Liquid Diet Advice?

Options I was wondering if anyone KNOWS, if there is a healthy/cheap way to do a liquid diet? I'm looking to drop about 60 lbs in the shortest amount of time possible(without exercise), and wondering if this is the way to go. In the last 2 years I have lost almost 100 lbs(would've been more, but I gained some back). Anyways, I'm noways near where I want to be, but a lot of progress has been made. I have issues with CFS, and haven't had enough energy for any type of exercise at all for several months now. I was hoping there would be a way to drop some weight, and hopefully gain some energy as a result of the weight loss. Idk if that would work or not, just hoping here. I've heard of people juice fasting and having great results with losing weight. But, I don't have a juicer, nor the funds to buy fruits and veggies it would take to keep that up. I was thinking more along the lines of vitamins, protein shakes, v-8, fruit juice, ensure? Not sure......wondering if this would be safe at all. I'm not looking for get skinny quick schemes(even though that does sound appealing). I'm well aware of the lifestyle changes and physical activity that would come along to maintain weightloss, if I did acheive it. Just wondering if liquid diets are safe, any cheap ways of doing it, and how long you can do it. (healthy)......if anyone knows. Thanks.


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Options I was wondering if anyone KNOWS, if there is a healthy/cheap way to do a liquid diet? I'm looking to drop about 60 lbs in the shortest amount of time possible(without exercise), and wondering if this is the way to go. In the last 2 years I have lost almost 100 lbs(would've been more, but I gained some back). Anyways, I'm noways near where I want to be, but a lot of progress has been made. I have issues with CFS, and haven't had enough energy for any type of exercise at all for several months now. I was hoping there would be a way to drop some weight, and hopefully gain some energy as a result of the weight loss. Idk if that would work or not, just hoping here. I've heard of people juice fasting and having great results with losing weight. But, I don't have a juicer, nor the funds to buy fruits and veggies it would take to keep that up. I was thinking more along the lines of vitamins, protein shakes, v-8, fruit juice, ensure? Not sure......wondering if this would be safe at all. I'm not looking for get skinny quick schemes(even though that does sound appealing). I'm well aware of the lifestyle changes and physical activity that would come along to maintain weightloss, if I did acheive it. Just wondering if liquid diets are safe, any cheap ways of doing it, and how long you can do it. (healthy)......if anyone knows. Thanks.

    You say you want to drop 60 pounds in the shortest time possible and also that you are not looking for a get skinny quick scheme. Which one is it? Either way, a calorie deficit is what you need (you know that already), any weight you lose will be water, the weight will come right back once you start eating food again and food tastes pretty dang choice.
  • aqua_marine_light
    Options I was wondering if anyone KNOWS, if there is a healthy/cheap way to do a liquid diet? I'm looking to drop about 60 lbs in the shortest amount of time possible(without exercise), and wondering if this is the way to go. In the last 2 years I have lost almost 100 lbs(would've been more, but I gained some back). Anyways, I'm noways near where I want to be, but a lot of progress has been made. I have issues with CFS, and haven't had enough energy for any type of exercise at all for several months now. I was hoping there would be a way to drop some weight, and hopefully gain some energy as a result of the weight loss. Idk if that would work or not, just hoping here. I've heard of people juice fasting and having great results with losing weight. But, I don't have a juicer, nor the funds to buy fruits and veggies it would take to keep that up. I was thinking more along the lines of vitamins, protein shakes, v-8, fruit juice, ensure? Not sure......wondering if this would be safe at all. I'm not looking for get skinny quick schemes(even though that does sound appealing). I'm well aware of the lifestyle changes and physical activity that would come along to maintain weightloss, if I did acheive it. Just wondering if liquid diets are safe, any cheap ways of doing it, and how long you can do it. (healthy)......if anyone knows. Thanks.

    You say you want to drop 60 pounds in the shortest time possible and also that you are not looking for a get skinny quick scheme. Which one is it? Either way, a calorie deficit is what you need (you know that already), any weight you lose will be water, the weight will come right back once you start eating food again and food tastes pretty dang choice.

