Week 4, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.

Hey there ladies & gents..

Here we are on week 4. We all seem to be doing soo well.. I hope everyone has had a great weekend. Sorry Ive been a little behind on the posts. :( Week 3 was a busy and stressful week for me. I ate bad all week.. I have yet to weigh in for last week. :( I will do it in the morning when I get up, before I get my hair done. :)

I will probably be posting some pictures tomorrow after getting my hair done. :)

Welcome to any newbies who choose to join in with the crowd. The challenge will be never ending.. Feel free to join in.. Even if its just for the support.

Here we go.. Week 4 is now underway!! Good luck to all! Hope to see some good numbers this week.. if not well die trying.. :)


  • sedwards2010
    I love the challenge, I know i'm starting in the race late and I dont have a scale yet. But I'm in, I feel like I can do it. and I know how u feel about the bad week. I feel like ive gain 5 lbs.

    Wish me luck.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Welcome newbie and all future newbies!! Excited about this new thread :D
  • Flotus87
    April, i know what you mean about the stressful week. I was just looking back over my "bad days" and it seems they always fall over the weekend. I hate to think this, but the only common thread is that that's when the hubby is home and helps make food choices. Somehow it's harder for me to stick to my goals with him eating junk in front of me all day long. I seem to pick myself back up immediately monday morning and do fine again until the weekend occurs. Don't know what to do. Oh well here's to fighting for strengthening will power. I know if we work hard and keep each other motivated we all can put our bad days behind us and forgive ourselves for having them eventually.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Woohoo, first page!

    I'm excited for everyone. I love seeing all of the progress that is being made and the determination that is going along with it.

    April - looking forward to seeing the new 'do!
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    I think I will be down another lb tomorrow but here we will see.

    SW: 291
    CW: 287
  • ChandraSinger
    I am very sad to report that I have lost no weight this week! :o( I'm not really sure why. I haven't done anything differently...except a margarita Friday night...ooops! lol I don't really think that hurt me because I hadn't lost any weight up to that point anyway! I'm really hoping for a better week this week!! I need everyone's help to keep going and not feel too bad!!!!! I'm pretty disappointed!! I was really hoping to hit that 20 pound mark today!! :o( I hope to have better news next Monday!! I hope everyone else had a great week!!!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Here's to a successful week ahead. It's Back to School night for me tonight (so, teach all day, then go to the gym, then another round of teaching....) So, I should at least be completely dehydrated when I return home at 9 tonight! (Ummm....silver lining meter says XXX,,,, okay, I'll be moving and on my feet for the next 15 hours?) Lunch and dinner are packed, and I'm ready to go!

    CW: 149
  • AngelDog1
    Hi all! Hope everyone is well. I haven't lost pounds, but I've lost inches.... so I'm still happy.

    3 lbs lost out of 20
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    What a morning to start the day .... today is my hubby's 26th birthday :smooched: so dinner will probably be Applebees (yum) however, I went in the spare bedroom to say good morning to my Wasser (6yr old bearded dragon) and I found him not breathing :frown: Nick and I have had him since righ after we started dating and it's hard. What really makes it worse, this is the 4th pet within a year I have lost. This summer, my mom (and my) cat Kiki of 8yrs (our 3-legged kitty) snuck out of the house and the heat got to him, in Feb, our much older bearded dragon, Fat Fred, passed away (he was easily 15yrs and a rescue) and then one that hurt the most was my dear Sox (aka my Poppy since he wasn't a puppy at 10yrs old) passed away in my arms a week after surgery with anesthesia which he had a reaction to. Sorry to pull you all into my really gloomy day. but if you have any pets, furry or scaly, give the a good hug.

    So, now that it is Mon, what are some exercise plans? I'm running today and possibly tomorrow then no more til Saturday. I may try 30day shred again soon, I'm on L1D3 whenever I do it. I have plenty of walks in mind and perhaps so pilates again. Enjoy your week all. :drinker: Here's to mine getting better.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Hello all H20er's! I didn't weigh in yesterday 1) because I was keeping my 9 month old nephew and he doesn't understand that I need to take a moment in the morning to step on the scale and 2) TOM has arrived and I wasn't even motivated to try to fit in a second to do it. I had the swollen fingers/feet and had been feeling so UNmotivated for most of the week. Did well with food all week and even struggled to eat all my calories but I just could NOT get my azz moving! Ok...so it has been a stressful week for me too. I'm helping our daughter fill out all of her college apps and missing her already so have been a little on the depressed side. (Ok...A LOT on the depressed side) The legs just didn't feel like moving! But I am feeling better this morning and it is a new day and a new week and I am ready to get moving again! It doesn't hurt that the scale is showing another 1.1 lb. gone! :) Congrats to everyone who has lost and don't give up to those who didn't!

