What to do with Marshmellow Fluff?



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Thanks so so much very well put I was starting to feel unloved and unappriciated This was actually a one time thing for fun and I have learned personally if I do not have anything bad especially at my TOM I binge eat but I can just have a little and get through it. Thank you for your love and support. I feel like less of a loser now.:wink::laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :tongue:

    awwwwww, you're not unloved Hon! When ppl respond to a question it's not about the person it's about the question asked. You asked and some of us shared how we felt on the food item (non food? lol) not on you yourself. Sometimes it might seem that way on the boards but it really wasn't meant to reflect on you as a human being.

    "It's not you Babe, it's the Marshmellow fluff!" bwwwwjahahha
    Sounds like a breakup line, came to me when I was typing., made me giggle. :)

    If someone on the boards suggests a food not being one of the healthiest, taking it so personally as to feel 'unloved and unappreciated' might be a bit extreme, it is merely a HFC item in your cupboard:tongue::laugh: Right?
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Yes, shame on all of the negative thoughts...............and I would not have posted anything on here except for the fact that the person who posted this is a very wonderful and dedicated person and all of the negative posts REALLY bothered her. She just wanted ideas to use her new found product as she needed guidance for its use. I am sure that she is intelligent enough to know that it is sugar!
    Thanks so much you are correct I do know that it is sugar. I did not say HEY LISTEN UP EVERYONE I BOUGHT MARSHMALLOW FLUFF today, tell me your thoughts please and I a totally loser and and idot LOL Thanks for your support :laugh: :wink: :happy: :tongue: :drinker: :drinker:
    I don't see that anyone called you that or even implied that, what we take on personally is our stuff, noone here called you a name because you were asking what to do with HFC. We merely shared what we'd do with it:laugh: :laugh::wink:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    getting back to the topic.....

    I like to add mine to some cool whip and it makes a GREAT fruit dip.

    and YES I know cool whip isn't all that great for you either, but I still enjoy it, and I feel I'm a big girl and can make my own choices! Just thought I'd throw that in cos I know someone will mention it....:ohwell:

    Thanks for your support Like I told the other poster I feel more loved and less like a loser now YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: :laugh: :wink:
    Hon! Whether you eat the stuff or don't eat the stuff, you're not a loser, you could sit on the porch steps and eat the whole jar with a spoon right now and I would NOT think you're a loser. I might wish you hadn't because I"ve had many a sugar hangover in my day...but I'd never think of you as a loser:heart::flowerforyou: I think in time we learn to seperate ourselves from the foods we eat, but I think it takes time. :drinker: :wink:
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    My initial response when I saw the query was "use it to start a fire"..... but that's perhaps not constructive. It makes a good slow-setting concrete for gingerbread house decorations. And I'm being completely serious about this....
  • wwoodson
    wwoodson Posts: 3 Member
    Try strawberry cream cheese with the fluff...ammmaazing! Not so great for you! but not a bad little treat!
  • browneyesbb89
    browneyesbb89 Posts: 141 Member
    I like to mix a thing of marshmallow cream with a 8oz. thing of fat free cream cheese for a fruit dip. Just make sure you portion it.
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member

    I can just have a little and get through it. Thank you for your love and support. I feel like less of a loser now.:wink::laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :tongue:

    I'm SO sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel badly!! It's just that I've read quite a few posts that have been confused people thinking that lower-calorie= good food and (since I posted a while ago) I thought you might be too. Plus, I can't have marshmallow fluff in my house. It doesn't go well. Anyway, best of luck with your journey!

    (And I like mine on a nilla wafer with a little (sugar free? no.) caramel sauce and a slice of banana on top!)
  • texasrose73
    Try Walden Farms marshmallow dip (no calories, no fat, no carbs). I use it in my strawberry breakfast smoothie to make it creamier. It's very yummy!
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    Fluffer nutters! Peanut butter and fluff sandwich. AMAZING!

    While delicious, this is not a diet food the way i make it, lol
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    Heh....I always wondered what people use the marshmellow fluff in a jar for. I figured it was mostly used to make smores...? or maybe to make rice crispy squares?
  • asnail
    asnail Posts: 15 Member
    Tell us more! How do you make these fluffy nutter things?

  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm sorry if my original response came across as judgmental. I honestly didn't intend it that way. I'm far from perfect, but after a year of being on this site, tracking my food and finally "getting it" - I realize that I feel like crap when I eat stuff like this. I don't believe in depriving myself, but I *don't* feel deprived when I don't eat this stuff. I used to eat this kind of thing way too often, but over the past year I've started listening to my body and educating myself, and I realize that anything that has corn syrup as the primary ingredient isn't something my body wants inside of it.

