Member
    and then we can all die at an early age of a freaking heart attack and leave our loved ones behind to wonder if there was more they could do to help us fat people lose weight. Common this is suppose to be a support message board.....
  • Hazevamp
    Hazevamp Posts: 8
    Preface: I am five feet tall.

    A few weeks ago I went to the 80th birthday of someone. It was a big party and a bit later in the evening a very tall and quite overweight ( maybe 175kilos/more than 350 pounds ) man asked me " how is the air down there ". I answered " it stinks of fat people ".

    LOL!!! I gotta use that. I'm 4,8 ft. People talk about my height as well. Sometimes it can get annoying, like some nurse actually claimed that any man who becomes attracted to me is a pedophile. :explode: I ended up replying "So any man who's attracted to you must like ugly chicks." she got silent and I left. At the time my mother was in the hospital and I had no desire for anybody's crap. I just wanted to see her so maybe I was a bit harsh. lol!
    JTGJTG Posts: 52 Member
    Grow some thicker skin. The reason that MOST of us (not all) are fat is our own fault. Own it. Yes, I'm fat, but I'm also nice, smart, and have a good smile.
    JTGJTG Posts: 52 Member
    nainai0585 wrote: »

    So my advice is to get away from the "poor me" and "I'm a victim" mind set and start realizing that its only YOU who's putting yourself down b/c your believing what some nameless stranger thinks or says. Your making yourself the victim, NOT the joker. Like another commentor stated earlier, they are an equal opportunistic joker as are A LOT of other jokesters. They don't care that your fat; have long or short hair; are thin; are muscler; etc. They just cracked a joke. Its up to YOU on how you respond.

    ^^^^^this. Bravo! I'm sick of the victim generation.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member