    8/15 - 231.5
    8/22 - 230.5
    8/29 - 228.4
    9/5 - 225.5
    9/13 - 224.4 (total lost for this challenge 6.1...only 13.9 to go!)
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    What a morning to start the day .... today is my hubby's 26th birthday :smooched: so dinner will probably be Applebees (yum) however, I went in the spare bedroom to say good morning to my Wasser (6yr old bearded dragon) and I found him not breathing :frown: Nick and I have had him since righ after we started dating and it's hard. What really makes it worse, this is the 4th pet within a year I have lost. This summer, my mom (and my) cat Kiki of 8yrs (our 3-legged kitty) snuck out of the house and the heat got to him, in Feb, our much older bearded dragon, Fat Fred, passed away (he was easily 15yrs and a rescue) and then one that hurt the most was my dear Sox (aka my Poppy since he wasn't a puppy at 10yrs old) passed away in my arms a week after surgery with anesthesia which he had a reaction to. Sorry to pull you all into my really gloomy day. but if you have any pets, furry or scaly, give the a good hug.

    So, now that it is Mon, what are some exercise plans? I'm running today and possibly tomorrow then no more til Saturday. I may try 30day shred again soon, I'm on L1D3 whenever I do it. I have plenty of walks in mind and perhaps so pilates again. Enjoy your week all. :drinker: Here's to mine getting better.

    Awwww Bru....I am so sorry. Our pets are our babies and I know how bad it hurts. We lost a pet this year too and it was just heartbreaking for all of us. Our NoNo was a beautiful kitty and he had Feline Leukemia when we adopted him. The doc told us he could live all of his life with it or he may go early. We left for a night and came back the next morning and he was laying in his favorite spot barely breathing. The vet couldn't do anything for him. My heart hurts for you!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    What a morning to start the day .... today is my hubby's 26th birthday :smooched: so dinner will probably be Applebees (yum) however, I went in the spare bedroom to say good morning to my Wasser (6yr old bearded dragon) and I found him not breathing :frown: Nick and I have had him since righ after we started dating and it's hard. What really makes it worse, this is the 4th pet within a year I have lost. This summer, my mom (and my) cat Kiki of 8yrs (our 3-legged kitty) snuck out of the house and the heat got to him, in Feb, our much older bearded dragon, Fat Fred, passed away (he was easily 15yrs and a rescue) and then one that hurt the most was my dear Sox (aka my Poppy since he wasn't a puppy at 10yrs old) passed away in my arms a week after surgery with anesthesia which he had a reaction to. Sorry to pull you all into my really gloomy day. but if you have any pets, furry or scaly, give the a good hug.

    So, now that it is Mon, what are some exercise plans? I'm running today and possibly tomorrow then no more til Saturday. I may try 30day shred again soon, I'm on L1D3 whenever I do it. I have plenty of walks in mind and perhaps so pilates again. Enjoy your week all. :drinker: Here's to mine getting better.

    Aww Bru.. :( Im sorry.. I feel for you.. I hope things get better hun.. Have a great evening with your hubby!!! :flowerforyou:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Bru - I'm so sorry for your losses. I've been surrounded by animals my whole life so I truly empathize with your pain. I will hug my snake and all three of my cats tonight in honor of your babies. Feel better soon!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Good Monday morning everyone looking foward to a great week my goal this week is to set my menu in the morning for that day and stick to it without changing it it worked out well yesterday and today I already have it set and I am only 5cals over but a little high on fat will have to work on that part. Getting my water intake back up and hitting it hard with insanity picking back up where I left off so I think I am in store for a good week!!

    Bru sorry about your pet actually made me feel crappy because I am sitting here thinking about getting rid of my dogs they need to be well trained and noone here wants to put in the time sad but true!!

    So far week 1 I wasn't officially here but I weighed 159.4 8/20
    Week 2 165.2
    Week 3 164.8
    Week 4 9/13 164.2
    Week 5
    Week 6
  • mkpeacock
    Well Last week was very active for me and I stayed under Calorie Goal,, I tried to say as active as possible seeings how TOM come around on Wed.... He is still looming I hope he's gone by weigh in day (Wed)!!! I am going to start my week with some cleaning I have lots of cleaning and rearranging to do before Wednesday,, I think my scale lied to me last week it said I had lost 9lbs.... With TOM being here IDK if it was accurate or if I was just standing wrong IDK I am going to see this Wed I guess lol Stupid old fashioned floor scales!!!

    Bru~ I am very sorry to hear about your bearded dragon when i lost mine this winter I told my hubby thats It I dont want anymore pets give the dogs to a good home! Fluffy was my baby!!! He rode my shoulder while I cooked and got his food around I was so upset when he passed!!!! Happy Birthday to your DH hope you dont over do it with that good food tonight!!!

    To everyone else I hope we All have a Great week!!!!
  • smhunnicutt
    smhunnicutt Posts: 19 Member
    What's the H20 diet? Ii wanna lose this weight so I am in. But what do u do on this diet?
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    What's the H20 diet? Ii wanna lose this weight so I am in. But what do u do on this diet?
    There's is no H2O diet. We're are just here to help motivate and support each other and we're shooting for the goal of 20lbs gone by Halloween by eating right and exercising :) If you lose less, that's great because you are still loising, if your lose even more, thats great too. We have a fb page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=144117988960394 and a website : http://teamh20.webs.com/
    if you don't come to the forums much on here. Welcome to the group!
  • tina_c
    weigh in today for me........I lost 2 lbs!
  • mkpeacock
    Aww Bru he was the a High colored one he was SOOO Cute!!!
  • mkpeacock
    weigh in today for me........I lost 2 lbs!

    WTG Tina!!! This Is so great~~~ :drinker: :flowerforyou: