Starting insanity. Anyone want to start with me?



  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    NSV! I only had to take one break during the warm up! Those dang butt kicks to high knees, good grief. I was determined to make it through, hopefully tomorrow ill be able to power through it. Who knew a warm up could be so tough.. I mean, I knew I was out of shape, but jeez lol
  • Ajay1979
    Ajay1979 Posts: 9
    Hi! I'm actually in month 2 of Insanity (first week of month 2)! I am amazed that I got this far and now I'm determined to finish it off strong! I really would love to get my husband to do it with me but with his knees being pretty bad after years of mechanic work I don't think he could handle it! I actually really want to get T25 to do after this, but I still have 3 weeks to go first!!

    How is month 2 I heard it steps up alot from month 1.
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    Today was Day 44 - max cardio & conditioning. I can't believe I am into the 7th week of insanity already. I am determined to see this through - I am already feeling so many benefits - increased energy, improved mood, less food cravings, increased strength and endurance - and I haven't even gotten to the physical benefits of weight loss and inches lost - I think I will tally those up at the end. Overall - I am very happy with the results.
  • Klitzman4
    Klitzman4 Posts: 7 Member
    I will be starting the whole program over again on August 5th. I am on my last week right now! and LOVE IT!!
  • SquishyChef
    SquishyChef Posts: 9 Member
    Did day 2 last night and had to take a few breaks during the start of second half. Those press ups just aren't for me!! My calves, lower back and sides are all a bit sore today but nothing too major. Day 3 tonight!
  • kareeta
    kareeta Posts: 27 Member
    Sore after Day 2 last night! Thighs are killing, and those suicide drills are aptly named!

    Day 3 tonight...groan
  • rachelwarner32
    rachelwarner32 Posts: 96 Member
    Day 11 today! Much needed Cardio Recovery, although Shaun T's idea of recovery differs from mine :laugh: Hope everyone has a good day !
  • EmilyMcD84
    EmilyMcD84 Posts: 46 Member
    I am on week 1 of month 2. Feel free to add me!
  • StaEast
    StaEast Posts: 6
    Day 2 of INSANITY. This is the hardest work-out I ever did! I was still sweating a hour after. I had to modify some of the exercises but I powerd through it. It was nice to have my husband and oldest son doing it with me. They were my encouragement not to give up. I'm stiff today but hope it won't effect my performance for this afternoon's work-out.
  • StaEast
    StaEast Posts: 6
    We can do it!:smile:
  • Month 2 totally steps it up!!! I'm sore all over again! But I do love love love that first thing in the morning sweat session!!! And I'm hoping the results step up too!!! :)
  • kdoaks234
    kdoaks234 Posts: 17 Member
    Did Day 8 which starts Week 2 :) It was pretty good but I wasn't expecting to sweat more this time than in the past week haha!! :) Hope everybody is doing great!! ADD ME IF YOU LIKE!!!
  • jenijen25
    jenijen25 Posts: 137 Member
    im on week 2 day 4 I can already feel the difference im doing beach body but nothing has changed on the scales is anyone else having this problem I feel like im loosing but getting frustrated when the scales tell me ive stayed the same or just lost a pound wish everyone well and hope we all get our t shirts lol :) xx
  • I'm so glad I found this thread! My husband and I are doing the fit test tonight (we were supposed to start last night, but he came home with a migraine). You guys make it seem like it is doable, I was afraid I would just up and die while trying to do it ;).
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    im on week 2 day 4 I can already feel the difference im doing beach body but nothing has changed on the scales is anyone else having this problem I feel like im loosing but getting frustrated when the scales tell me ive stayed the same or just lost a pound wish everyone well and hope we all get our t shirts lol :) xx

    I know what you mean - for the first month I only lost maybe 1.5 lbs which was really discouraging considering how hard the workouts were - and I did them 6 days a week. Are you going by the nutrition guide and sticking with it? I didn't month one but did commit to it for month 2 and the scale is moving downward finally!! Keep with it!! Don't give up.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    You know... this is really the only place where the phrase...

    "Starting insanity. Anyone want to start with me?"

    .... isn't a cue for people to start chasing you with giant butterfly nets. Or a cue for people to start thinking the local mental institution has bad padlocks.

    I really do love this site.

    Or how about, "I just finished Insanity, now I am going to try the Asylum"?
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    im on week 2 day 4 I can already feel the difference im doing beach body but nothing has changed on the scales is anyone else having this problem I feel like im loosing but getting frustrated when the scales tell me ive stayed the same or just lost a pound wish everyone well and hope we all get our t shirts lol :) xx

    That's one of my biggest motivations..i want that dang t-shirt! Lol
    I too am on week 2 day 4, I've lost 3 lbs and figured I'd lose more..BUT I've had to poke two new holes in my belt since I've started, and my abs are starting to firm up. So even though the scale is creepin, my body is changing. I've learned to forgo the scale for now and focus on my measurements and the way my clothes are fitting.
  • Yea just forget the scale, I don't go on it at all, did the cardio circuit last night (week 2) and I struggled I think it was because I didn't eat right yesterday so I am back on the correct food today going to have a bit of steak with some steamed veggies tonight I think the nutrition is massively important keep going guys and girls and i am sure by day 60 we all will be fitter, healthier, and hopefully can see some abs poking through????????
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    You know... this is really the only place where the phrase...

    "Starting insanity. Anyone want to start with me?"

    .... isn't a cue for people to start chasing you with giant butterfly nets. Or a cue for people to start thinking the local mental institution has bad padlocks.

    I really do love this site.

    Or how about, "I just finished Insanity, now I am going to try the Asylum"?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • simply_v316
    simply_v316 Posts: 3 Member
    Absolutely! My fit test is complete. I'm on go day two. :)