2011 - New Year, New Me! (week 1) Join us!



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Bluiz you are on it girl way to go I am so excited for the amount of people in this new thread looking foward to great results and great stories along the way!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    thanks cnbethea....keep cheering me on and i'll do the same for you guys...i need the push to make this happen for me...i am on a high right now and i jsut want it to keep on going....
  • ItsTime2010
    Count me in!!! I need some support! I am a yo-yo dieter and I am really ready for a slimmer me.

    Name........................ Start Weight ......................... Current Weight ......................total lbs lost............total % lost
    LisaC1026.................161.6 ...........................................161.6........................................0...............................0%
    cherryjellybean.......... 235..............................................235...........................................0...............................0%
    delaneype.................. 172..............................................172............................................0..............................0%
    gamecock.................. Becky
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Awesome idea, count me in.... i want to be at my goal weight by then for sure!!!

    Name.......................... SW ......................... CW ......................total lbs lost............total % lost
    My2Loves....................212.6....................... 212.6.....................0...............................0%
    LisaC1026.................161.6 .......................161.6......................0...............................0%
    vkpmusic....................164.8..................... ..164.8......................0................................0%
    cherryjellybean......... 235............................235.........................0...............................0%
    mamajoytimes2....... 220............................220.........................0...............................0%

    My goal weight is 125lbs but i would love 120lbs..... so in the 17weeks left i would really like to lose 10-15lbs!!!
  • porterbaby38
    good morning ladies, even though i still have my cold i did get in some very low impact workout. i sure am getting in my water intake though. good luck to everyone.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Had a good day yesterday, got 80 oz of water, 45 minutes of exercise and had 200 calories left over!!:flowerforyou:
    Hope everyone has a great day, its almost Friday!!:drinker:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well tomorrow is a start to a new motivated me. I do have to say the last 2 weeks I have been eating whatever, whenever, and not excersing. I have been doing this cause I am starting a local BL group with $2200 in cash to pay out over the next 12 weeks. I wanted to gain back a few pounds so I could lose them easy (I know that is awefull). The group is sponcered by Sangsters and we got a bunch of vitamins, and supplements to use. So we all will be receiving..."Healthy Fats for Life" book, Winning at Weight Loss book, Natural Living magazine, 400Gram Whey Protein, Women's Choice Multi Vitamin, Slim & Slender Capsules, CLA Linoleic Acid Capsules and Mega Digestive Enzymes or Super Omega-3 Capsules (healthy fatty acids). So I am pumped. Going to start eating right, drinking my protein shake every day, and hitting the treadmill for 30 mins each day, and then on hopefully at least 4 days, will do a DVD. Not sure if I will go back and start up 30 day Shred, Level 2, or maybe start the boot camp DVD. Step Aerobics starts on Monday but I won't be able to start till middle of October since my son has swimming lessons on the days of aerobics.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Tomorrow is a new start for me too. Since school started back (about 3 weeks ago) life has been kinda hectic, and I've let exercising slide. I have been sure to get in 3-4 days, til last week when I got a nasty cold. But I had a plan to reach the 180s by October 3 (my birthday) and I still plan on reaching that goal! It's just lately I've been eating too much crap and not working out enough. Starting tomorrow it's back to eating right and working out at least 5 days a week. I WILL reach that goal for my birthday.. I want to so badly! I owe that much to myself.

    If I just try my best there's no reason I shouldn't reach that goal and beyond. I just needed to clear my head, assess my problems and go forward.

    I can do this - We can all do this! Just think how much we can all accomplish by the end of this year! I don't know what everyone's plans are, but I think this weekend I'm going to take some "now" pics so I can compare them to how much progress I'll have made by the end of the year. :happy:
  • delaneype
    good morning everyone! and Happy friday!

    I've been good this week -- walking when i can't get to the gym, packing my snacks and choosing wisely. staying attentive to everything i'm eating. yesterday I stepped on the scale and it looks good! i'm excited to be back on track again!
    have a great weekend!
  • mamajoytimes2
    Hi everyone!

    Logged all my food and got my water in. I was so inspired by the group that I meal planned, went grocery shopping, and even cooked last night! Felt great getting back in there in a big way.

    Looking forward to the weekend - I am ready!!

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member

    Had another good day, got 88oz water, 60 minutes of exercise and 175 left on calories, made sure to log all food, I am really trying hard to do this even when I know it won't be good, helps to see how bad things are!! Feeling the workout from last night, so at least I know it worked!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Brittany689
    Having a really bad day I keep snacking on junk food! I'm going to try be good for the rest of the day and try hard to stay away from the kitchen wish it wasnt raining today or I could just go for a walk.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well I am back at it. Already drank 64oz of water, and will prob drink another 32oz. Did 30 min on treadmill inclined at 2, going 3.5 and burned 323 cals. Taking all my supplements today. Going to go and make a small protein shake, see if I can come up with a small mixture that isn't to too many calories. Going to go take my measurements as well today. I was up 4.6 pounds with a starting weight of 163.6 for this new jouney. I tell you the money does have me motivated.

    I think I am going to do 30 min on treadmill Mon - Sat, and then 3 days of strength training by going circuits of Jillians no more trouble zones.

    I also started logging all food today again.
  • my2loves04and06
    TGIF! Although I work this weekend. Boo to that. I've been good at logging my foods and getting my H2O in, but I've been below 1200 cals 2 days this week, which is not so good. Last night I had a massive migraine and I skipped dinner and went to bed at 6:30. I did better today, eating all 3 meals, but I still need a little something more to boost me over 1200 cals (my target is 1360). Ah well.

    Geat job to those of you that have been exercising like crazy!

    Stay strong over the weekend, all! I find it's easiest to resist temtation if I plan my meal for the next day ahead of time. For example, I plan all of my meals for tomorrow, tonight. It's just easier to stick to it if I already have it all mapped out.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    The weight I reported on our group was from last Friday...before the Labor Day weekend. I was really bad for a few days and I was good today. I have a feeling I am going to show a gain and not a loss on Monday... sigh. Oh well, back on the wagon. I wonder if my weight ticker subtracts lbs if I gain weight....
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    It will subtract pound if you gain and enter it in there!!
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Drat! LOL! Oh well. I'd hate to gain/lose the same 2 or 3 lbs over and over (like I usually do) and then half some poor newbie ask me for advice b/c my ticker says "20" ! :laugh:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Got all my water in yesterday, but did horrible as far as food, went out with the family so didn't get home til late, which meant no workout to counter act the bad day of eating. Will make up for it today!!! Yay its Saturday and we are going to the range to get some shooting in, can't wait!!!
  • HaleyAlexandra
    i'm in
  • Livestrong4Dj2011
    I've been told it takes 21 Days of healthy eating to break any bad habits nutritionally u may have! I'm testing that theory..Day 2 Complete !!!