30 Day Shred!! Who's with me?!



  • SabrinaM85
    I just did L1-D1 on 30DS. Holy sweaty self, Batman!!! That was crazy!!! My HRM said I burned 293 in 24 mins. MFP said i burned about 309. I will take the 293. I really hope to get the same results some other people have been seeing!!

    I am also thinking about mixing in some walking on the side, hopefully to give me a bit more burn. But it looks like I am going to be under my normal calorie goal of 1200. I put dinner in already and I am at 920 calories, I even rounded servings up to be safe. With my workout today I got 293 extra calories thanks to the 30DS. I will have a Skinny Cow ice cream bar later, but should I eat more or be concerned about being way under? Right now I will only be at 1050 max for the day. Still 150 short of my normal goal, and way under with the exercise. Normally I am hungry in situations like this, but today I am just not, I am full of energy!!
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    HI sabrinam85!

    Welcome to shredding. I do shred and 5K runs - 3x week. I am now on L3D3 and l still like it. With regard to calories, I just eat what I can. When I first started with MFP it was hard to stay within but now that I've been on for a while - I find it hard to get to my calorie limit. So, I just let it be. As long as I know I am eating healthy, no use forcing myself to eat more than I can. What I do watch out for are the "nutritional" values. Healthy and fresh i.e. fruit, veggies....and now that I am on maintenance weight, I can cheat every once in a while :laugh:

    Happy shredding to you.