Is your SO into fitness with you?



  • bookdeity
    bookdeity Posts: 37
    My husband is in the military and does PT daily. He also likes to go to the mountain nearby and run. Me on the other hand, I despise running! So pretty much we do our own thing, though I'm the one who actually tries to be concious about what we eat. He's the one who would eat pasta, burgers, cupcakes, and potato chips every day if I let it happen. Damn his metabolism! :wink:
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    nope. my boyfriend will sit and watch me do turbofire Fire 30 while eating a pint of ice cream. He cheers me on in between bites though. Love that man.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    He is so/so.

    He really only does something if I go do it. (together such as walk, jog, bike, etc) very rarely does he take it upon himself to go do something ... work out ... alone ... by himself.

    So when I work out alone sometimes he's all like "oh I would have went with". Well go now ...
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    My partner is very "on board". She is much thinner than me and has a much more active job, but for my sake, she comes to the gym and follows the same weight training routine I do. We spot each other. She also eats the same meals I do. She does a lot of the cooking but tailors them to my needs. I can't ask for more than that. She's awesome.
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    My husband is a structural welder/ fitter. He believes he gets his workout at work. So no he does not exercise. He drinks, not to get drunk just a few, almost every night. He can eat just about anything he wants and not gain.

    He joined me for a 30 day challenge to give working out a chance. But I don't see him sticking to it after the 30 days. But he is supportive of what I do and congratulates me on my successes. He just doesn't have the same interest in physical activity.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    nope. my boyfriend will sit and watch me do turbofire Fire 30 while eating a pint of ice cream. He cheers me on in between bites though. Love that man.

    LOL I couldn't- I hate working out with an audience. Go away and let me do my thing in piece or work WITH me. LOL that would be so weird for me!!!

    Glad it's working though- that's tough!
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    Nope. She just keeps packing on weight and her midsection keeps getting bigger and bigger. More rapidly lately. It might be my fault. She's due in November.

    love it!
  • NewKeriSept2014
    NewKeriSept2014 Posts: 170 Member
    Or if you're single, are you drawn to people living a fitness/healthy lifestyle?

    I love my bf to death, definitely soul mates, marriage material etc etc etc. BUT we are completely opposite in lifestyle. For the most part, I think it's kind of funny and keeps things interesting.....but sometimes it bothers me a bit.

    I'm in executive sales, I track calories and macros, I work out daily, I run races, never smoked, no drugs, quit name it. My bf is a pipe welder (that alone I'm worried is horrible for his health, but he loves doing it so I'm happy for him), he smokes cigarettes and weed (lots), drinks every night, puts whipped cream on everything, eats a few chocolate bars a day. Somehow, he has a 6-pack. It's not fair.

    While I don't approve of his lifestyle, it's not up to me to change it. He does tell me all the time he's proud of my hard work and he comes to my races to cheer me on. I know it's hard for him to get up at 7 am on a Sunday and get to these things, and worst of all for him, he has to control my dog the whole time I'm running :) Because he is so understanding of my lifestyle, I have been returning the favour. When I say it bothers me a bit, of course I'm concerned for his health and want him to live as long as possible, but I'm fully aware that's in his hands and all I can do is set a good example.

    What about you guys? Could you be with someone with a completely different lifestyle? If you are, are you trying to change them or influence them? Are bad habits a deal breaker for you?

    sounds like my husband a lot lol. he spokes a ton of weed and smokes cigerettes as well. and usualy has atleast one beer a night. i love him no matter what though. but it gets hard for me to stay on track because i like to smoke weed on occasion too, it helps me sleep, but i get bad munchies. and i like to drink on the weekends. but he is supportive. just hard to stay on track when he doesnt care about what he eats. and can eat anything he wants and not ever get fat. not fair lol but whatever
  • NewKeriSept2014
    NewKeriSept2014 Posts: 170 Member
    oh ya and my husband is a landscaper so he calls that his workout for the day so i can never get him to workout with me lol
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    He comes to the gym with me 3 days a week. I also got him into logging his food and he joined MFP. :)
  • Filatina
    Filatina Posts: 85 Member
    I was just going to post a topic about this to get feedback. My fiancé is not on the fitness train yet and I try not to push him too much because then he feels pressured and upset. He has been doing great by adjusting his diet though. I understand that working out would be a lot because he works about 8 hrs a day doing manual labor, but I do hope that he can incorporate a little bit a week because I really think it would help with stress relief and also assist in his sleeping at night (He has a horrible time staying asleep). Even if he just tried out Yoga or went for a short walk.