    Lol.....Idk if you noticed my questions or not, but to answer your questions........60 lbs is by no means going to make me skinny. :) Looking to lose some major pounds in hopes that it will increase my energy(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), so that maybe I can resume my workouts and get on with this. I've been stalled out for months. And I don't mean to sound argumentative at all, but if someone were to be successful in losing 60 lbs in a "healthy" way, I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be 60 lbs of water. Thank you for your input, but you really didn't answer any of my questions at all.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Walk walk walk. Eat less and walk more. Surely you can walk?
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I have CFS and wouldn't do any sort of liquid diet. If I didn't eat, I know it would sap me of energy completely! :sick: You don't need to exercise to lose weight, just eat within a calorie deficit. You already know what you have to do as you have been successful. Please don't look for any quick fixes, there are none.:flowerforyou:
  • sinthia619
    sinthia619 Posts: 15
    If money is an issue then programs like Medifast and Optifast wouldn't be for you but they work really well to get a lot of weight off pretty quickly. A more cost effective alternative are meal replacement shakes such as the GNC Lean Shakes. With those you replace two meals a day and eat sensibly the rest of the time. The pounds come right off. Good luck!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Options I was wondering if anyone KNOWS, if there is a healthy/cheap way to do a liquid diet? I'm looking to drop about 60 lbs in the shortest amount of time possible(without exercise), and wondering if this is the way to go. In the last 2 years I have lost almost 100 lbs(would've been more, but I gained some back). Anyways, I'm noways near where I want to be, but a lot of progress has been made. I have issues with CFS, and haven't had enough energy for any type of exercise at all for several months now. I was hoping there would be a way to drop some weight, and hopefully gain some energy as a result of the weight loss. Idk if that would work or not, just hoping here. I've heard of people juice fasting and having great results with losing weight. But, I don't have a juicer, nor the funds to buy fruits and veggies it would take to keep that up. I was thinking more along the lines of vitamins, protein shakes, v-8, fruit juice, ensure? Not sure......wondering if this would be safe at all. I'm not looking for get skinny quick schemes(even though that does sound appealing). I'm well aware of the lifestyle changes and physical activity that would come along to maintain weightloss, if I did acheive it. Just wondering if liquid diets are safe, any cheap ways of doing it, and how long you can do it. (healthy)......if anyone knows. Thanks.

    You say you want to drop 60 pounds in the shortest time possible and also that you are not looking for a get skinny quick scheme. Which one is it? Either way, a calorie deficit is what you need (you know that already), any weight you lose will be water, the weight will come right back once you start eating food again and food tastes pretty dang choice.

    Lol.....Idk if you noticed my questions or not, but to answer your questions........60 lbs is by no means going to make me skinny. :) Looking to lose some major pounds in hopes that it will increase my energy(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), so that maybe I can resume my workouts and get on with this. I've been stalled out for months. And I don't mean to sound argumentative at all, but if someone were to be successful in losing 60 lbs in a "healthy" way, I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be 60 lbs of water. Thank you for your input, but you really didn't answer any of my questions at all.

    Yes, somebody losing 60 pounds in a healthy way would not be all water. However, a liquid diet, juice fast and the other things you are suggesting is not really the healthy approach to weight loss. A calorie deficit is the most important point to weight loss and exercise is for fitness. You wanted additional information about liquid diet, juice fast, protein shake, ensure etc. and that is what I was trying to provide for you and my question was for clarity because you were saying two different things.

    As for your stall for months....have you recalculated your calorie intake with your loss? Are you logging accurately? What all did you do to lose almost 100 pounds?
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member

