Today's weigh-in :(



  • QuirkyD
    QuirkyD Posts: 68 Member
    <iframe src="; width="568" height="320" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    start chugging the water. It will actually help with the water retention.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    If it's around your TOM, stay away from the scale! I'm always up 5 whole lbs for the entire week before and 2-3 days after. That plus the increase in exercise is making you retain a whole lot of water. Weigh yourself again in a week and see how different that number is.

    It was, I just thought I was going to be able to counteract the effects since I've been trying so hard. I'm really hoping that it's a big factor plus I haven't had a true rest day in a while. At this point, it's my routine to come home and work out and I'm not physically exhausted or anything so I guess I figured I didn't need a day off. Maybe I'll take tomorrow off and see if it helps. I'm also going to make a better effort to drink lots more water.

    Thank you all, really! I was having a terrible time this morning and feeling so down, but I think I can handle it now. I don't mean to sound dramatic, I was just so disappointed.
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    That is exactly happened to me 2 weeks back. With all the hard work and watching the food intake, the scale did not show any loss. The only difference between with the previous week was that I had salted Pistachios everyday (about 20). So I decided that it might be the salt in the nuts which must be causing the water retention. I stopped eating the nuts and I am back to loosing 2 to 2.5 lbs in a week. May be you may also want to look at your food dairy and see if there was anything that derailed the weight loss. Hope it helps. Good luck.
  • Eliz37
    Eliz37 Posts: 1 Member
    You are building muscle! If your endurance is improving and your clothes fit better, don't worry about the scale in the short term. You will fluctuate a bit. There is nothing else to it. Don't be discouraged and don't give up!!!!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Sounds like water weight. If your clothes are fitting better and your measurements are going down, you are on the right path. Water weight will go away in time. Just up your water intake for a few days.
  • saanaismom
    saanaismom Posts: 79 Member
    Have you never heard the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. If you are building muscle you are shrinking and this is a good thing. Get a tape measure you will see inches dropping off your body and this is great progress. It is a wonderful thing to turn fat into muscle. If you were not staying on your diet it would be different you might be gaining fat but if you are doing what is right you are probably converting fat to muscle.


  • scarlettsky7
    scarlettsky7 Posts: 128 Member
    healthy lifestyle > numbers
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Have you never heard the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. If you are building muscle you are shrinking and this is a good thing. Get a tape measure you will see inches dropping off your body and this is great progress. It is a wonderful thing to turn fat into muscle. If you were not staying on your diet it would be different you might be gaining fat but if you are doing what is right you are probably converting fat to muscle.

    unless OP is on steroids she is not going to build muscle in a caloric deficit while biking and walking..just saying..

    OP - are you logging everything you eat? Do you weight everything? Do you have food scale?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    You want results forget the biking and walking..

    got results biking and walking. :wink:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    yeah, this isn't true. A pound is a pound...1 lb of fat = 1 lb of muscle= 1 lb of feathers, they all weight a pound. Muscle's just more dense than fat, it takes up way less room in your body. Just keep it up, you're doing great. Consistency is key, you'll see it come off in no time

    to hell with you and your logical mathematics!!!! LOL
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    yeah, this isn't true. A pound is a pound...1 lb of fat = 1 lb of muscle= 1 lb of feathers, they all weight a pound. Muscle's just more dense than fat, it takes up way less room in your body.
    It depends on what you're using as your constant. If you have the same amount in inches of both fat and muscle, the muscle will weigh more.
  • Momily56
    Momily56 Posts: 9
    Yes this has happened to me! Last week. So frustrating! I need to weigh in again tomorrow and I'm afraid I'll get the same results BUT I do feel better. My clothes are fitting better. So I am not going to give up even if I have no good scale news tomorrow. Because I know if I drown my sorrows in a donut (because what's the point) and then continue to do the What Does It Matter slide, that I will end up with several more pounds to lose.

    Keep at it! We can do this.
  • CindyRip
    CindyRip Posts: 166 Member
    I understand where you are. I have only lost 3 pounds in 9 months but I have lost 14 inches and my clothes are way to big. This is not a quick road if done to really keep the weight off. Exercise your patience and keep moving forward you will get to where you want and maintain it well if you open your mind and continue learning about how your body uses nutrition to function, effects of exercise, and calories and portion. Keep moving forward with your eye on the goal.
  • Mom2Lizzy
    Mom2Lizzy Posts: 23
    Your sodium intake was REALLY HIGH yesterday. You are retaining water. It takes 2 days to rid your body of water after excessive sodium intake. Try to keep it below 2,300, ideally under 1,500. The fact that you feel better and your clothes fit better is more important than the scale.
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    I feel better, my clothes fit better

    This is all that matters!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Your sodium intake was REALLY HIGH yesterday. You are retaining water. It takes 2 days to rid your body of water after excessive sodium intake. Try to keep it below 2,300, ideally under 1,500. The fact that you feel better and your clothes fit better is more important than the scale.

    eh I think sodium intake is long as you are under 2500 should be good to go ...IMO
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    check your sodium intake - just did a quick search on your diary...drinking more water should fluch your system (literally)..
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I peaked at your diary could be some simple mistakes in food calculations some of the food seems a bit off calorie wise. That may have set you back some also you may have missed some days logging it can hinder things short term. A lot of the times when we use generic entries they are incorrect.
  • lovingbears2
    lovingbears2 Posts: 73 Member
    Yes this has happened to me! Last week. So frustrating! I need to weigh in again tomorrow and I'm afraid I'll get the same results BUT I do feel better. My clothes are fitting better. So I am not going to give up even if I have no good scale news tomorrow. Because I know if I drown my sorrows in a donut (because what's the point) and then continue to do the What Does It Matter slide, that I will end up with several more pounds to lose.

    Keep at it! We can do this.

    YEP!! DITTO, (above).^^^^^^ I had had the same "results" for over 5 weeks, then lost 4 pounds, then , same thing again for about 4 and 1/2 to 5 weeks, then 3 pound loss! I was, like you, frustrated and irritated, because, like you, had been going to the gym regularly, much more so than ever before, using dumbbells under water for tricep and bicep curls, water jogging, water "cross country skiing" with the water dumbbells, etc, for 1 hour daily 4 days per week. VERY frustrating to see the same weight show up, and I only weighed myself once per week. I KNEW , though, that I WAS losing inches, (even though hadn't taken my measurements at that time,) because clothes fitting so much better, and pants that had been tight were falling off, arms looked much better, etc, so my workouts and my body were getting results.Plus, when I really looked at it on the report page,over the past few months, I was actually losing approx 1 pound per week, on average, so a decent loss, with added muscle/toning. I understand, though, that it sure is nice to get that extra "vindication" at the scale for all the extra work!! I have come to the realization that the weight number, like my age, don't really matter. It is how I FEEL that matters, and if I was to throw my scale out today, I would still be working out and eating right, because I realized that the REAL vindication was in my health , feeling good about myself , both in how much I was accomplishing and how much better I was starting to look and feel! Best of luck in your journey, and realize that the scale is , as someone else said, just 1 small of very many ways to see your results!