Why weighing NUDE is wrong!



  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    Personally, I think weighing yourself in the nude is a recipe for disappointment. First off, scales vary! So if you go to another scale, it's probably going to read a pound one way or another. Second and most importantly, unless your doctor's office is different than anyone I have been to in the past 20 years, they weigh you first with your clothes on before you go into the smaller waiting room. So that's bound to bug people who are trying to lose.

    Even at work, we were doing what we called a "Fat Off" and we always have to weigh with our clothes on. So it made not sense for me to weigh myself nude if every other weigh-in I did outside of my home was going to be with clothes.

    So my tip... find something that weighs as much as your typical outfit. And then if you want to weigh in nude/undies you can use this extra device to make up your clothing difference. I use a low pulley row handle from my gym, it happens to weigh about 4lbs and I weighed my typical outfit and it also weighed about 4lbs.

    The reason I brought this up, is I have heard complaints from people about their weigh-ins outside of their home. I would still try and weigh in at the same time anytime you do, otherwise you will run into differences. But the idea here is that you would limit the difference to a small margin.

    If you disagree, let me know why?

    I will not weigh myself on any other scale, only on my own one indoors.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    Personally, I think weighing yourself in the nude is a recipe for disappointment. First off, scales vary! So if you go to another scale, it's probably going to read a pound one way or another.

    I used to weigh myself nude on several different scales but one day the neighbor lady came home early and found me on her scale. It's all good. They just gave me a restraining order so there's no real criminal record associated with it.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Hehehe :-D
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I never weigh anywhere apart from home so nude is perfectly fine. There is no reason for me to be weighed anywhere else.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    and why is it wrong, the clothes are not naturally part of you and will make the calculations wrong like body fat, water weight etc. will all have an additional effect, i only weigh at home with a Weight Watchers Biometric Scales and do it nude or with a pair of jocks on.

    I fail to see how this is wrong, now if you were in a public place and did it naked then yeah.
    If you get weighed at the doctors they ask you to take off everything except jocks and socks so are they wrong too?.

    and an fyi i weighed myself with my gym clothes on at home and at the gym and it's almost identical so it depends on your scales, we have a set of really old bathroom scales here and they get the same weight too but they have to be recalibrated after every use (wind the scales back to 0 after each use)

    a general rule of thumb, shoes, shorts, jocks, light socks and a shirt are about 1.5-2.5 Kg's
    my Heart rate monitor and it's watch weighs .8kg.

    and some brands of clothing tell you there weight on the tags or on the listing on online stores..
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Why would you care what you weigh at the doctor's office? Depending on what time you go in you've probably had something to eat or drink by then. I can easily weigh 10 lbs more when I go for appointments from the combination of breakfast, water, and my clothing. I only care what I weigh first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom.

    Naked or not I'd at least weigh in similar clothing every time if you want to track changes in your weight more accurately.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    Personally, I think weighing yourself in the nude is a recipe for disappointment. First off, scales vary! So if you go to another scale, it's probably going to read a pound one way or another. Second and most importantly, unless your doctor's office is different than anyone I have been to in the past 20 years, they weigh you first with your clothes on before you go into the smaller waiting room. So that's bound to bug people who are trying to lose.

    Even at work, we were doing what we called a "Fat Off" and we always have to weigh with our clothes on. So it made not sense for me to weigh myself nude if every other weigh-in I did outside of my home was going to be with clothes.

    So my tip... find something that weighs as much as your typical outfit. And then if you want to weigh in nude/undies you can use this extra device to make up your clothing difference. I use a low pulley row handle from my gym, it happens to weigh about 4lbs and I weighed my typical outfit and it also weighed about 4lbs.

    The reason I brought this up, is I have heard complaints from people about their weigh-ins outside of their home. I would still try and weigh in at the same time anytime you do, otherwise you will run into differences. But the idea here is that you would limit the difference to a small margin.

    If you disagree, let me know why?

    I totally disagree. Firstly, I and the majority of people here don't get weighed in doctors office. Also you say every scale is different. Well sir I only use one scale.

    Surely if you want to limit the difference to a small margin then being naked is the best. Sorry but your reasoning for all this is just stupid and contradictory.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    I disagree, but I use the same scale everytime. I wouldn't go as far to say you're stupid. If you prefer weighing in clothes then by all means go for it. I prefer minimal clothing if not just naked. Then again, I go to the doctor like once a year if even.
  • When I started losing weight November 2012 my scale said 3 lbs. less than the scale at the gym. I obviously weighed more at the gym because I was wearing clothes. At home I weigh myself with no clothes on. I used to get frustrated thinking that I wasn't losing weight. Before joining this site I had lost 35 pounds. In the first 10 days after joining I lost 4 pounds! I work 3rd shift so I weigh myself when I wake up in the evening and at weekly intervals not everyday.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Just weigh yourself in your clothes and deduct 40 lbs for clothes and shoes, like I do. :D
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    nekkid is good.
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    Lmao , I can't take this thread serious. Different strokes for different folks, naked is the only way to go. You do it your way we will do it our way lol.
  • T0FatToB3S1ck
    T0FatToB3S1ck Posts: 192 Member
    I weigh myself naked. I want to know how much I weigh, not how much my clothing weighs. I don't weigh in at doctors offices and the only scale I use is mine unless I am visiting family and their scales are in the bathroom so guess what...I'm weighing in naked there too.
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    We have two scales in our office. I can weigh myself on one (fully clothed of course! I like remaining employed), immediately walk across to the other scale and they will be 3-4 pounds different. Same clothes and everything--not even taking a sip of water between.
  • tannadine
    tannadine Posts: 115 Member
    First thing in the morning, after the loo and in the nude, with the scale in the exact same place...

    ... no need to introduce new variables into an emotionally fraught situation!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    THAT'S what's wrong... I've been weighing in the nude all this time. I scared my scale...
  • nichi123
    nichi123 Posts: 244
    I disagree. Why not weight first thing in the morning, nude? It makes sense to me. You literally are 'bare' and have no clothes etc to take into account. I'm sure if it was acceptable to be naked in the docs then they would prefer it!
  • KelliB3
    KelliB3 Posts: 39 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning after going to the bathroom, and I am always in the buff (because I sleep sans clothing). It's not something I think about. Also, I never weigh myself at any other time of day, so it will always be consistent. I'm not worried about it.

    Same for me.
  • shdenby
    shdenby Posts: 8
    I always weigh myself when I'm naked. Your clothes could weigh more or less then they did the last time you weighed anyway so I'd rather know exactly what my body weighs. Besides when I weigh myself at work or at the doctors as long as it's within 2-3 pounds I figure they are both pretty accurate. Who's going to have a break down over 2-3 pounds anyway?
  • anj1030
    anj1030 Posts: 153 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    Personally, I think weighing yourself in the nude is a recipe for disappointment. First off, scales vary! So if you go to another scale, it's probably going to read a pound one way or another.

    I used to weigh myself nude on several different scales but one day the neighbor lady came home early and found me on her scale. It's all good. They just gave me a restraining order so there's no real criminal record associated with it.

    Oh, I love you so much.