  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    eat real food
    stay under calories
  • michellechawner
    Options I was wondering if anyone KNOWS, if there is a healthy/cheap way to do a liquid diet? I'm looking to drop about 60 lbs in the shortest amount of time possible(without exercise), and wondering if this is the way to go. In the last 2 years I have lost almost 100 lbs(would've been more, but I gained some back). Anyways, I'm noways near where I want to be, but a lot of progress has been made. I have issues with CFS, and haven't had enough energy for any type of exercise at all for several months now. I was hoping there would be a way to drop some weight, and hopefully gain some energy as a result of the weight loss. Idk if that would work or not, just hoping here. I've heard of people juice fasting and having great results with losing weight. But, I don't have a juicer, nor the funds to buy fruits and veggies it would take to keep that up. I was thinking more along the lines of vitamins, protein shakes, v-8, fruit juice, ensure? Not sure......wondering if this would be safe at all. I'm not looking for get skinny quick schemes(even though that does sound appealing). I'm well aware of the lifestyle changes and physical activity that would come along to maintain weightloss, if I did acheive it. Just wondering if liquid diets are safe, any cheap ways of doing it, and how long you can do it. (healthy)......if anyone knows. Thanks.

    You say you want to drop 60 pounds in the shortest time possible and also that you are not looking for a get skinny quick scheme. Which one is it? Either way, a calorie deficit is what you need (you know that already), any weight you lose will be water, the weight will come right back once you start eating food again and food tastes pretty dang choice.

    Lol.....Idk if you noticed my questions or not, but to answer your questions........60 lbs is by no means going to make me skinny. :) Looking to lose some major pounds in hopes that it will increase my energy(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), so that maybe I can resume my workouts and get on with this. I've been stalled out for months. And I don't mean to sound argumentative at all, but if someone were to be successful in losing 60 lbs in a "healthy" way, I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be 60 lbs of water. Thank you for your input, but you really didn't answer any of my questions at all.

    I have CFS and FMS.

    You know how I got my energy? By eating NORMALLY and working out.

    Oh, and I do take meds for the FMS. Eat right, exercise as you can (I walk and do yoga). and lose the weight the RIGHT way.

    As for liquid diet - no. Pretty sure you CFS doctor would agree as well.
  • ChrisR0se
    ChrisR0se Posts: 1,855 Member


  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    No x Infinity.
  • TheMrsSpringer
    YOU NEED TO EAT FOOD - "liquid diets" are fads. Yes, you'll lose weight on them but as soon as you stop you will gain weight back and possibly even more then when you started because you put your body into starvation mode. Women starve themselves thinking it will make them lose weight and they are just wrecking their bodies. DON'T DO IT!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    Advice..............don't do it. Diet alone starts stalling without exercise because of lower metabolic rate. Even light to moderate exercise (like walking) makes a difference.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • TheMrsSpringer
    This person is right sweetie, sorry to say. You cannot lose weight effectively, healthy and permanently doing "scam" diets like liquid diets. You body needs all food groups, veggies, lean protein, fruits, dairy, healthy fats, etc. Just stay away from these kinds of "diets". You will end up doing more damage to your body than good. You will put yourself into a "starvation mode" and in the long'll gain it all back, your body will literally eat any muscle you do have, and you will be less healthier than you are now. And up to the first 8 pounds you lose..........will be water weight. Look into how much a gallon of water weights...................EIGHT POUNDS. If you look at a gallon of milk, it doesn't look like that much but if it were water, it would weigh almost eight pounds. :)
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia, if you cut out food its going to make you even more tired. I understand what its like to be tired and sore. Eat the right amount of food and walk (if you can't manage anything more then that is fine, just move some... it helps). There is no fab diet or quick fix. You kinda just gotta suck it up and do it the right way. Good luck!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Any kind of liquid diet is NOT going to give you more energy. In fact, it's going to make you feel worse. Your best bet is to eat healthy food if you want more energy.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Um a Big NO on the liquid diet..... I couldn't even walk 4 years ago and had to be put in a pool to use water displacement to allow me to stand so I could walk from one side of the pool to the other (therapy pool), this is pretty much all I could do the first 17 months and I lost 170lbs. in the time... You already know how to lose weight (or I would think so after losing 100 lbs.) so keep doing that and walk... Best of Luck
  • aqua_marine_light
    If money is an issue then programs like Medifast and Optifast wouldn't be for you but they work really well to get a lot of weight off pretty quickly. A more cost effective alternative are meal replacement shakes such as the GNC Lean Shakes. With those you replace two meals a day and eat sensibly the rest of the time. The pounds come right off. Good luck!

    Thanks! I'll have to check into this!