    If anyone's interested, here are the ingredients in Original Marshmellow Fluff (from their website): Corn Syrup, Sugar Syrup, Dried Egg Whites and Vanillin.

    Would having a little bit of it once in a very great while hurt me? Probably not. Would having a jar of it in my house be a temptation to eat too much of something that has no nutritional value and makes me feel bad? Yes. I just thought I'd introduce another perspective, because it's people who did that for me who helped me to change my eating habits for the better. Some treats are fine in moderation, but some things I'm better off just cutting out of my life.

    Also, I'm sure most everyone on here has a few unhealthy foods which we may indulge in from time to time as a treat, but she obviously wasn't acquainted with this food. Why learn to eat something that's not healthy when you're trying to improve your diet.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Fluffer nutters! Peanut butter and fluff sandwich. AMAZING!

    With Bananas :)
    MMMMMMMMMMMM Great idea!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Mix it into your pancake batter!

    That sounds sooooo good!!

    And I can honestly say that in my weight loss journey, I have not deprived myself of any junk food of any kind. If I want chocolate, or ice cream I will eat it and I won't be judged for it. I understand why we are here, but if someone has decided to buy something that THEY would like to indulge in, why be negative about it? Everyone knows marshmallow fluff it's a piece of fruit, but if she would like to have some, who are we to tell her not to? If it concerns others so much, then maybe they should jump over to another thread and leave this one alone.

    Maybe that's just my opinion, but I love this site for the positive comments, not to be told what I should and should not do. :ohwell:
    Wow thanks so much I was starting to think about finding a new site but I realized a few insulting people the ones calling me uneducated and being ugly do not make up the whole site and why let them ruin my success!! I have never been healthier or fitter and I AM Lovin' It!!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Wow thanks for telling me about the calorie free marshmellow stuff mmmmm!! I am not planning to eat a whole jar I promise just wanted a little naughty treat personaly the reason facebook works for me is because I do not deprive myself I am going to keep doing what works for me but thanks for all your concern
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Guess I missed the comments of others calling you uneducated and ugly, that wouldn't have been nice.:ohwell: I wouldn't have liked that either, but after rereading this entire thread I didn't see anyone say anything close to that.

    Let's all lighten up on the fluff and DANCE!dancing6.gif

    Life's to short to worry about fluff...ya know?:drinker: :wink: :laugh: :tongue: :flowerforyou:
    I mean really........
  • texasrose73
    Wow thanks for telling me about the calorie free marshmellow stuff mmmmm!! I am not planning to eat a whole jar I promise just wanted a little naughty treat personaly the reason facebook works for me is because I do not deprive myself I am going to keep doing what works for me but thanks for all your concern

    You're welcome! If you feel like you are depriving yourself, sticking to your diet will be much harder. Keep working to make more good choices than bad and it will get easier!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Mix it into your pancake batter!

    That sounds sooooo good!!

    And I can honestly say that in my weight loss journey, I have not deprived myself of any junk food of any kind. If I want chocolate, or ice cream I will eat it and I won't be judged for it. I understand why we are here, but if someone has decided to buy something that THEY would like to indulge in, why be negative about it? Everyone knows marshmallow fluff it's a piece of fruit, but if she would like to have some, who are we to tell her not to? If it concerns others so much, then maybe they should jump over to another thread and leave this one alone.

    Maybe that's just my opinion, but I love this site for the positive comments, not to be told what I should and should not do. :ohwell:
    Wow thanks so much I was starting to think about finding a new site but I realized a few insulting people the ones calling me uneducated and being ugly do not make up the whole site and why let them ruin my success!! I have never been healthier or fitter and I AM Lovin' It!!

    Never ever get down because of what a stranger on the internet says. Seriously. There are a lot of mean people on the internet, and some of them are just there to make others feel bad about themselves. Don't give them that power. :flowerforyou:
  • Seasidedebbie
    Seasidedebbie Posts: 85 Member
    1 jar of marshmellow fluff, 1 package softened cream cheese (regular or fat-free). mix.

    it is the most amazing fruit dip!

    try it with strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, apples, anything. you will <3 it. yum!

    I use this and it is great. Use the low fat-free - you will not even miss it.

    This is a treat.
  • mstasila
    mstasila Posts: 1 Member
    Seriously ...NO nutritional value and full of chemicals!!! Throw it out!! Whole foods and exercise is the best way to go... Harsh I know but you'll thank me later. Remember nothing makes you fatter then no and low fat foods...