    Anyway, I just keep on doing what I'm doing. When I first started working out and on my path to a healthy lifestyle, he said "If you show me results...then I'll get on board"... Well here I am -50 lbs later and he is still not joining me for nothing. lol... Gotta give him credit... He is a hell of a supporter.

    My advice to anyone in this position... Just keep doing what you are doing and Have patience. You can't win them all, but by you helping yourself and taking care of #1, it will show to others and it will bring positive benefits.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Some of my habits have rubbed off on him over time, and some haven't. It's a non-issue in our relationship honestly. He supports all of my health/fitness stuff and will enter his recipes in my MFP recipe builder when he cooks so that I'll have the calorie counts. I support his desire to not worry about health/fitness all the time, especially when he's stressed out about other things.

    That's awesome!!!! I think mine is jealous of all the time I spend on MFP....
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    Im in your boat too. I've been married to my husband for 10 years. I've always worked out, tried to eat right and live a healthy life. But my hubby is a plumber, smokes a pack a day and drinks beer almost daily, yet his is slender and muscular.

    We are a weird combo, always have been and everyone knows it.
  • mckshowie
    mckshowie Posts: 210 Member
    are you dating my husband?
    Or if you're single, are you drawn to people living a fitness/healthy lifestyle?

    I love my bf to death, definitely soul mates, marriage material etc etc etc. BUT we are completely opposite in lifestyle. For the most part, I think it's kind of funny and keeps things interesting.....but sometimes it bothers me a bit.

    I'm in executive sales, I track calories and macros, I work out daily, I run races, never smoked, no drugs, quit name it. My bf is a pipe welder (that alone I'm worried is horrible for his health, but he loves doing it so I'm happy for him), he smokes cigarettes and weed (lots), drinks every night, puts whipped cream on everything, eats a few chocolate bars a day. Somehow, he has a 6-pack. It's not fair.

    While I don't approve of his lifestyle, it's not up to me to change it. He does tell me all the time he's proud of my hard work and he comes to my races to cheer me on. I know it's hard for him to get up at 7 am on a Sunday and get to these things, and worst of all for him, he has to control my dog the whole time I'm running :) Because he is so understanding of my lifestyle, I have been returning the favour. When I say it bothers me a bit, of course I'm concerned for his health and want him to live as long as possible, but I'm fully aware that's in his hands and all I can do is set a good example.

    What about you guys? Could you be with someone with a completely different lifestyle? If you are, are you trying to change them or influence them? Are bad habits a deal breaker for you?
  • BrookeBQ
    BrookeBQ Posts: 163 Member
    my SO is not as intense as I am, but he wants to stop drinking pop now (his big vice) and he goes on nightly walks with me to get my fitbit steps. I've definitely positively influenced him :)
  • schmetterling1
    schmetterling1 Posts: 130 Member
    When I got married my husband and I were not too into fitness. He worked in construction and stayed fit that way. I went to the gym once and a while but didn't watch what I ate much.

    Now 14 years later we have both gained a bit. I work out almost ever day and log on here regularly. He has an office job and is out of shape. He always complains how out of shape he is but does nothing about it. All he has to do is go downstairs and do something. But I can't make him he has to do it on his own.

    I even told him about this site and he wanted me to log his food for him. Um, no. He is not ready now but hopefully one day soon he will wake up and get moving. I just want him to be healthy.
  • jadehollier
    jadehollier Posts: 10 Member
    My boyfriend of five years is not totally on board the fitness train, but I have persuaded him to log his food with MFP, and I am grateful for that. He has shed some weight just by paying attention to what he eats. He tends to be stubborn and dislike change, but I am trying to lead by example. Once he moves in with me, I feel that he will be eating a lot healthier (since he will have to go out and buy unhealthy food). As for exercise, I'm working on him. Lord knows I love muscle. :3
  • TaraJx4
    TaraJx4 Posts: 89 Member
    My SO is a landscaper and feels that's workout enough for him. He eats like crap, and drinks more pop than anyone should. I've been trying to eat healthier and live a healthier life style. At first he wasn't on board. But Monday he decided to join me while I was doing my workout. And he told me when I start the c25k he will join me then too.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    My wife and I got together because we both like to run. We were running partners before anything else.
  • itsscottwilder
    My wife and I have different motivations for being fit. She's just looking to lose a few pounds to feel a little lighter and look a little better in the mirror.

    My family has a history of Heart attack and diabetes. So for me the motivation is more... urgent. If I kick the bucket at the same age my dad (and his dad) did, I'll barely live to see my boy turn 30. That's not acceptable.

    As a result she thinks I've gone over the deep end.

    But we're both eating better. It's just that I walk and work out more than she does. I'm cool with that.