Remarks others have made about your weight...



  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    From a random male stranger... "Congratulations! When are you due?"

    I have had this one too - I say 11 months :noway:
  • cathleenwm
    awe :(
  • Sparklethefade
    "you pregnant?"


    "my bad" and walks away


  • angikins
    i think the one i've heard more than a few times is someone assuming that i'm big because i've had kids. "so how many kids do you have?" "none" then i get look up and down and they say "really?"..... very irritating
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I had a similar pregnant comment way back in elementary school... 2 of my good friends back then were very very thin, and I was def the chubby one. One day, one by one, we stuck out stomachs out in front of some boys in the class and asked if we looked pregnant.. They said no to my friends, but yes to me... That has stuck with me til now (i'm 27), and even still I think about that and feel horrible about myself. So here's to not looking pregnant, and getting over negative body image! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jantawa
    jantawa Posts: 182 Member
    I just thought of another rather nasty comment when I was a teenager (and this was back when I weighed around 140-45 and I'm 5'9"). I had cut my knee rather badly and when it healed it had a lot of scar tissue. My mother had asked the doctor if that could be removed....(she later told me) that he said "with legs like that, why bother". If people only realized how words can wound you just like a knife, and how very long they seem to be burned into your memory (but on the other hand, people like that, probably don't really care).
  • Lauris83
    I saw my aunt today after 1.5 months and I asked her if I looked like I had lost weight, before she could say yes my mom HAD to cut in "uh calm down it's only 15 pounds you have A LOT more to lose" um yeah and I wasnt talking to you lol. I love my mom and we get along like that but it still kinda hurts my feelings so I made sure I let her know.
  • lauraparkerrr
    lauraparkerrr Posts: 86 Member
    I'd managed to lose around 2 stone in weight and someone who i used to class as a friend and had gradually put on quite a lot of weight (from around a UK size 10 to a UK size 14/16 mainly around the stomach) said to me that we had similar figures. I wanted to cry if i'm honest, felt like the weight i'd lost was completely pointless. Luckily the rest of my friends and my boyfriend were all really supportive :)
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Reading all your comments is actually helping me get my determination back! People are so stupid at times!

    I have this colleague, whose moron of a husband too works in the same company though a different team. Once we had a celebration in office and there was a huge cake. And people had formed a line to get the cake which extended through the door. So I was standing in the line just to get in, and didn't want the cake. So this guy is standing there with his wife, and passes a remark "So... you must want a biiig piece of cake, right! hee hee hee".

    And I felt like blasting him right there! Just wish I had! :mad:
  • Lithuria
    I've had pleanty of comments, I can't really pull anything specific to mind. The kids around here are all very outspoken so you just have to learn to "get over it" pretty quickly or you just wouldn't be able to function.

    However one incident comes to mind regarding my mother and granny. My dear Granny was one of those poor kids who contracted Polio from a Diptheria inoculation when she was only 2 years old and after having had to have various muscles removed from her right leg, it is much weaker and much shorter than her good leg. What's more, the polio weakened her muscles all over her body. Well her bad leg was quite inflamed and painful once so my mum took her to see the doctor. It's been a recurring problem (though thankfully not so frequently that it causes any constant kind of issue) and he said she really should loose some weight as she had quite poor circulation in this leg and it was just exacerbating the problem. She pointed out that she had been on a near constant diet for years because she couldn't exercise: she can't even move her arms very much due to muscle weakness let alone walk very far, and if we take her on family outings it has to be with the wheel chair. It's not just the bad leg, her whole body just cannot cope as well as it used to.

    So does he offer her any encouragement or give her any advice on how she can otherwise get some exercise?

    No he doesn't. Instead, he turns to my mum (who is genuinely just a big woman) and says "And what's YOUR excuse?"

    Apparently my mum and Gran just sat there in stunned silence, but I can tell you now my dad was down the next day putting in a formal complaint, and he wasn't seen around there for very much longer (say what you like about the NHS, but it will deal with troublesome self important GP's when they cross the line). I get the feeling he had ticked off a few own experience with him hadn't exactly been fantastic...when I asked for the contraceptive implant because I'd read that the pill I was on was dangerous for someone who suffered focal migraines as I do, he scoffed and told me "that's for stupid council estate girls who can't remember to take their pill every day, you're not one of THOSE girls are you? You're on a completely adequate method of birth control."

    Thus failing to answer my question or concerns at all and rather inappropriate anyway since I was a 16 year old virgin and using it for completely none birth control reasons ¬_¬

    You know what the stupid thing is though? He was probably one of THE fattest men I've ever seen...
  • Sarahbear83
    Sarahbear83 Posts: 110 Member
    When I was about 12 or 13, my 'best friends' and I went to the beach. I was walking down to the water in my bathing suit and they were sitting down up on the beach, snickering at me. When I turned around they commented that I had cellulite. I was about 115 lbs and 5'4.

    After I had my first child, over 8 years ago, I had given my sister some of my pre-pregnancy clothes for school and commented that I wanted them back when I got skinny again. As I left the room, my mother and cousin said 'she never really was skinny.' My husband, wonderful man that he is, told them that I had lost a lot of weight already from the pregnancy and put them in their place.

    The rudest of all were my customers when I worked in the lingerie department. I had women coming in and asking advice about buying things for bed ridden people, who are sometimes overweight due to this, and one woman asked about sizing. She mentioned that whoever she was buying for was 'about my size' and I said to her that I usually wear the XL(8) in most brands we carried. She looked at me and held up the panties and asked 'Really?!' like she was shocked and then said that those were way too small for who she was buying them for. I also had several customers ask if I was pregnant or when I was due, and it was pleasing enough to see the looks on their face when I said 'Not pregnant, just fat.'. Most of them at least were just trying to be chatty and felt awful for asking. It was the people who commented on my size in comparison to someone really big they knew that hurt. It's hard to give good customer service with that kind of blow.
  • 3110cynthia
    i'm 5'0" - 214 - it's very relative - i look attractive at 150 and about a size 9 cuz i have very large shoulders even when i am "thin" for me that is - and that is my goal even though my bmi says 110 is ideal - i would look anorexic truly at that weight truly - once at 135 i was told by family and friends that i was too thin - and numbers-wise that's large for someone my size - but right now - i'll tell you what - my legs shake to walk - i can't bear 114 at my height and muscle structure - so it's damn near an emergency to lose weight - dr. says i neeed back surgery - aaaaahhhhhh such is life - i'm hoping very much this site is the answer - started about 14 days ago and have lost 8 lbs so so good so far - i'm feeling pretty good about it

    re: fat comments - i've been congradulated on my pregnancy and of course my sister's child said straight up "you're fat" but who can blame him, i am. Still even though an innocent statement it hurt to be said so bluntly

    i have found that pregnant clothes fit me well cuz i carry weight all on top - i look like a carmel apple - chicken legs with a large torso - not good health wise

    i hope you feel better with all this support - that's what it's all about - and welcome to the site for real not just on the fone - good luck
  • Maggie1960
    Wow, there a re some very nasty-minded people around aren't there?:noway:
    I have never had anyone be really ride to me about my weight - although I was asked when my baby was due when he was one week old (though that's understandable because my pregnant belly hadn't shrunk back at all at that point)

    The worst thing I can think of, is on holiday in Egypt in August this year, I was chatting to a fellow holiday maker, who was a lot bigger than me, probably 100lbs heavier, who referred to the pair of us as both being 'larger ladies' as if we were the same size. :grumble:

    As soon as I got home, I logged on here and have managed to shed 14lbs already from my 200lb body and will continue until no-one can ever include me in the larger ladies club again.
  • Adusenka
    Adusenka Posts: 108 Member
    I never was actually thin.. but I was never fat per say (until now I guess..) but I heard people say nasty things about my weight since elementary school.. teachers, peers, everyone I think.. doctors used to be really nice when they said "ah youre in normal range.. but.. well.. you should do something about yourself) And it got worse when I was in high school and teachers were like "go on, show everyone how fat you are" and "oh, youre gonna eat whole chocolate by yourself? of course you are.." etc.. I had problems with eating disorders then..

    Ofc my parents are very "nice" too.. my dad keeps telling me Im fat and that he is sure I wanna eat that and that. and comments like: "oh, you came to visit us.. we have to fill the fridge for you, Were sure youll eat it all again"
    and ye, rather enormous old lady offered me a seat in tram cos she thought I was pregnant..

    every bit of that hurt like hell :( but I will show them :)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I've had so many comments - all the normal, obnoxious stuff. However, one that really got to me was this week from my dad. I was putting my jacket on and he said to me, 'you can see that you are starting to lose weight'. I've lost 91 pounds for goodness sake and have lost 14 inches off my bust, 14 inches off my waist and 15 inches off my hips ... This year! Grr. x
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I've had pleanty of comments, I can't really pull anything specific to mind. The kids around here are all very outspoken so you just have to learn to "get over it" pretty quickly or you just wouldn't be able to function.

    However one incident comes to mind regarding my mother and granny. My dear Granny was one of those poor kids who contracted Polio from a Diptheria inoculation when she was only 2 years old and after having had to have various muscles removed from her right leg, it is much weaker and much shorter than her good leg. What's more, the polio weakened her muscles all over her body. Well her bad leg was quite inflamed and painful once so my mum took her to see the doctor. It's been a recurring problem (though thankfully not so frequently that it causes any constant kind of issue) and he said she really should loose some weight as she had quite poor circulation in this leg and it was just exacerbating the problem. She pointed out that she had been on a near constant diet for years because she couldn't exercise: she can't even move her arms very much due to muscle weakness let alone walk very far, and if we take her on family outings it has to be with the wheel chair. It's not just the bad leg, her whole body just cannot cope as well as it used to.

    So does he offer her any encouragement or give her any advice on how she can otherwise get some exercise?

    No he doesn't. Instead, he turns to my mum (who is genuinely just a big woman) and says "And what's YOUR excuse?"

    Apparently my mum and Gran just sat there in stunned silence, but I can tell you now my dad was down the next day putting in a formal complaint, and he wasn't seen around there for very much longer (say what you like about the NHS, but it will deal with troublesome self important GP's when they cross the line). I get the feeling he had ticked off a few own experience with him hadn't exactly been fantastic...when I asked for the contraceptive implant because I'd read that the pill I was on was dangerous for someone who suffered focal migraines as I do, he scoffed and told me "that's for stupid council estate girls who can't remember to take their pill every day, you're not one of THOSE girls are you? You're on a completely adequate method of birth control."

    Thus failing to answer my question or concerns at all and rather inappropriate anyway since I was a 16 year old virgin and using it for completely none birth control reasons ¬_¬

    You know what the stupid thing is though? He was probably one of THE fattest men I've ever seen...

    Maybe he's one of those confused types. Have you heard of black people actually hating black people? Maybe he's one of those!
  • Tasha1476
    When I was only 12, my grandmother told me "If you were skinny, boys would be all over you" The thing is, I wasn't fat then, and if I hadn't started feeling so bad about myself, I may never have been. Its hard to believe what people say without thinking.
  • kuggsy24
    lets not get hung up on what people say yes some of it is meant to be nasty but in my opinion its just narrow minded slips of the tongue laugh it off and fire3 back with an agreement here are a few suggestions.
    start with something like i agree in fact
    im that fat when i went to school i sat next to everybody
    im that fat when i buy clothes i get a group discount
    im that fat when i turn round im a year older
    im that fat my belt size is eqautor im that fat i make the butter dish jealous
    im sure you all av plenty to add but the trick is to take it on the chin like a pro and see it for what it is ie usually som ignoramous speaking b4 the brain is in gear i feel if you agree with them by making such a remark it defuses the moment better than a f you blow back
  • 66PollyAnna
    66PollyAnna Posts: 20 Member
    My aunt said to me as we prepared for group photo: you should get in the middle. You don't want to look bigger. People on the end always look bigger."
    CHANGES4ME Posts: 132 Member
    :cry: :sad: the 1 that i hear the most from sum of my grson's friends
    " fatty-fatty 2 by 4 couldn't get through the bathroom door, so she sat upon your knee; uh-ohhhh folks watch out there goes her pee.... ":angry::grumble: :ohwell: :embarassed: :frown: