Low Carb-ers?



  • I am also low-ish carb, I need to cut them back down again. I've been slacking the last week or so. I'd be happy for more low carb friends too!
  • CamillaHerold
    CamillaHerold Posts: 60 Member
    I eat a low carb diet by cutting out all white sugar and all white flour foods, rice, corn, and potatoes; when I am planning to run, like on Mondays and Fridays, I eat one good size serving of boiled potatoes or fries the day before at lunch. Because i'm not eating bread or corn, I rarely eat any butter. No milk. I make my Muscle Milk with water. My snacks are nuts, Larabar (coconut), or low fat cheese sticks with an apple. A limit of 6 grapes. No bananas. After three months of this, I no longer wanted bread, pasta, rice, or multigrain anything. I did cheat and eat an ear of corn at dinner a few weeks ago, and I got a clear reminder of WHY I am not eating those grainy carbs anymore! I have battled colitis for over 25 years, and high carb foods can trigger a flare. That's just my particular sensitivity. I was hospitalized 8 times in 10 years for flares, and was always treated with steroids. This led to at least 30 lbs of weight gain during the period. Steroids give me a raging appetite and basically make me temporarily diabetic, and incredible bloating. It was a cycle that I've finally broken by cutting out all of those carbs. Now if I eat something with carbs, I notice hunger pains a few hours later, temporary water weight gain, and belly bloat. Why do that?! What I do eat regularly includes: BS chicken, fish, lean ground beef, lean steak; salad, salad, and more salad; gently cooked spinach; steamed vegetables; nuts, including a daily snack of mixed nuts, and yes I do count them; lots of water, like 10 to 12 cups a day, and no other beverages; and ONE lovely glass of red wine each evening with dinner. I take a wide array of vitamins and supplements to ensure I am getting everything I need. I allow very minor deviations now and then, to remind myself not to be so rigid. Once a week, on taco night, I eat a single low carb wrap instead of a taco shell. Then the next day I eat the leftover taco fixings in a bowl. A splurge for me is a dark chocolate square like Ghirardelli brand. Rarely, a cookie, when the calorie count allows. I never "eat back" my calories earned by exercise either. I don't know how this compares to Atkins, its just my way, sort of Paleo I think? Eating this way is not a diet for me, its how I plan to eat for the rest of my life, to give me the best chance of avoiding colitis and colon removal!
  • I lost 40 pounds on Medifast, which is lower carb (100 carbs a day), and kept most of the weight off for over a year.

    I'm going back to eating less carbs as of this week and enjoying it so far. Mainly I eat meat, eggs, nuts, veggies, and cheese. I'll be steadily tracking soon...just one step at a time! Feel free to add me!
  • ashleyrene4404
    ashleyrene4404 Posts: 55 Member
    You all have blown me away!! :) I am so, so excited to have found so many friends who are doing the same as me! :) If you haven't already, ADD ME already would ya? My diary is open and I'm a great cheerleader and love new ideas!!

    Have a super fab night all!!
  • Lord, child...if I eat any less carbs I won't be eating them at all....it's a hateful way to have to diet. But I have to do it too. I've had weight loss surgery, and if I don't keep my carbs under 40g a day...I will gain. It's a pain!!! But there are many of us out there!!!

    You're welcome to friend me if you like. I am always looking for low carb menus too, and I eat mostly protein....Good luck!!

    Janine Alfke
  • Hi all. Am also eating low-er carb (100 grams a day) and keeping my calories between 1400-1600. Feel free to add me. I've been doing MFP on my phone and just transferred it to my laptop. Not sure if my diary is open or not. I was trying to do 1200 calories a day and I hit a brick wall so that's when I started researching about how many calories a day I should really be doing. I've been playing with my %'s of fat, carbs, and proteins to see what works best for me. I think I eat more South Beach than Atkins. I will eat a slice of 100% whole wheat bread or beans with dinner. I love peanut butter but I don't eat a whole lot of dairy. I think I have PCOS..going to have this checked out on Thursday. I have read where dairy will cause problems for women with PCOS and how a lower carb diet is the way to go for someone with this condition. I've done both Atkins and South Beach in the past and I had success with both, but I find that South Beach mimics more my own natural way of eating so I think it will be an easier lifestyle change for me to keep. I take 3 mile walks/hikes with my son 5 days a week and I hit the gym at least twice a week for strength training. I take a multi-vitamin, green tea, magnesium, fish oil, and sometimes protein powder for my green smoothies. I don't drink any cokes and usually drink 1/2 my weight in water a day. I don't use any sugar, but I put splenda in my morning cup of coffee. This way of eating works really well for me. I don't know why I ever let myself get off of it. My goal weight is 125, I currently weigh 175 and I'm 5' even. I'd be happy with 135..heck, I'd probably be happy with 140! lol Just have to see when I get there. I look forward to "meeting" all of you and swapping recipes!