I overeat and hate exercise....



  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    You don't have to stop eating all your favorite foods. Cutting yourself off from everything you love is the #1 fastest way to guarantee a binge. Want pizza? Have *A* slice. Want a burger? Have one! Just make sure it fits into your calorie goal and it's all gravy! (Yeah, you can have that gravy, too! Just not ALL of it. :wink: )

    I agree. When the OP was talking about eating horrible food and said Mexican food I was like huh? I was expecting to see something like cheesecakes or dairy queen or something. Whats bad about refried, beans, chicken, steak, bell peppers, onions tomatos & cilantro?

    I also agree with many of the other posters and the title of the topic. It sounds like you need to:

    A) get a handle on portion control &
    B) stop calling it exercise and find activities you enjoy doing that get you moving around and burning calories.

    Great tips that everyone gave on starting small and also be patient.
  • mlrodgers381
    mlrodgers381 Posts: 71 Member
    As far as exercise go, you don't necessarily have to have a trainer to "work out". You could do something fun, like: bike riding, walking, bowling, roller skating, etc...etc...etc...that's all still a form of working out.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    You've lost 34lbs my love so you know it works, but I have to tell you I'd have gone crazy too if I didn't give myself a break every now and then. If it really is driving you mad, to the point where you're no longer getting any satisfaction even from weight loss, give yourself a week off logging, but promise yourself that you'll eat well (and I do believe that means the odd treat).
    Find something you like doing to burn calories, no-one said it has to be gym based, do some landscaping in the garden, play football, walk a neighbour's dog if you don't have one yourself. xx
    ETA. I can't see your diary, but it would be good to know how many calories you're allowing yourself.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    It shouldn't make you crazy. You shouldn't feel you are always battling. You don't need to be all or nothing. You need balance or it won't work. Eat out, it's not the end of the world to eat Mexican food. Just get back on track the next day.
  • marthahorn
    marthahorn Posts: 23
    Diets fail because people who manage to lose the weight through deprivation end up going back to their old ways of eating and, of course, gain it all back. It's yo-yo dieting. It can't be, "I hate this, but I'll do it until I'm at X pounds".

    Quit dieting and find a calorie count that works for you and build in your favorite foods. If you're used to binging, are there emotions you are covering up by doing so? It may be helpful to explore that one.
  • McGruber03
    McGruber03 Posts: 113 Member
    I feel your pain! I'm not the same as you on the exercise part, but I LOVE to eat. And I am a dietitian in a hospital and I get to eat for free! I thought that was a perk, now I know it's a curse. And our food is GOOD. Soul food. Fried chicken, dumplings, fried fish and fries. Biscuits and gravy and eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast. And yes, I work at a hospital! But it's a mental health hospital, and we have healthy choices, but we also have the other choices. Anyway, I agree with previous posters that you should splurge one meal a week. It won't set you back too far, and will give you something to look forward to. It might give you just the mental break that you need.

    Since you hate sweating, do you think you could try swimming or water exercises?

    Good luck in this crazy journey!
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    Take the bad with the good. As with most things in life, you have to earn them. You want pizza? Fine - work (out) for it! Fancy a tasty Mexican - no prob, earn it by earning the calories for it.

    I am probably one of the laziest people on the planet - well, or at least on MFP, but I know that if I want to eat a pizza, I need to move my bum if I don't want my pizza to end up on it. One thing is certain: I would not have made it this far and be able to keep it up if I didn't have the odd treat. I have tried cutting out foods, restricting to healthy things, and every single time, I failed. Because I started having cravings - close to halluzinations of pizza and ice cream. So moderation is the key for me to be able to keep going, because I KNOW I can eat a piece of chocolate, hell, I can eat the whole bar, if I take the dog for a run on the beach before.

    The other thing is portion control. It takes a while but with practice, you will be able to just eat one chip (ok, maybe not one, but a reasonable portion) or just one slice of pizza. You can decide whether you want to have a slice and a little workout or the full works - and the full workout. All up to you!
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    If you are going to do this for the rest of your life you are probably going to have to let yourself eat foods that you love sometimes. The way that I do it is that I plan for it. I might give myself an extra 500 calories for the day, then eat lightly for breakfast and lunch. Then at dinner I can eat more. I still track the calories, but I don't feel guilty about it, and I do not let it start becoming an every day thing. If you have the self-discipline to exercise when you hate it, then you have the self-discipline to eat Mexican food one day and then get back to the healthier eating the next.

    I really know what you mean about hating exercise. I've hated it for years. But there's got to be something that you don't hate...for me it turned out to be Jillian Michaels DVD's. I think she's funny, and I like doing each exercise for only 30 seconds. Try different stuff until something works.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You got to find some exercise that you like. For me it's walking I guess. I can enjoy the peace and quiet without kids and let my mind wander, lol. And lifting weights isn't that bad, at least it's pretty fast and I don't have to worry too much about looking ridiculous.

    For overeating, well, try and fit the food into your calories, and make smarter choices about them. I have pizza and Mexican occasionally.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    ' I overeat and hate exercise'.

    I think that's the reason most of us STARTED coming here. Just think about it like that. The reasons you are overweight to begin with lie in the title you created for this thread. Continuing the cycle isn't helping you move forward.

    Find an exercise you love. Find food you love. Find BALANCE.

    It'll take time, but you'll eventually break your cycle.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    That is a terrible combination. I have done really well the last 2 months but I really, really want to eat something horrible for me, like Mexican food. I know if I do eat Mexican I won't have one chip, I'll have 20. I want cheese dip. I want all that stuff. But if I start, I'll end up eating 1,500 calories in one sitting.

    It's making me crazy.

    I hate working out. I hate the gym. I hate running. I hate sweating. -I have been doing all of these things the last 2 months but I'm afraid I will stop anytime because I hate it so much.

    I love food. I love bad for you foods. I love pizza and burgers and Mexican. -I haven't had anything fried in 2 months, I haven't had real pizza or Mexican in 2 months. I've had healthy homemade pizza and healthy homemade Mexican. It's not the same.

    But I want to continue to lose weight. It's such a battle in my brain. I feel crazy!!

    What do you hate more? Being overweight or exercise?

    What do you love more? Mexican food (among others) or your amazing progress?

    Hang in there! :)
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member

    What do you hate more? Being overweight or exercise?

    What do you love more? Mexican food (among others) or your amazing progress?

    Hang in there! :)

    This is definitely how i look at it. I don't necessarily like all the restrictive eating or the exercise, but I'd rather do that than have to deal with being overweight or obese.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I have the same problem as you. No motivation, can't STAND working out/the gym for many reasons. Walking is okay but barely burns calories and if it's 100 degrees outside or freezing then forget it. No pool available, etc, etc...BUT! I also LOVE Mexican food and I've found it's actually pretty easy to make it healthy! I get these 90 calorie wraps or flatbreads called Flatout. They have multigrain, original, honey wheat, etc. There are other brands that also make low calorie wraps. Then I make shredded chicken breast with reduced sodium taco seasoning. Or you could use ground turkey or even 90% lean ground beef. Add some salsa which is really low in calories as is hot sauce! Then the reduced fat cheese of course. And I agree with using plain nonfat Greek yogurt in place of sour cream. Healthy Mexican is totally doable! My "Chicken Burrito Bowl" (as I call it) is only 406 calories! :smile:
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    The trick is to remember that you don't need ALL the food right now

    LOL :laugh: I'm going to keep this in mind! Thanks!
  • NadirToZenith
    NadirToZenith Posts: 62 Member
    I hear you. I'm not a natural fan of exercise. I don't like the gym, would rather punch myself in the face than get on a bike etc etc. But I keep pushing myself to try new things and eventually I've found a couple of different exercises that I enjoy so much that they don't feel like work. I'm a huge fan of rollerblading and I think I'd find an excuse to do it even if it wasn't good for me. I also enjoy mall walking. I think of it as inexpensive window shopping since my local mall is open to walk before hours and I therefore have no excuse to stop in to any of the stores and buy anything LOL.

    There are tons of things out there that are fun and happen to burn calories. Jumping on a trampoline, taking a swim in the ocean, ice skating etc etc you just need to find one or two that are more fun than work and you'll be on your way. Good luck!!
  • I am going to continue searching for exercise I enjoy!
  • The only reason I've made it this far is because I have the foods I really want sometimes. Every other time I've tried the "all or nothing" diet I've given up. Deprivation is just not a long-term solution. And how else am I going to learn moderation for after I reach my goal? If I just go back to my old way of eating, I'll gain all the weight back. I have to find a sustainable way of eating for life, and realistically that doesn't include making any type of food totally off-limits.

    Very true!
  • Since you hate exercising have you looked at other forms of movement like dancing, swimming, hula hooping or even pole or belly dancing. There are tons of other forms of movement that can be fun, fascinating and burn just as much or more calories than going to the gym. As for your desire to eat unhealthy foods, live by the 80/20 rule. As long as 80% of the time you are eating healthily, its ok to treat yourself the other 20%. Keeping in mind depriving yourself of something you love can be counterproductive to your goals because it could cause you to binge.

    That seems manageable! =)
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    try walking
    eat what u want and exercise it off
    u also may be eating to few calories
  • Oh, I have been. I have a trainer and work out 6 days a week. I have been making food at home but it's not the same.

    I'm just mentally exhausted from the battle.

    Could you be overdoing it slightly? It's so much harder to stick to a lifestyle where no foods that you love, and too much exercise you don't like, are central. Couldn't you adjust your plan to allow for a little bit more room for fun, so that it's easier to stick to the regime the rest of the time? Sure, your weightloss might be more slow, but it's more likely that you'll continue in the long run.

    Also am with the other people that say you can have something you love occasionally, and try to find a type of exercise that you do love or at least not hate with a passion!!

    Good luck!! You already lost a lot of weight, that's amazing

    I'm losing about 3 lbs a week. I think I need to remember that just 2.5 months ago I was not working out at all so to go to 6 days a week is a lot. I was eating out a lot so to go from that to 1200 calories and no cheat days is probably too much. I think I'm going to slow down a bit because this is forever, not short term. Thank you for the encouragement!