i am not mature enough



  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I still booty call all the foods I broke up with =(

    it's midnight. i'm alone. i creep downstairs and gently slide my hand into the bag and pull out a handful. the crunch. i need the garlicky crunch! it's so dirty.

    Have you ever considered making your own? Bake the bread, dice it up, coat it in roasted garlic, and toast it dry? It's probably not any better for you, but if it's the only way you let yourself have them you have to put in the effort for it.
  • fivepntr
    fivepntr Posts: 10
    Fry them---really? I wonder what type of bread and oil they use to make em.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Fry them---really? I wonder what type of bread and oil they use to make em.

    They're pumpernickel bread and deep fried in whatever oil they use for fries and such. I must have gained 15 pounds on them when they were warm from the fryer.
  • T0FatToB3S1ck
    T0FatToB3S1ck Posts: 192 Member
    I cannot have ice cream sandwiches in the house...
  • guitardad08
    guitardad08 Posts: 1 Member
    Wings and pizza. Havent too much of a temptation though.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    This thread... This right here? This is really, really bad for me.
    Suddenly I want to cheat on every last one of you with all of your foods.
    Heaven help me, I am the junk food homewrecker. Must leave thread now.

    :laugh: :heart:
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    Anything +Icecream. I don't know what it is, like, I can resist cake, I can resist brownies, I can resist pie, but add ice cream in the mix and I am done for.
  • bread, tortillas :( .... and sweet tea.
  • ok croutons are just extra calories for salad anyways so its all good
  • I don't break up with foods
    I eat them in moderation and exercise them off
    and stay under calories
  • Five guys burgers and fries, monster size burritos and pizza. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!

    oh yeah... first time I cheated was at Five Guys. My excuse: my honey has never had one of their burgers. I ate every last crumb!
  • Mountain Dew.

    It's my crack.

    I miss Mtn Dew!!!
  • GoodSelf
    GoodSelf Posts: 10
    How are we three pages in and not one mention of wine? Oh --- wait... it's not technically a "food." But it's my arch nemesis for SURE. Can NOT keep it in the house.
  • GoodSelf
    GoodSelf Posts: 10
    Oh -- and Girl Scout Cookies. Thin Mints. Frozen.

  • ddoeren84
    ddoeren84 Posts: 30
    Raisinets. Shortly before I started on MFP I was on Raisinets binge where I would eat not just a box but a bag of them a night.

    I looked it up and that bag is 1330 calories, by comparison I only ate 1270 calories today.
  • YumeSerket
    YumeSerket Posts: 24
    I've gathered a grand disliking of anything greasy and saucy (minus hot sauce, because hot sauce is needed for my basic survival). That being said I no longer crave junk (such as chips) and generic homemade 'comfort' food'. The thought and smell of those actually makes me lose my appetite now!

    I'm 88% a sweets kind of person now. I'm talking chocolate and pastries. The only pastries I find myself craving are the ones filled with fruit, so that's a plus-- but still. I've tried severing our relationship but apparently we were just destined to be together. Digressing, we're trying out long distance right now. {insert possible </3 here}
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    I broke up with sugar, rice, potatoes, corn, wheat, and dairy, Those food items and variations all made me uncontrollably RAvenous, and I broke out in FAT--a BMI of 47!
    I still get the munchies.
    I think I can find Paleo recipes for nearly all these goodies. For crunchy snacks, I'll have a bag of plain bacon rinds, and a big bowl of fresh salsa. For ice cream, whirl up a few frozen bananas with cocoa powder, or even almond butter. I must still be responsible for the high carb counts, though. Sigh. I have to limit fruit. But I can have BACON!
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    A couple of my favorite snacks.... Stick pretzels mixed with pik nik shoestring potatoes, candy corn or dinner mints yikes
    Or real popcorn made on the stove, with lots of real butter melted on top, and mix in butter after dinner mints....

    Either one of those plus a good azz movie.... heaven loll
  • Bprocto3
    Bprocto3 Posts: 23 Member
    Hard shell beef tacos
  • Sewweaver
    Sewweaver Posts: 33 Member
    Grapes..... Well... Crushed grapes. Juice really..... Yeah, wine